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,2024/9/17,Slide,1,9/17/2024,A.P.Q.P,Advanced Product Quality Planning,产 品 质 量 先 期 策 划,Supplier Development/Quality,供应商开发/质量,2024/9/17,Slide,2,9/17/2024,A C T,P L A N,D O,S T U D Y,Continual,Improvement,Technology & Concept,Development,Product/Process Development,and Prototype Verification,Confirmation Product,and Validation Process,Feedback Assessment,and Corrective Action,Product and,Process,Validation,Plan and Define,Product Design,and Development,Process Design,and Development,Product Quality Planning Cycle,t,持续改进,持续改进,技术及概念开发,产品确认和过程确认,产品/过程开发,和样件验证,产 品 质 量 策 划 循 环,措施,计划,实施,研究,反馈评定和纠正措施,产品和过程,确认,计划和定义,产品设计和开发,过程设计和开发,2024/9/17,Slide,3,9/17/2024,Purpose of APQP,Produce a product quality plan which supports the development of products that meet customer requirements and achieve customer satisfaction.,制定产品质量计划来开发产品,满足顾客要求,达到顾客满意,Timely completion of critical activities,及 时 完 成 关 键 任 务,On time Production Part Approval,按 时 通 过 生 产 件 审 批,Ongoing conformance to specifications,持续地满足顾客的规范,Continual Improvement,持 续 改 进,APQP,的 目 的,2024/9/17,Slide,4,9/17/2024,Benefits of APQP,To direct resources to satisfy the customer,引导资源, 使顾客满意,To promote early identification of required,change,促进对所需更改的早期识别,To avoid late changes,避免晚期更改,To provide a quality product on time at the,lowest cost,以最低的成本及时提供优质产品,APQP,的 益 处,2024/9/17,Slide,5,9/17/2024,Define the Scope,Select a project team leader responsible for overseeing the planning process.,( rotate the leader during the planning cycle),选出项目小组负责人负责监督策划过程(有时, 在策划循环中小组负责人轮流担 任可能更为有利),Define the roles and responsibilities of each area.,确定每一代表方的作用和责任,Identify internal and external Customer.,确定顾客 - 内部和外部,Define customer requirements.,确定顾客的要求,Understand customer expectations.,理解顾客的期望,Assess the feasibility of the proposed design,performance requirements and manufacturing process,对所提出的设计, 性能要求和制造过程评定其可行性,Identify costs, timing, and constraints.,确定成本, 进度和应考虑的限制条件,Identify documentation process or method.,确定所采用的报告的程序或方法,确 定 范 围,2024/9/17,Slide,6,9/17/2024,Control Plans,Prototype - A description of the dimensional measurements and material and performance tests that will occur during Prototype build.,样件- 在制造过程中, 对尺寸测量和材料与性能试验的描述.,Pre-launch - A description of the dimensional measurements and material and performance tests that occur after Prototype and before full production.,试生产 - 在样件试制之后, 全面生产之前所进行的尺寸测量和材料与性能试验的描述.,Production-Comprehensive documentation of product characteristics, process controls,tests, measurement system that will occur during mass production.,生产 - 在大批量生产中, 将提供产品/过程特性, 过程控制, 试验和测量系统的综合文件.,控 制 计 划,2024/9/17,Slide,7,9/17/2024,Concept,Initiation/Approval,Program,Approval,PRODUCT DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT,VERIFICATION,PROCESS,DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT,VERIFICATION,Prototype,Pilot,Launch,PLANNING,PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEV.,PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,PRODUCT AND PROCESS VALIDATION,PLANNING,PRODUCTION,FEEDBACK ASSESSMENT AND CORRECTIVE ACTION,PLAN AND DEFINEPROGRAM,PRODUCT,AND PROCESS,VALIDATION,FEEDBACK,ASSESSMENT AND,CORRECTIVE ACTION,PRODUCT QUALITY PLANNING TIMING CHART,产 品 质 量 策 划 进 度 图 表,概念,提出/批准,项目批准,样件,试生产,投产,策划,生产,产品设计和开发,过程设计和开发,产品与过程确认,反馈, 评定和纠正措施,计划和确定项目,产品设计,和开发验证,过程设计,和开发验证,产品和,过程确认,反馈, 评定,和纠正措施,策划,2024/9/17,Slide,8,9/17/2024,Concept,Initiation/Approval,Program,Approval,PRODUCT DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT,VERIFICATION,PROCESS,DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT,VERIFICATION,Prototype,Pilot,Launch,PLANNING,PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEV.,PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,PRODUCT AND PROCESS VALIDATION,PLANNING,PRODUCTION,FEEDBACK ASSESSMENT AND CORRECTIVE ACTION,PLAN AND DEFINEPROGRAM,PRODUCT,AND PROCESS,VALIDATION,FEEDBACK,ASSESSMENT AND,CORRECTIVE ACTION,PRODUCT QUALITY PLANNING TIMING CHART,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,2024/9/17,Slide,8,9/17/2024,产 品 质 量 策 划 进 度 图 表,概念,提出/批准,项目批准,样件,试生产,投产,策划,生产,产品设计和开发,过程设计和开发,产品与过程确认,反馈, 评定和纠正措施,计划和确定项目,产品设计,和开发验证,过程设计,和开发验证,产品和,过程确认,反馈, 评定,和纠正措施,策划,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,2024/9/17,Slide,9,9/17/2024,INPUTS,OUTPUTS,Voice of the Customer,顾客的呼声,-,Market Research,市场调研,-,Historical Warranty and,Quality Information,保修记录和质量信息,-,Team Experience,小组经验,Business Plan/Market Strategy,业务计划/营销策略,Product/Process Benchmark Data,产品/过程指标,Product/Process Assumptions,产品/过程设想,Product Reliability,产品可靠性研究,Customer Inputs,顾客输入,Design Goals,设计目标,Reliability and Quality Goals,可靠性和质量目标,Preliminary BOM,初始材料清单,Preliminary Process Flow Chart,初始过程流程图,Preliminary Listing of Special Product and Process Characteristics,特殊产品和过程特性的初始清单,Product Assurance Plan,产品保证计划,Management Support,管理者支持,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,输入,输 出,2024/9/17,Slide,10,9/17/2024,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,Customer interviews,对顾客的采访,Customer questionnaires and surveys,顾客意见征询与调查,Market test and positioning reports,市场调查与预测报告,New product quality and reliability studies,新产品质量和可靠性研究,Competitive product quality studies,竞争产品质量的研究,Things Gone Right (TGR) Reports,运行情况良好(TRG)报告,1.1.1,Market Research,市场调研,1,.1.2,Historical Warranty and Quality Information,Things Gone Wrong (TGW) Report,运行情况不良(,TGW),报告,Warranty reports,保修报告,Capability indicators,能力指数,Supplier plant internal quality reports,供方工厂内部质量报告,Customer plant returns and rejections,顾客工厂退货和废品,Field return product analysis,现场退货产品分析,Voice of Customer,顾客的呼声,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,保 修 记 录 和 质 量 信 息,2024/9/17,Slide,11,9/17/2024,Input from higher system level or past Quality Function,Deployment(QFD)projects.,来自更高层体系或过去质量功能开发(,QFD),项目的输入,Media commentary and analysis : magazine, newspaper, etc,媒介的评论和分析:杂志和报刊报告等,Customer letters and suggestions,顾客的信件和建议,TGR/TGW reports,运行情况良好(,TGR)/,运行情况不良(,TGW),报告,1.1.3,Team Experience,小 组 经 验,Voice of Customer,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,顾 客 的 呼 声,2024/9/17,Slide,12,9/17/2024,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,1.2,Business Plan/Marketing Strategy,业务计划/营销策略,Business Plan,业务计划,-,Timing,进度,-,Cost,成本,-,Investment,投资,-,Product positioning,产品定位,-,Research and development resource,研究与开发资源,To set the framework for the,production quality plan.,设定产品质量计划的框架,Marketing Strategy,营销策略,-,To define the target,customer,确定目标顾客,-,To define the key sales,points,确定主要销售网点,-,To define the competitors,确定主要竞争对手,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,13,9/17/2024,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,1.3,Product/Process Benchmark Data,产品/过程,指标,What is Benchmark,何为指标,-,Systematic approach to identifying standards for comparison and provide the measurable performance targets.,用于识别可供比较的标准的系统性方法, 提出可测量的性能目标,-,Include the identification of world class or best-in-class.,包括世界水平或最优水平的识别,One method to successful,一种能成功地实施下列行动的方法,-,Identify the appropriate benchmarks.,识别合适的基准,-,Understand the reason for the gap between your current status and the benchmark.,了解你目前状况和基准之间产生差距的原因,-,Develop a plan to either close the gap, match the benchmark or exceed the benchmark,制定一缩小差距, 符合基准或超过基准的计划,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,14,9/17/2024,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,1.7,Design Goals,设计目标,Design goals are a translation of the Voice of the Customer,into tentative and measurable design objectives.,设计目标就是将顾客的呼声转化为初步并具体的设计任务,The proper selection of Design Goals assure that the Voice,the Customer is not lost in subsequent design activity.,设计目标的正确选择确保顾客的呼声不会消失在随后的设计任务中,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,15,9/17/2024,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,1.8,Reliability and Quality Goals,可靠性和质量目标,Reliability Goals,可靠性目标,-,Can be established based on customer wants and expectations,program objectives, and reliability benchmarks.,是在顾客需要和期望,项目目标及可靠性基准的基础上制定的.,Quality Goals,质量目标,-,Targets based on continual improvement.,基于持续改进的目标,Parts per million,每百万件零件的废品率,Defect levels,缺陷水平,Scrape reduction,废品降低率,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,16,9/17/2024,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,1. 11,Preliminary Listing of Special Product/Process Characteristics,产品和过程特殊特性的初始名细表,Product assumptions based on the analysis of customer need,and expectations,基于顾客需要和期望分析的产品设想,Identification of reliability goals/requirements,可靠性目标/要求的确定,Similar part,FMEAs,类似零件的失效模式及后果分析,KPC and/or KCCs identify by customer and by the supplier,through knowledge of the product and process,由顾客和供方根据产品和过程经验确定,KPC/KCCs,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,17,9/17/2024,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,1.12,Product Assurance Plan,产 品 保 证 计 划,Outlining of program requirements,概述项目要求,Identification of reliability, durability, and apportionment/,allocation goals and/or requirements.,可靠性, 耐久性和分配目标和/或要求的确定,Assessments of new technology,complexity,materials,application,environment,packaging, service and manufacturing requirements,or any other factor that may place the program at risk.,新技术,复杂性,材料,应用,环境,包装,服务和制造要求或其它任何会给项目带来风险的因素的评定,Development of Failure Mode Analysis,失效模式的评定,Development of preliminary engineering standards requirements.,制定初始工程标准要求,To translates design goals into design requirements,将设计目标转化为设计要求,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,2024/9/17,Slide,18,9/17/2024,1.0,PLAN AND DEFINE PROGRAM,1. 13,Management Support,管理者的支持,Key to the APQP teams success is the interest, commitment and support of upper management and team should update management at the conclusion of every product quality planning phase to maintain their interest, plus reinforce their commitment and support.,产品质量策划小组成功的关键之一是高层管理者对此工作的兴趣, 承诺和支持, 小组在每一产品质量策划阶段结束时将新情况报告给管理者以保持其兴趣, 并进一步促进他们的承诺和支持.,1.0 计 划 和 确 定 项 目,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,19,9/17/2024,Concept,Initiation/Approval,PRODUCT DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT,VERIFICATION,PROCESS,DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT,VERIFICATION,Prototype,Pilot,Launch,PLANNING,PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEV.,PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,PRODUCT AND PROCESS VALIDATION,PLANNING,PRODUCTION,FEEDBACK ASSESSMENT AND CORRECTIVE ACTION,PLAN AND DEFINEPROGRAM,PRODUCT,AND PROCESS,VALIDATION,FEEDBACK,ASSESSMENT AND,CORRECTIVE ACTION,2.0,PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,2024/9/17,Slide,19,9/17/2024,Program,Approval,Prototype,Pilot,Launch,PLANNING,PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEV.,PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,PRODUCT AND PROCESS VALIDATION,PLANNING,PRODUCTION,FEEDBACK ASSESSMENT AND CORRECTIVE ACTION,PRODUCT QUALITY PLANNING TIMING CHART,2024/9/17,Slide,19,9/17/2024,产 品 质 量 策 划 进 度 图 表,概念,提出/批准,样件,试生产,投产,策划,生产,产品设计和开发,过程设计和开发,产品与过程确认,反馈, 评定和纠正措施,计划和确定项目,产品设计,和开发验证,过程设计,和开发验证,产品和,过程确认,反馈, 评定,和纠正措施,策划,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,项目批准,2024/9/17,Slide,20,9/17/2024,2.0,PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,INPUTS,输 入,OUTPUTS,输 出,Design Goals,设计目标,Reliability and Quality Goals,可靠性和质量目标,Preliminary BOM,初始材料清单,Preliminary Process Flow Chart,初始工艺流程图,Preliminary Listing of special,Product and Characteristics,特殊产品和过程特性的初始名细表,Product Assurance Plan,产品保证计划,Management Support,管理者支持,By Design Responsible,Activity,设计责任部门的输出,By Advanced Product,Quality Planning,Team,产品质量策划小组的输出,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,2024/9/17,Slide,21,9/17/2024,Design FMEA,设计失效模式和后果分析(,DFMEA),Design for Manufacturability and Assembly,可制造性和装配的设计,Design Verification,设计验证,Design Reviews,设计评审,Prototype Build,样件制造,Engineering Drawings,工程图样,Material Specifications,材料规范,Drawing and Specification Changes,图样和规范更改,2.0,PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,OUTPUTS,输 出,By Design Responsible Activity,设 计 责 任 部 门 的 输 出,By APQP Team,产品质量策划小组的输出,New Equipment, Tooling and,Facilities Requirements,新设备, 工装和设施要求,Special Product and Process Characteristics,特殊产品和过程特性,Prototype Control Plan,样件控制计划,Gages/Testing Equipment Requirements.,量具/试验装置的要求,Team Feasibility Commitment&management,Support,小组可行性承诺和管理者支持,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,2024/9/17,Slide,22,9/17/2024,2.0,PRODUCTION DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,A simultaneous engineering process designed to optimize the relationship between design,function, manufacturability, and easy of assembly.,是一种同步技术过程, 用来优化设计功能,可制造性和易于装配之间的关系.,Design, concept,function, and sensitivity to manufacturing variation,设计, 概念,功能和对制造变差的敏感性,Manufacturing and /or assembly process,制造和/或装配过程,Dimensional tolerances,尺寸公差,Performance requirements,性能要求,Number of components,部件数,Process adjustments,过程调整,Material Handling,材料搬运,2.2,Design for Manufacturabity and Assembly,可制造性和装配设计,Key Words and Basic Concepts,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,2024/9/17,Slide,23,9/17/2024,Design FMEA Example,2.0,PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,System,Subsystem,Component Design Responsibility,Model Year(s)/Vehicle(s) 199x/lion 4dr/Wagon Key Date,Core Team,FMEA Number,Page of,Prepared By,FMEA Date (Orig.),Item,Function,Potential,Effect(s) of,Failure,Potential,Failure,Mode,S,E,V.,C l a s s,Potential,Cause(s) of,Mechanism(s),of Failure,O c c u r,Current,Design,Control,D e t e c t,R. P. N.,Recommended,Action,Responsibility,& Target,Completion,Action,Action Results,Actions,Taken,S e v,O c c,D e t,R. P. N.,Front Door,L.H.,H8HX-0000-A,Ingress to,and Engree,from Vehicle,Occupant,protection,from weather,noise, and,side impact,Support,anchorage,for door,hardware,including,mirror,hinge,latch and,window,regulator,Corroded,interior,lower door,panels,Deteriorated life,of door leading to:,Unsatisfactory,appearance due to,through paint over,time,Impaired function,of interior door,hardware,7,Upper edge of protective,wax application specified,for inner door panels is,too low,Insufficient wax thickness,specified,Inappropriate wax,formulation specified,Entrapped air prevents,wax from entering,corner/edge access,6,4,2,5,Vehicle general,durability test ah,T- 118. T - 109. T - 301,Vehicle general,durability testing,- as above,Physical and Hem,Lab test -,Report No. 1265,Design aid investigation,with non - functional,spray head,7 294,7 196,2 28,8 280,Add,Laboratory,accelerated,corrosion,testing,Add laboratory,accelerated,corrosion testing,Conduct Design,of Experiments,on wax thickness,None,Add team,evaluation,using product,spray equip.,and specified,wax,A Tage-Body,Engrg,8X 09 30,Combine with,test for wax,upper edge,verification,A Tate,Body Engrg,9X 01 15,Body Engrg,& Assy Ops,8X 11 15,Based on test,results( Test No),1481) upper,edge spec raised,125mm,Test results(Test,No. 1481) show,specified thickness,is adequate. DOE,show 25%,variation in,specified thickness,is acceptable,7 2 2 28,7 2 2 28,7 1 3 21,x,T. Fender-Car Product Dev. Childers-Manufacturing, Ford-Assy Ops ( Dalton, Fraser, Henley Assembly Plants,Body Engineering,9,X 03 01 ER,1234,1,1,A. Tate -X6412 -Body Engr,8,X 03 22,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,DFMEA,例表,2024/9/17,Slide,24,9/17/2024,2.0,PRODUCTION DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,2.3,Design Verification,设 计 验 证,Verifies that product design meets the,customer requirements,验证产品设计是否满足顾客的要求,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,Key Words and Basic Concept,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,25,9/17/2024,2.0,PRODUCTION DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,2.4,Design Reviews,设计评审,Effective method to prevent problems and misunderstanding,防止问题和误解的有效方法,Provides a mechanism to monitor progress and report to QMR,监测进展和向管理者报告的途径,Tracking of design verification progress,设计验证过程的跟踪,Product and process validation of components and assemblies,对与部件和总成相关的产品和过程进行确认,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,Key Words and Basic Concept,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,26,9/17/2024,2.0,PRODUCTION DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,2.5,Prototype Build - Control Plan,样件制造 - 控制计划,Assure that the product or service meets specification and,report data as required.,保证产品和服务符合所要求的规范和报告数据,Ensure that particular attention has been given to special,product and process characteristics.,保证已对特殊产品和过程特性给予了特别的注意,Use data and experience to establish preliminary process,parameters and packaging requirements.,使用数据和经验以制定初始过程参数和包装要求,Communicate any concerns, deviations, and/or cost impact,to the customer,将关注问题, 变差和/或费用影响传达给顾客,Control Plan should be prepared by APQP team,控制计划应由,APQP,小组制定,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,Key Words and Basic Concept,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,27,9/17/2024,2.0,PRODUCTION DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,2.13,Team Feasibility commitment and Management Support,小组可行性承诺和管理者支持,To assure the proposed design can be manufactured,assembled, tested, packaged, and delivered in sufficient,quantity, at an acceptable cost to the customer.,确保所提出的设计能以顾客可接受的价格付诸于制造,装配, 试验, 包装和足够数量的交货,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,Key Words and Basic Concept,关 键 术 语 和 基 本 概 念,2024/9/17,Slide,28,9/17/2024,2.0,PRODUCTION DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,Example of Control Plan,Prototype,Pre-Launch,Production,Control Plan Number,Part Number/Latest Change Level,Supplier /Plant,Part Name/Description,Supplier Code,Part/,Process,Number,Process Name/,Operation,Description,Machine, Jig,Device, Tools,For Mfg.,Key Contact/Phone,Core Team,Supplier/Plant Approval/Date,Other Approval/Date ( If reqd),Date(Orig.),Date(Orig.),Customer Engineering Approval/Date( If required),Customer Quality Approval/Date( If required),Other Approval( If required),Reaction Plan,Control Method,Sample,Method,Size,Freq.,Evaluation Measurement,Technique,Product/Process,Specification/Tolerance,Special,Char.,Class,Characteristics,No.,Product,Process,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,控制计划例表,2024/9/17,Slide,29,9/17/2024,2.0,PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT,Team Feasibility Commitment,Customer Part Name Part Number,Feasibility Considerations,Our Product quality planning team has considered the following questions, not intended to be all-inclusive in performing,a feasibility evaluation. The following and/or specifications provide have been used as a basis for analyzing the ability to,meet all specified requirements. All “NO” answers are supported with attached comments identifying our concerns and/,or proposed changes to enable us to meet the specified requirements.,Date :,Yes,No,Consideration,Is product adequately defined( application requirements, etc.) to enable feasibility evaluation ?,Can Engineering Performance Specifications be met as written ?,Can product be manufactured to tolerances specified on drawing ?,Can product be manufactured with Cpks that meet requirements ?,Is there adequate capacity to produce product ?,Does the design allow the use of efficient material handing techniques ?,- Costs for capital ?,- Costs for tooling ?,- Alternative manufacturing methods ?,Is statistical process control required on product ?,Is statistical process control presently used on similar products :,- Are process in control and stable ?,- Are Cpks greater than 1.33 ?,Conclusion,Feasible Product can be predicted as specified with no revisions.,Feasible Changes recommend ( See attached ),Not Feasible Design revision required to product within specified requirements.,Sign -off,Team Member/Title/Date Team Member /Title/Date,Team Member /Title/Date,2.0 产 品 设 计 和 开 发,小组可行性承诺,2024/9/17,Slide,30,9/17/2024,3.0,Process Design and Development,Concept,Initiation/Approval,PRODUCT DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT,VERIFICATION,PROCESS,DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT,VERIFICATION,Program,Approval,Prot


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