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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语演讲稿(关于五月天),*,Asia the first band,-mayday(五月天),Mayday is a cool singing group of 5 young boys.They all come from Taiwan.Their songs are very popular,and they are well known in the young people.,五月天是一,支由5名男孩组成的很酷的乐队,。他们都来自台湾。他们的歌很受欢迎,他们很年轻的时候就出名了,。,英语演讲稿(关于五月天),Mayday members,The singer is A Xin,he writes songs by himself.And Guan You,who wears a pair of glasses plays the drums.Guai Shou and,stone,play the,guitar,ma sha play the bass beth,.They are not only famous in China,but also in all the Aisa!,主唱的名字叫阿信,他靠自己写歌,。,还有冠佑,总是,戴着一副,黑色的,眼镜,打架子鼓,。,怪兽和石头弹吉他,玛莎,弹低音,的贝斯,。他们不仅,在中国很出名,而且在全亚洲,也很出名,!,英语演讲稿(关于五月天),Their story,They have been together for 13 years. You know, time is the thief that steal away many things.,in their 13 years, some of them had to join the army, some of them went abroad to study, some of them got married with thei,r,lovers and had children, but they are still together and always share happiness and sadness with each other.,他们已经在一起13岁。你知道,时间是小偷,偷窃了很多东西。,在他们的13年中,他们中的一些人不得不参军,他们中的一些人出国留学,他们中的一些人与他们的情人结了婚,生了孩子,但他们仍然在一起,分享彼此的快乐,和忧伤。,英语演讲稿(关于五月天),Their songs,They have already made 7 albums whose melodies and lyrics were written all by themselves. The spirit in their songs is love and peace And what they want to do is not only to give others strength to keep an active attitude towards life and in,terest,working hard,such as 倔强 and 出头天; but also help us understand more about the modern society and our life,such as 如烟 and 人生海海. Their music often touches people and inspires many people.,他们已经,完成,的旋律和歌词,总共的,七张专辑,的创作,全靠自己。他们的歌曲的精神是爱与和平,做他们想做的不仅是给别人力量保持积极的生活态度,坚持努力工作,如,:,倔强和出头天;但也帮助我们了解更多的现代社会,我们的生活,比如,:,人生海海,和,如烟。他们的音乐经常感动和激励了很多人。,英语演讲稿(关于五月天),In the end,英语演讲稿(关于五月天),


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