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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,College English Book III Unit three,Why I Teach,(我为什么教书),Warm-up questions,Would you like to be a teacher? Why or not?,What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher?,Do you think that teachers are highly respected and valued in our society?,Information Related to the Text,1. A qualified teacher in America,1) Subjects,A person who is preparing to become a teacher is supposed to learn the following subjects:,A. liberal arts subjects (mathematics, English, history),B. courses of a particular focus on future subject (s),C. professional education courses: educational psychology, methodology, philosophy and history of education,2) Teaching practice,Almost all the schools require teaching practice, in which the student teacher, under the supervision of an experienced classroom teacher, participates in actual classroom procedures.,3) Qualifications,Elementary and secondary public school,Every elementary and secondary public school teacher in the U.S. must have a teachers certificate (a license indication that the holder is qualified to teach) granted by the government of the state in which he wishes to teach. Most of the states require four years of college education for elementary teaching certificates; all the states require at least four years of college education for secondary teaching certificates.,College and university,College and university teachers are not required to take education courses or to obtain teaching certificates. However, a doctors degree in a field of specialization is almost a necessity for a teaching career in most institutions of higher education.,2. Ivory Tower,“Living in an ivory tower” usually depicts the intellectuals who live only for their work and dont care much about social and political affairs, They concentrate their entire efforts on the quest for what they perceive to be scientific or artistic truth.,Ralph Waldo Emerson,American philosopher and writer (1830-1882),Ralph Waldo Emerson was a leader of the philosophical movement of transcendentalism (,先验说,超越论,). His essays had a strong influence on both American and European readers and writers in their study of mans relation to life. In a speech entitled “the American Scholar,” he called upon American students to “Know Thyself” and “Study Nature. ” In the essay “Self-Reliance” he stresses the importance of sturdy independence in thought and action.,Henry David Thoreau,American writer, philosopher, and naturalist (1817-1862),Born in Concord, Thoreau was educated at Harvard University. In the late 1830s and early 1840s,he taught school and tutored in Concord and on Staten Island, New York. After graduation from,Harvard University,in 1837, Thoreau started a school that was perhapsthe first in America to introduce field trips for nature study. In 1845 he built a small cabin at Walden Pond with his own hands and lived there until 1847, spending 27 cents a week for food to supplement the vegetables he raised. In 1854, he published his masterpiece,Walden,or,Life in the Woods,. In,Walden, Thoreau records his life in the woods and describes freshly and vividly the changing seasons and other natural events and scenes that he observed. Thoreau had kept a journal since 1837, and this journal formed the basis for several books published after his death.,Aldous,Huxley,English novelist, essayist, critic, and poet (1893-1963),In his later works he expressed concern that the pursuit of material possessions was taking place at the expense of individual freedom and a respect or nature. He satirized such trends in,Brave New World,(1932), a novel set in a future world where individuality is deliberately stifled. In,Island,(1962), on the other hand, he presents his utopia, a libertarian community living in close harmony with its natural environment.,Introductory Remarks,Teaching has been considered an undesirable profession in many parts of the world. Education may be respected and highly valued, but teachers are not. Their pay and prestige are low in most countries. They work long hours both during the day and in the evening and their hard wok often goes unnoticed and unappreciated Yet, there have always been people who love the teaching profession and choose teaching as their life-long career. Here , Mr.,Beidler, Professor of English at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, U.S.A, Who was named 1983s professor of the Year by the Council for Advancement and,Suppon,of Education, gives his reasons why he teaches.,Language Points,1.,outweigh:,v,. be more important or valuable than,sth,. else,eg,: The benefits of this treatment far,outweigh,any risks.,This,outweighs,all other consideration.,2. puzzle:,v.,1) confuse someone or make them feel slightly anxious because they do not understand,sth,.,eg,: The findings of the survey,puzzled,me.,He was,puzzled,what to do next / how to answer the letter.,2) solve a confusing or difficult question by thinking about it carefully,eg,: The teacher left the children to,puzzle,the answer to the question out themselves.,n.,a game or toy that has a lot of pieces that you have to fit together;,sth,. that is difficult to understand or explain,eg,: Its a,puzzle,where all my money goes each week.,Language Points,3.,profession:,n.,1) a job that needs a high level of education and training,eg,: He is a lawyer by,profession.,I dont know what,profession,would suit me.,2) all the people who work in a particular profession,eg,: The doctor is respected by his,profession.,The teaching,profession,claim to be badly paid.,Collocations:,practice a,profession,从事某职业,by,profession,以,为职业,4. stay up:,not go to bed,eg,: He,stays up,resding,and writing until midnight every day.,Ill be home late, but please dont,stay up,for me.,Language Points,5.,convince:,v,. make someone feel certain that,sth,. is true; persuade,sb,. to do,sth,.,eg,: He was,convinced,of his error.,We,convinced,Anne to go by train rather than by plane.,Pattern: be convinced of (that),确信;承认,convince,sb,. of,使某人承认;使某人信服,6. compel:,v,. force or attitude,eg,: He was someone to do,sth,.; make people have a particular feeling,compelled,by illness to suspend his experiment.,Their cleverness and skill,compel,our admiration.,他们的聪明和技艺博得我们的赞赏。,Language Points,7.,reflection:,n,.,1) careful thought, or an idea or opinion based on this,eg,: After,reflection, I feel I make the wrong decision.,2) an image that you can see in a mirror, glass, or water,eg,: We looked at our,reflections,in the lake.,Collocations: after reflection,经过考虑之后,on reflection,再三思考,8.,build on: base on; use as a base for further development,eg,: We must,build on,our reputation to expand the business.,Collocations:,build in,安装,固定,build up,树立,建立;增进,增强,build into,使固定于,使成为,的一部分,Language Points,9. struggle:,1).,v,. try extremely hard to achieve,sth, even though it is very difficult,eg,: Ive been,struggling,to understand this article all the afternoon.,Fish,struggle,for survival when the water level drops in the lake.,2).,n.,a long hard fight to get freedom, political rights, etc.,eg,: We will not surrender without a,struggle.,Pattern: struggle against / with,与,作斗争,struggle for,为,而斗争,struggle to do,sth,.,为,而努力,Language Points,10.,loan:,1).,n,. a) an amount of money that you borrow from a bank, etc.,eg,: We could apply for a,loan,to buy a car.,b) the time when you lend,sth,. to,sb,.,eg,: Thank you very much for the,loan,of your bike.,2).,vt,. (,American English,) lend,sb,.,sth,., esp. money; (,British English,) lend,sth,. valuable to someone,eg,: This library,loans,books, CDs and videotapes.,11.,distribute:,v.,1) share things among a group of people, especially in a planned way,eg,: He,distributed,sweets to all the children in the class.,2) spread,sth,. over a large area,eg,: Our shops are,distributed,all over the city.,Language Points,10.,leave out:,fail to mention or include; omit,eg,: Ive made a list of names, I hope I havent,left,anyone,out,.,She,left out,an important detail in her account.,Collocations:,leave alone,让,独自待着;不打扰,leave behind,忘了带;留下,leave for,动身前往(某地),11.,energetic:,adj.,having or needing a lot of energy determination,eg,: He is an,energetic,boy; he enjoys sports.,The more the young students worked, the more,energetic,they became.,这些年轻的学生们越干越有劲。,Language Points,12.,send off:,send,sth,. somewhere by post,eg,: Please see that these parcels are,sent off,at once.,13.,occasional:,adj.,happening sometimes but not often or regularly,eg,: We get the,occasional,visitors here.,14.,work on:,1) try very hard to improve or achieve,sth,.,eg,: He is,working on,a new novel.,2) try continuously to influence someone or persuade them to do,sth,.,eg,: Im,working on,my father to get him to take me to the airport.,Smith,worked on,the other committee members to vote for the bill.,Language Points,15.,analysis:,n,. study of,sth,. by examining its parts and their relationships,eg,: The chemist is making an,analysis,of the poison.,NB: analysis,的复数形式是,analyses,动词形式为,analyse,或,analyze,与其有相似变化的词还有:,paralysisparalyses,paralyse,/ paralyze,basisbasesbase,16.,matter,1).,v.,be important, especially to be important to you, or to have an effect on what happens,eg,: I know Charles doesnt think this project is important, but it,matters,to me.,2).,n.,a subject or situation that you have to think about or deal with,eg,: Could I talk to you about a personal,matter,?,Language Points,17.,magic:,1).,n,. the ability of particular people in childrens stories to make impossible things happen by saying special words,eg,: They believe that it was all done by,magic.,2).,adj.,very good or very enjoyable,eg,: We had a,magic,time today!,我们今天玩得很痛快,!,18.,catch ones breath:,rest so as to be able to continue an activity, stop breathing for a moment from surprise, shock, etc.,eg,: After running to the bus stop, we sat down to,catch our breath.,Collocations: hold ones breath,屏息,out of breath,气喘吁吁,under (ones) breath,压着嗓音,低声说,i,n one breath / in the same breath,同时,立刻,1. According to the author, what is the goal most Americans are taught to,achieve in life?,2. Do you think an administrative position has anything to do with money,and power?,3.,What does teaching offer besides money and power?,Questions and Answers,Most Americans are taught to manage to achieve money and power when they grow up.,Yes, it involves the management of the staff and affairs of a university, which tends to offer a higher pay than teaching.,It offers love, not only the love of learning and of books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a teachers life and begins to breathe.,Discussion,1. In your opinion, what are the joys and frustrations of a teacher?,2. Whats your attitude toward failures?,Joys: pace, freedom, change, challenge, opportunity, achievement, power,love, magic, feeling young and fulfilled, respect, long vacations, etc,Frustrations: low pay, long working hours, constant challenges, heavy,load, academic pressure, lack of understanding from,students, etc.,“,Failure is the mother of success.” We learn more when we fail.,The ENDTHANK YOU,


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