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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语应用文写作,English Practical Writing(,11,),Study of poster writing,Assignment,Introduction to the new knowledge,content,1. Translate the following into Chinese.,Computer Clerk Wanted,- Female,- 1 year relevant experience,- Accurate typing,- Good command of spoken English,- Good knowledge of computer,We offer attractive salary (14 months) 5 days work, medical scheme for the right candidates. Interested parties please post your resumes (in detail), expected salaried, contact telephone numbers & recent photos to Box 8198 SCM Posted.,Assignment(1),诚招电脑职员,女性, 1,年相关工作经验,精通打字,较好的英语口语能力,较好的计算机知识,一旦录用,我们将提供优厚的薪酬(,14,个月),,5,天工作日,享受医疗福利。如有兴趣,请将详细简历包括你所期望的待遇要求、联系电话、近照邮寄到,Box 8198 SCM,。,通知,校长办公室于,2012,年,6,月,12,日,发布通知:,河北联合大学游泳池将与今年六月十五日对外开放。开放时间早,8:00,至晚,10:00,;费用成人一小时,3,块,儿童,2,块。自备泳衣。,Assignment(2),1. Translate the following into English.,Announcement,The swimming pool of,Hebei,United University will be open to the public from June 15 this year.,Time: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.,Fee: RMB 3,yuan,/ hr for an adult,RMB 2,yuan,/ hr for a child,Please have swimming suits with yourselves.,The Presidents Office,June 12, 2012,What is my message?,Is my message clear?,Did I try hard to make it,interesting?,Do I have enough information,?,How does my writing begin?,Did I tell things in order?,Does everything link to my,message?,How does my writing end?,Did I use sentences?,Do my sentences begin in,different ways?,Did I use some long and some short sentences?,Does my writing sound smooth as I listen to it?,Have I used some words that I,really,love?,Can my reader tell what my,words mean?,Have I used any NEW words?,Did I try not to repeat words too many times?,Did I leave spaces between words?,Did I use a title?,Did I use periods(,句末的停顿,) or question marks?,Did I use capital letters in the right places?,Is it easy to read my spelling?,Could another person read my,paper?,海报是用来告知广大群众有关戏剧,电影以及球赛等活动的一种带有宣传广告性质的招贴。 有的还配以绘画以增加吸引力。海报正中往往把有关内容作为大字标题,如:,Football Match, Film News,等字样以提示海报的内容,无需称呼或注明,Poster,(海报)等字样。正文部分要写清具体内容,活动时间,地点,以及参加规定,主持或举办单位等。出海报的单位署名通常放在右下角,日期位于署名的下一行,靠左下角。,海报,(Posters),英文海报是英语应用文中的重要体裁,使用场合非常宽广,它包括招聘广告、活动宣传和人物介绍等。,写作方法、策略指导与写作技巧,1,明确海报的类型:,明确你要写的海报是招聘广告、活动宣传还是人物介绍,准确表达其应有的内容和特点。,2,明确海报语言特点:,海报不同于其它类型的书面表达,它属于广告,要求用最短的文字包含最多的信息,以起到醒目的效果。因此海报多用省略句、缩略语及类似的语言,应注意这些语言特点。,3,突出重要信息:,为进一步增强海报的醒目性,一些重要信息还常常被分行突出,并且在其前面用粗点、星号等特殊符表示强调。,POSTER,Friendly Basketball Match,All Are WelcomeOrganized by the Student Union of our school, a friendly basketball match will be held between the overseas students and the postgraduates on campus basketball court at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 10, 2012.,The Student Union,Thursday, June 8,海报的某些常用语,海报的某些常用语, Under the auspices of a football match,will be held between and , Please contact for tickets,Tickets are limited for 100., Basketball fans should be quick., A school bus will be made available.,海报的某些常用语,The goers are expected to gather at , (film) will be shown on at ,Admissions are by tickets.,Admission free.,Tickets, 5,yuan,for each, are available.,In case of rain, the match will be cancelled.,海报的某些常用语,People of all circles are heartily welcome to be,present on this grand occasion.,Those who are willing to be present at the contest to cheer the contestants.,The first three winners will be given awards.,Exciting and thrilling programs!,Breathtaking and Fascinating Performance!,Shenhua,team VS Dalian Team,Tickets have been sold out.,An English feature film. Free!,下面就以活动宣传、招聘广告、,人物介绍三种海报形式为例,介,绍海报的写作方法。,活动宣传,例一:活动宣传,写宣传广告时可以先介绍需要宣传的活动,再写活动的地点、时间、目的以及活动安排等。,写宣传广告常用到的短语和句型有:,is an organization to raise money for .,is holding a party at its biggest hall ,The time is from to ,We hope to raise money to help poor children.,POSTER,FILM NEWS,Name: Precious Lotus Flower Lamp,Time: 7:00 P. M., Saturday, May 24,Place: The,sportsground,Fare: 3,yuan,Ticket office: The Union,In case of rain, it is to be shown in the auditorium.,The students Union,Friday, May 23,海 报,影讯,片名:宝莲灯,时间:,5,月,24,日星期六,晚上,7,点,地点:大操场,票价:,3,元,售票地点:工会,如遇大雨,则改在大礼堂放映。,学生会,5,月,23,日 星期五,POSTER,GOOD NEWS,Summer Clearance Sales,All the goods on show are sold at twenty percent discount. Please examine and choose them carefully before you pay. There will be no replacement or refunding. You have been warned in advance. You are welcome to make your choice.,Personal Shopping Service,Sep. 30,,,2011,海 报,好消息,夏季清仓物资处理,本店陈列商品一律八折出售。请顾客们仔细看货,认真挑选。商品付款出门后不退不换,特此预先声明。如蒙惠顾,无比欢迎。,贝金森购物服务中心,2011.9.30,You wont want to miss this!,EXCELLENT INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL MATCH,China vs. Korea,Place: Capital Stadium,Time: 3:30, January 18, 2000,Fare: 25,yuan,Please book tickets at the Reception Office (Tel:4679561),Everyone is welcome to come and cheer for the teams!,Simulate and Create,Translate the following poster into Chinese.,Simulate and Create,莫失良机!,精彩的国际足球比赛,中国 对 韩国,时间:,1,月,18,日下午,3:30,地点:首都体育场,票价:,30,元,请到接待处订票(电话:,4679561,),欢迎前往为双方加油,!,INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS MATCH,China vs. Japan,Place: Capital Gymnasium,Time: 7:30 p.m., October 30,Fare: 30,yuan,Ticket office: The Young Club,Read the following sample poster and learn to write your own.,Read and Simulate,SAMPLE,国际乒乓球比赛,中国 对 日本,地点,:,首都体育馆,时间,:,十月三十日晚,7:30,票价:,30,元,售票地点,:,青年俱乐部,Read and Simulate,Sample,Key,Simulate and Create,Now you try. Im sure,you can make it.,Simulate and Create,Write an English poster for a volleyball match according to the dialogue given below.,A,:,Hi, Mike. Are you interested in going to a volleyball match?,B: Oh, of course. Mens or womens?,A: Its an international womens volleyball match between China and,Cuba.,B: Wonderful! The Chinese volleyball team is my favorite. What time,does it start?,A: 7:00 p.m. May 2. Thats next Tuesday evening. Can you find the,time?,B: Yes, Ill be free after 4:30. Where will the match be held?,A: The City Stadium. Its very far away. But there will be a school bus,leaving at 6:00 from the university.,B: Good. I think I can manage it. Well, where can we get the tickets?,A: Tickets are limited to 100 in our university. We can book them now at,the Students Union.,B: OK. Lets go to Students Union right away.,Simulate and Create,INTERNATIONAL WOMEN VOLLEYBALL MATCH,CHINESE TEAM VS. CUBAN TEAM,Place: The City Stadium,Time: 7:00 p.m. May 2 (Tuesday),Tickets from the Students Union, limited to 100!,A school bus is available, leaving at 6:00 p.m. from the university gate.,Key,Simulate and Create,Write an English poster according to the information given in Chinese. Begin it with GO! GO! GO!,10,月,15,日,本周末下午,3:30,在新体育馆有一场精彩的足球赛,是由学生会组织发起的。本次球赛是希望杯,(Hope Cup Championship),决赛,由计算机系和中文系双雄争夺冠亚军。莫失良机!,Simulate and Create,GO! GO! GO!,The Hope Cup Championship,Sponsored by The Students Union,Exciting Soccer Final Between 2 Powers! Dont miss the opportunity!,Place:The new stadium,Time:Sat. 3:30 p.m. Oct. 15,Teams: Computer Dept. vs. Chinese Dept.,Key,招聘广告,例二:招聘广告,写招聘广告时要先介绍要招聘的,职位,然后写对求职者的要求等。可,以按照以下思路进行:,Content,Example,Title,Wanted - Teachers,Attractive beginning,Do you like ?,What kind of people are,needed?,If your answer is “Yes”, we have a job for you as a / an,What kind,of qualities,the needed,persons,must have,Appearance,You should be a beautiful or a handsome ,Age,Your age should be between and ,Degree,You should have a degree,Experience,You should have years of work experiences.,Abilities,You should be good at / do well in ,You must be able to speak and use ,Personalities of the needed,persons,You should be kind / easygoing /friendly / patient / strict / careful / ,You can get on / along well with others.,家住天津中山地铁站附近的张女士下午没空照料自己,6,岁的儿子,想以每小时,20,元的报酬招一个临时保姆,从周一到周五下午三点到六点(有时周末)在自己的家里照顾他。,应聘条件:喜欢小孩,善良耐心。,主要工作:照看小孩,给他读书,和他一起玩。,电话号码:,022-29678954,PRACTICE,分析,1,这是一篇招聘广告。,2,写作提示提供了招聘对象、应聘条件、,工作内容、工作地点、工作时间和联,系方式,写作时应根据表达需要一一,加以准确表达。,3,为增强文章的醒目性,写作时可以在,开头用,Do you like,和,Do you have,time?,之类的一般疑问句式提出招,聘条件。,4,为突出工作内容,可以在招聘对象工作内,容前面加特殊符号。,5,海报中可以用以下短语和句型:,Do you like ?,Are you free in the afternoon from Monday to Friday?,We need a baby-sitter for our 6-year-old son.,Please call ,WANTED,Do you like children? Do you have free time in the afternoons? We need a baby-sitter for our son. Hes six years old. You must love children and be kind and patient. Working hours are 3 pm to 6 pm from Monday to Friday. Sometimes you will work on weekends. You can get,¥,20 per hour.,SAMPLE,For the job, you will:,Look after our son.,Read to him.,Play with him.,You will work in our house. We live in Tianjin,near the,Zhongshan,underground station.,Please call Mrs. Zhang at 022-29678954, if,you are interested in the job.,PRACTICE,假如你是一家饭店的经理,你的部门需,要招聘一名招待员,你要拟一份招,聘广告。,招聘条件如下:,外 表:形象气质佳,年 龄:,1822,岁,性格人品:善良友好,语 言:中文和英文,联系电话:,5553839,WANTED,Do you like working late? Do you work hard?,Do you like to meet many people? If your,answer is “Yes”, we have a job for you as a,waiter. If you are good-looking and your age is,between 18 and 22, you can come for a try.,Besides, you should be kind and friendly to,others. You must be able to speak both,Chinese and English.,Please call 5553839 if you want to get more,information about this work.,Translation,1. Film show: The Sound of Music,An English music film. Free!,2. Songs and Dances by the Central Song and Dance,Troupe on April 5 at 7:00 P.M. at Shanghai Grand,Theatre.,3. Acrobatics by Shenyang Acrobatics Troupe. Exciting,and Thrilling Programs! Breathtaking and Fascinating,Performance!,4. Video film: E.T. (Extra Terrestrial). An English scientific,movie in the Sound Lab.,5. Internal Football Match “Brazil” versus “England ” in the,Capital of Gymnasium at 3:00 P.M. on March 12.,影讯:,音乐之声,英语音乐片。免费入场!,中央歌舞团歌舞表演,时间:,4,月,5,日晚,7,点,地点:上海大剧院,沈阳杂技团杂技表演,节目丰富多彩,表演扣人心弦。,录像:,外星人,(英国科幻电影),放映地点:语音实验室,国际足球赛:巴西队对英国队,地点:首都体育馆,时间:,3,月,12,日下午,3,点,Translation,6. “Magic World ”, a new English film, is to be shown on,the playground at 7:00 tonight.,7. Please contact the Students Union for tickets, which,are for this performance.,8. All are warmly welcome to the New Years Eve,Entertainment on Sunday evening in the college,auditorium.,9. A speech on Contemporary Literature trend will be,given by Dr. Wang,Xiaoming,in the lecture room of the,teaching building.,10. A Christmas Party will be given by juniors in Room,101 of the teaching building.,今晚,7,点在操场放映新英语电影,神奇的世界,。,请到学生会领票,此票当日有效。,星期日晚上在学院礼堂举行除夕联欢晚会,欢迎各位光临。,王晓明博士关于“当代文学发展趋势”方面的演讲,地点:教学楼演示厅,三年级学生将在教学楼,101,室举行圣诞晚会。,请根据下列内容写一张海报。,为了帮助玉树的孩子们重建校园,河北理工大,学将于,2010,年,4,月,28,日下午,3,点到,5,点在大讲堂,(lecture hall),举办,Show Your Love,慈善演出。,主要节目有:舞蹈,3:00 p.m.,,民歌,(Folk,songs) 3:30 p.m.,,魔术表演, 4:00 p.m.,,戏剧, 4:30 p.m.,。票价:,50,元。,Practice,Show Your Love,Hebei,Polytechnic University will hold a charity show at its lecture hall.,Date: 28,th, April,Time: 3:00,p.m., 5:00,p.m.,Programs:, 3:00 p.m. Dance, 3:30 p.m. Folk songs, 4:00 p.m. Magic show, 4:30 p.m. Drama,Ticket price:,¥,50,We hope to raise money to help the,children in,Yushu,rebuild,their schools.,Donations are welcomed.,The University Office,2010/4/26,人物介绍,例三:人物介绍,介绍人物的海报可以先把所要介绍的人,物的名字放在显要位置,然后依次介绍该人,物的生日、出生地、特殊技能等,再简单介,绍人物所从事的事业。语言要简洁,最好用,短语的形式,海报内容的整体思路可以按照,下面的流程图进行。,The name of the person,Personal details,Date of birth,Place of birth,Appearance,Talent,Career,Beginning,Experiences,Awards,The name of the person,Personal details,Date of birth,Place of birth,Appearance,Talent,Career,Beginning,Experiences,Awards,根据下列材料,设计一则介绍中国著名田径运动员,刘翔的海报。,Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai on July 13th, 1983.,He is handsome. He loved sports when he was young.,And he was good at jumping and running.,In 2003, he won the third place at the world indoor,championships in England. On August 27, 2004, he won,a gold medal for 110m hurdles,(,跨栏),at the Athens,Olympic Games. It was the first gold medal that Chinese,had ever won for the track and field in the Olympics,history. He set a world record of 12.88 seconds in the,mens 110m hurdles at a Super Grand meeting in,Switzerland,(,瑞士超级大奖赛),in 2006.,Liu Xiang,Date of birth:,July 13,th, 1983,Place of birth:,Shanghai, China,Appearance:,Handsome,Talents:,Good at running and jumping,Sports career:,Won the third place at the world indoor championships in England (2003),Won a gold medal for 110m hurdles at the Athens Olympic Games (2004),Set a world record of 12.88 seconds in the mens 110m hurdles at a Super Grand meeting in Switzerland (2006),请根据下列内容写一张海报。,为了配合希望工程帮助贫困山区小孩重返校,园,河北理工大学将于,2008,年,3,月,28,日下午,3,点到,5,点在大讲堂,(lecture hall),举办,Show,Your Love,慈善演出。主要节目有:舞蹈,3:00 pm,,民歌,(Folk songs) 3:30 pm,,魔,术表演, 4:00 pm,,戏剧, 4:30 pm,。票价:,50,元。,Assignment,


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