Period 2 Section A 3a-3c

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 10,By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.,1,h,ad + past participle form,The Past Perfect Tense,过去完成时,2.,主要是表示在过去某个时间,或是,动作之前已经发生或完成的动作.,也就是,过去的过去.,2,过去完成时态的用法:,1、表示过去的过去,通常由before或by引导的短语做时间状语, By the end of last year, I _(learn) about one thousand English words.,2.,通常由by the time, when, before, after, as, until等引导的时间状语从句做时间状语, By the time he was twenty, he _(win) about ten medals., When I got there, they _already _(leave).,3,3、常用在宾语从句中, He told me he _ already _(finish) his homework., I realized he _(fool) me again.,4、体现在上下文中,I didnt go to the movies yesterday because I _ (see) it twice.,4,Challenge,过去式和过去分词,1. have _ _,2. go _ _,3. get _ _,4.oversleep _ _,5.leave _ _,6. run _ _,had,went,gone,overslept,got,gotten,left,ran,run,had,overslept,left,5,7. eat,8. do/ does,9. bring,10. drink,11. be,12. take,13. know,14. rise,15. throw,ate eaten,did done,brought brought,drank drunk,was/were been,took taken,knew known,rose,risen,threw thrown,Challenge,6,难点突破,写出下面动词的过去式和过去分词(16-22),16. break_,17. ring _,18. wake_,19. come_,20. ride _,21. make_,22. forget_,broke broken,rang rung,waked / woke waked / woken,came come,rode ridden,made made,forgot forgotten,7,Speaking-freely :,By the time or When,Liu Mei,wake up,the concert,End/be over,By the time,Liu Mei woke up,the concert had ended.,8,the policeman get to the shop,Tom,run away,By the time the policeman got to,the shop, Tom had run away.,9,1. I _up late this morning.(醒来),2. Have you ever _?(睡过头),3,. After I got to the cinema, the film,_already.(开始),4. He _(完成) his homework,before I came here.,5. By the end of last year, she_,(学)to swim for 3 years.,一,Fill in the blanks.,10,From 3a to 3c,Section A,11,New words,1. go off 发出响声,2.,rush,冲;奔 v.,3. run off 跑掉;迅速离开,4. on time 准时,5. lock 锁上;锁 n.& v.,6. relative 亲属;亲戚 n,7. break- broke- broken,8. break down 停止运行;出故障,12,1.(1),go off,(铃)响,发出声音,The alarm went off when the thieves went in.,(2) (有目的地)离去,She went off to get a drink.,(3)发生,进行,The party went off without any trouble.,(4) (食物)变质,变坏,The food easily goes off in summer.,13,2.,rush,to,school,rush home,rush,to do,rush into,rush out,3. run off (to),跑掉,迅速离开,4.on time 按时,准时,in time 及时,Please hand in your homework.,He came to school,for class (to have class),.,14,5. lock n.锁 v.锁,锁上,The,lock,is used for opening and,lock,ing the door.,6. relative,7. break-broke-broken,break down,8. came by 路过,9. give sb. a ride 捎某人一程,get a ride 搭便车,10. make it 办成功,做成;时间约定在几点,15,Was the writer late for school that morning?,Had he ever been late for school before that morning?,Why didnt the writer get up early?,What did he do after he took the shower?,At last how did the writer go to school?,Read and answer:,3a,16,1 Her alarm clock,didnt,go off,.,2 Her father,went into,the bathroom,.,3 She,woke up,late.,4. She had to,wait for,him to,come out,.,5 She,took a,quick,shower,.,6 She,had some breakfast,.,She,ran,off,to,bus stop.,8,The bus,left.,9,She,got to,the bus stop.,10. She,started walking.,They,gave her a ride,.,11. She,got to school,. The bell,was ringing,.,13. She,got into the classroom,.,She,got a ride,.,Read the story and write the events in the,correct order.,3a,17,Ive never been late for school, but yesterday I came very,close.,My alarm clock didnt go off, and by the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out. I had to really rush. I took a,quick,shower, had some breakfast, and then ran off to the bus stop.,Unfortunately, by the time I got,there,the bus had already left.,Unluckily,接近地,靠近地,铃响,醒来/把叫醒,迅速离开,干迟到,ring / work,出来,run very quickly,took a shower,quickly,18,I started walking, but I knew I couldnt get to school on time. Luckily, my friend Tony and his Dad came by in his dads car and they gave me a ride. When I got to school, the final bell was ringing. I only just made it to my class.,从旁边路过,让某人搭便车,办成功,做成,按时,准时,Unluckily,到达,上课铃,刚刚,恰好,19,I,ve,never,been late for,school, but,yesterday I came very,close,.,我上学从未迟到过,但是昨天差一点儿就迟到了。,Explanation,(1),be,late,for,“迟到” come,late,for,e.g. Dont,be late for,the meeting,Tom has,been late for,class twice.,Dont,come to school late,again.,20,(2),close,在此为,adv.,“接近地, 靠近地”。,此处,came very close,意为 “到时与迟到很接近”。,close v.,“关闭”,adj.,“亲近的、亲密的”,close friends,“nearly do something”.,-She came close to quitting her job,21,2.,My alarm clock didnt,go off, ,闹钟没有响,go off,意为“(闹钟)闹响 ”。,e.g. Although the alarm clock,went off, he didnt wake up,3. wait for sb,“等某人”,,wait to do sth,“等着做某事”,,wait for sb. to do sth.,“等某人做某事”,wait at the bus stop,Wait until the bus stops.,4.,on time,准时,in time,及时,at any time,在任何时候,all the time,一直;始终,sometimes / at times / from time to time,有时,不时,22,幸运的是, 我的朋友托尼和他爸爸开车从我身边经过, 他们让我搭了便车。,5.,Luckily, my friend Tony and his dad,came by,his dads car and they,gave me a ride,.,(1),luckily,是个副词, 常在句中作状语, 意为“幸运地;有运气地”。,e.g.,Luckily,I didnt hurt myself when I fell.,(3),give sb. a ride,意为 “让某人搭便车”,ride,n.,“搭车,乘车”,e.g. If you go to the school, I can,give you a ride.,(2),come by,意为“经过,走过”。,e.g. Please let the car,come by,请让车过去。,e.g. I want to,get a ride,.,我想搭个便车。,get a ride,意为“搭便车”,。,23,(4)unfortunately,adv =,unluckily,fortunately = luckily,fortunate,=,lucky,24,6. 在以下三种情况,常用start to do不用start doing的形式: 句子主语是物不是人的时候,后用start to do sth. 当start用于进行时即starting时,后接to do sth. 当start后接的动词为表示心理活动的动词如understand,realize等时,后接to do sth. 其他通用。,25,7. I only just,made it,to my class,我恰好到教室。,make it,意为“办成功,做成”。,make it 达到预定目标, 及时抵达, 走完路程, (病痛等)好转,。,这里指的是没有迟到,准时赶到。,Have you got the job?,你得到那份工作了吗,Yes, I,made it,是的,我成功了。,26,1.做迟到,2. 差点迟到,3. 闹钟闹响,4. 把叫醒,5. 进去洗澡,6.等某人出来,7. 洗澡,8. 跑着去汽车站,9. 开始走,10. 准时到校,11.从旁边经过,12.让某人搭便车,13. 搭便车,14. 预备铃,15. 上课铃,16.刚刚,恰好,17.办成功,做成;,18. 忘记去做,19. 一个亲戚的生日,20.停止运转,自我检测,27,Ive never _ _ _ school, but yesterday I came very _. My alarm clock didnt _ _, and by the time I _ _, my father had already _ _ the bathroom and I had to _ _ him to come out. I had to really rush. I _ _ _ _, had some breakfast, and then _ _ _ the bus stop.,Retell the text,28,_, by the time I got there, the bus had already left. I _ _, but I knew I couldnt get to school _ _. _, my friend Tony and his Dad _ _ in his dads car and they _ _ _ _. When I got to school, the _ bell was _. I only just _ _ to my class.,29,Retell 3a,Ive never been late for school, but yesterday I came very close. My alarm clock didnt go off, and by the time I woke up,1. my father went into the bathroom.,2. I waited for him to come out.,3. I took a quick shower, had some breakfast, ran off to the bus stop.,4. The bus had left.,5. I started walking.,6. Tonys father gave me a ride.,7. I got to school.,8. The bell was ringing.,9. I made it to my class.,30,Have you ever overslept?,Have you ever,been late for,school?,Have you ever,forgotten to bring,your homework,to,school?,Have you ever locked your keys in your house?,Have you ever forgotten a relatives birthday?,Have you ever forgotten a doctors or dentists appointment?,Choose one to answer,and tell us when and why.,31,Have you ever overslept?,Yes, I have.,Why did you overslept?,Because I stayed up watching TV.,I was sleeping soundly,when the alarm clock went off.,I didnt hear it go off.,Were you late for class?,What did the teacher say?,32,3b&3c-pairwork,A:,Have you ever been late for school?,B: Yes, I have.,A:,Why were you late?,B: Because the bus broke down.,A:,what happened next?,B: -,33,Have you ever overslept?,Have you ever been late for school?,Have you ever left your homework at home?,Have you ever,locked,your keys in your house?,Have you ever forgotten a,relative,s birthday?,Have you ever forgotten a doctors or dentists appointment?,Pair work,Choose one question to make a conversation like the one in 3c,34,Choose the right answer:,A: Why dont you have a notebook with you?,B: Ive _it at home,A. lost B. forgotten C. left D. found 2. When my mum_ , she realized,she had left her bag on the bus.,A. got on a bus B. got home,C. got along D. got in the way 3. The students _ busily when,Mrs. White went to get a book she _,in the classroom.,A. had written , left,B. were writing , has left,C. had written , had left,D. were writing , had left,35,随堂训练,用所给词的适当形式填空,1. By the time the policeman got here, Tom _ (,run,) away.,2. By the time his grandma came home, Peter _ (,have,) breakfast.,3. When he _(,is,) a kid, he had played basketball.,4. When I got home, I realized I had _,(,forgotten / left,) my mobile phone (手机) at school.,5. When I got home, I realized I had _,(,forgotten / left,) my mobile phone (手机).,6. When I got home, I realized I had _,(,forgotten / left,) my mobile phone there(手机).,36,翻译下列句子。,当我回家时,我意识到我把钥匙忘在教室里了。,2.,我睡过头了是因为我的闹钟没有响。,3.,到他叫醒我时,约翰已经奔向学校了。,4.,幸运的是,杰克的父亲让我搭了便车。,37,Fill in the blanks with the proper,forms of the verbs.,One day my mother _(ask) me to buy some cakes and meat. When I got to the cake shop, it _ (begin) to rain. And I found the cake shop_ (close). So I had to _(run) to the meat shop in the rain. But when I asked for 1 kilo of meat, the boss told me that he _ (sell) out all of the meat. Finally I got home with nothing, and I was all wet. It was really a bad day!,asked,began,had been closed,run,had sold,38,Homework,What,happened,to the,old man?,blow away 刮走 get back 拿回 step on 踩到上 dirty 脏的,walking stick by the time upset 沮丧 的,39,blow away 刮走 get back 拿回 step on 踩到上 dirty,walking stick, by the time, upset,What happened to the old man?,One day, an old man,who bought a new hat just now,was walking in the street with a,walking stick,. Suddenly, a strong wind,blew away,his new hat. He hurried to run after his new hat.,By the time,he,got back,his new hat, a young man,had stepped on,his new hat.,His new hat got very,dirty,. How,upset,the old man was!,40,Writing:Please tell us something about one morning last week.,I had a busy but happy morning. I got up early last Friday. When I got up, my mother had cooked breakfast for me. It was delicious and I had a good breakfast. Then I said goodbye to my mother and left for school. By the time I got to the classroom, it was empty. When my classmates came, I had cleaned the classroom and opened the windows for the fresh air to come in. I was so happy.,41,


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