8AUnit5 Integrated skills

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Stay with us. You will never be,hungry.,Theres no,snowstorm,(暴风雪),here. Stay with us, you will be warm.,The forest can,prevent flood,(,防,止洪水),. We are safe here. Stay with us.,Dont worry, I can take care of myself.,The little swallow begins her travel.,T,he,little,swallow,makes friends with a,red-crowned crane,.,Zhalong Nature Reserve,Zhalong,north-east,something about,Zhalong,It is a nature reserve. It is the home of a lot of plants and animals,including,different kinds of birds.,It is one of the worlds most important wetlands.,wetland,Why are wetlands important?,Because they provide food and shelter for wildlife,.,T,hey also help,prevent flood,.,防止洪水,Facts about Zhalong,Part A1 on Page 86. Answer these questions by yourselves. If you are not sure, you can guess.,Read and guess,1.In _, Zhalong Nature Reserve became one of the worlds important wetlands. A . 1990 B .2002 C .1992,2.,The reserve,has an area of,more than _.,A .210,000,hectare,s,B. 21,000,hectare,s,C. 120,000,hectare,s,3. The birds eat _.,A. bird food that people feed them,B.,worm,s, fish and plants C .other smaller birds,4. Birdwatchers can see _ in Zhalong.,A. red swans B .red-crowned parrots,C .red-crowned cranes,5.,World Wetlands Day,is on _.,A 20th February B .2nd January C .2nd February,1.In _, Zhalong Nature Reserve became one of the worlds important wetlands. A . 1990 B .2002 C .1992,2.,The reserve,has an area of,more than _.,A .210,000,hectare,s,B. 21,000,hectare,s,C. 120,000,hectare,s,3. The birds eat _.,A. bird food that people feed them,B.,worm,s, fish and plants C .other smaller birds,4. Birdwatchers can see _ in Zhalong.,A. red swans B .red-crowned parrots,C .red-crowned cranes,5.,World Wetlands Day,is on _.,A 20th February B .2nd January C .2nd February,C,A,B,C,C,Listen and confirm(,确认),have an area of ,eg.,这个建筑物有两千平方米的面积。,This building has an area of 2,000 square meters.,有,的面积,我们学校占地三公顷。,Our school has an area of 3 hectares.,1.In _, Zhalong Nature Reserve became one of the worlds important wetlands. A . 1990 B .2002 C .1992,2.,The reserve,has an area of,more than _.,A .210,000,hectare,s,B. 21,000,hectare,s,C. 120,000,hectare,s,3. The birds eat _.,A. bird food that people feed them,B.,worm,s, fish and plants C .other smaller birds,4. Birdwatchers can see _ in Zhalong.,A. red swans B .red-crowned parrots,C .red-crowned cranes,5.,World Wetlands Day,is on _.,A 20th February B .2nd January C .2nd February,C,A,B,C,C,World Wetlands Day,1.In _, Zhalong Nature Reserve became one of the worlds important wetlands. A . 1990 B .2002 C .1992,2.,The reserve,has an area of,more than _.,A .210,000,hectare,s,B. 21,000,hectare,s,C. 120,000,hectare,s,3. The birds eat _.,A. bird food that people feed them,B.,worm,s, fish and plants C .other smaller birds,4. Birdwatchers can see _ in Zhalong.,A. red swans B .red-crowned parrots,C .red-crowned cranes,5.,World Wetlands Day,is on _.,A 20th February B .2nd January C .2nd February,C,A,B,C,C,read,guess,listen,confirm,Help Sandy complete the report.,_,Nature Reserve is in,_,_,China. It,has an area of,_,than 210,000 hectares. It is one of the worlds most,_,wetlands.,Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals,including,different kinds of birds. It provides,_,and,_,for,the,birds. There are not many red-crowned,_,in the world, but there are some in Zhalong. It is a very,_,place to go birdwatching.,Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for,_,birds. They are also important because they help,prevent,_,.,We should protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.,Zhalong,north-east,more,important,food,shelter,cranes,good,endangered,flood,including,(介词)包括,eg.,连云港有许多美味的食物,包括海鲜。,Lianyungang has a lot of delicious,food, including seafood.,我擅长很多学科,包括英语。,Im good at many subjects, including English.,_,Nature Reserve is in,_,_,China. It,has an area of,_,than 210,000 hectares. It is one of the worlds most,_,wetlands.,Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals,including,different kinds of birds. It provides,_,and,_,for birds. There are not many red-crowned,_,in the world, but there are some in Zhalong. It is a very,_,place to go birdwatching.,Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for,_,birds. They are also important because they help,prevent,_,.,We should protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.,Zhalong,north-east,more,important,food,shelter,cranes,good,endangered,flood,我们必须采取措施防止洪水,。,We must take action to prevent flood.,prevent sb. (from) doing sth.,阻止某人做某事,我妈妈经常阻止我玩电脑游戏。,My mother often prevents me (from) playing computer games.,prevent v.,防止,预防;阻止,e.g. 老师阻止学生吸烟。,Teachers prevent students (from) smoking.,_,Nature Reserve is in,_,_,China. It,has an area of,_,than 210,000 hectares. It is one of the worlds most,_,wetlands.,Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals,including,different kinds of birds. It provides,_,and,_,for birds. There are not many red-crowned,_,in the world, but there are some in Zhalong. It is a very,_,place to go birdwatching.,Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for,_,birds. They are also important because they help,prevent,_,.,We should protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.,Zhalong,north-east,more,important,food,shelter,cranes,good,endangered,flood,Hey, Miss Swallow. Can you tell me something about Zhalong?,09:56:12,Yeah, it_,(,它占地,21,万多公顷,).,has an area of,09:56:40,Who lives in Zhalong?,09:56:45,_,09:56:35,A lot of plants and animals,_(,包括各种鸟类),including different kinds of birds.,more than 210,000 hectares.,09:56:55,09:57:02,09:57:10,09:57:15,What does Zhalong provide birds with?,It provides birds with,_,(它给鸟类提供食物和栖息地),food and shelter.,Why are wetlands important?,Because they,_,endangered animals,and help_.(,为濒临灭绝的动物提供食物和栖息地并且帮助防止洪水,),prevent flood,provide,food and shelter for,09:57:20,09:57:30,Can you see dodos in Zhalong Nature Reserve?,No, we cant see them now. The last dodo died in1681.,In fact, many birds died,_(,因为人类,),because of people,09:58:20,Really? I am terribly sorry.,09:59:40,Yes, I can show you some pictures.,Today we will never see these birds,We should protect birds. If we do nothing, there will be no birds in the world.,Protecting birds is to protect ourselves.,The swallow is sad now.,We are sad, too.,Discussion,Group work,What can we do,to protect birds?,1.Make bird reserves bigger.,2.Build more nature reserves.,3.Plant more trees and forests for,wild birds to live in.,4.Encourage people not to hunt birds.,Advice,A little s,wallows travel,Zhalong Nature Reserve is an ideal home for wildlife.The little swallow end,s,her travel. She will stay in Zhalong. She hopes that all birds can live happily in the world.,H,Homework,1. Finish the exercises in,your,w,orkbook.,2. Make a dialogue about inviting people.,3.Get online to find some information about Yancheng Nature Reserve.,Goodbye !,Thank you !,


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