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生态系统的结构,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,小飞守角制作,-By Hunters,We hunt the best!,Analysis of Ningbo,socioeconomic status,1,2,Physiographic Factor and Infrastructure,A Survey of Ningbo,小飞守角制作,Ningbo,is located at the middle part of Chinas coastline and south flank of the Yangtze River Delta, bordering on Shanghai and,Hangzhou,.,socioeconomic status,Physiographic Factor and Infrastructure,Physiographic Factor,Infrastructure,Coastal,Advantage,Port,Conditions,transportation,Electricity,The efficiency of,Maersk,world port won the first place for three years.,more than 35,kv,(kilovolt ) Substations are 181,Land, sea and air transportation,The Condition of Import and Export of,Ningbo,Internation-alized,Port,Export-oriented economy,Economic operation system,Opening up,Harbor Develop-,ment,小飞守角制作,The Internationalized Port,A key international deep-water transshipment hub and a large ocean container transshipment,小飞守角制作,The export-oriented economy,Total Value of Imports and Exports,小飞守角制作,The marketable economic operation system,Opening up to the Outside World,By the year 2005,the import and export volume through the,Ningbo,port came up to $30 billion USD,.,小飞守角制作,Harbor Development,The,Ningbo,harbor will be built into a hub port of international marine transportation by means of its deepwater condition and advantageous geographical position.,Preferential Policies of Import & Export in,Ningbo,宁波进出口优惠政策,小飞守角制作,I.,Exemption for Import,进口免税,Exemption for machines, facilities, molds and spare parts for production and reparation,Exemption for machines, facilities, goods and materials for infrastructural constructions; office supplies for in-house use equipments,Exemption policy on tariffs and importation Value Added Tax (VAT,增值税,),II.,Bonded System of Feed-in,进料保税,Raw materials, spare parts, component, packing and consumable materials for export,小飞守角制作,III.,Exemption for Import in the Zones,入区免税,IV.,Exemption for Export,出口免税,Exemption for products of re-exported and processing.,Exemption for products imported and exported in export processing zone,Exemption for importing or exporting products, raw materials and machinery equipment among processing zones.,V.,Exchange Management,外汇管理,Free procedure of export foreign exchange receipt verification for products in the zone exporting abroad.,Free procedure of import foreign exchange payment verification for paying abroad.,VI.,Quotas and Licenses,配额及许可证,FIO (Free in & out) for products among processing zones and oversea area without quotas and licenses.,VII.,Income Tax,所得税,Manufacturing enterprises with foreign investment are levied for Income Tax at15%. Those enterprises who have an operating period of more than ten years will enjoy benefits from the profit-making year.,VIII.,Value-added Tax,增值税,Exemption of VAT for exported productions by manufacturing enterprises in zone.,小飞守角制作,Analysis of the competitive advantage,Foreign Investment,Characteristics,Factors,Measures,小飞守角制作,Present Condition of Foreign Investment,Analysis on international trade external environment,International financial crisis,RMB appreciation,Export rebate,小飞守角制作,International Financial Crisis,Increased 200 companies compare to 2008,Technical innovation played an important role,accelerates industrial structure transition,小飞守角制作,RMB appreciation,小飞守角制作,RMB appreciation,Strengthen negotiation skills,Asking for payment in advance,Adopting RMB settlement,小飞守角制作,Export Rebate,1130:571 tax rebate reduction,191:83 tax refund raising,commodities,Less profit,Optimize industrial structure,Accelerate the speed of,domestic companies going abroad,Encourage high-tech industry,Constitution of the import and expert commodities,The amount and proportion of the top 20 kinds of import commodities in 2006 (ten thousand dollars),小飞守角制作,2005,年,2010,年宁波市出口商品结构表(按,SITC,分类),年份,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,总值,100,100,100,100,100,100,一、初级产品,4.76,3.94,2.85,3.04,3.0,3.0,二、工业制品,95.24,96.06,97.15,96.96,97.0,97.0,小飞守角制作,2005 to 2008: primary commodities are prior,manufactured goods are predominant,2008 : primary commodities slowly developed,manufactured goods develop steadily,2005,年,2010,年宁波市出口商品结构双高产品比例表,小飞守角制作,年份,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,总值,100,100,100,100,100,100,机电产品,53.41,54.14,57.58,58.32,54.7,56.5,高新技术产品,15.31,15.37,16.42,13.59,11.4,10.7,小飞守角制作,20052008: the mechanical and electrical products,kept rising,the high-tech products proportion was,not steady,2008 : the mechanical and electrical products,kept rising,the proportion of high-tech products,keeps reducing,Ningbo,VS,Yantai,小飞守角制作,Items of comparison,1.Geographical advantages,2.Transport,3.Import & export,4.Preferential policies for foreign investment,1.Geographical advantages,Ningbo,Shandong,2.Transport,port-depended shipping, land transportation, shipping, aviation,Beilun,port,北仑港,Ningbo,one of the main pivotal ports of China , holds,a key position in the nations comprehensive,transport network,2. a long history. It was opened for as early as,in 1861.,Yantai,Port,4.Import & export,Ningbo,Yantai,Preferential policies for foreign investment,1),preferential reduced income tax rates of 24% or 15%,2) extend tax-free or reduced-tax period after the above-mentioned expires.,3) drawback tax on reinvestment, income tax reduction or exemption on transfer,4) land price and associated facilities are to be offered,Ningbo,Preferential policies for foreign investment,Preferential policies for the Export Processing Zone -,Water supply,Power supply,Heating,Natural gas,Yantai,小飞守角制作,Thank you!,


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