(贵阳专版)2017中考英语命题研究 中考模拟题二课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,第一卷(选择题,共100分),.听力测试(本大题共30分,每题1分),A听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(读一遍),2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,B听句子,选择恰当的应答。(读一遍),(A),7.,A.Good morning,Finny! BThank you. CFine,thank you.,(A),8.,A.Blue. BFish. CSunny.,(B),9.,A.Yes,I am. BNot yet. CAt home.,(B),10.,A.I cant. BGood idea. CI love you.,(A),11.,A.Thank you. BNot at all. CYou are welcome.,(A),12.,A.Apples. BAmerica. CA novel.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,C听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确的选项完成句子。(读两遍),(C),13.,The girl went to _ on her holiday.,AShanghai BGuangzhou CBeijing,(C),14.,The man wants to _,Aopen the mind Bopen the door Copen the window,(C),15.,Sally has a _ today.,Anosebleed Bfever Ccold,(A),16.,The girl is going to visit the Forest Park with her _,Aparents Bfriends Crelatives,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,(B),17.,We can know the nearest post office is _,Abehind the park Bnext to the bank,Cbeside the bus station,(A),18.,The girl _ and felt sad.,Afailed the math exam Blost her math book Churt her right leg,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,D听对话及问题,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。(读两遍),(A),19.,A.English. BMath. CChinese.,(A),20.,A.44. B48. C52.,(B),21.,A.Playing the guitar. BPlaying the piano. CPlaying the violin.,(C),22.,A.Large. BMedium. CSmall.,(A),23.,A.Naughty but clever. BNervous but kind. COutgoing and kind.,(B),24.,A.He had no money. BHe had no time. CHe had a cold.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,E听短文及问题根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(读三遍),(B),25.,A.16 years old. B26 years old.,C36 years old.,(B),26.,A.Three weeks ago. BThree months ago. CThree years ago.,(C),27.,A.Coins. BBottles. CStamps.,(B),28.,A.Once a month. BTwice a month. CThree times a month.,(A),29.,A.More poor Chinese. BMany Chinese farmers. CSome Chinese travelers.,(B),30.,A.One. BTwo. CThree.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,.单项选择(本大题共15分,每题1分),根据语境或句意,选择可填入句子的最正确选项。,(C)31.“Why do you have to go to bed early every evening,Betty?“Because its one of the _ of my family.,Aplans Bjobs Crules,(A)32.Children usually wake up very early _ the morning of Christmas Day.,Aon Bof Cin,(A)33.“Jim always prefers to solve the problem by himself rather than _ for help.“What a dependent boy!,Aask Bto ask Casking,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,(C),34.,Of the two Australian students,Masha is _ one.I think you can find her easily.,Atallest Btaller Cthe taller,(C),35.,It is so dark.The light in the room wasnt _ read.,Aenough bright to Bbrightly enough to Cbright enough to,(A),36.,We cant do listening practice today,for Miss Zhaos tape player doesnt _,Awork Bcheck Ctreat,(B),37.,Hou,Yi,Shoots,the,Suns,_ one of the most traditional stories in China.,Awas Bis Care,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,(A),38.,The book,Harry,Potter,_ Mary because JK.Rowling is her favorite writer.,Amust belong to Bcant belong to Cmay be,(B),39.,The telephone _ by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.,Ais invented Bwas invented Cwere invented,(C),40.,Tina doesnt like the restaurant because the music there makes her _,Asleeping Bslept CSleepy,(C),41.,When Bob is upset or tired,he prefers comedies that can _,Alook it up Bclean them up Ccheer him up,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,(B)42.The kids may not go to school in the future.They _ at home on computers.,Ahave studied Bwill study Cstudied,(C)43.“Excuse me,could you tell me _?“OK,Its on Main Street.,Awhere was the supermarket Bwhere is the supermarket Cwhere the supermarket is,(A)44.“Look!_ sunny day it is! How about going hiking?“Thats a good idea.,AWhat a BHow a CWhat,(C)45.In order to protect the environment,we shouldnt _ any trees.,Aturn down Bput down Ccut down,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,.情景交际(本大题共10分,每题1分),A从方框中找出以下各句的恰当应答。,(D),46.,Hello,Jenny speaking.,(F),47.,How often does Jeff go to the library?,(B),48.,Whats your telephone number?,(C),49.,What do you think of the cartoons?,(A),50.,What kind of music do you like?,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,B补全对话,根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子完成对话。,ADo you think its to long?BLarry cant join us after all.,CI think teenagers should go out.,DYoung people need to sleep.,ELarry doesnt seem to have many friends. FBut Larry shouldnt work every night.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,A:Hi,Molly.Wheres your brother Larry?I thought he was joining us.,B:Hi,Kathy.Im sorry.,51.,_,B,_He is working late tonight.,A:Oh,Larrys working late again?,B:Yeah,he is.,A:I seeI really dont think sixteen yearolds should be allowed to work at night.,52.,_,D,_,B:Oh,I disagree with you.Teenage boys never get tired.,A:Well, maybe.,53.,_,F,_,B:Thats true.He needs time to do homework.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,A:And you know,Mollyhe should really cut his hair.,B:Oh,I dont know.,54.,_,A,_,A:Yes,I do.It doesnt look clean.And I think he should stop wearing that silly earring.,B:HmmI disagree.I kind of like it.It looks cool!,A:You know another thing that worries me?,55.,_,E,_,B:Yeah,I know.I think he shouldnt work on weekends.,A:Thats right.He needs to spend time with friends.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,.完形填空(本大题共15分,每题1分),通读短文,理解大意,从各题所给的选项中选择可填入短文的最正确选项。,A,The American girl,Kate,placed a large box in a supermarket.She called on people to give away _56_ for poor kids!,She has a passion for helping people.This summer,she saw some kids on the street and had nothing _57_.In Kates mind,kids should grow up and study _58_So she decided to collect food for the children.She put boxes at the stores and her,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,home.So when people passed the store or her home,they could put some food in the _59_“Hunger Herois what she wrote on her poster that goes with the box.However,at the beginning,some stores refused the _60_ girl.But after Kate explained her reasons,they were glad to _61_ a helping hand.,“Hunger exists everywhere in the world,even around us.It could be our neighbors,classmates or _62_,said Kate.“I believe I can influence others to do it together with me,because thats how we can make a difference whether in a community or the whole world.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,(C),56.,A.time Bmoney Cfood,(C),57.,A.eating Beat Cto eat,(A),58.,A.happily Bluckily Cheavily,(B),59.,A.clean plate Bprepared box Cwooden desk,(A),60.,A.kind Bpoor Chungry,(B),61.,A.lend Boffer Cpay,(C),62.,A.doctors Bpolicemen Crelatives,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,B,More and more children are becoming overweight and nearsighted(近视的) _,63,_ they watch too much TV.Since watching TV doesnt _,64,_ any active thought,they are growing less creative.They are becoming lazy and weak.,Last week,the TVTurnoff Organization began its TVTurnoff _,65,_ in our city.The organization encouraged people to play games,read books under a tree,travel,climb mountains,and talk to family members and good friends _,66,_ watching TV.,Most school children _,67,_ 1,000 hours a,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,year watching TV,“Thats too much,said the doctors _68_ organized the TVTurnoff Week.,The doctors also said that the _69_ children watched TV,the more overweight they might become.Most children like eating something while they are watching TV.This makes the weight _70_ more serious.,To keep mentally and physically healthy,children need to take more exercise,talk with friends and family members often,read books or magazines with _71_,and explore the world around them.Could you go a week without TV?It might be _72_ for many TV lovers,but why not,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,have a try?It is good for your health to watch less TV.,(A),63.,A.because Buntil Cwhether,(C),64.,A.find Blose Cneed,(B),65.,A.Day BWeek CMonth,(C),66.,A.as well as Bbecause of,Cinstead of,(B),67.,A.cost Bspend Cuse,(C),68.,A.when Bwhose Cwho,(C),69.,A.later Bearlier Clonger,(B),70.,A.question Bproblem Cthing,(A),71.,A.pleasure Bsuccess Chelp,(C),72.,A.strange Bhappy Chard,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,.阅读理解(本大题共30分,每题2分),A阅读短文,根据其内容选择最正确选项完成句子。,A,Do you like French fries?Nowadays,many young people cant imagine life without French fries because they are convenient and delicious,which are more and more popular with the development of KFC and McDonalds in China.However,some people who think they are bad for health and never eat them.,We all know French fries,but do you know why there is a word“Frenchin “French fries?Are French fries invented by French?No.Actually they,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,are from Belgium,we should call them“Belgian friesBut how did the mistake happen?,First,lets learn the Belgian geographical location.Its northern neighbor is Holland and the southern neighbor is France.Maybe you dont pay any special attention to it on the world map,because its too small.During the World War ,American soldiers helped Belgium and France.Oneday a_few_soldiers_saw_someone_frying_potatoes and they tasted great.They thought themselves in France,so they named them French fries.After the,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,war,French fries were first spread to America,and then swept the world.,Recently,Belgium plans to have potato fries declared the world cultural heritage(遗产),which is attracting many visitors.“Before I came here,one of the only things I knew about Belgium was that they liked their fries.said Rachael Webb,a visitor from Ottawa,Canada,holding a box of potato fries.As far as I know,95 percents of Belgians go to a shop to buy potato fries at least once a year.OK,everybody,are you ready to begin the tour of “potato fries to Belgium?,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,(C)73._ like to eat French fries.,AOnly the young people BMany Chinese women CNot all people,(B)74.French fries were invented by _,AFrench BBelgians CAmericans,(A)75.The underlined sentence in the third paragraph “a few soldiers saw someone frying potatoes means _,Aseveral Americans saw Belgians making potatoes chips,Ba few French saw Belgians making potatoes chips,Csome French saw Americans frying potatoes,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,(C),76.,Before Rachael Webb came Belgium,she just knew _,ABelgians are friendly,BBelgium has many places of interest,CBelgians loved eating potato fries,(B),77.,According to the passage,we can know _,AFrance lies on the north of Belgium,B95 percent of Belgians buy French fries at least once a year,CBelgium has had potato fries declared world cultural heritage,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,B,No dream is too big,no dream is too small.Madison Glinski,a tenyearold girl,proved it.Madison planned to raise just 500,but since she began in Easter,shes raised more than 32,000 for the Childrens Hospice South West in just eight months simply by playing her violin to passersby in the street.,Her mother Teresa was very proud of her and supported her decision.She said,“Madison has a kind heart.She made a New Years resolution to help other children and decided to raise 500 for the Childrens Hospice.At first,I think it is,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,impossible but important for her to do such a meaningful thing,so I just say Yes,do it.,At the beginning,Madison just had her violin case open for donations(捐款)But as she started putting up signs and said what she was doing it for,it is getting better and better.Sometimes people even left 20 notes.Then she started a JustGiving page and people can watch all what she is doing by Internet.Some people give money through that.,However,its not the first time Madison has reached her hand to help others.Madisons family usually travels during Christmas,but one day,,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,Madison asked her parents if they could go to Africa to help children there.Madison tried to collect unwanted things from friends and use her own pocket money to buy 700 worth of toys,shoes,clothes and so on.At last,she took them to Africa.As soon as the family returned,Madison started to plan for the next trip.,I cant help imagining why a little girl can do that.As for us,I think we should not only consider ourselves but also think of others.If we can leave a bit of time and money for those who are in trouble,their life will become happier and more relaxing.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,(B),78.,In fact,Madison Glinski raised at least _,A500 B32,000 C37,000,(A),79.,Teresa thinks raise money for the Childrens Hospice is _,Aimpossible but important Beasy and meaningful Cprobable and important,(C),80.,From the passage,we know Madison can raise money by _,Aopening her guitar case Bsending an email CJustGiving page,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,(B),81.,Madison went to Africa to _,Aspend Christmas with her family,Bhelp children there,Cbuy toys,shoes and clothes,(B),82.,The passage mainly tells us _,AMadison is good at playing the violin,Bwe should try our best to help other people in any way,Cyou can start an Internet page to show your life,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,B句子复原,阅读短文,听短文及问题根据短文内容,从所给选项中选择恰当的句子填入短文,使其文理通顺。,What do you think of a festival is?The Spring Festival?The MidAutumn Festival?83._B_But for most young people,they enjoy the western festivals more,such as Thanksgiving,Christmas Eve and Christmas,which makes them more fashionable.However,do you know the cultural background of the western festivals?,Thanksgiving Day is a holiday in North America and it began in 1621.A group of British people took the “Mayflowerto America.84._E_ The following spring,Indians found them,and taught,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,them how to grow corn,fish,and feed turkey.,The fall of that year,the people got enough food,and they didnt have to worry about their livelihood.At the end of November,they invited the Indians to share food such as corn,pumpkin and turkey and thanked them for help.,85.,_,A,_ since then,Thanksgiving became a holiday in the United States.It is the fourth Thursday in November and from that day on,it will be on vacation for two days every year.,In fact,as mentioned above,many western festivals just remind you to remember the love for,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,your family,thankfulness to others help.86._F_ According to the December 26,2021 news,reports of Guiyang,after Christmas Eve celebrations,a total of more than 420 tons of garbage was left.Can you believe it?,I feel sad to hear that.Id like to say I like most of the western festivals,I think,the western festivals can not only help me understand some foreign cultures but also relax myself.Meanwhile,I also think we should pay more attention to our own traditional festivals.87._C_And the most important thing,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,is that we should know the festivals for not only the names,but also the meanings of the spirit.,AThe celebrations lasted for three days.,BYes,because we can have a holiday these days.,CWe should protect the environment and become a civilized person.,DWe should spend more time on these festivals.,EBecause of hunger and illness,after the winter,only 50 people are alive.,FBut in Guiyang it has become a big problem.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,第二卷(非选择题,共50分),.根底知识运用(本大题共10分,每题1分),A根据语境或句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。,88Compared with the past,there are _fewer_ kinds of fish living in the sea now.(few),89Toms sister hopes to be an excellent _singer_ like Na Ying.(sing),90Although Tom _failed_(fail) physics last term,he wouldnt give up until he succeeded in the end.,91If we have much trouble _communicating_ with classmates,it will certainly influence our study.(communicate),2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,92,It is _,unbelievable,_ that the poor old man living next door has supported many poor students to go to college.(believe),2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,B,根据语境或句意,选择一个恰当的词组完成句子。,93Mr.Liu is going to _pick_up_ his wife and oneyearold son as soon as they get to Guiyang railway station.,94“Whats that on the table,Annie?“Sorry,I spilled _a_bit_of_ milk by mistake.,95Messy said,“Everyone wants to win.But _as_for_ me,the most important thing is to enjoy the matches.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,96,Many young people like to listen to _,country,_,music,_ because they think it sounds good.,97,Its so brave for the 81yearold Chinese lady to _,take,_,part,_,in,_ a parachute jump(跳伞) in Australia.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,.任务型阅读(本大题共20分,每题2分),A阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文完成表格内容。,Hip hop,or rap music as its also called, started on the streets and in the clubs of New York City in the 1970s,but today many countries have their own kind of hip hop music,This kind of music has its roots in reggae,disco and funk music. Rapping,which means speaking to the rhythm of the music,is an important part of this music. Young people rap to express how they feel about their lives and problems.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,Would you like to rap in class?Well,actually hip hop music is being played in more than 10,000 schools in the USA.Why? There is a new school programme called “Flocabulary where teachers use text books and hip hop CDs to help teach a variety of school subjects.The lyrics of the songs include information on a subject students are studying,which makes learning easy and fun.Students and teachers are amazed at the positive effects it has had on exam marks.This is one teacher said:“Ive used hip hop songs in class,and Ive never seen students have such interests in history! Its unbelievable how,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,students remember what I teach,it even encourages us to waste our own songs.,Blake Harrison,a high school student,first thought of the idea of Flocabulary.The word“Flocabulary comes from the words “flow and “vocabulary“Flow is a rap word for “style or the way a rapper says the words of a song.How did he get the idea?Well he realized he could remember the lyrics of a hip hop song very easily.So,why not make lessons into songs? Today together with Alex Rappaport,a composer,Blake produces hip hop songs for math,science and,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,literature,which are now being used in schools with great success.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,Paragraph,One,Hip hop music started in New York City in the 1970s.It comes from,98.,three,_,kinds,_,of,_,music,reggae,,,disco and funk music.,Paragraph,Two,Rapping in schools is,99.,popular,in the USA because of the programme named “Flocabulary”. The songs include information on a subject students are studying,,which makes,100.,learning,_,easy,_,and,_,fun,Paragraph,Three,A high school student named,101.,Blake,_,Harrison,first had the idea of Flocabulary.Now he produces hip hop songs for many subjects in order to,102.,help,_,more,_,students,_,learn,_,easily,.,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,B.阅读短文,根据短文内容完成文后的句子。,Charles Darwin was a scientist who changed our understanding of the natural world. He is known as the Father of Modern Biology.Darwin spent all his life studying nature and making notes about all the species(物种) he found.,Darwin was born in 1809 in England. Like many geniuses he didnt do well at school and got poor marks. He was a good athlete though and loved exploring nature and collecting sea shells. He also kept doing chemistry experiments and so his classmates gave him the nickname “Gas,His father was a doctor and expected Charles,2021年中考英语命题研究贵阳专版,to become one too. Charles started studying medicine at Edinburgh University,but soon gave up his studies there.He went on to study religio


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