英语:必修1 Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero词汇总结课件(新人教版)

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英语:必修1 Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero词汇总结课件(新人教版)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2017/6/27,#,必修,1Unit5 Nelson Mandela,湖北省阳新县英才高中:程凌云,重要短语:,1.,把,专用于,2.,献身于、致力于,专心于,忠于,3.,摆脱、免于、不受,的影响,4.,曾经有一段时间,devoteto (doing) sth,devote oneself/oneslife/time/energy,to (doing) sth,be devoted to,be free from,there was a time when,6.,继续(做某事),7.,为,担心,8.,失业,9.,阻止某人做某事,5.,投票赞成,/,反对,表决做某事,就,投票,vote for/against sth,vote to do sth,vote on sth,contiue to do/doing sth,worry about/be worried about,out of work,stop sb (from)doing sth,10.,逃避,/,逃脱做某事,11.,当权,/,上台,12.,乞求(某人)做某事,向某人要某东西,13.,作为酬报,因,而奖赏某人,用,酬劳某人,对某人,/,某事的报酬,14.,设立、建立,escape (doing) sth,come into/to power,beg sb to do sth,beg sb for sth,in reward (for) sth,reward sb for sth,reward sb with sth,reward for sb/sth,set up,1.,他致力于帮助穷人。,(devote),2.,他下定决心贡献他的一生阻止污染的再一次发生。,(prevent),3.,曾经有一段时期,不允许妇女上学。,(when),He _the poor.,He made up his mind_,_.,_women were not allowed to go to school.,devoted himself to helping,to devote his life to,preventing pollution from happening again,There was a time when,5.,实际上,我对此事一无所知。,(matter),6.,他总是乐意帮助有麻烦的人。,(ready),7.,我真的很担心你,你不应该一言不发就离开家。,(worry),4.,直到现在他才意识到自己犯一个严重的错误。,_he has made a serious,mistake.,(only),_, I knew nothing about it.,He _anyone who is in trouble.,I _you .you shouldnt have left home without a word.,Only now does he realize,As a matter of fact,is always ready to help,was really worried about,9.,再犯同样的错误就意味着你将失业。,10.,上次选举中你投了谁的票?,(vote),8.,因为大量人的失业,所以需要新的工作岗位。,New jobs are needed because_,_.,Making the same mistake again means you_,_ .,_in the last election?,a number of people are out of work,(work),will,be out of work,Who did you vote for,12.,我十年前居住的那所房子被拆毁,了,.(where),由于我们在这件事上不能达成一致,让我们 就此投票吧。,11.,不要灰心,下次你会做的更好,。,(heart),As we cant reach an agreement on this matter, _.,_Youll do better next time.,The house _has been pulled down .,lets vote on it,where I lived ten years ago,Dont lose heart,15.,这就是你们两天前参观的那家工厂吗 ?,16.,她设法从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。,(escape),13.,这就是我正在寻找的那块手表。,(look),14.,你还记得你加入我们俱乐部的那天吗?,This is the watch_.,Do you remember the day_,_,Is this the factory_,_?,She managed_.,which/that I am looking for,when you joined,our club?,(join),(which/that) you visited,two days ago,(visit),to escape from the burning car,验血查男女, wac786upe,再见!,


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