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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,ACADEMIC,PRESENTATION,YANG YAN,1,TITLE,A title should summarize the main idea of the study or convey specific information as to the major thrust of the study.,It should identify the actual variables or theoretical issues under investigation and the relationship between independent and dependent variables of the study.,A title should be fully explanatory when standing alone.,It principal function is to inform readers about the study.,Redundancies such as “A Study of” or “An Experimental Investigation of ” should not used to begin a title.,The recommended,length for a title is 10 to 12 words.,2,ABSTRACT,The abstract parallels the structure and organization of the thesis.,The problem under investigation or the purpose of study, (one or two sentence);,The participants or subject, specifying pertinent characteristics, such as number, type, age and sex;,The method, including the apparatus, complete test names;,The findings, and,The conclusions and the implications (one sentence).,3,INTRODUCTION,Introduce,the specific problem under study.,Before writing the introduction, consider:,Why is this problem important?,What is the relation of the study to previous work?,The introduction section typically begins with a short summary of the research to be discussed.,This describes why the research is important and focuses on what specifically you intend to examine.,4,Literature Review,The review should contain enough information to provide a framework for your research and a rationale for why you are studying what you are studying.,A scholarly review of earlier work provides an appropriate history and recognizes the priority of the work of others.,Cite and reference only works pertinent to the specific issue.,In summarizing earlier works, avoid nonessential detail. Emphasize pertinent findings, relevant methodological issues and major conclusions.,Demonstrate the logical continuity between previous and present work.,5,State the,P,urpose,After introduced the problem and developed the background material, state the purpose of study.,6,METHOD,The most straightforward section of the report.,Describes in detail how the study was conducted tell the reader what you did and how you did it in sufficient detail.,Such a description enable the reader to evaluate the appropriateness of your method and the reliability and the validity of your results.,Identify subsections design of the study, the participants or subjects, the apparatus (or materials), the procedure and data analysis.,7,METHOD,Research Design,Report the type of design used in the study.,Qualitative or Quantitative Study,Participants or Respondents,Report how many participants were in the study and how they were recruited (e.g. random sampling, cluster sampling, Quota sampling).,8,Report major demographic characteristics sex, age, and race/ethnicity and where possible and appropriate, characteristic socioeconomic status, disability status etc.,When a particular demographic characteristic is an,is,important for the interpretation of results, describe the group specifically,.,eg., national origin, level of education, health status,and language preference,.,9,Data Collection,Describes the apparatus or materials used and their function in the study.,(interview, observation, experiment, questionnaire),Summarizes,each step in the execution of the research.,Include the instructions to the participants, the formation of the groups, and the specific experimental manipulations.,Specify the sequence of steps of the study what you had the participants do and how you collected their data.,Data Analysis,Describe the statistical or data analytic treatment used.,10,FINDINGS,Report the data in sufficient detail to justify the conclusions.,Mention all relevant results, including those that run counter to the hypothesis.,Discussing the implication of the results is not appropriate here.,To report the data, choose the medium that presents them most clearly and economically tables and figures.,Tables and figures enhances your ability to communicates your findings.,When you use tables or figures, be certain,to mention all of them in the text.,Tables and figures supplement the text;,they cannot do the entire job of communication.,Always tell the reader what to look for in tables and figures, and provide sufficient explanation to make them readily intelligible.,11,DISCUSSION,Evaluate and interpret the results implications, especially with respect to your original hypothesis.,You are free to examine, interpret and qualify the results, and draw inference from them.,Emphasize any theoretical consequences of the results and the validity of your conclusions.,Open the discussion section with the clear statement of the support or nonsupport for your original hypothesis.,Similarities and differences between your results and the work of others should clarify and confirm your conclusion.,Acknowledge limitations, and address alternative explanations of results.,You are encouraged, when appropriate and justified, to end the discussion section with commentary on the importance of your findings.,12,CONCLUSION,Summary of the study ,Finding,s.,Limitation,13,


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