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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,*,汉译英句子的构造,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,汉译英句子的构句之一,-,主语的处理,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,主语的选择和确立,英汉语比 较,:,主语 比较,英语属于偏重形式的语言,一个句子要独立表达一个完整的意思,必须包含主语和谓语两个组成部分,英语中绝大部分句子都是按,“,主语谓语,”,形式构建而成的。主语与谓语的关系是施动者与动作的关系。根据美国语言学家所提出的语言类型学观点,,英语属于,“,主语突出,”,型(,Subject-prominent,)语言。,汉语是重内容的语言,,“,形散神聚,”,是汉语句子的特点。因此汉语被称作是典型的,“,意合,”,语言。汉语中的主语不像英语的主语那样容易确定,,“,主语谓语,”,形式的句子在汉语里比例是不大的,因此在汉语语法中出现了主题(话题),(Topic),这一概念。我国著名学者赵元任(,1968,)说:,“,把主语、谓语当作话题和说明来看待,比较合适,”,。,汉 语属于,“,主题突出,”,型(,Topic-prominent,)语言。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1,),论文,我们已经写了一大半了。,We have finished a good part of,the papers,.,2,),大多数同学,论文都写完了。,Most of the students,have finished their papers.,3,),这些材料,我们只够盖一栋房子。,We could only build one house,with these materials.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,汉语的主题有时不宜于转换为英语的主语,Eg:,这篇论文,有机会发表。,I,may have an opportunity to publish this paper.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,汉译英中,主语的 确立是句子翻译的第一步。选择了一定的主语,基本决定了句子构造的走向。主语选择恰当,句子就便于构造了。常常选择不同成分作主语,决定了不同的组句方式。例如:,1),为了维持生计,有沉重和繁重的家务要干。不少家庭主妇被家务活累坏了身体。,In order to make a living, there is a lot of heavy housework. As a result, many housewives break down. (?),In order to make a living, many housewives have to do a lot of housework so that they finally break down. (?),Revised:,In order to make a living, many housewives have to do a lot of housework and eventually exhaust themselves physically.,主语选择合适,便于构句,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1.,以原句主语作译文主语,1,)如果不适当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排放的,废气,就会造成城市的空气污染。,Exhaust,from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes pollution to the city.,2,),人,有失错,,马,有漏蹄。,As,a horse,may stumble, so,a man,may make mistakes.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3),离上海仅有几小时路程的,苏州和杭州,,是中国园林艺术的代表,被人称为“天堂”。,a. Neighbouring Suzhou and Hangzhou, only a couple of hours away from Shanghai by train or by car, embody the essence of Chinese gardening architecture and are considered by the Chinese to be paradise on earth.,(保留了原句的主语),b.,A few hours ride,(from Shanghai,上文暗含,)will take you to Suzhou and Hangzhou, which represents the essence of Chinese Gardening Arts, and is, therefore, known as “paradise on earth.”,(,主语选择灵活,便于构句,),英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,2,增补主语,)起大风了。,It,s blowing hard.,2,),如果预测天气恶化,,预报员必须能够在该机飞行范围内指定另一个天气适合降落的机场。,If,bad weather is expected,the forecaster must be able to suggest another airport within the range of the aircraft where the weather will be suitable for landing.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3),到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂柳,比那江南风景觉得更为有趣。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3),到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂柳,比那江南风景觉得更为有趣。,When,he,reached Jinan and entered the city,he,found streams flowing by every house and willows standing by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south. . (,刘鹗,老残游记,杨宪益、戴乃迭译,),英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,Exercises,下面的句子有什么特点,?,1,活到老,学到老。,2,不人虎穴,焉得虎子。,3,留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。,4,不努力便不会成功。,5,能不能提前完成计划呢?,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1,活到老,学到老。,1.,One,should keep learning up to an old age.,2,不人虎穴,焉得虎子。,2.,you,can not gain if you risk nothing. (no venture, no gain),3,留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。,3.,One,shall have a chance to succeed if one preserves his strength.,4,不努力便不会成功。,4,. you,shall never succeed if you do not work hard.,5,能不能提前完成计划呢?,Is it possible to carry out the plan ahead of time?,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3.,重新确定主语,主语的选择与哪些因素相关,1),由于肌肉和细胞的运动,身体不断地产生热。,2),人们必须结合世界环境来认识和研究人口控制问题。,Heat is constantly produced by body as a result of cellular and muscular activity.,The issue of population control must be understood and studyied by taking the world environment into consideration.,3),一九六四年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。,4),因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这,种隔绝状态,由于通讯工具不足,就变得更加严重了。,5),世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃,6),他失去了勇气。,7),二话不说先递名片反倒有些勉强。,8),从思想上关心学生是教师份内的事。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1),由于肌肉和细胞的运动,身体不断地产生热。,2),人们必须结合世界环境来认识和研究人口控制问题。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3),一九六四年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。,4),因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这种隔绝状态,由于通讯工具不足,就变得更加严重了。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1),由于肌肉和细胞的运动,身体不断地产生热。,Heat,is constantly produced by body as a result of muscular,and cellular activity.,2),人们必须结合世界环境来认识和研究人口控制问题。,The problem of population control,has to be recognized and,approached in the context of the whole world.,3),一九六四年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。,Chinas first atomic blast,(名词化),in October, 1964 was a great shock,to the rest of the world.,4),因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这,种隔绝状态,由于通讯工具不足,就变得更加严重了。,The isolation of the rural world,(名词化),because of distance and the,lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of,the information media.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,5),世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。,The turn of the century,finds China most active in the,diplomatic arena.,6),他失去了勇气。,Courage,deserted him.,7),二话不说先递名片反倒有些勉强。,It,is rather unnatural to present your visiting cards to the,other party without exchanging any words.,8),从思想上关心学生是教师份内的事。,It,is a teachers duty to be concerned about,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,主语的选择与哪些因素相关,1.,语态,2.,名词化,3.,英语的无灵主语,4.,形式主语,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,Exercises,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3.,重新确定主语,9,),人,不可貌相,,海水,不可斗量。,10,)每逢假日的下午,,我,总要漫游周围的乡村。,11,),我,从来也没有想到她这么吝啬,。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,9,),人,不可貌相,,海水,不可斗量。,A.,A person,can not be judged from his appearance just as,an ocean,can not be measured by pints.,B.,It,is impossible to judge people from their appearances, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints.,C.,We,cant judge people from their appearance, just as we cant measure the ocean by pints.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,10,)每逢假日的下午,,我,总要漫游周围的乡村。,11,),我,从来也没有想到她这么吝啬,。,10,),My holidays afternoons,were spent in ramble about the surrounding country. (Washington Irving),11,),It,never occurred to me that she was so mean.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,12)中国已成功地发射了第一颗实验通信卫星。这颗卫星是由三级火箭推动的,一直运转正常。它标志着我国在发展运载工具和电子技术方面进人了一个新阶段,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,中国已成功地发射了第一颗实验通信卫星。这颗卫星是由三级火箭推动的,一直运转正常。它标志着我国在发展运载工具和电子技术方面进人了一个新阶段。,China has successfully launched first experimental telecommunication satellite. It was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has functioned normally. It indicates that our nation has stepped into a new stage of developing carrier rockets and electronics.,The successful launching of Chinas first experimental communications satellite,,,which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since,,,indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,4.,非人称主语与人称主语,英语用非人称作主语的句子大体可以分为两类:,1.,用非人称代词,“it”,作主语,2.,“,无灵主语,”,“,有灵动词,”,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1.,用非人称代词,“it”,作主语,我从来也没有想到她这么吝啬。,It never occurred to me that she was so mean.,只要走半个钟头就可以到轮渡。,Its only half an hours walk to the ferry.,人总是在面临考验的关头,才发现自己的专长。,It is in the hour of trial that a man finds his true profession.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,2.,英语的,无灵视角倾向,无灵句形式上让视角多变,内容上更显客观或活泼。,表示时间、地点、状态、原因,、,受动、心理与感觉的语义成分,都可以作为无灵主语。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1、,主语是某种,心理感受,,谓语选择,creep, strike, seize, dawn, catch, worm into, grip, enter, register, overcome, take possesion of, surround, give way to, desert, pass, tear等词汇,。,1),整个村庄笼罩在恐怖之中。,Fear,gripped,the village.( Fear gripped his heart.),2),他失去了勇气。,Courage,deserted,him.,3),一股淡淡的伤感涌上心头。,A tinge of melanchony,struck,me.,4),他愤怒的说不出话。,Anger,choked,my words.,5),现在人们已经从乐观变为怀疑了。,By now optimism had,given way to,doubt,.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,2,、,主语选择,心理动作,,谓语选择,fill, give, make等“使变化”的词汇,1),看到着孤寂的景象,我心中满是凄凉。,The sight of the desolation filled me with forlornness.,2),只要一想起母亲,他就会充满勇气,把事情做完。,Only the thought of his mother gave him the strength,to go on doing it.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3),见丈人在眼前,恐怕又要挨骂。,The sight of his father-in-law made Fanjin afraid,that he was in for another cursing.,4),一想起这件事情,他就会觉得生活增添了许多滋味。,The remembrance of this incident will add,flavor,to,his life.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3,、,主语的内容为,心理对象,,谓语选择slip, lend, elude, escape, stump, fail等词汇,宾语选择逻辑施事。,),我想不起他的名字。,His name escaped me at the moment.,),这个句子把我给难住了。,The sentence eludes me.,),我理解不了这个词。,The word failed me.,),她长得不漂亮,又没有钱,还不太聪明。,Like good looks and money, quick-mindedness passed her by.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,4,、,名词或名词化结构表示原因、目标,,谓语动词使用“使产生变化”的词汇。包括使失去(deprive, cost, rob, bereave, disarm, prevent, diminish);使增加(add, enbolden, brighten, win);使无能(disable, incapcitate, disqualify);使赋能(enable, empower, qualify,);使免除(save, exonerate);使保持状态(keep, make, );状态变化类动词(throw, get, bring, temper),英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1,),他因为有犯罪记录,所以不能进入斯坦福大学学习。,His criminal record disqualified him from the addmission of Standford University.,2,),早点出发,中午你就会到达那里。,An early start will get you there at noon.,3,),仔细比较一下,就会发现这两者在本质上是不同的。,A careful comparison will show there is no resemblance between the two in nature.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,4,),他非常气愤,话都说不出来。,Indignation bereft him of speech.,(,bereft: deprived of or lacking something, especially non-material asset,),5,),屠户被众人局不过,只得连斟两碗喝了,壮一壮胆,将平日的凶恶样子拿出来。,Two bowls of wine,bolstered up his courage, making him lose his scruples and start his usual rampaging.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,5,、,将时间、处所作为主语,1),十天以后,他的军队就会土崩瓦解,他也就只剩下1400人了。,Ten days would disband his corps and leave him 1400 men.,2),1840-80年的40年间共有1000万人移民到美国。,The forty years, 1840-80, brought almost ten million migrants to America.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3),东方破晓的时候,他早已经上路了。,Dawn found him well along the road.,4),在准备奥运会期间,北京发生了巨大的变化。,Beijing witnesses great changes since the preparation of Olympic Games.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,6.,事件做主语,表示时间的先后。,事件名词化,1),他母亲死后不久,他又失去了三岁的女儿。(她失去了三岁的女儿,不久母亲又离他而去。),The death of his mother was followed/preceded by the loss of his three-year-old daughter.,2),在总统到来之前,犯人就被执行死刑了。,The execution of the prisoner preceded the presidents arrival.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3,)林则徐认为,要成功地,禁止,鸦片买卖,就得首先把鸦片,焚毁,。,Lin Zexu believed that a,successful ban,of the trade in opium must be preceded by the,destruction,of the drug itself. (,名词化的事件作主语,),Lin Zexu thought that we must burn down the opium first if we want to stop this business successfully,(,alternative)(,人做主语,),英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,名词化nominalization,即用名词结构表达一个小句的意思。,它与主语的选择,与句子的合并密切相关。在汉语长句的翻译 中还要继续学习。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,汉译英句子的构句之二,-,语态的处理,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,英汉语主动与被动的比较,英汉语态使用的比较:,(,A,)英语大量使用结构被动句, 主要形式是助动词,be+,过去分词。,(,B,)而汉语则很少使用,即使用,也不像英语那样有统一,固定的构成形式。主要有两种表现形式:一种是含有“被,受,挨,遭,给,为,叫”等字样; 而大多数情况下,是采用第二种,用主动态表达被动含义,称为意义被动句。 如:“飞鸟尽,良弓藏;狡兔死,走狗烹”。因此,在英汉互译中,常常要变换语态。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,英语语态比较:,英语里被动语态是一种常见的语法现象,使用频率比汉语的被动式高,尤其是在一些正式的文体中。,汉语常用主动式、被动态使用远少于英语,即使用,也多用意义被动式,而少用结构被动式。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,语态的转换,由于肌肉和细胞活动的结果,,身体不断地产生热,。,Heat,is,constantly,produced,by the body as a result of muscular and cellular activity.,在农村地区,,越来越多的人接受,了计划生育政策。,In the countryside, birth control,has been accepted,by more and more people.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,人们,必须联系世界环境去认识和研究人口控制问题。,The problem of population control has,to,be recognized and approached,in a world environmental context.,请全系师生于星期三下午两点在会议室集合,听报告。,All teachers and students of the department,are requested to,meet in the conference room at 2,:,00 p. m. on Wednesday to hear a speech.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,被动态的表达功能,被动态的表达功能,1.,没有动作的执行者,或者不需要指明动作的执行者,2.,客观,叙述对象为客观物。,3.,在正式文体使用较多,,避免出现主体,,impersonal tone,语用上,客气委婉,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1.,没有动作的执行者,或者不需要指明动作的执行者,现在已经找到了从垃圾中提取这些材料并加以利用的方法。,Methods are found to take these materials out of the rubbish and use them again.,人们相信,发烧及其伴随的症状是人体克服毒素效应的保护性反应。,(,toxins,),It is believed that fever and the conditions that accompany it are protective reactions to overcome the effect of toxins on the body.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,2.,客观,叙述对象为客观物。 (石油),没有动作的执行者,或者不需要指明动作的执行者,As oil,is found,deep in the ground, its presence,cannot,be determined,by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rocks structure,must be carried out,.,If it,is thought,that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, a “drilling rig”,is assembled,.,因为石油深埋于地下,靠研究地面,不能确定石油的有无,因此,必须对地下岩层结构进行地质勘探。如果认为某地区的岩层含有石油,就在该处安装“钻机”。,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,因为石油深埋于地下,靠研究地面,不能确定石油的有无,因此,必须对地下岩层结构进行地质勘探。如果认为某地区的岩层含有石油,就在该处安装“钻机”。,As oil,is found,deep in the ground, its presence,cannot,be determined,by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rocks structure,must be carried out,.,If it,is thought,that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, a “drilling rig”,is assembled,.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,Compare the following two para.,People get natural rubber from rubber trees as white,milky liquid, which is called latex. They mix and dry it, and then they send it to countries all over the world. As the rubber industry grew, people needed more rubber. They started rubber plantations in countries with hot, wet weather conditions, but these still could not give enough raw rubber to meet the needs of growing industry.,Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid known as latex. This is treated with acid and dried, before being dispatched to countries all over the world. As the rubber industry developed, more and more rubber was required. Rubber plantations were established in countries with a hot, humid climate, but these still could not supply sufficient raw rubber to satisfy the needs of growing industry.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3.,正式 ,避免出现主体,,impersonal tone,语用上,客气委婉,It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.,Passengers are requested to cross the railway line by the footbridge only.,Pedestrians are warned to keep off the grass.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3.,正式 ,避免出现主体,,impersonal tone,语用上,客气委婉,请即复,不胜感激。,Your prompt reply will be highly/greatly appreciated.,请寄贵公司产品图解目录一份为荷。,It would be appreciated if you could send us an illustrated catalog of your products.,承蒙对鄙公司及产品之关心,特表感谢之意。,Your interest in our company and products is greatly appreciated.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,查本馆藏书锐减。学生当不忘本馆书籍流通之规则和他人之需。逾期不归还者当受严罚。,A notice by library,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,a formal version,查本馆藏书锐减。学生当不忘本馆书籍流通之规则和他人之需。逾期不归还者当受严罚。,It has been noted (with concern )that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are requested to remind themselves of the rules of the borrowing and returning of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,Compare and contrast A and B,A. It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are requested to remind themselves of the rules of the borrowing and returning of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.,B. The number of books in the library has been going down. Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing, and dont forget that the library is for everyones convenience. So from now on, we are going to enforce the rules strictly.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,1) style:,More formal,More informal,比较分析,:,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,2) diction: formal vs. ordinary,Stock,Decline,Remind of,Bear in mind,Number,go down,make sure to know,Not forget,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,3) sentence structure: impersonal vs. personal or passive vs. active,It has been noted that the stock of books.,Students are requested to remind themselves.,Penalties for overdue books will be enforced.,The number of books.,Please make sure you know.,We are going to enforce the rules.,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,4) person:,third impersonal tone,first person to second person tone,英汉互译第3讲汉译英句子的构造,


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