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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),*,英语语法基础,第九讲,副词性从句,状语从句,1,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),状语从句就是在复合句中起状语作用的从句。,状语从句可以用来修饰动词(谓语动词或其他非谓语动词)、定语、状语,甚至整个句子。,根据状语从句在句中的具体作用可以分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步、方式、比较等状语从句。,状语从句可以位于句首、句中或句尾。,位于句首时,,句末通常有逗号与主句隔开;,位于句中时,,从句前后须有逗号;,位于句尾时,,从句的前面可以不用逗号。通常,,比较、方式和结果状语从句位于主句之后,。,状语从句一般由一个连词引导,也可由一些起连词作用的短语结构引导。,2,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),一、时间状语从句,时间状语从句说明动作或状态发生、存在的时间。时间状语从句可以由下列连词或词组引导。下面分别举例介绍这四类连词或词组。,A,B,C,D,when,当时,before,在之前,as soon as,一就,hardlywhen,一就,while,当时,after,在之后,the moment,一就,scarcelywhen,刚一就,as,当时,since,自从以来,the minute,一就,no soonerthan,一就,whenever,无论何时,till/until,直到,every/each time,每次,instantly/directly,一就,3,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),一、,时间状语从句,A.,when等,As time goes by, the pollution in this river is getting more and more serious.,Whenever she had a cold, she ate only fruit.,注:时间状语置于句首时,后面要有逗号与主句分开。,B.,before,等,He will go to study abroad,after he graduates from the college,.,I have not seen him,since he left the company,.,注:until 经常与not连用,notuntil表示一个固定意思,直到才。,He did,nt,announce the news,until he was sure of it,.,Go straight ahead,until/till you reach the post office,.,注:在时间状语从句中,,不用将来时,。,4,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),一、,时间状语从句,C.,as soon as,等,We will leave,the minute he is ready,.,Every time he comes to see us, he brings us some candies.,D.,hardlywhen,等:,hardlywhen, scarcelywhen,no soonerthan的意思一样,但在使用时,要注意它们的搭配。hardly,scarcely分别和when连用,no sooner和than连用,不能调换。,I had,hardly,sat down,when the telephone rang,.,注:hardly,scarcely,no sooner位于句子开头时,句子的主、谓语要倒装。,Scarcely,had the noise died away,when someone started to laugh again.,5,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),二、地点状语从句,地点状语从句说明动作或状态发生、存在的地方。地点状语从句由,where,(在的地方)和,wherever,(无论在的地方)引导。,Keep the medicine,where children cannot see it,.,You can camp,wherever you like,these days.,6,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),三、条件状语从句,条件状语从句说明动作或状态发生、存在的条件。条件状语从句由下列连词或词组引导。下面分别举例介绍这三类连词或词组。,A,B,C,if,如果,假如,as (so) long as,只要,suppose/supposing,假设,unless (= if not),除非,如果不,so far as,只要,provided that/providing,假如,in case,如果,万一,on condition that,条件是,7,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),三、条件状语从句,A.,if,和,unless,We shall have a picnic,if it is a fine day tomorrow,.,Id like to go swimming,unless the water is too cold,.,=,Id like to go swimming,if,the water is,not,too cold,.,B.,as (so) long as,等,As long as we dont lose heart, well find a way to overcome the difficulty.,In case the car burns down, well get the insurance money.,C.,suppose/supposing,等,Supposing he doesnt agree, what will you do?,Providing there is no objection, we shall make a decision.,注:在条件状语从句中,不用将来时。,8,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),四、原因状语从句,原因状语从句说明动作或状态发生的原因。原因状语从句由,because,(因为),,since,(因为),,as,(因为),,now that,(既然),,seeing (that),(因为),,considering that,(鉴于,考虑到)等连词或词组引导。,Seeing that she doesnt like piano, there is no reason to make her learn it.,Considering (that) he is only 10 years old, he really did a good job.,9,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),五、结果状语从句,结果状语从句说明动作或状态发生后所产生的结果。结果状语从句由,sothat,,,suchthat,(如此以至于),,so that,(结果)等连词或词组引导。,We left in,such,a hurry,that,we forgot to lock the door.,The moon was,so,bright,that,the flowers were bright as by day.,注:,suchthat,之间只能用名词,,sothat,之间只能用形容词,但是在形容词后可以加一个名词。,He is,such a strong man,that he can lift that heavy box.,He is,so strong,that he can lift that heavy box.,He is,so strong a man,that he can lift that heavy box.,10,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),六、目的状语从句,目的状语从句说明发生这一动作、行为的目的。它由,that,,,so that,,,in order that,(以便,为了),,lest,(以免),,for fear that,(惟恐),,in case,(以防)等连词或词组引导。,11,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),六、目的状语从句,A.,that,so that,in order that,:,在 (so) that,in order that引导的目的状语从句中,,一般需要情态动词,。主句是一般现在时,从句要用can或may。主句是一般过去时,从句要用could或might。当so that引导的从句是否定句时,要用should。,We,must try,to increase the competitive,in order that,we,may make,more profits.,The police asked me to move it off the road,(so) that,it,might not hold,up the traffic.,注:so that既可以引导结果状语从句,又可以引导目的状语从句,区别在于:,目的状语从句,中要有情态动词,can,may,should等,,so that 前,没有逗号,。,结果状语从句不用情态动词,,so that 前,常有逗号,。,12,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),六、目的状语从句,B.,lest,for fear that,in case,:,在 lest,for fear that引导的从句中,一般用,should + 动词原形,,should可以省略。In case 引导的从句一般用虚拟语气(,should + 动词原形,),,也可用真实语气,。,She explained again and again,lest,the students,(should) misunderstand her,.,Here is some money,in case,you,(should) need,it.,Take a hat with you,in case,the sun,is,very hot.,13,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),七、方式状语从句,方式状语从句说明动作、行为发生的方式。方式状语从句由,as,(与一样),,as if,(好像),,as though,(好像,仿佛)等引导。,I did the thing,as you told me,.,It looks,as if it is going to rain,.,He walks slowly,as though he were sick,.,注:as if,as though意思相同,可以互换使用。as if,as though引导的从句多用虚拟语气。但如果说的事情可能是事实,也可以用真实语气。,14,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),八、比较状语从句,比较状语从句是对人、事物的特征、性状和数量等进行比较。,带有比较状语从句的句型有:,15,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),八、比较状语从句,A.,(形容词、副词)比较级 + than(比),My handwriting is much worse,than yours,.,She sings better,than I (me),.,注:比较级前可有much,far,a bit等次说明比较的程度,也可以有数字说明具体的差距,如:,She is,two years older than I,.,B.,as +(形容词、副词)原级 + as(和一样),The article in todays newspaper,is as important as,that in yesterdays newspaper.,You should remember,as many words as,you can.,You should keep,as much money as,you can.,You should read,as much as,you can.,16,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),八、比较状语从句,C.,not + so +(形容词、副词)原级 + as,:,He is,not so tall as,his brother.,This job is,not as difficult as,that one.,D.,倍数 + as +(形容词、副词)原级 + as(是几倍),Your stadium is,ten times as big as,ours.,This auto manufactory made,twice as,many cars this year,as,they did last year.,注:表示倍数时,2倍是twice,绝不可以用two times。三倍以上用数字加times,如:four times,five times等。,倍数必须放在asas结构之前,。,E.,the + 比较级 ,+ the + 比较级(越,就越),I like black coffee so much,the stronger,it is,the better,I like it.,The harder,you study,the more,knowledge you can gain.,17,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),九、让步状语从句,让步状语从句由下列连词或词组引导,下面举例介绍这三类连词或词组:,A,B,C,though,尽管也,even if,即使也,疑问词 + ever,如:however,whatever,although,虽然但是,even though,即使也,no matter + 疑问词,如:no matter how,no matter what,as/while,虽然,A.,though,although,as/while,:,(1),though和although两个单词本身就表示“虽然,但是”,所以绝对,不能再和but连用,。,They are my relatives,though,I dont know them.,Although,it was difficult to find a job, yet people moved to cities where there were many factories.,18,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),九、让步状语从句,A.,though,although,as/while,:,(2),as也可用引导让步状语从句,意思与though/although相同。但是,用as引导让步状语从句,通常放在句首,且主谓要倒装。as前面的词可以使形容词、副词,也可以是动词、名词。,Rich as he is, he is not happy.,Child as he is, he knows a lot.,(此时名词前一定不能有冠词),Try as /though he might try, he couldnt move this stone.,=,Although he might try, he couldnt move this stone.,(3),while 引导让步状语从句,只能放在句首,意思与though/although相同。,While,I fell sympathetic, I really cant do anything to help them.,While,he may be right, we dont agree him to do it.,19,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),九、让步状语从句,B.,even if/though,Even though its hard work, I enjoy it.,His finger print can prove who he is even if his appearance has been changed by age or accident.,C.,however,等,no matter how,=,however,无论如何,no matter when,=,whenever,无论何时,no matter where,=,wherever,无论何处,no matter what,=,whatever,无论什么,no matter who,=,whoever,无论谁,no matter which,=,whichever,无论哪个,We must begin testing this instrument,no matter how (= however) difficult it is,.,No matter where (= Wherever) you are, I shall be with you.,No matter who (= Whoever) you are, you should pay your tax.,No matter which (= Whichever) you like, take it away.,No matter what (= Whatever) you do, try to do it better.,20,英语语法基础-第9讲(副词性从句),


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