五年级下册英语课件-Unit3 My school calandar第一课时 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共21张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Unit3 My school calandar第一课时 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共21张PPT)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件-Unit3 My school calandar第一课时 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共21张PPT)_第2页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 3 My school,calandar,第一课时,Part A,Lets try Lets talk,教学目标,1.学生能够听、说、认读单词和词组few, a few, thing, meet, sports meet, trip。,2.学生能够听、说、读、写句型:When is the party? Its in April.,3.学生能够完成“Lets,try”部分的任务,。,教学重难点,1.能够听、说、认读单词和词组few, a few, thing, meet, sports meet, trip。,2.能够听、说、读、写句型When is .? Its in .,Warm-up,Lets play a game :,Catch the helicopter,My school calendar,English party,February,April,May,June,school trip,January,Tree Planting Day,sports meet,March,singing contest,football contest,Who will go to the sports meet last week? Listen and tick.,Mike: Whats that, Zhang Peng?,Zhang Peng: Its an invitation for my mum and dad.,Mike: What for?,Zhang Peng: For the sports meet next week. I will run.,Mike: I see. Good luck!,Zhang Peng: Thank you!,M,ar,ch,三月,A,pril,四月,M,ay,五月,March, March, March is in,_,.,April, April, April is in,_,.,May, May, May is in,_,.,March, April, May,they are all in_,.,spring,spring,spring,spring,They are all in spring,.,spring,fly kites,go on a picnic,go for a walk,plant trees,watch flowers,What,do you often do in,spring,?,We have,a few,fun,things,in spring .,some,在 春天我们有一些快乐(有趣)的事情.,a few,= some,一些,things,事情,We have a few,fun things,in spring.,We have a few,fun things,in,_,.,We have a few,fun things,in,_,.,We have a few,fun things,in,_,.,March, April, May,they are all in_,.,March,April,May,spring,When,is the_?,Its in .,Group work:,sports meet,Next week, they will have a sports meet.,Who will go to the sports meet next week?,Task1: Read and underline the activity,sports meet,English party,school trip,读一读,并且划出活动,Task2: Listen and answer,1.Mike and Zhang,Peng,have a few fun things in spring. What are they?,Sports meet, English party and school trip.,2.When is English Party?,3.When is the school trip?,Its in April.,Its in May.,Task3: Fill in the blanks,Mike:,We have _ fun things in spring.,After the _, we have an,English party.,Zhang:,_ is the party?,Mike:,Its _ April. We have a,_ ,too.,Zhang :,_ is that?,Mike:,Its in _.,Zhang:,Cool!,a few,sports meet,When,in,school trip,When,May,Task4: Pair work,Goup,work,在,不同的季节,还有什么节日和有趣的事可以做呢?根据主情景图,三人一个小组编一个新对话吧!,We have a few fun things in _.,We have _ and _.,When is _?,Its in _.,What do you usually do in_?,When is that?,Its in _.,供选择的句子:,1.,英汉连线,并读一读。,1,),in March a.,运动会,2,),school trip b.,唱歌比赛,3,),Sports meet c.,在三月,4,),English party d.,英语,晚会,5,),singing contest e.,学校郊游,2.,选一选,读一读。,( )1. _ is Tree Planting Day? Its in March.,A. What B. When,( )2.Winter vacation is _ February.,A. in B. on,(,)3.We have a few fun things _ spring.,A. in B. on,( )4. When is May Day? Its in _.,A. June B. May,。,达标检测,A,B,B,A,Homework,1.抄写本课时重点句型。,2,.听录音,跟读“Lets talk”部分的对话。,Thank you for watching,


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