读写教程第二册unit 3的课件完整版(包括Section A和Section B的知识点讲解和课后习题答案)

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读写教程第二册unit 3的课件完整版(包括Section A和Section B的知识点讲解和课后习题答案)_第1页
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读写教程第二册unit 3的课件完整版(包括Section A和Section B的知识点讲解和课后习题答案)_第2页
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读写教程第二册unit 3的课件完整版(包括Section A和Section B的知识点讲解和课后习题答案)_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3,Compromise:,n.,Eg,. After several hours of discussion, they managed to,reach a compromise,(=,come to a compromise,).,make a compromise / compromises,做出让步,/,妥协,2,),vi., (with,sb,) (on,sth,),妥协;折中,Eg,. The workers compromised with the management on the working conditions., (on),sth,: do,sth,that is against your principles or does not reach standards that you have set,违背(原则);达不到(标准,),Eg,. I cannot compromise my principles.,We will never compromise on safety standards.,Involved:,adj,1) Be / get involved in,sth,参与,2) We need to examine all the costs,involved in(,与,有关;涉及),the project first.,3),Be involved ( in/with,sth/sb,):,give a lot of time or attention to,sb/sth,耗费很多时间;关注,Eg,. She,was deeply involved with,the local hospital.,Subtle: adj. not easy to notice or understand,Eg,. There are,subtle differences,in meaning between these two words.,mutual:,Eg,.,mutual,trust,相互的,信任,mutual respect,相互的尊重,give mutual support and encouragement,相互支持和鼓励,mutual,interests,共同的,利益,They met each other through,a mutual friend.,Compatible: adj., (with,sb/sth,),Eg,. I have never seen two people who were more compatible.,I would like to purchase a printer that is,compatible with,my computer.,Water,is incompatible with,fire.,Overlook:,vt,Fail to see or notice,sth,Eg,. You have overlooked several mistakes in this work.,ignore; neglect:,vt,.,忽视,;,不予理会 (,pay no attention to,sth,),2) Have a view of a place from above,Eg,. a tower overlooking the city,Oversee:,vt,. 1.,监视,;,监督,; 2.,眺望,俯瞰,Be divorced from,sth,: appear not to be affected by,sth,; separate from,sth,不受,影响;脱离,Eg,. He seems completely divorced from reality.,Counsel:,n. advice,Eg,. follow,sbs,counsel,2),vt,. give,sb,. advice,sb,to do,sth,Eg,. We counsel him to give up the plan.,Counsel: n.,律师,Counselor: n.,顾问;律师,Lawyer,:,n.,律师,Attorney: n.,律师,solicitor: n.,初级律师,Subsequent,: adj. happening after,sth,else; later,Eg,. Subsequent investigations did not uncover any new evidence.,Subsequently,: adv. afterwards,Eg,. He escaped from prison but was subsequently recaptured.,A man with a small knife tried to hijack a plane to Libya Sunday night but was overpowered by flight attendants and subsequently arrested. (,From,Time,),The old school was sold and,subsequently,turned into a hospital.,The bank refused to help the company;,consequently, the company went out of business.,Harbor:,vt,. keep feelings or thoughts,especially negative ones, in your mind for a long time,Eg,. harbor a grudge (against,sb/sth,), doubts (about,sth,),Confirm:,1),vt,. prove that,sth,is true,证实,;,证明,Eg,., a rumor,This,confirms that,stronger safety measures are needed.,The,Obama,Administration used several methods, including DNA testing, to confirm that U.S. Navy Seals did in fact kill Osama bin Laden in a weekend raid in Pakistan, U.S. officials said on Monday. (,From,Time,),2,),v. make,sth,certain,确认,Eg,. Please confirm your reservation 48 hours in advance.,Verify:,vt,.,证实,Eg,. Her prediction was verified.,validate:,vt,.,证实,确认;使生效,Eg,. validate a theory,证实理论,Suspect:,vt,.,sth,; that,eg,. He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.,We suspect they will be a little late.,sb,(of,sth,/ doing,sth,),怀疑(某人有罪),Eg,. He was suspected of theft.,Suspicion: n. distrust,怀疑,Eg,. arouse ones ,hold,sb,in ,怀疑某人,dispel,sbs,消除某人的怀疑,Suspicious: adj., (of / about,sb/sth,),怀疑的,疑心的,感觉可疑的,Eg,. They became suspicious of his behavior and contacted the police.,2),令人怀疑的,可疑的,Eg,. We have noticed something suspicious in his behavior.,Resolve:,Solve,Eg,. the problem,2) Be determined to do,sth,;,decide to do,sth,决定;决心,Eg,. The company,resolved not to purchase,materials from that company.,She,resolved that,she would keep the secret all her life.,Ups and downs:,Eg,. Life is full of ups and downs.,Work out:,Be successful or end in a certain way,Eg,. Things will work out well if youre patient.,2) Find by reasoning,想出;理解,弄懂,Eg,. a program,Have you worked out the answer?,The police couldnt work out how the thieves had entered the building.,Proceed to do,sth,: go on to do,sth,Eg,. The reporters proceeded to ask more questions.,Discussion,Whats the main idea of text A?,Do you accept marriage across nations?,What do you think will be the main barrier in marriage across nations?,If you were Gails parents, would you accept the marriage between Gail and Mark? Why?,If your only child wants to marry a person from another nation or race, will you accept your childs mixed marriage, or what will you do?,Structure Analysis,Part 1(para1para4): It tells us the love between Gail, a white woman, and Mark, a black man.,Part 2(para 5para21): the opinions from Gails mother (para5para9) and the opinions from Gails father (para10para21) on Gails mixed marriage.,Confront:,vt,.,(of problems or a difficult situation) to appear and need to be dealt with by,sb,使,无法回避,降临于(主语是事物),Eg,. The economic problems confronted the country.,2) face; deal with,面对;处理(主语是人),Eg,. She knew she had to confront her fear.,We need to confront the future with optimism.,Be confronted with,sth,: face,sth,Weakness: disadvantage; demerit; shortcoming; defect; drawback,Strength: advantage; merit; virtue,Enhance:,vt,.,提高;增强;增进,improve, promote,better,Boost ones morale,Expectation: n. the belief that,sth,will happen, (of,sth,); (that),Eg,. We are confident,in our expectation of,a full,recovery.,There was a general expectation that he,would win.,in the expectation that,期待,;希冀,in the hope of,sth,in the hope that,抱着,的希望,Eg,. We came to the island in the hope of finding a simpler way of life.,He asked her again in the hope that he could persuade her to come.,Approach:,vt,. begin to consider or deal with,sth,处理;解决,Eg,. There are several ways of approaching this problem.,The bank has approached the issue in a practical way.,Why the haste?,Meaning: Why do you want to get married in such a hurry?,Eg,. Why bother waiting any longer?,Why not make one for yourself instead of buying one?,Vocabulary,III.,1. mutual 2. illusion 3. canceled,4. overlooked 5. proceeded,6. resolve 7. prejudice 8. compromise,9. confirm 10. subsequently,Key to Exercises of Section A,IV.,1. have nothing to do with,2. taking care of,3. met with,4. on the surface,5. work out,6. incompatible with,7. ups and downs,8. learned of,9. indication of,10. all along,V.,1. M 2. L 3. F 4. D 5. H 6. O 7. A 8. C 9. I 10. K,Word Building,VI.,1. shopping 2. feeling 3. storage,4. cooking 5. ending 6. beginning,7. gathering 8. removal 9. arrival,10. passage 11. writing 12. marriage,VII.,1. relationship 2. citizenship,3. leadership 4. membership 5. boyhood 6. livelihood,7. brotherhood 8. authorship,9. adulthood 10. neighborhood,11. wisdom 12. ownership,Sentence structure,VIII.,1. It is never too bad (for us) to do something about the situation.,2. One is never too old to learn.,3. It is never too late (for you) to put a stop to this madness.,4. It is never too late (for you) to mend your ways.,5. His income was never too small to support his family.,IX.,1. My best friend, Anna, was here last night.,2. The company manager, Mr. Madison, gathered his staff and announced the decision.,3. You should have seen an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor.,4. He sent for the accountant, the most experienced person in accounting.,5. Leave it to me, said David, the man on night duty.,Translation,X.,1. You are never too experienced to learn new techniques.,2. There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there.,3. Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences.,4. Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday.,5. I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.,6. She isnt particularly tall, but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.,XI.,1.,应尽早告知年轻人,:,必须认真对待法律,.,2.,他现在面临一个重要决定,这个决定可能会影响他的整个前程,.,3.,即使在情况最糟糕的时候,你也必须保持镇静和信心,.,4.,人际关系的成功与否与双方相处是否融洽以及交流是否顺畅有很大关系,.,5.,他受到袭击,身受重伤,随后不治而亡,.,6.,他的举止至少在表面上像个正常人。,Cloze,XII.,1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D,Structured Writing,XIV.,Many people place so much emphasis on success that they think any failure is bad. Failure is never pleasant because it hurts people. But in fact it can make a positive contribution to our life once we learn how to make the best of it. We can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one. And we can learn from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a total failure can give us fresh ideas or a change of direction. Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be beneficial to us as we experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things.,Section B,ingredient: n.,eg,. the ingredients of a cake,element, factor,concerning: about,with regard to,as regards,as for,Anticipate:,vt,.,guess or imagine in advance what will happen or what needs to be done,Eg, In business, you have to anticipate how your competitors will act.,He tried to anticipate all my needs.,2) expect,Eg,. The audience sat quietly, anticipating the performance of,Hamlet,.,Compel:,vt,. force,sb,to do,sth,Eg,. The reports have fueled a protest among,students,and labor unions who call for Apple to,compel,its suppliers in,China,to improve,the conditions for hundreds of thousands of workers who assemble its products. (,From,New York Times,),I felt morally compelled to help.,Compelling: adj. that makes you pay attention to it because it is so interesting and exciting;,appealing,Eg,. Her latest book makes compelling reading.,Proclaim:,vt,. declare, announce,Eg,. The president proclaimed that he would seek reelection.,Proclamation,: n. announcement,宣言,公告,声明,Claim,:,vt,. say that,sth,is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it,宣称,断言,Eg,. He repeatedly claimed that he was right.,Acclaim,:,vt,. praise or welcome,sb/sth,publicly,称赞,Eg,. The novel was acclaimed as a masterpiece.,Key to the exercises of Section B,Reading skills,I.,1. F 2. F 3. O 4. F 5. O 6. O 7. O 8. F 9. O 10. F,Comprehension of the Text,II.,1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. D,Vocabulary,III.,arrange 2. criticism 3. innocent,4. criticizing 5. miserable 6. modest,7. compelled 8. somehow 9. anticipate,10. brilliant,IV.,on 2. from. to 3. off 4. with,5,. away,6,.,about 7,. over 8. On,9,. Concerning 10. to,


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