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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,*,Wheres the post office?,Unit 2,revision,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,1.在这儿附近,2.在附近,3.在中心大街,4.在邮电局对面,5.紧挨着公共电话,6.在图书馆和餐馆之间,7.在超市前面,8.在教室的前部,near here=around here,in the neighborhood,on Center Street,across from the post office,next to the pay phone,between the library and the restaurant,in front of the supermarket,in,the,front of the,classroom,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,Some sayings for giving,directions,9.在右边,10.在旅馆的右边,11.在左边,12.在他们的左边,13.直走,14.沿着大桥街走,on the right,on the right of the hotel,on the left,on their left,go/walk straight,go/walk up the Bridge Street=,go/walk down the Bridge Street,Unit 2 sb72nd,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,15.沿着中心街直走,16.过桥/过街,17.穿过第六街,18.向右转,19.在新公园向左转,20.旅馆在大桥街的右边,。,go straight down Center Street,go,across,the bridge/street=,cross,(v.),the bridge/street,go through Sixth Avenue,turn right,turn left,at,New Park,T,he hotel is down Bridge Street on the right,.,=,The hotel is on the right of Bridge Street.,Unit 2 sb72nd,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,21.非常喜欢他们,22.有花园的房子,23.花园之旅的开端,24.玩得很开心,25.有点饿,26.喜爱做某事,like them very much/,a lot,a house,with,a garden,the beginning,of,the garden tour,have fun=,have a good time=,enjoy oneself,be a little hungry,enjoy doing sth.,Unit 2 sb72nd,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,27.散步,28.下个星期日,29.让他们向右转,30.告诉我们你的生,日,31.去某地的路,32.乘出租车,乘出租车去某地,从某地乘出租车,33.旅途愉快,take/have a walk,next Sunday,let them turn right,tell us your birthday,the way to sp.,take a taxi,take a taxi to sp.,take a taxi from sp.,have a good trip,Unit 2 sb72nd,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,34.一个有趣的花园,35.欢迎来到我市,36.开门,37.开着,38. 24小时营业,39.打扫屋子,40.到达上海,an interesting garden,welcome to our city,open the door,be open,open 24 hours,clean the house,arrive in Shanghai =,get to Shanghai,Unit 2 sb72nd,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,41.到达旅馆,42.到达家里,43.经过一间大超市,44.一个玩乐的好地,方,45.做某事很愉快,46.一个大眼睛的女孩,arrive at the hotel =,get to the hotel,arrive home=,get home,pass a big supermarket,a good place to do sth.,have fun doing sth.,a girl with big eyes,Unit 2 sb72nd,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,47.在第三个路口向左转,48.如果你饿了,你可以在超市买食物。,49.,当,你见到一个大的超市,时,向左拐。,turn left at the third crossing/turning=,take the third turning on the left,If you are hungry,you can buy some food in the supermarket,.,Turn left,when,you see a big supermarket.,Unit 2 sb72nd,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,在桌子下有一本书。,在书橱里有一些书。,在地上有一个篮球。,在椅子旁边有一些篮球。,在门的后边有一个书包。,在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。,There,is,a,book,under,the table (desk).,some,books,There,are,in,the bookcase.,a,basketball,There,is,on,the floor.,some,basketballs,There,are,near,the chair.,a,backpack,There,is,behind,the door.,some,kids,There,are,in front of,the car.,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,在梳妆台上没有手表,.,在抽屉里没有,(,一些,),字典,.,在附近没有邮局,.,在超市的对面没有饭馆,.,在第六条大街上没有银行,.,在我们学校没有外国学生,.,There,isnt,a watch,on,the dresser.,There,arent any,dictionaries,in,the drawer.,There,isnt,a post office,in,the neighborhood.,There,isnt,a restaurant,across from,the supermarket.,There,isnt,a bank,on,the Sixth Avenue.,There,arent any,foreign students,in,our school.,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,在图书馆旁边有一个投币电话吗,?,在第五条大街上有一家超市吗,?,在你家附近有宾馆吗,?,在宾馆对面有银行吗,?,在邮局后边有饭馆吗,?,在你家有兄弟姐妹,?,吗,?,Is there a pay phone next to the library?,Is there a supermarket on Fifth Avenue?,Is there a hotel near your home?,Is there a bank across from the hotel?,Is there a restaurant behind the post office?,Are there,any,brothers and sisters in your family?,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,教室的前部没有教师,.,教室前没有树,(tree).,在小汽车的前边有一位司机,.,在小汽车的前面有一位学生,.,我站在你们的前边,.,我站在教室的前部,.,There _a teacher_ the classroom.,There _trees _the classroom.,There,is,a driver_ the car.,There,is,a student,_,the car.,Im standing,_,you.,I am standing,_,the classroom.,isnt,in the front of,arent any,in front of,in the front of,in front of,in the front of,in front of,Unit 2 revision,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,Exercises,1.The Great Wall is a good place,_ _ (visit).,2.They have fun _ (play) soccer.,3.This is the _ (begin) of the garden tour.,4.Next to the hotel is a small house,_ an interesting garden.,5.Let _ (I) _(tell) you the way,_ my house.,6._ the beginning of class we,usually sing an English song.,to,visit,playing,beginning,with,me,tell,to,At,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,()1. - _is your pen pal from?,- Hes from Australia.,A. WhereB. WhatC. HowD. Why,()2. - Where does she _?,She lives in Sydney.,A. livesB. livingC. live D. is living,()3. People from Canada _,English and French.,A. say B. talkC. tellD. speak,()4. - Where is Toronto?,- Its in _.,A. Australia B. France,C. Canada D. England,A,C,D,C,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,()5. Please write and _ me about yourself.A. speakB. tellC. askD. talk()6. There _ a bank and two pay phones near here.A. hasB. haveC. areD. is()7. The supermarket is _ the post office and the library.A. nextB. acrossC. betweenD. in front,B,D,C,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,()8. Thank you for _me the way to the post office.A. tellingB. to tellC. askingD. to ask()9. Do you want to_ us?A. playB. waitC. listenD. work for()10. - Are you _on weekends? - Yes, I am.A. hungryB. relaxingC. relaxed D.surprised,A,D,C,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,课堂练习,用适当的介词填空,1. There is a supermarket _ the busy,street.,2. You can phone me _ 8:00 a.m. and,10:00 a.m. tomorrow (明天) morning.,3. They will arrive _ London next,Monday.,on,at,in,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,4. Can you tell me how to get _ the,new park?,5. Walk _ the Seventh Avenue.The,hotel is _ your left.,6. I put some flowers next _ my,window.,to,to,on,to,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,根据汉语提示翻译下列句子。,1. 沿着这条街往前走,然后向右拐。,Go _ this street, then _ _.,2. 这儿附近有图书馆吗?,_ there a _ _ here?,3.让我来告诉你如何到达飞机场。,Let me _ you how to _ _ the,airport.,get to,show,Is,library near,down,turn right,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,4. 看这张照片,站在我右边的是我父,亲。,Look _this photo. The man is my,father.,5. 我喜欢坐在公园的长凳上看书。,I enjoy _ _ a bench _ the,park.,at,sitting,on,in,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,Exercises,1.Does she have,any,brothers,_ sisters?,2.Im _ _ _(14岁) and my,birthday is _ _ (在11月).,3.I like _ (go) to the movies,with my friends and _ (play),sports.,4.Please write and _(tell) me,about _ (you).,5.I play soccer _ _ (在周末).,or,14,years,old,in,November,going,playing,tell,yourself,on,weekends,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,Exercises,6.I think China is _ _ _. (有趣的国家),7.Please write answers _ the,questions.,8._ _ _ (我最喜欢的科目) in school is P.E.,9.他不喜欢英语。,He _ _ English.,He _ English.,an,interesting,country,to,My,favorite,subject,doesnt,like,dislikes,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,动物园里有两只老虎,.,你学校有图书馆吗,?,公园的前面没有公用电话,.,4.,书桌后面有个电话和三个盒子,.,书桌后面有三个盒子和个电话,.,5.,那个宾馆在哪里,?,它在中央大街的左边,.,There are two tigers in the zoo.,Is there a library in your school?,There isnt a pay phone in front of the park.=,There arent any pay phones in front of the park.,There is a phone and three boxes behind the desk.,Where is the hotel?,Its down Center Street on the left.,There are three boxes and a phone behind the desk.,温故知新,Unit 2 revision,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,Asking the way,Is there a near here?,Where is the nearest ?,Can you tell me how I can get to the?,Can you tell me how to get to the ?,Could you tell me the way to the , please?,Which is the way to?,Do you know the way to,Excuse,me.,Unit 2 revision,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,Showing the way,Go down this street. / Walk along this road.,Take the first turning on the right. /,Turn left at the first crossing.,Its on your right/left. /,Its next to /,between-and-,Go across the bridge./Cross the bridge.,You will see-in front of you.,You cant miss it.,Unit 2 revision,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,英语下册Unit2课件人教新目标,


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