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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,精品课件,Unit 6 When was it invented?,Writing,写作,题目:,Computer age,Learning aim,Talk about the usage of computers and your ideas on them.,Have you seen these inventions?,When talk about,the most important invention,of the world, what comes to your mind first?,Telephones _in 1876.,They_ call people.,(,用途,),were invented,are used to,Our life has become_,(convenient) since cars were invented. _,cars cause a lot of air pollution for us.,more and more convenient,However,advantages,disadvantages,computers,Our life _ (,已经大大改变),_,(因为),the inventions of computers.,We can_ (,上网),on computers. We can_(,购物,)on the Internet and so on.,But if we spend _(,太多时间),on computers, it will be bad for our study.,go shopping,because of,too much time,has greatly changed,get on the Internet,电脑问世以来,大大改变了人们的生活。请围绕下面的提示,写一篇,80,词左右的英语短文谈谈电脑对我们生活的影响。倡议同学们恰当使用电脑。,提示:,发明时间:,1976,年,最有用的发明之一 ,如玩游戏、写文章、听音乐,利用电脑上网,购物,聊天,长时间使用电脑对视力及学习有害,参考词汇:,get on the Internet,上网,,eyesight,视力,in the right way,恰当的方式,writing task,Writing Steps,审,-,列,-,加,-,连,-,美,think,list,add,connect,beautify,Think,(审题),体裁:,_,人称,:_,时态,: _,List,(用简单句列出文章的要点),The usage of computers,Advantages,Disadvantages,说明文,第三、一人称,一般现在时,Add,(加开头,结尾使文章完整),Connect(,使用关联词,从句,过渡词),Beautify(,使用好词好句美化文章),Add,介绍产品用途,Computers are used in/for,Computers can helpdo,点明主题,Computers are one of the most useful inventions in the world.,结尾,I think,连词,:as (everyone knows), before, after, when, if, because,过渡词:,however, besides, also, whats more,表示列举的词:,for example, such as,总结性的短语,句子:,in my opinion, in a word , in short, in general, I think,审,-,列,-,加,-,连,-,美,The most useful invention,computer,In the past few years, more and more inventions have come into our life. I think computers are one of the most useful inventions.,We live in the “computer age”. Computers are used in many fields. They are very important because they can work faster and make nearly no mistakes. Computers can help people do a lot of work. Writers use them to write. Teachers use them to help teaching. They are also used for studying by students. Whats more, we can use a computer to search for information.,Computers are very useful and helpful in our life. They have changed our life and improved the quality of peoples life. They are our friends. I think everyone wants to have one.,Sample 1,time to wrtie,开声朗读自己的文章,并,从结构、人称、时态、字数、拼写、大小写、标点符号等方面进行自我修正。,Task 1,自我欣赏与修正,同伴互赏,欣赏角度,:,写作基本要求,:,人称,时态;,2.,要点齐全;,3.,结构,:,开头,正文,结尾;,4.,好词好句。,Task 2,欣赏与修正,请,交换习作,欣赏,用,红笔划出,对方的,亮点,词、句,并运用,改错符号,找出不足,进行适当,修改,。,评分,以满分,15,分,为标准,给同伴的习作打分。,点评,由亮点欣赏到不足的修正(篇章结构 分析,-,细 节点评,),集体赏析,共同进步,Task 3,Computers have greatly changed our life since they were invented in 1976.They are one of the most useful inventions in the world. They are used to do many things, such as playing computer games, writing articles and listening to music. Besides, we can use them to get on the Internet. Then we can do shopping and chat with friends online.,Sample 2,However, computers also have disadvantages. If we spend too much time on computers, it is bad for our eyes. Whats more, spending too much time getting on the Internet will affect our study. In my opinion, we should use the computers in the right way.,Homework,Rewrite your article and hand it in.,本单元我们主要学习了被动语态,学会利用被动语态谈论发明的历史、描述物体的用途。此类文体属于说明文,说明文常用一般现在时。写此类文章应明确说明的先后顺序,描述产品的特点和用途,最后结合发明给人们生活带来的便利谈谈自己的感受。,习作指导,习作资料,单词,invention useful use important helpful change improve quality,短语,in the past few years, more and more, make no mistakes, be use for, help,sb,do,sth,句子,I think computer is one of,Computers are used for/in,Computer can help,. do,. They have changed our life and improved,常用句型:,1. I think,is a very useful invention.,我认为,是一项很有用的发明。,2.,was invented by,是由,(,某人,),发明的,3.,was invented in,是在,(,某时间,),发明的,4. It was used for,它被用来,5.,is made of,是由,(,材料,),制成的,


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