B1Unit5_Nelson Mandela

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Sun Wukong is _, he never tells lies, so many people like him very much.,honest,Choose a,proper,word and fill in the blank.,handsome, lazy, cruel, brave, honest, warm-hearted,5. Zhu Bajie is a key character (角色) in,The West Journey, he is lovely,but very _ in the novel.,lazy,Choose a,proper,word and fill in the blank.,handsome, lazy, cruel, brave, honest, warm-hearted,6,. German Nazis were very _, they killed millions of Jews during World War II.,cruel,Choose a,proper,word and fill in the blank.,handsome, lazy, cruel, brave, honest, warm-hearted,Great Vs Famous,Are these famous people also great people?,William Tyndale (1494-1536),He wrote the Bible in,English,so all could read,_,. He died for his,ideas_,his work is still,used in the _,(office),Bible today.,official,it,but,Norman Bethune (1890-1939),He,fought against,German,Nazis and,Japanese,invaders,_,World War II. He,worked,_,(selfless),in China,as,_ doctor,and saved many,Chinese soldiers.,a,during,selflessly,Sun Yat-sen,He,_(found),the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years fighting; he strongly,believed,_,the three principles:,nationalism; peoples rights; peoples livelihood.,founded,in,in,in,Maha,ndas,Gandhi,He,_ _(,放弃,),a rich life and,fought for,his country to be free in a,_,(peace),way.,give up,g,a,ve up,peaceful,Neil Armstrong (1930- ),He was,_,first man to,land,on the,moon,in,1969,. He,said, “thats one small step,_,a man, one giant leap,for,mankind,.”,for,the,Q: How much do you know about Nelson Mandela?,Pre-reading,1.,Forme,r President of the,A,frican,N,ational,C,ongress (ANC),2.Former President of South Africa,3. He,fought,for the black people and,was in prison,for thirty years.,4.He helped the black people to get the same,rights,as the white people.,3m,take place in the past,struggle against,国会,议会,坐牢,something one can do according to Law,Nelson Mandela,Elias,Whats the connection between them?,Reading strategies: Make a guess according to the title before reading.,Pre-reading,Elias story,Strangers,Friends,C. Father and son,D. Teacher and student,?,Read fast to prove your guess and get the main idea.,1.Whats the relationship between Mandela and Elias?,Strangers B. Friends,C. Father and son D. Teacher and student,2.What is the general idea of the story?,the poor life of black people in South Africa.,the life of Mandela.,how Mandela helped black people.,how Elias met Mandela.,The story is about _ .,skimming,6m,Fast reading,How many parts can the text be divided into?,Part I,Part II,Paragraph 1-2,The life of Elias life,_,he met Nelson Mandela.,Paragraph 3-5,The change of Elias life,_,he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.,before,after,Part 1. (para 1-2),Decide whether they are true or false.,Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was,in trouble,.,Nelson Mandela was a black,lawyer,.,Elias left school because the school was t,o,o far from his home.,Elias had to get a,passbook,to keep his job.,Careful Reading,Part 2. (para 3-5),What kind of,unfair,situation did black people in South Africa face?,Black people could not _ or choose their leaders.,Black people could not get the _ they wanted.,The place where they lived were_.,They couldnt _,t,here.,2. Why did Elias help Mandela blow up some government buildings?,It would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people,equal,.,vote,job,s,the poorest areas,grow food,3,. How did the ANC Youth League fight against the government?,A. They fought against the government in a peaceful way.,B. They shoot the government officials.,C. They decided to answer violence with violence.,4.,Find out,three,sentences from the passage that show the great,qualities,of Mandela.,He,offered guidance,to poor black people on their,legal,problems.,(line 5),He told me how to get the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg.,(line 15),(Helpful),(Kind & Intelligent),We,were put in a position,in which we had,either,to accept we were less important,or,fight the Government. We chose to attack the law. We first broke the law,in a way which was peaceful,; when this was not allowed,only then did we,decide to,answer violence with violence.,(line 25),(Brave, Determined),What can we learn from the text about Nelson Mandela?,bravery,persistence,(,坚韧不拔),kindness,determination,,,belief, ,Discussion,The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.,过去三十年来所出现的大量法律剥夺我们的权利,阻挡我们的进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。,此句中, see 意为 _, 主语是 the last thirty years;where 引导 _, 修饰先行词 _。,见证,目睹,定语从句,stage,The baby has reached the stage _ he can stand,up.,where,We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed only then,did,we,decide,to answer violence with violence.,我们先用和平的方式违法;当这个不被允许 只有在那时我们才决定以暴力对暴力。,We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed only then,did,we,decide,to answer violence with violence.,Only then 引导一个 _, 当only修饰状语放于句首时,句子用_ 结构,即,将,助动词/,be,动词/情态动词,提前,。,部分倒装句,部分倒装,只有努力工作,你才能成功。,_ _ working hard _ you succeed.,Only by,can,昨天他父亲才把真相告诉他。,_,yesterday,_,his father tell him the truth,.,他只有靠大声叫喊才能使河对岸的人们听到他的声音,。,_ _,shouting,_,he able to make people on the other side of the river hear him,.,Only by,was,Only,did,Elias is a poor _ worker in South Africa. He studied,for,only _ years in a school. He had to _ school because of his familys _ of money to pay the school _ and the bus fare. When he was 12 years old, he was in _, and he _ met Nelson Mandela, a black lawyer who offered _ to poor black people on their _ problems.,black,two,leave,lacking,fees,trouble,first,guidance,legal,Nelson Mandela gave him so much help that he didnt lose his _. When Mandela _ the ANC Youth League, he _ it as soon as he could. Finally, he realized the truth: the last 30 years has _ the greatest number of laws stopping their rights and progress, and they had almost _ rights at all. When Mandela saw it was no use fighting in a _,job,organized,joined,seen,no,peaceful,way, he changed to _, and Elias helped _ _ government buildings. _ he did not like violence, he was happy to help because he knew it would help them achieve their _ of making black and white _.,Although,dream,equal,violence,blow up,Reading and discussing,THE REST OF ELIAS STORY,Elias was sent to Robben Island, a prison from which no one can escape.,prison,Nelson Mandela in prison,Graves on the Island,Freedom at last,Find out the main idea for each paragraph.,Elias became a good student in prison on Robben Island.,Elias job after he finished four years in prison.,Elias was unhappy in the prison because _. A. he was kept with the criminals B. the prison guard studied with him C. he had to study D. he could not study for a degree,2. Nelson Mandela showed how good a leader he was because _. A. he fought the guards in prison B. he refused to let the guards study in his school C. he let the guards study in his school but not take the exams. D. he let the guards study even though the prisoners could not take the exams,3. Life for Elias was not too bad in prison because _. A. he had to study B. he could study with the guards C. he wanted to study D. he could study and get a degree,4. As leader of South Africa, Nelson Mandela helped the prisoners of Robben Island by _. A. giving them an education B. giving them money C. putting the guards in prison D. giving them a job,Read the passage carefully and make notes about what happened to Elias in prison.,Good things,Bad things,1. Mandela started a school in the prison.,2. Elias became a good student.,3. He realized he was clever enough to do a degree.,1. He was beaten.,2. The guards were cruel.,3. Some people died in prison.,4. Elias was not allowed to take a degree in prison.,Thank you!,


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