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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语八年级下冀教版,*,Lesson 38: Lets Invite Hoverboards!,Think about it,new words,text,英语八年级下冀教版,new words,hoverboard n.,飞翔器,smooth adj.,平稳的,float v.,漂浮,transporter n.,输送器,second n.,秒,show n.,节目;展览,space n.,太空;空间,spaceship n.,宇宙飞船,英语八年级下冀教版,Think about it,Have you ever used a,skateboard,?,Would you like to?,Do you think skateboards are dangerous?,What does a hoverboard do?,英语八年级下冀教版,text,My name is Sam.,What type of transportation would I like to see in the future? I would like to see hoverboards. A hoverboard would be like a skateboard, but it wouldnt have any wheels.,It would go really fast and the ride would be so smooth,.,How would a hoverboard float? I have no idea! But it would be great, wouldnt it?,I hope someone invents one.,I think someone should invent a transporter, too.,A transporter would send you from one place to another place very very quickly.,英语八年级下冀教版,It takes eleven hours to fly from Canada to China today,. But with a transporter, it would take a second.,You know that sunlight is energy, right?,Well, I think a transporter would make you into energy, Energy can go very fast.,I like to watch TV shows about space and space ships,. They are shows about the future ,not about today !In those shows ,people use transportations,all the time.,英语八年级下冀教版,Have you ever used a skateboard?,你曾经用过滑板吗?,skateboard n. & v.,1),n.,滑板。,This is a picture of a skateboard.,这是一幅滑板图。,vi.,踩滑板,参加滑板运动。,go skateboarding,去溜滑板,【,衔接,】,skate,n.,&,vi,1),n.,滑冰鞋,a pair of skates,一双滑冰鞋,2),v.,滑冰,go skating,去滑冰,英语八年级下冀教版,What does a hoverboard do?,飞翔器是用来干什么的?,这一句型还可以询问职业。询问职业有三种方式:,1) What do/does+,主语,+do?,What do you do?,你是干什么的?,What does Danny do?,丹尼是干什么的?,2,),What +be+,主语,?,What are they?,他们是干什么的?,What is that boy?,那个男孩是干什么的?,What are you?,你是干什么的?,英语八年级下冀教版,It would go really fast and the ride would be so smooth.,它会飞的相当快而且乘做起来是那样平稳。,smooth,adj.,&,v.,1,),adj,.,光滑的;平坦的,,反义词,rough,。,The silk feels smooth.,这种丝绸摸起来很光滑。,平静的,指水面,,同义词,calm,。,The sea looks calm and smooth.,海面显得风平浪静。,平稳的;顺利的。,The car came to a smooth stop.,汽车平稳的停下来。,2),vt.,使光滑;使平坦。,The worker is smoothing the road.,那个工人正在平整道路。,vi.,变平滑;变温和。,The sea has smoothing down.,海上已经风平浪静。,英语八年级下冀教版,I hope someone invents one.,我希望有人来发明它。,one,在句中作代词代替上文出现的,hoverboard,one,作代词时可以代替上文中出现的人或物,复数形式是,ones,,代替上文中出现的一些人或物。如:,This hoverboard is bigger than that one.,这个飞翔器比那个要大。,(one=one hoverboard),-I want to buy some pencils.,我想买些铅笔。,-Which ones do you want?,你想买些什么样的?,-I want the red ones.,我想买些红色的。,辨析:,one,与,it,两者都可以代替上文提到的东西。但两者用法有所不同,,one,表示泛指,指前面提到过的那类人或事物中的任何一个;,it,则表示特指,指代前面提到过的那个人或物,名次前面通常加定冠词,the,。如:,-Do you have a bike?,你有辆自行车吗?,-Yes, I have an old one.,是的,我有辆旧的。,-Can you see the ball?,你看见那个球了吗?,-Yes, I can see it.,是的,我看见了。,英语八年级下冀教版,A transporter would send you from one place to another place very quickly.,运输车会非常迅速地把你从一个地方送到另一个地方。,send,在句中相当于,carry“,运载,载运”,The plane will send you to Beijing.,飞机将载着你去北京。,send,的用法,1) send sb. sth. =send sth. to sb.,寄给某人某物,Ill send him a message tomorrow.,=Ill send a message to him tomorrow.,我明天将给他捎个信去。,2) send sb. to do sth.,派某人做某事,They have sent some workers to help the farmers.,他们已经派了一些工人去帮助那些农民。,3) send away,赶走;解雇,The teacher wanted to send Tom away from school.,老师想把汤姆从学校撵走。,4) send for,派人去请,His mother sent for a doctor.,他妈妈派人去请医生。,send up,发射,China has sent up man-made satellites to circle the earth.,中国已经发射了围绕地球的人造卫星。,英语八年级下冀教版,It takes eleven hours to fly from Canada to China today.,今天从加拿大飞到中国要花费,11,个小时。,It takesto do sth.,花,干某事。,take,之后有时跟双宾语,即后面跟某人和时间或者金钱。如:,It takes me half an hour to do my homework every day.,我每天用半小时做作业。,注意,it,为形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,,take,有人称,时态和数的变化。如:,It will take her 30 dollars to buy the T-shirt.,她要花,30,元钱买那件,T,恤衫。,英语八年级下冀教版,But with a transporter, it would take a second.,但是用运输车,就会只需,1,秒。,second,秒,There are sixty seconds in a minute.,1,分钟有,60,秒。,second,还可以表示,two,的序数词,意思是“第二”。,Tom won the second place in the game.,汤姆在比赛中得了第二名。,英语八年级下冀教版,I like to watch TV shows about space and spaceships.,我喜欢看有关太空和宇宙飞船的电视节目。,space,太空,We saw some TV shows about space yesterday.,昨天我们看了一些有关太空的电视节目。,辨析,: space,与,sky,space,作 “太空”讲,泛指肉眼看不见的地方,;sky,的意思是“天空”,表示距离较近的,肉眼能看见的空间。,There are nine planets in the space.,太空中有九大行星。,There are many beautiful kites in the sky.,天空中有许多美丽的风筝。,英语八年级下冀教版,all the time,一直,始终,It rained all the time.,天一直下着雨。,They were working all the time.,他们一直在工作。,有关,time,的习语,1) at times=sometimes,有时,间或,My father goes home late at times.,我父亲有时晚回家。,2) in time,及时,The doctor came in time to save her life.,医生及时地赶到救了她。,3) on time,按时,The train arrived on time.,火车按时到那儿。,4) take ones time,慢慢来,别着急,Take your time, theres no hurry.,慢慢地干,不要着急。,英语八年级下冀教版,英语八年级下冀教版,


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