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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,交通工具,vehicle,bus car train ship van bicycle,an,aeroplane,Fruit,水果,apple orange banana pear pineapple lemon,peach (peaches) plum,Food,食物,cake pie bread hamburger sweet,Drinks,饮料,coffee water milk,一、核心词汇: 听说读写,Adjectives,形容词,hard-soft rough-smooth hotcold coolwarm,big-small tallshort longshort fat-thin,sweet-bitter sour salty clever strong,lovely super funny,Animals,动物,tiger monkey lion panda zebra giraffe,bull elephant bear whale chick fox (foxes),Toys,玩具,toy train doll skateboard robot ball kite,Clothes,衣服,hat jacket shirt,T-shirt blouse dress (dress,es,) coat sweater scarf,(,scarves),a pair of,(trousers, shorts, gloves, shoes, socks),M1M2,其它四会单词:,chair glass (glasses) bag shop salt white,clock rock wall classroom,Verb,动词,look see listen hear touch feel smell,taste ride stick draw cut,colour,walk,形容词类:,big,(大的),- small,(小的),large,(大的),- little,(小的),bad,(坏的),-good,(好的),black,(黑的),- white,(白的),beautiful,(美的),- ugly,(丑的),cold,(冷的),- hot,(热的),cool,(凉爽的),- warm,(温暖的),dry,(干燥的),-wet,(潮湿的),clean,(干净的),-dirty(,脏的,) happy,(高兴的),- sad,(悲伤的),young(,年轻的,)-old,(年老的),new,(新的),-old,(旧的),short,(矮的),-tall,(高的),short,(短的),-long,(长的),thin,(瘦的),- fat,(肥的),sweet(,甜的,)-sour(,酸的,),hard(,硬的,)-soft(,软的,) smooth(,光滑的,)-rough(,粗糙的,),动词类:,come,(来),- go,(去),open,(开),- close,(关),stand,(站),- sit,(坐),名词类:,day,(白天),- night,(夜晚),介词类:,inside,(里面),- outside,(外面),on(,上面,)-under(,下面,),up,(向上),- down,(向下),here (,这里,)-there (,那里,),二、反义词: 听说读写,能快速反应,三、,单复数:背诵规则和下面的例子,名词、而且是可数名词才有单复数(不可数名词使用“,/”,表示没有复数),单数变为复数:,1.,一般情况,+s,2.,以,s. x.,ch,.,sh,还有,o,(有生命的,除了,hippo,)结尾的,+,es,bus-buses boxboxes dress-dresses,foxfoxes peach-peaches,3.,以,y,结尾的,,y,前是辅音字母的,去掉,y,加上,ies,librarylibraries,butterfly- butterflies,baby-babies,以,y,结尾的,,y,前是元音字母的,直接加,s,toytoys boy boys monkey- monkeys,4.,以,f/fe,结尾的,去掉,f/fe,加上,ves,leaf - leaves scarfscarves,5.,不规则变化,如,,child-children, mouse-mice, tooth-teeth,6.,单复数同形:,sheep, deer, people,What can you hear?,What can you see?,What,colour,can you see?,Touch the pineapple. How,does,it feel?,Touch the glasses. How,do,they feel?,Smell the lemons. How do they smell?,Taste the lemon. How does it taste?,I can hear ,I can see ,I can see ( red, yellow ),It is hard and rough.,They are hard and smooth.,They are nice.,It is sour.,四、,M1,核心句型: 听说读写,快速应答,单数用,does,复数用,do,How does,the apple,feel / smell / taste?,= How is the apple?,Its ,How do,the apples,feel / smell / taste?,= How are the apples?,They are,五、,M1,易错点和练习:,一,.,用所给单词的适当形式填空,I can see some _ ( bus ) in the street.,2. What can you hear? I can hear _( a ),aeroplane,.,3. Touch the pineapple. How _( do ) it feel?,4. Smell the lemons. How _( do ) they smell?,5. I can _ ( touch ) with my hands.,6. Taste the _( peach). How do they taste?,buses,an,does,do,touch,peaches,二,.,改变句型,I can hear some,aeroplanes,in the sky. (,改单数句,),I can hear an,aeroplane,in the sky.,2. I can see,a green ship,. (,划线部分提问,),What can you see?,3. I can see,green,. (,划线部分提问,),What,colour,can you see?,4. The apples are,hard and smooth,. (,划线部分提问,),How do the apples feel? How are the apples?,5. This bag is,soft and rough,. (,划线部分提问,),How does this bag feel? How is this bag?,6. The coffee is,bitter,. (,划线部分提问,),How does the coffee taste? How is the coffee?,7. My banana is hard. (,改成否定句,意思不变),My banana isnt soft.,What do you like?,Do you like lions?,What are these?,Are these ?,What are those?,Are those?,I like ,s.,Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,They are ,Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,They are ,Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,六、,M2,核心句型: 听说读写,快速应答,(一),like,句型,like,表示喜欢时:,1.,like,后跟可数名词表示类别时,名词通常用复数形式,不用单数形式。,如:,Mary likes tigers.,2. like,后跟不可数名词时,名词通常用原形。如:,I like coffee.,3. like,后跟动词,要用,-,ing,形式。,I like swimming.,4. like,后跟动词,也可用,to do,形式。,I like to go to the park.,七、部分语法知识,一,.,用所给单词的适当形式填空,What toys do you like?,I like _ ( robot).,Do you like _ ( tiger )? No, I _ (do ).,I like,this,_ (skateboard). It is nice.,I like _(swim). I dont like _ (dance).,5. We dont like _ ( bread). We like _ (milk) .,6. Danny likes _ (bicycle), but he doesnt like,_ (doll) .,robots,tigers,dont,skateboard,swimming,dancing,bread,milk,bicycles,dolls,like,句型,:,1,肯定句:,(1) I / You/,复数,+,like,+,复数,/,不可数,例,:,My friends like strawberries.,(2) He/ She/,第三人称单数,+,likes,+,复数,/,不可数,例,:,Sue likes to eat meat.,2,否定句:,(1) I / You/,复数,+,dont like,+,复数,/,不可数,例,:,They dont like to play football.,(2) He/ She/,第三人称单数,+,doesnt like,+,复数,/,不可数,例,:,His dad doesnt like red.,3.,一般疑问句及肯定否定回答:,(1),Do,+ I / You/,复数,+,like,+,复数,/,不可数,?,Yes, _ do. / No, _ dont.,例,:,Do Sam and May like beef curry balls? Yes, they do. /No, they dont.,(2),Does,+ He/ She/,第三人称单数,+,like,+,复数,/,不可数,?,Yes, _ does. / No, _ doesnt.,例,:,Does Miss Li like potato chips? Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt.,like /,like,s,I,like,lemon sweets.,Beeno,like,s,chilli,fish.He,like,s,lemon tea.,Now you try.,Candy _ cookies. (like),likes,Grandma _ lemon tea. (,like,),like,s,Peter,_,chicken wings,. (like),I,_,apples,. (like),likes,like,My mum,_,bananas,. (like),Mr,Wang,_,Coca-cola,.,(like),likes,likes,Cherry and Tom,_,Fanta,. (like),The children,_,milk,. (like),like,like,like /,dont like,like,s,/,do,es,nt like,I,_,cakes,.,I _rice.,My friend,_,_,meat,.,She _ fish.,dont,like,like,doesnt,like,like,s,Lily _ fries. She _ peanuts.,Ben _hot dogs.,He _ milk.,doesnt,like,like,s,like,s,doesnt,like,Lily and Lucy _ orange juice.,They _ water.,Rabbits _ grass.,They _ bones.,like,dont,like,like,dont,like,do,like?,does,like?,What _ you _?,I _ ice cream.,What _,Beeno,_?,He _ noodles.,What _ she_?,She _ hot chocolate.,like,like,do,like,does,like,s,does,like,like,s,What _ the girl _?,She _ sweets.,What _ the boy,s,_?,They _ hamburgers.,What _ Sam and Max _?,They _,chilli,fish.,like,like,s,does,like,do,like,like,like,do,Do,like?,Yes, do./No,dont.,Does,like?,Yes, does./No,doesnt.,_,you,_,cookies,?,No,I,_.,Do,like,dont,_,you,_,jelly,?,Yes,I,_.,Do,like,d,o,_,they,_,dumplings,?,_ ,they,_.,Do,like,Yes,d,o,_,they,_,vegetables,?,_ ,they,_.,Do,like,N,o,d,o,nt,_ Dad _ peanuts?,No, he _.,Do,es,like,doesnt,_ Dad _ ice cream?,_ , he _.,Do,es,like,Yes,does,_,Mum,_,spaghetti,?,_ ,s,he _.,Do,es,like,No,doesnt,_,Mum,_,shusi,?,_ ,s,he _.,Do,es,like,Yes,does,have, has,句型,Have has,都表示“有”。,Has,是,have,的第三人称单数形式。除了第三人称以外,表示“有”的时候都是用,have,。同时也可以用,have got,,,has got,来表示,英国口语中习惯用这个。,I have We have You have They have,He hasShe has It has,例如:用,have,,,has,填空。,1. I _ a dog.,2. We _many balls.,3. My friends _ got a car.,4. My sister _ got,a doll.,5. The dog _ short legs.,have,have,have,has,has,this, that, these, those,的用法,一、距离说话人近的人或物用,this / these,距离说话人远的人或物用,that / those,。,如:,This is an apple tree. (,近处,),这是一棵苹果树。,That is an orange tree.(,远处,),那是一棵桔子树。,二、介绍放在一起的两样东西,先说,this / these,后说,that / those,。,This is a pen. That is a pencil.,这是一枝钢笔,那是一枝铅笔。,三、向别人介绍某人时说,“This is .”,不用,“That is .”,。,如:,This is Tom. Tom, this is Jack.,这是汤姆。汤姆,这是杰克。,四、,these,是,this,的复数形式,,those,是,that,的复数形式,,they,是,it/he/she,的复数。,this,,,that,和,is,连用,而,these,,,those,和,are,连用。,this is,,,these are,,,those are,不存在缩写形式,只有,that is,有缩写形式,即,thats,。如:,These are skateboards.,Those are robots.,Thats a giraffe. = That is a giraffe.,五、在回答,this,或,that,作主语的疑问句时,要用,it,代替,this,或,that,。,these,,,those,要用,they,替代如:,1. -Is this a book?,这是一本书吗?,-Yes, it is.,是的,这是本书。,2. -Whats that?,那是什么?,-Its a kite.,那是个风筝。,3. - Are these your friends?,- Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,4. -What are these?,-They are lions.,改变句子,I like the clever dogs. (,一般疑问句,肯定回答,),Do you like the clever dogs? Yes, I do.,2. Those are my new trousers. (,一般疑问句,否定回答,),Are those your new trousers? No, they arent.,3. These are,his blue shoes,. (,划线部分提问,),What are these?,4. I like,skateboards,. (,划线部分提问,),What do you like?,5. This doll is nice. (,改成复数句,),These dolls are nice.,6. We like those foxes. (,改成单数句,),I like that fox.,八、作文,一般要求,5,句话,且不少于三种句型。,注意:单复数要统一,不要一会是单数一会是复数,写好后自己读一读,改正拼写错误和语法错误的地方。,1. My,favourite,fruit,Apples are my,favourite,fruit.,They are big and red.,Touch the apples. They are hard and smooth.,Taste them. They are sweet and juicy.,We can buy apples at the fruit shop.,They are good for us.,1. My,favourite,animals,I like lions best.,Lions are big cats.,They are big and brown.,They have mane and long tails.,They like eating meat.,They can run fast.,Do you like them?,1. My,favourite,toy,I like my robot.,Look at my robot.,It is big and cool.,It has two big eyes and long legs.,It can walk and talk.,I play with it every day.,I like playing with my robot.,It makes me happy.,


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