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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Lecture 3,Translation of English for Science and Technology (EST),科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)是从事科学技术活动时所使用的英语,是英语的一种变体(科技文体)。科技英语自70年代以来引起了人们的广泛关注和研究,目前已发展成为一种重要的英语语体。,I. 科技英语的文体特点 科技英语由于其内容、使用域和语篇功能的特殊性,也由于科技工作者长期以来的语言使用习惯,形成了自身的一些特点,使其在许多方面有别于日常英语、文学英语等语体。这些特点主要表现在词汇和句法两个层面上:,1、词汇层面 (1) 专业术语多。这些专业术语的特点是:,a. 词形较长,大多含有源于拉丁语、希腊语和法语的词根、词缀。,如:nucleonics (核子学),,semisomnus (半昏迷),,excoriation (表皮脱落)等。,b. 多复合词。人们常常通过各种构词方法创造出一些复合词来表示科技发展中出现的新事物,,如radiophotography (无线电传真),,c. 多缩略词。为使用便利和节省时间,科技英语同经贸英语一样,也有许多缩略词,,FM (frequency modulation调频),(2) 准专业术语和词汇多。准专业词汇指的是那些在不同学科中都存在但意义所指不同的词汇,其中有相当数量的词汇属于普通常用词汇。,如frame一词在日常英语中指框架,而在机械原理中指机架,在电讯技术中又作帧或镜头解;,normal在化学中指中性的、当量的和标准浓度,,在数学上指垂直的、法线的和法线,,在生理上又指不受感染的;,transmission在无线电工程学中指发射,在机械学中指传动、变速,在物理学中指透射,而在医学中又指遗传。,2、 句法层面 (1) 多名词化结构。为使行文简洁,科技英语中多用表示动作或状态的抽象名词或起名词功用的V-ing形式以及名词短语结构。,如computer programming teaching device manual,(计算机程序编制教学装置手册),,the generation of heat by friction (摩擦生热)等。,总之,科技英语以客观事物为中心,即所谓的object-centered或concept-centered。,(2) 多用长句和逻辑关联词(logic connectors),常常使用一些含有许多短语和分句的长句,同时还常使用许多逻辑关联词,如hence, consequently, accordingly, then, however, but, yet, also, on the contrary, as a result, furthermore, finally, in short等,以使行文逻辑关系清楚、层次条理分明。,(3) 多用一般现在时和完成时。,这两种时态之所以在科技英语中常见,是因为前者可以较好地表现文章内容的无时间性,说明文章中的科学定义、定理、公式不受时间限制,任何时候都成立;后者则多用来表述已经发现或获得的研究成果。,(4) 多被动语态。,英语中的被动语态要比汉语中的多,在各种文体中都是这样,在科技英语中尤为突出。国外有学者统计,在物理、化学、工程类教科书里,全部限定动词中至少有三分之一用被动语态,著名语言学家Quirk曾说科技英语中被动语态的使用率要比主动态高出十多倍。科技英语的语旨是要阐述客观事物的本质特征,描述其发生、发展及变化过程,表述客观事物间的联系,所以它的主体通常是客观事物或自然现象,这样一来,被动语态也就得以大量使用。,(5) 先行it结构多。,将较长的主语从句放到句末而用形式主语it来引导句子,可以避免句子结构上的头重脚轻,也使行文更加凝重平稳,符合科技英语的总体风格。,(6) 介词词组连用多。为了较为简练地反映各事物(即各句子成分)之间的时空、所属、因果等逻辑关系,科技英语中介词词组(短语)连用较多。例如: The action of air on an airplane in flight at low altitude is greater than that at high altitude.,空气对于低空飞行飞机的作用力大于高空飞行的飞机。,III. 翻译技巧,1、英语名词化结构与汉语动词的转换,1、1. contrastive study of English and Chinese in usage of verbs:,static (E) vs dynamic(C),noun-prominent(E) vs verb-prominent(C),1、2the translation method of conversion to verbs:,1.2.1 n-v,eg: (1)The growing,awareness,of millions of people of their intolerable condition of life had promoted them to revote.,千百万人民意识到自己的生活条件不堪忍受,这促使他们起来反抗.,(2) Vietnamese War is a,drain,on American resources.,越南战争不断消耗美国的资源。,(3) My,suggestion,is that he should quit smoking at once.,我建议他立即戒烟。,(4)I was so,grateful,to my father for his continuous,encouragement,during my childhood.,我非常感激我的父亲,因为在我小时侯他总是不断地鼓励我。,(5)Starvation was a remote threat.,人们一时还不会饿死。,(6)He had entertained hopes of being admitted to a,sight,of the young ladies,of whose beauty he had heard much.,几位年轻小姐的美貌他耳闻已久,一直希望得以一睹芳容。,(7)The pupil is a good writer.,这个小学生文章写得不错。,(8)这位老猎人滑雪滑得好.,The old hunter is a good,skier,.,(9)You must be a very bad,learner, or else you must have a very bad teacher.,你一定很不会学,要不就是找了个很不会教的人。,(10) He is the,murderer,of his boss.,他谋杀了他的老板.,(11) He had been the,ruler,of that region for as long as 20 years.,他统治了那个地区长达二十年。,(12)Without knowing how,captain Dobbin found himself the,promoter, arranger, and manager,of the match between Gorge Osborne and Amelia. (W.M.Thackery),都宾上尉胡里糊涂地就开始拉拢说合,安排调摆,一手操办起乔治和爱米丽娅的这桩婚事。,2.2 prep-v,eg: (1) Millions of the people in the mountains areas finally,off,poverty.,千百万山区人民摆脱了贫穷。,(2) What are you,after,?,你追求什么?,(3) The people are,with,him.,人民拥护他。,(4)You cant imagine how angry he was,at,the news.,你不知道他听到这个消息有多生气。,2.3 adj.-v,(1) It was a very,informative,meeting.,会上透漏了许多信息。,(2) The couple is,fond,of modern music.,这对夫妇喜欢现代音乐。,2.4. adj.-v,Open the door and let me,in.,请开门让我进来.,Exercise of Conversion in translaton:,He is a jovial giant,with a huge appetite for food, drink and women.,他生性乐观,身形魁梧,,贪吃贪杯又贪色,。,“Coming!”Away she skimmed,over,the lawn, up the path ,up,the steps ,across,the veranda, and,into,the porch.,“来了!”她转身蹦着跳着跑了,,越过,草地,,跑上,小径,,跨上,台阶,,穿过,阳台,,进了,门廊。,He is,no smoker,but his father is,a chain smoker,.,他倒是,不抽烟,,可他父亲却,一支接一支地抽,。,The beauty of the scenery baffels,description,.,景色之美,笔墨,难以形容,。,2. 长句的翻译,2.1,长句分析的方法 在进行长句分析时,首先要分析句子结构,弄清语法关系。而对一个句子做结构分析,通常可采取下列步骤:,(1),通读全句,(2),确定句子的种类,(,简单句或复合句,),(3) 如是,简单句,先找出句子的主要成分-主语、谓语,并进一步判明句中其余部分的语法成分-宾语、定语、状语、补足语、同位语、插入语等。,如为复合句,则应先找出主句,然后再确定各个从句的性质及其作用,判明各从句之间的关系-并列关系或从属关系,并对各成分进行层次分析。,例:,In order to understand the operation of a transistor, it is first necessary to be familiar with the mechanism of charge(电荷) transfer across a junction(结) formed between a piece of n-type semi-conductor(半导体)and a piece of P-type semi-conductor.,译文,:为了理解晶体管的工作原理;,(2),首先必须熟悉电荷越过结的机理;,(3),结是在一块N型半导体材料和一块P型半导体材料之间形成的。,2.2,长句的翻译技巧 长句的翻译有各种方法。最主要的有顺译法,(,sequential,translation),、逆译法,(,reversing,translation),、分译法,(,splitting,translation),等。现分别举例说明如下:,顺译法,有些长句的内容安排与汉语的安排与汉语的习惯大体相同,翻译时,基本可按原文语序依次译出,而无须做太大的调整变通。这种译法叫顺译法。,顺译法,(,1)Although she had long lost the blue-eyed, flower-like charm, the cool slim purity of face and form, the apple blossom coloring (2)which had so swiftly and oddly affected Ashurt twenty-six years ago, (3)she was still at forty-three a comely and faithful companion ,(4) whose cheeks seemed faintly mottled, (5)and whose grey-blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness.,(1),虽说她早已失掉了那蔚蓝色眼睛的、花儿般的魅力,也失掉了她脸儿和身段的那种冰清玉洁、苗条多姿的气质和那苹果花似的颜色,(2),二十六年前这种花容月貌曾那样迅速而奇妙地影响过爱设斯特,(3),那么在四十三岁的今天, 她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣,,(4),不过两颊有点儿淡淡的斑驳,,(5),而灰蓝色的眼睛也已经有点儿饱满了。,顺译法,(1),This simple fact shows that the more of the force of friction is got rid of,(2),the farther will the ball travel,(3),and we are led to infer that,(4),if all the impeding forces of gravitation and resistance could be removed,(5),there is no reason why the ball, once in motion, should ever stop.,(1),这个简单事实证明,,(2),摩擦力去除的越多,球会滚的越远;,(3),由此我们可以推论出,,(4),如果一切起阻碍作用的引力和阻力能够去除的话,,(5),就没有理由认为处于运动中的球还会停下来。,顺译法,(1),Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep,(2),electricity is working for us,(3),driving our refrigerators,(4),heating our water,(5),or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.,译文:(1),即使在我们关掉了床头灯深深地进入梦乡时,(2),电仍在为我们工作:,(3),帮我们开动电冰箱,(4),把水加热,(5),或使室内空调机继续运转。,逆译法,如果英语长句的时间顺序或逻辑顺序等叙事层次与汉语不相一致,往往需要改变原文语序,甚至逆着原文语序翻译,以使译文更加符合汉语叙事论理的习惯。,Eg:,1、(1)It is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons (2)why learning English seems to become incresingly difficult (3)once the basic structures and patterns of the languages have been understood.,(3),一旦了解了英语的基本结构和句型,,(2),学习英语却似乎变得越来越难,,(1),这其中的原因,也许教师比学生更容易理解。,翻译由It作形式主语的长句,我们可以考虑使用逆序法。,逆译法,(1),And he knew how ashamed he would have been,(2),if his girlfriend had known his mother,(3),and the kind of place in which he was born ,(4),and the kind of people among whom he was born.,译文一: 他知道他会非常地丢脸,如果他的女朋友知道了他的母亲,他出生的地方以及他所出生的人群,。,译文二:,(4),他出生在这类人中间,(3),出生在这样的地方,(2),他有这样的母亲,这些要是让女朋友知道了的话,(1),他明白会有多么丢人,。,汉语的表达习惯是条件在前,事实结果在后,或者目的在前,行动在后.翻译时应换序,。,(1),Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world;,(2),they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds,(3),if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.,(3),假如没有那些以昆虫为食的动物保护我们, 昆虫将吞噬我们所有的庄稼,(2),害死我们的牛羊家畜,(1),使我们不能生存于世。,分译法。,分译法是翻译英语长句最为常见的手法之一。由于汉语多采用较短句式,因此经常可以将英语长句的某些短语或从句分译成句。特别是有些短语或从句与句子中的其它成分的联系并不紧密时,这时分译法就尤其适用。,Eg:,The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs, even run an electric motor, is almost unbelievable.,(1),鱼能发电,,(2),其强度足以点亮小灯泡,,(3),甚至能开动电机,,(4),这简直令人难以置信。,分译法。,2),The number of the young people in the United States who cant read is incredible about one in four.,version 1:,没有阅读能力的美国青年人的数目令人难以相信约为1/4。,version 2:,大约有1/4的美国青年人没有阅读能力, 这简直令人难以置信。,分译法。,3),Its hard to track the blue whale , the ocean s largest creature, which has almost been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as an endangered species.,跟踪最大的海洋动物蓝鲸是件难事,由于商业捕鲸,蓝鲸差不多灭绝了,如今已被列为濒危物种。,2.3 Exercise: translation of long sentences:,(,1,)He worried that his dog wouldnt get another bone because Billy had hidden the bones in the house before going back to the hospital, and now he couldnt remember where he put them.,(2),Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.,(,3,)Television,it is often said,keeps one informed about current events,allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics,and offers an endless series of,programs which are both instructive entertaining.,(,4,) It is not that the scales in the one case,and the balance in the other,differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working but that the latter is a much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.,Keys for references:,(,1,)He worried that his dog wouldnt get another bone because Billy had hidden the bones in the huse before going back to the hospital, and now he couldnt remember where he put them.,比利担心他的狗再也找不到骨头吃了,因为他在回医院前把骨头藏在了家里的什么地方,可是现在却想不起到底藏在哪了。(顺译法),(2),Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.,译文:许多人常常宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情。(,逆,译法),(,3,)Television,it is often said,keeps one informed about current events,allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics,and offers an endless series of,programs which are both instructive entertaining.,结构分析 从句主语带有三个并列的谓语keeps,allows,and offers,构成一个三项并列结构,第二个三项中又各有一小的二项并列结构。,参考译文 人们常说,电视使人们了解最近发生的大事,使人跟上最新科学和政治的发展,并向人们提供无限的既有教育意义又有娱乐性的节目,。(分译法),(,4,) It is not that the scales(磅秤) in the one case,and the balance(天平) in the other,differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working but that the latter is a much finer apparatus(装置) and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.,参考译文 这并不是说磅秤和天平在构造原理和工作方式上存在差别,而是说与前者相比,后者是一种更精密的装置,因而在计量上必然更准确得多.,IV.科技英语的翻译,要做好科技英语的翻译工作,译者必须注意以下几点:,1) 了解相关专业知识,由于科技英语涉及自然科学的各个领域,因此译者应有较宽的知识面,尤其要具备翻译材料所属学科的一些基本的专业知识。为此,一般翻译工作者都应努力学习各科知识,使自己成为一个杂家。要勤于向书本和专家求教,不可不懂装懂或是想当然乱译一通。,2) 准确理解词义 要注意那些常用词在特定学科中的特定含义,不可以常义代特定义,但同时也不应将所有的常用词全部作专业或准专业词理解,这一点很重要,因为科技英语只是英语的一种文体,并非完全不同的另一种语言,其中的词汇大部分仍是共核词汇。科技翻译中不仅要勤查词典,而且更要结合一个词的上下文及所在专业领域来确定其真实含义。,其次,科学技术发展迅速,相应的新词不断出现,而翻译最新科技成果与信息又往往是我们翻译实践的主要内容,所以译者应随时关注相关领域的最新动态与发展,同时要勤于动手动脑,这样才能准确理解并再现那些新词的意义,,3) 仔细分析长句 科技英语中有大量长句,这些长句中往往又含有若干分句和许多短语及其它修饰限定成分,这给理解带来了一定困难。翻译时首先必须对长句进行深入细致的分析,先理清主干、再层层明确各成份之间的语法关系和语义逻辑关系,然后根据情况,选择采用顺译、逆译或综合译法。表达时一定要将意义的准确性和明晰性放在首位,该断句就断句,该增益就增益,不可死扣原文形式。,4) 用词要得体,总的来讲,科技英语语体较为正式,因此翻译时要尽可能选择与该文体相当的较为正式的词语,行文要向严谨规范的书面语靠拢。此外,原文因语篇内容与功能的不同(如科普文章与学术论文)而在语气的正式程度上也会有所不同因此,翻译时应先对原文的正式程度和译文的潜在读者进行一番分析。,对于学术性和专业性较强的语篇中正式程度高的语汇,译者一般也应将之译成正式程度相当的语汇。,如,:,AIDS译为,获得性免疫缺乏综合症,”(学术论文),艾滋病,(一般科技文体),poliomyelitis译作,“脊髓灰质炎”(,学术论文,),“小儿麻痹症”。(一般科技文体),diarrhea译为,“腹泻”,(学术论文,),“拉肚子”(一般科技文体),5) 熟悉构词法。,熟悉构词法,特别是科技词汇的常见构词法,对于准确理解词义,特别是新词词义,有着非常重要的意义。以下简要说明科技词汇的几种主要的构词法。 ,(1) 合成法。合成法指将两个或两个以上的词组合成一个新词,,如,:,hot press,热压,waterproof,防水的,结合后形成的新词,其义多为单个词语词义的叠加,但有的也会发生变异,翻译时要予以注意,如,:,heart burn,胃灼热/心口灼热,heartman,换心人,(2) 拼缀法。拼缀法(或词缀法)是指在一个旧词前或后加上词缀构成新词的方法。科技英语中以这一方法构成的新词最多,可以说俯拾皆是,如,:,antiparticle,反粒子,antibody,抗体,需要指出的是以V+er/or构成的词,有许多是指某一仪器而不指人,如,:,conductor,导体,holder,支架/托,(3) 混成法。将原有二词各取其中一部分(有时还是某一词的全部)合成新词。如,:,teleprinter+exchange = telex (电传),copy+electron=copytron (电子复印)。,biological+ rhythm,=,biorhythm (生理节奏)。,(4) 缩略法。以首字母缩略为主,即将某一词组中的几个主要词的首字母合起来组成新词。如,:,AC (alternating current交流电),,DC (direct current直流电),,CCTV(closed circuit television闭路电视),还须注意的是,一种缩略形式,可能是好几个不同词或词组的共同的缩略形,翻译时必须依据上下文加以分析。,如AC在不同的语境中,则可有多达28个不同的意义,如:bsorption coefficient (吸收系数), adapter cable (适配电缆), adjustment calibration (调整校准), air condenser (空气冷凝器,空气电容器), air conditioner(空调器), analog computer(模拟计算机) 等。所以,翻译缩略词一定要搞清它是哪些词或词组的缩写,手头有一本英汉科技词典和缩略语大词典是很有必要的。,6) 熟悉数量增减表达法 科技英语中表述数量增减的的方式多种多样,译者稍不留神就会出错,所以不仅要小心谨慎,还要熟悉它们常用的表达方式。,7)注意术语的准确表达与翻译 术语翻译常被视为科技英语翻译的难中之难,这主要和译者的专业知识欠缺以及原文中新词多有关。因此译者一定要拓宽自己的知识面,增加自己对所译材料涉及到的专业知识的了解,准确理解原文的含义,并用妥帖的术语将其意义表达出来。,V. Exercise:,Researches Confirm: Plants Cry When Hurt,Tread softly in the garden and pluck that rose with care,flowers cry when cut,cucumer squeal and even healthy fruit gurgles according to new acoustic research on the stressful life of plants.,The findings, released by the Institute for Aplied Physics at the University of Bonn(波恩大学应用植物研究所), could have important implications for farmers since, with the proper eavesdropping device(窃听装置), one can now disinguish between healthy and sick vegetables. Talking to plants, it seemes, is not as rewarding as listening to them.,The Bonn scientists have developed laser-driven microphones that pick up sounds inaccessible to the human ear. When a leaf or a stem is sliced , the plant signals pain(or perhaps merely dismay) by releasing the gas ethylene (乙烯气体)over its entire surface.,But the Bonn University team believes plants do more than charter about aches and pains as if passing time in a doctors waiting room. The team also thinks plants warn each other about approaching danger. The “alarm signal” is a chemical message transmitted between individual plants, this too can be measured by the new equipment.,翻译练习中出现的问题:,一、长句翻译的语序,(1)Tread softly in the garden and pluck that rose with care, flowers cry when cut, cucumber squeal and even healthy fruit gurgles,according to new acoustic research on the stressful life of plants,.,这是根据一种可以研究植物紧张生活的一种新的声音的调查报告,(2)The findings,released by the Institute for Applied Physics at the University of Bonn(波恩大学应用植物研究所),could have important implications for farmers since, with the proper eavesdropping device(窃听装置), one can now distinguish between healthy and sick vegetables. Talking to plants,it seems, is not as rewarding as listening to them.,调查结果,发布于波恩大学应用植物研究所,二、表达错误,(1)Tread softly in the garden and pluck that rose with care,当人们轻轻地踩在花园里,并且小心翼翼地采摘那些玫瑰时,花朵会哭泣。,(2)flowers cry when cut,鲜花在哭泣时数目消减,(3)even healthy fruit gurgles,咯咯地哭,发出潺潺的流水声,(4)the Bonn University team,伯恩大学小组,(5)Talking to plants,与植物交谈,三、术语的翻译,individual plants,个体植物,distinguish between healthy and sick vegetables,健康的蔬菜和生病的蔬菜,参考译文:,Researches Confirm: Plants Cry When Hurt,科学研究证实:植物受伤会叫痛,Tread softly,in the garden and,pluck that rose with care,flowers cry,when cut,cucumer squeal and even healthy fruit gurgles according to new acoustic research on the stressful life of plants.,在花园行走脚步要放轻,摘玫瑰要小心。根据对植物充满压力的生活的最新声学研究,剪花时,花会叫痛,切黄瓜时,黄瓜会尖叫,甚至正常生长的水果也会,发出,咕噜咕噜,的响声,。,The findings,released by the Institute for Aplied Physics at the University of Bonn(波恩大学应用植物研究所), could have important implications for farmers,since, with the proper eavesdropping device(窃听装置), one can now disinguish between,healthy and sick vegetables,.,Talking to,plants,it seemes, is not as,rewarding,as listening to them.,波恩大学应用植物研究所公布的这些发现对农民可能具有重要意义,因为如果配备合适的窃听装置,就能区分健康的蔬菜和病害蔬菜。看来,对植物谈话不如听它们说话更为有益。,The Bonn scientists have developed laser-driven microphones that pick up sounds inaccessible to the human ear. When a leaf or a stem is sliced , the plant signals pain(or perhaps merely dismay) by releasing the gas ethylene (乙烯气体)over its entire surface.,波恩大学的科学家已研制出一种激光驱动的麦克风,能接收人耳听不到的声音。茎叶被切开,植物就会在整个切面释放出乙烯气体,以示痛苦(也许仅仅是惊慌)。,But the Bonn University team belives plants do more than,cha,t,ter about aches and pains,as if passing time in a doctors waiting room. The team also thinks plants warn each other about approaching danger. The “alarm signal” is a chemical message transmitted between,individual plants, this too can be measured by the new equipment.,但是,波恩大学的这些科学家认为,植物不仅仅诉苦喊痛,就像人们在候诊室消磨时间一样,他们还认为,植物会相互作用提醒迫在眉睫的危险。这种“警报”是植物单株之间传递的一种化学信号,也能用这种新装置加以测量。,


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