7A Unit3 复习课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to the unit,一,.,单词,1.,庆祝,2.,有趣的,3.,给,穿衣服,4,圣诞节,5,月饼,celebrate,interesting,dress,Christmas,mooncake,给某人穿衣服:,dress sb.,The woman_ the baby everyday. Today the,baby_a,red coat.,dresses,wears,celebrating,二词组,1,新年,2,中秋节,3,打扮成,4,孙悟空,5,端午节,6,感恩节,7,喜欢做某事,Chinese New Year,dress up as ,Monkey King,Dragon Boat,Festival,Thanksgiving Day,like to do,like doing,Mid,-,Autumn Festival,三句型,1,为什么你那么喜欢中秋节?,Why do you like Mid-Autumn Festival so much?,2,因为我喜欢吃月饼。,Because I like to eat,mooncakes,.,3,你最喜欢哪个节日?,Which is your,favourite,festival?,Which festival do you like best?,4,你正在干什么?,What are you doing?,5,让我们庆祝这个特殊的日子吧。,Lets celebrate the special day.,6,我喜欢装扮成美猴王。,I like dressing up as Monkey King.,7,你为什么这么喜欢感恩节,Why do you like Thanksgiving Day so much?,8,英语很有趣,English is very interesting.,四课文,P38 Comic Strip,P39 welcome to the unit,Reading,一单词,1,十月,2,特别的,3,敲,击打,4,喊叫,5,糖果,6,如果,7,给。涂色,8,脸,October,special,knock,shout,if,paint,wonderful,own,cut,candy,face,9,出色的;极好的,10,自己的,11,剪;切,12,牙齿,13,巧克力,14,热的,15,饮料,16,食物,tooth,chocolate,hot,drink,food,teeth,二词组,1,告诉某人关于某事,2,在美国,3,举办一个特殊的聚会,4,一个叫做。的游戏,5,在万圣节前夜,6,剪下,7,很多爱,8,在十月三十一日,9,敲门,10,招待他们,tell sb. about,sth,.,In the USA,have a special party,a game called,at Halloween,cut out,lots of love,on October 31st,knock on/ at the door,treat them/ give them a treat,11,给他们一些糖果作为招待,12,穿着带有面具的特殊服装,13,把他们的脸涂成红色,14,穿一件老虎戏服,15,为万圣节准备我们自己的南瓜灯,16,在十月三十一日的晚上,17,喝热饮,18,吃月饼,give them some candy as a treat/,give them a treat of candy,wear special costumes with masks,paint their faces red,wear a tiger costume,make our own pumpkin lanterns for Halloween,on the evening of October 31st,drink/ have hot drinks,eat,mooncakes,三句子,1,谢谢你告诉我关于中秋节的情况。,2,我们为万圣节做些什么?,3,如果他们不招待我们,我们就捉弄他们。,Thank you for telling me about Mid-Autumn Festival.,What do we do for Halloween?,If they do not give us a treat, we will play a trick on them.,四课文,P40-41,1. When is Halloween?,2. Trick or treat( what, game, called, knock, shout, giveas a treat, do not give, trick ),3. Dressing up (always ,dress up, wear costumes, masks, sometimes, paint, do not know, wonderful, tiger costume),4. Pumpkin lanterns( make, own, cut out),5.Halloween parties (family, party, starts, eat chocolates and candies, have hot drinks, eat,food,do,not),Vocabulary,1.,元旦,2.,劳动节,3.,儿童节,4.,教师节,5.,国庆节,6.,圣诞节,7.,感恩节,8.,中秋节,New Years Day,May Day,Childrens Day,Teachers Day,National Day,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,On,on,on,on,on,at,on,Mid-Autumn Festival,at,1.,电影,2.,假期,3.,寒冷的,4.,春天,5.,夏天,6.,秋天,7.,冬天,8.,一月,9.,二月,10.,三月,Grammar,film,holiday,cold,spring,summer,winter,January,February,March,autumn,11.,四月,12.,五月,13.,六月,14.,七月,15.,八月,16.,九月,17.,十月,18.,十一月,19.,十二月,April,May,June,July,August,October,September,November,December,20.,周日,21.,周六,22.,会议,23.,完成,24.,因此,25.,火车,26.,厨房,27.,通过,28.,必须,29.,钱,S,unday,S,aturday,meeting,finish,so,train,kitchen,by,must,money,finish,sth,./ doing,sth,.,by doing,sth,.,He must_ a good student.,much/ a lot of/ lots of money,be,1.,在,1990,年,2.,在,7,月,15,日,3.,放一个长假,4.,看医生,5.,模型火车,6.,在冬季,7.,在周一,8.,在,12,月,9.,得到红包,10.,在早饭时,11.,买一些圣诞礼物,12.,去凯特家,in,1990,on,July 15th,have a long holiday,see the doctor,in winter,on Monday,model plane,in December,get red packets,at breakfast,buy some Christmas presents,go to Kittys home,1.,中秋节就要到了。,2.,他就要来了。,3.,给别人礼物,4.,得到一些红包,5.,步行去学校,6.,步行回家,Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.,He is coming.,give others presents/ give presents to others,get some red packets,walk to school/ go to school on foot,walk home/ go home on foot,课文,P46 Part A2,here; usually/ Reading Club/ Tuesday and Friday; meeting/ 4-5; volleyball/ Wed; Thursday/ Kitty;,Maths,; Amy/ Nov. 2nd; party; Eddie/ birthday/ Sat.; walk,一。时间的介词,at/ on/ in,at,:,1.,钟点,2.,部分节日,3.,年龄,I get up,at,six.,People give presents,at,Christmas.,I go to school,at,six.,On,: 1.,周几或部分节日,2.,具体日期,3.,具体某一天的上午下午晚上,Halloween is,on,the evening of the Oct.31.,His birthday is,on,January 1st.,I go to the library,on,Sunday.,in: 1.,一天的某个部分:,2.,月份,3.,季节,4.,年份,The party is in the evening.,It is hot in Summer.,Christmas is in December.,He was born in 1998.,1.My family always have a party _ the evening of October 31st.,2. The World Cup usually begins_ July.,3. The man will come back from America_ twenty-five.,4. The next World Cup will be on_ 2014.,5. We should try not to talk_ dinner.,6. People like going on a trip_ spring.,7. The boy is very happy_ his birthday.,8. We get up_ six_ the morning.,9. We will go to watch a basketball match_ January 30th.,on,in,on,in,in,in,at,at,at,at,10. I dont get up early_ every Sunday.,11. When do you get up_ the morning?,12. I will go to Beijing_ tomorrow morning so I will go to bed early_ this evening.,13. We will have a party_ the evening.,14. We dont go to school_ Sunday.,15. Shall we meet_ one o clock?,16. We met_ the evening of January 5th.,17. Her son was born_ 1989.,18. He was born_ Beijing.,in,in,in,in,on,on,at,/,/,/,二疑问词,1. what,2. which,3. who,4. whose,5. when,6. where,7. why,8. how,活动或东西,范围有限的人或物,人,物主,时间,地点,原因,状态;工具;程度,1.-_ are you? - I am fine, thank you.,2.-_will you go for a trip?,- To Beijing.,3.-_ is your uncle? - He is a doctor.,4.-_ does your father go shopping?,-By bike.,5.-_ is your classmate Tom?,- The one in blue.,6.-_ do you think of the football match?,- Very interesting.,7.-_ is your mother? - She is 38.,8.-_ is this pencil box? -It is mine.,How,Where,What,How,Which,How,How old,Whose,用,some/any,填空,1. Do you have _ new news about the film star?,2. Would you like_ cakes?,3. There are_ tall buildings in our town.,4. Can you give me_ help with my English?,5. There isnt_ juice in the glass.,6. There are,not_students,in the classroom now.,7. Every day, my mother does_ shopping.,some,some,some,any,any,any,some,Integrated skills,1.,狮子,2.,日期,3.,地点,4.,次数,5.,兴奋的,6.,传统的,7.,午夜,8.,烟花,lion,date,place,time,excited/ exciting,traditional,midnight,firework,lions,watch/ see the lion dance,What date is it today?/ whats the date today?,once,twice,three times,tradition,at,midnight,play/ light fireworks,词组,1.,舞狮子,2.,从,到,3.,在晚上,4.,非常,5.,在度假,6.,这是某人第一次做,7.,从下午,7,点到午夜,lion dance,from to,at night/ in the evening,so much/ very much,be on holiday,It is my/his/ her/ our first time to do,sth,.,It is his first time to watch the lion dance.,from 7 p.m. to midnight,between 7 p.m. and midnight,句子,1.,一年中你最喜欢哪一天?,2.,你生日是什么时候?,3.,谁给你礼物?,4.,为什么你这么喜欢你的生日那天。,5.,这是我第一次看舞狮子。,Which is your,favourite,day in the year?,When is your birthday?,Who,gives,you presents?,Why do you like your birthday so much?,It is my first time to see the lion dance.,课文,P51 Part A3,be on holiday/ New York; see; interesting; lion dance; first ; excited; eat; at night/ fireworks; what/ Beijing,P51 Part B,Which; When; Why; Who,Main task,1.,西方,2.,蜡烛,3.,方法;方式,4.,邻居,5.,亮光,6.,照射,7.,穿过,west,in the west,people,candle,way,in,this way,neighbour,light,shine,shining,through,across,内部,表面,go through the forest,go across the street,词组,1.,用很多方法,2.,给一些糖果作为招待,3.,用,制作,4.,在西方,in many ways,give some candy as a treat,give a treat of some candy,make out of,make from,make a lantern out of a pumpkin,= make a lantern from a pumpkin,in the west,句子,1.,很多孩子玩一个叫做“不招待就使坏”的游戏。,2.,他们把蜡烛放进灯笼这样光线就能通过眼睛,鼻子和牙齿照射出来。,Many children play a game called trick or treat.,They put candles in the lantern so the light can shine through the eyes, the nose and the teeth.,


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