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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语新课标解读心得,*,Zhangjiawan Twon Central Primary School,Andy Joy,June 2012,Be a Professional Reader,My interpretation of the new,English curriculum standards,英语新课标解读心得,contents,I. Purposes of this activitie.,II. Background of the curriculum standards recension.,IIIPrinciples of revision.,IV. New editions changes.,V. On forewerd,.,VI. My views of teacher and English teaching.,英语新课标解读心得,purposes of this activitie,1. Leading teachers to read the curriculum standards.,2. Giving teachers some advices about teaching.,3. Understanding the curriculum standards more than details.,英语新课标解读心得,After 10 years experimentation, English instruction has been steping a new era. According to this situation MOE revised the curriculum standards.,Background of the curriculum standards recension,英语新课标解读心得,1. Persevering in direction of reform.,2. Give prominence to the curriculum importance.,3. Appropriately adjust goals and contents.,4. Enhance instructional guidance.,Principles of revision,英语新课标解读心得,1. Essential notions:,2. Teaching ways and means.,3. New challenges on teachers.,4. Whats new on Necs.,5. changes on content.,6. changes on the goals of verds learning.,New editions changes,英语新课标解读心得,On forewerd,1. Preamble.,2. What is the english curriculum?,3. Essential notions of the english curriculum standards.,4. The thought of curriculum design.,英语新课标解读心得,1 The teachers fundamental skills of English specialty.,2 The teachers fundamental knowledges of English specialty.,3 The teachers fundamental skills of using IT.,4 The teachers fundamental capability of teaching.,My views of teachers and English teaching,英语新课标解读心得,References,1.Chen Aibi. Curricular reform and problem solving instruction. Beijing:Capital normal university press. January 2010. the 3rd version.,2.Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of China. English curriculum standards for compulsory education (2011 version). Beijing:Beijing normal university publishing group.,3.Chen Lin. Integrating EFL Standards Into Chinese Classroom Settings (Primary Level). Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching And reseaching Press. May 2007.,4.Wang Wuxing. Contrastive Studies of Chinese and English and translation. Beijing: Beijing university press. March 2003.,5.Roland S. Barth. Improving Schools from Within. China Youth Press. October 2006.,6.Shangguan Zimu. The International View on Education. Shanghai: Eastern China normal university press. September 2005.,7.Wang Duqin. Authentic Evaluation: From Theory to Practice. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Reseach Press. July 2007.,8.Xiao Liquan. English Teaching Methodology. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Reseach Press. March 2006.,9.Wang Songmei, Lin Li. New curriculum middle school English teaching practice. Capital normal university press. February 2005.,10.Cheng Xiaotang. Elementary Education New curriculum teachers training and coaching on primary English. Beijing:Beijing normal university publishing group. July 2003.,英语新课标解读心得,检测题,1. 英语作为全球使用最广泛的语言之一,已经成为,和 、,的重要工具。,2. 在义务教育阶段开设英语课程能够为提高,,,培养,和,的人才,提高国家,的,和国民,的,奠定基础。,3. 义务教育阶段英语课程具有,和,双重性质。,4. 英语课程基本理念是什么?,英语新课标解读心得,vocabulary,Catena 专业书籍(丛书),Specialty 专业,Synthetically 综合地,Protein 蛋白质,Fattiness 脂肪,Starch 淀粉,Systematized 系统化的,Implicit learning 内隐学习,Explicit learning 外显学习,Verbal 口头的,英语新课标解读心得,Thank you!,英语新课标解读心得,


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