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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Job Interview (2)How to succeed in a job interview,Nowadays, you may feel job is hard to find. So prevent you failing in a job interview, preparing,RESUME,Contact information.,This includes your name; permanent and college campus addresses, if they are different; phone number; and e-mail address, if you have one.,Objective statement.,“,Seeking a position as”,Qualifications summary.,“Why should I hire you?”,Education.,List all relevant training, certifications, and education on your rsum.,Experience.,Rsums should include your job history.,Activities and associations.,Special skills.,List your,specific computer, foreign language, typing, or other technical skills.,Awards and honors.,References.,“,References available upon request.”,Other personal information.,Do not disclose your health, disability, marital status, age, or ethnicity.,Resume: Personal Information,name,姓名,sex/gender,性别,:male, female,date of birth,出生日期,marital status,婚姻状况,: single married,hometown,籍贯,nationality,民族;国籍,health,健康状况:,excellent,weight,体重,height,身高,ID card number,身份证号,home phone,住宅电话,mobile/cell phone,手机,address,地址,Email address,电子邮箱,fax,传真,Resume: Educational Background,graduate from,毕业于,Heilongjiang College of Construction,黑建院,(建筑与城市规划学院,Architecture and urban planning institute,),major in,主修,专业是,古建筑工程:,Engineering of Ancient Buildings,建筑设计:,Architectural Design,城镇规划:,Town /Urban Planning,园林景观设计:,Garden/Landscape Design,Passed College English Test band 4,Took such courses as ,Had a score of 85 in average,Resume: Awards,Received five scholarship for academic excellence.,因学习成绩优异获得五次奖学金。,Won a award from ,获得由,颁发的奖项,Got the second prize/champion in competition.,在,比赛中夺得二等奖,/,冠军。,Awarded Triple-A student last semester.,上学期被评为三好学生。,Resume: Experience,Interned as a secretary in a big company,在一家大公司担任实习秘书,Worked as an intern in the personal department in a company,在一家公司的人事部当实习生,Did some selling as a part-time job during the last summer vacation,去年暑假以兼职形式做过一些销售工作,Field-worked as a technician for half a year,作为技术员实地工作了半年,Dear Sir,I read your advertisement for,a Civil Engineer or Urban Construction graduate, and,I believe I have the necessary credentials,.,I have worked at,various level in the construction industry every summer vacation since my high school. As is shown in my resume,I worked as,a general laborer, gradually,moved up to,a carpenter, and last summer I worked as assistant construction manager on a 200-million-yuan project.,I am quite familiar with your companys projects, and my aspiration is to work for a company with excellent reputation like you.,I would be grateful if I have the opportunity to interview with you.,Thank you for your time and consideration.,Sincerely yours,Li,Lan,尊敬的先生:,我从广告中得知贵公司要招聘一名土木工程师或城市建筑专业的大学毕业生,我相信自己符合您的招聘标准。,自中学以来,我每年暑假都在建筑行业打工,各个层次的工作我都做过。正如我简历所说,一开始做杂工,然后升做木工;去年夏天我被提升为建筑经理助理,参与了价值高达两亿元的建筑工程。,我对贵公司的建筑项目颇为了解。我梦想为你们这样享有盛誉的公司效劳。若能有机会面谈,我将不胜感激。,谢谢您在百忙之中抽出时间考虑我的申请。,您忠诚的,,李兰,Preparing for a Job Interview,Preparing for the interview,At the Interview - Presentation,Post Interview,Giving Quality Answers,Sample Answers and Guidelines,Questions to Ask at an Interview,Examples Good and Bad,Job hunting is very hot!,The Call,When you get “the call” for an interview, you should ask the following:,Time and location of interview.,Who will I be meeting with?,What is the persons job title.,Can I have a copy of the job description?,Get Ready,Research the company,Review job posting, advertisement,Review your resume,Practice interview answers,Prepare questions to ask the interviewer,Contact your references to let know about the interview and job applied for,Reduce the Stress,Go to the,location,of the interview the day before,Note the,time,it took you to get there,Look for the best,parking spot,or closest,bus stop,If possible, look around the,place of business,you are applying to, get brochures, information etc.,Lay out your,clothes,the night before the interview dress one notch better then what you would wear to work,The Big Day,Be on time, not too early and NEVER late 10 minutes early is acceptable,Bring your resume, references, reference letters, certificates. Put in a file or folder,No gum, cigarettes or fragrances,Its okay to be nervous, the interviewer probably is too,a dean and tidy appearance will surely attract the attention of the interviewers; a graceful manner is easy to leave a good impression on your would be boss. show your keen enthusiastic about the job and your strong desire for obtaining the job all the way.,once you achieve what is mentioned above, the new job will be within your reach.,The Interview,Use positive statements, “I can, I will, I do”,Be aware of your body language,Use eye contact,Provide interviewer with your references,It is okay to:,Ask for a moment to think about your answer,Ask for the question to be repeated,Ask to come back to the question later,When its over,.,Always send a thank you letter ASAP (as soon as possible),Call your references and provide them information on the job and review your skills that relate to the position,Follow up with the employer,Behavioral Interviews,Are based on the idea that a potential employees,past performance,is the best predictor of their,future,performances,and it increases an employer chance of picking the best candidate for the job.,These questions usually begin with,Tell me about a time when.,Describe a situation that you.,Give a specific example of.,What interests you about this role?,Quality Answers,Keep them business focused,Mentions skills that are relevant to the job,Back up what you say with examples,Be positive never “bad mouth” another employer,Show motivation and enthusiasm,Questions You Should Not be Asked,Are you married? Separated? Divorced?,What does your partner do?,Do you have young children at home?,What will happen if your children get sick?,How old are you?,Do you have a disability?,Questions to ask the Interviewer,Can you tell me more about.?,Do you have any training programs? Can you describe them?,What would my schedule be like?,How has this position become available?,When will you be making your hiring decision?,Will you be contacting all candidates once you have made your hiring decision?,


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