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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,欢迎来到英语课堂,Unit 4 Pygmalion,Reading,高中英语,人教版英语,选修,8unit4 reading,邹丽娜,宁师中学,What is Pygmalion?,a gifted artist,makes a,stone statue,of a beautiful,woman,He asks the,Greek Goddess,to bring,her to life.,His wish comes true.,How about,this girl?,How did she change?,Company Logo,Questions:,Who wrote the play?,George Bernard Shaw,Company Logo,About the author,(1856-1950),Introduction,Works,George Bernard Shaw,Company Logo,A brief introduction,1.Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman,2.,defender of womens rights, and advocate of equality of income.,3.In,1925,he was awarded the,Nobel Prize for Literature,. Shaw accepted the,honour,but refused the money.,4.He was a very,humorous,playwright.,George Bernard Shaw,(1856-1950),Company Logo,Literary works,Candia,康蒂妲,Androcles,and the Lion,安德罗克利斯与狮子,The Devils Disciple,魔鬼的门徒,Saint Joan,圣女贞德,Heartbreak House,伤心之家,Arms and the Man,武器与人,The film,Some were made into films,When,Where,Who,What,At 11: 15,PM,in 1914,Outside in,London,England,1.The structure,Eliza Doolittle,Henry,Higgins,Pickering,This text is mainly about the first,experience of Eliza meeting with _.,A. Professor Higgins,B. Colonel Pickering,C. Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering,D. a gentleman,2.Each character,She wears dark garments and,a woolen scarf.,Questions :, what about the dressing of Eliza ?,Is her language standard?,No, she,calls gentleman “sir” and,capin,.,Questions :, What do you think the job of,Henry Higgins? Is he a policeman?,He is not a policemen, but an expert in phonetics.,what kind of man do you think Henry Higgins is ?,He is kind, polite, generous, etc., whats the identity of Pickering?,He is an officer in the army.,Questions :,True or false questions.,Eliza belongs to the upper class.,Eliza is respectful to the higher class., Pickering is hiding from the rain listening,to peoples language and watching their,reactions., In act one, Higgins and Pickering got along well with each other before.,3. Careful reading,F,T,F,F,1. What was Elizas spoken English ?,A. She spoke standard English,B. She didnt speak standard English,C. She spoke official English,D. She spoke American English,2. Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order,to _.,A. ask him to buy some flowers from her,B. talk with him,C. ask him to teach her,D. beg some money from him,3. What did Higgins take down on his,notebook?,A. He wrote down what the girl said,B. He wanted to tell the police what he saw,C. He was writing a story,D. He took down the weather,4. Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by _.,A. his appearance,B. his action,C. his conversation,D. his manners,5. Why Eliza began to cry? Because _.,A.she,thought Professor Higgins would arrest,him,B. the gentleman didnt give her some money,C. Pickering beat and scolded her,D. there was no reason,6. Where was the girl from?,A. The west end of the Wales,B. The west land of Scotland,C. The west end of London,D. The east end of London,7. From the text , we can infer that Professor Higgins is a man described below EXCEPT _.,A. he doesnt care about money,B. he is an expert in phonetics,C. he is proud,D. he is greedy,8. Once educated to speak properly, the girl can do the following except _.,A. acting as a duchess,B. going on selling flowers,C. working as a shop assistant,D. serving as a ladys maid,HOME WORK,Recite the words of unit 4 and,preview the vocabulary of,this passage.,3Q,


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