高中英语人教版必修二教学课件Unit 4Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing

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,写作讲座,考点精析,专题练习,佳作观摩,技法指导,专题练习,Unit 4 Wildlife protection,Section Grammar & Writing,语法讲座,1,现在进行时的被动语态的构成:,be,being,done,The bridge is being built across the river this month.,这个月人们正在建横跨这条河的桥。,The plan is not being discussed at the meeting now.,现在会议上没有讨论这个计划。,2,现在进行时的被动语态的形式,(1),肯定式:主语,be,being,及物动词的过去分词其他。,Some animals are not being protected well enough now.,现在很多动物没有得到很好的保护。,(2),否定式:主语,be,not,being,及物动词的过去分,词其他。,The engineer is not being treated fairly.,目前这位工程师没有受到公平的待遇。,(3),一般疑问式:,Be,主语,being,及物动词的过去分词,其他?,Is the life of pandas being studied by the scientists?,科学家们正在研究熊猫的生活习惯吗?,(4),特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词,be,主语,being,及物动,词的过去分词其他?,Which room are you being interviewed in now?,现在你们在哪个房间里接受面试?,3,现在进行时的被动语态的用法,(1),表示此时此刻正在进行的被动的动作,Many clothes are being washed in that laundry room.,那个洗衣房里正在洗着很多衣服。,考题印证,1,1,1,(2010,上海高考,),The church tower which _ will,be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.,A,has restored,B,has been restored,C,is restoring D,is being restored,解析:,考查时态。根据语境,will be open to tourists soon,可知,,the church tower,是,“,正在被整修,”,,因此用现在进,行时的被动语态。,答案:,D,1,2,(,2009,浙江高考,),What,s that noise?,Oh, I forgot to tell,you.The,new machine_.,A,was tested,B,will be tested,C,is being tested D,has been tested,解析:,考查动词的语态。根据该句空格前面的主语,the,new machine,可以判知,空格处应该使用被动语态。然,后根据上文可以判知,该机器的检测应该是正在进行,中,所以本题应该使用现在进行时的被动语态,故选,C,。,答案:,C,(2),表示现阶段正在进行的被动的动作,Preparations are being made for the 2016 Olympic,Games in Rio.,里约正在为,2016,年的奥运会做准备。,Many interesting experiments are being carried out,these days.,这些天正在进行着许多有趣的实验。,(,说话时,并不,一定正在进行,),(3),表示反复进行的被动的动作,always, frequently, constantly,等和现在进行时的被动,语态连用表示反复进行的被动的动作,这种动词形式,常用来表示赞扬或厌恶的感情色彩。,What makes me angry is that the goods in my shop are,always being stolen.,使我生气的是我店里的商品总是被偷走。,I feel very surprised that the window of our classroom,is frequently being broken.,我感到很吃惊的是我们教室的那扇窗户经常被打破。,考题印证,2,(,2009,上海高考,),During the period of recent terrorist activities, people _ not to touch any unattended bag.,A,had always been warned,B,were always being warned,C,are always warning,D,always warned,解析:,由句意可知,,people,与,warn,是被动关系,故排除,C,、,D,两项;,A,项是过去完成时,表示,“,过去的过去,”,,而语境中没有这种时间提示,故选,B,项,即,“,人们一直在被警告不要去触动任何无人看管的包裹,”,。,答案:,B,假定你是一名中学生,名叫王林,打算写信给,21,st,Century,的编辑,反映目前滥养宠物的问题。你认为宠物过多噪音扰民,污染环境;你周围许多人尤其是小孩都曾经被吓到或被咬伤过;宠物甚至会导致某些疾病的传播。所以你希望得到媒体的关注和支持。,注意:,1.,词数:,100,120,;,2,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,参考词汇:居民,resident,污染环境,pollute the,environment,Dear editor,,,Im a middle school student, Wang Lin.,Im writing to tell you something about the problem of some people keeping too many pets nowadays.,I consider the problem more and more serious for the following reasons.,First of all, as is known to all, pets make so much noise that they trouble residents a lot.,Whats more, its widely accepted that animal wastes pollute the environment which makes people quite,uncomfortable.,Many owners like taking their pets to public places where they may frighten children or even sometimes bite people.,The most important is that pets can spread some diseases and this has attracted much attention.,Taking all these factors into consideration, I sincerely hope that I can get help from you and expect the media to do something for this.,Yours truly,,,Wang Lin,第一段提出了要反映的问题,开门见山,直奔主题。,第二段按照顺序,分析了要反映的问题的原因。,第三段结尾提出自己的要求以引起关注。,亮点一:本篇文章结构完整,表达客观。内容全面,细节的逻辑顺序分配合理,句与句之间过渡自然,连接紧密,开头结尾描述全面。,亮点二:文中句用了,so .that,状语从句,句,it,s widely accepted that,为主语从句;句用了表语从句;这些复合句的恰当运用使文章上了一个层次,体现了作者的基本功。,亮点三:通过使用连接词,first of all (,句,),;,whats more(,句,),使文章更条理化、层次化。,如何写建议信,建议信的写作格式一般由称呼、正文、结尾、落款四部分构成。,1,称呼。称呼要求注明对方的名称或姓名,而且要在,其后加逗号。,2,正文。正文由以下三部分构成:,第一,首先阐明提出建议的原因、理由以及自己的,目的、想法。这样往往可以让对方从实际出发,考,虑你建议的合理性,为采纳你的建议打下基础。,第二,分条列出建议的内容,这样可以做到醒目,并,且建议要具体明白、切实可行。,第三,提出自己的建议希望被采纳的想法,但同时,也应礼貌虚心,不说过头的话,不用命令的口气。,3,结尾。结尾一般是表示敬意或祝愿的话。,4,落款。落款要署上提建议的单位或个人的姓名。,黄金表达,1,I,m writing to give some suggestions to improve .,2,These are my suggestions and I hope .,3,I would be grateful if you can take my suggestions into,consideration,.,4,It is time we put all our great plans into practice!,5,We shall spare no effort to .,6,For the benefits of .we should go all out to .,7,It is the call of our nation that we take action to ,8,Though I am a common person,,,I feel it my,responsibility to call on all people to .,9,I hope they could mean something for a better future of,


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