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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,喜欢做某事,like to do sth,(一次,),或,like doing sth.,(长期,),2,参加,Join the swimming club/us/party(,党,),take part in the sports meeting,/birthday party(,竞赛 游戏等,),集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数,eg: 1) People like to listen to music,.,join / take part in,3,人;人们,Unit1,知识点小结,people:,4,和某人谈话,talk to sb.,一方听话,一方讲,和某人交谈”,talk with sb,.”,你一言我一语,谈论某事”,talk about sth,.,讲故事,tell stories,告诉某人某事,tell sb. sth,.,告诉某人做某事,tell sb. to do sth.,告诉某人不要做某事,tell sb. not to do sth.,5,说某种语言,speak English,说你好,say hello”,6,弹吉他,/,钢琴,play the guitar/piano,7,打篮球,/,排球,/,足球,play basketball/volleyball/soccor,8,擅长,.,be good at,后接名词、动名词,You are good at sports./ swimming,9,对,-,有益,be good for,Exercise is good for health.,10,对,.,有办法,be good with,She is good with old people,11,在某方面帮助某人,help sb. with sth,.,Can you help me with English?,12,帮助某人做某事,help sb. (to )do sth,.,I often help my mother to clean the house,13,也,too; also; as well; either,.,too,多用于口语,,,位置通常在句末,前边常有逗号,He is a worker, too,also,较正式,,通常放在行为动词之前,,be,动词和助动词之后。,He can also play the guitar.,as well,与,too,用法相同,either.,用于否定句,eg: He was not there either,.,14,想要某物,。,want sth,.,He wants some English books,.,15,想做某事,They want to go to the park,.,Do you want me to help you,?,16,在,-,里;参加,be in,-,He is in our school soccer team.,.,want to do sth,want sb to do sth,17,给某人看某物,show sb. sth. show sth.to sb,.,Lily, show me your book.,或,Show the book to me ,please.,18,和,-,交朋友,make friends with sb,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 1,语法探究,语法探究,.,情态动词,can,。,特点:形式上没有,_,和,_,的变化,有的;不能单独作,_,语,必须和,_,连用。,意义: 情态动词一般有,_,个意义。,否定式: 情态动词的否定式一般为在其后加,_,。,人称,数,谓,动词原形,多,not,英语,新课标(,RJ,),一般疑问式: 一般疑问句通常将其提到,_,。,.,情态动词,can,的用法,A.,意义,1.,表示,_,。如:,He can speak English very well.,他英语说得很好。,She can sing some English songs.,她会唱几首英文歌曲。,2.,表示,_,。如:,You can play the violin after school every day.,每天下课后你可以拉小提琴。,Unit 1,语法探究,句首,能力,许可,Unit 1,语法探究,Students can,t take cell phones or Mp3 players to school.学生不允许带手机或MP3到学校。,3. 表示,_,。如:,Can you tell me an English story?,你能给我讲个英语故事吗?,Could you help me with my English?,你能帮我学英语吗?,温馨提示: 上句中的could 是can 的过去式,用在一般现在时的句子中,表示比can更客气的请求。,请求,Unit 1,语法探究,4. cant,表示,_,。如:,Is that Mr. Smith?,那是史密斯先生吗?,That cant be him. He is in New York now.,那不可能是他。他现在在纽约呢。,英语,新课标(,RJ,),否定猜测,Unit 1,语法探究,B. 句型变化,肯定句: He can play,the,_,drums,.,否定句: He,_,play the drums.,一般疑问句:,_,he,_,the drums?,两种回答:,Yes, he,_,/No, he,_,对画线部分提问:,_ _,he play?,can,t,Can,play,can,can,t,What,can,Unit2,知识点归纳,1,几点,What time,I get up at,6:00,in the morning.,(提问),_ _ do you get up ?,2,什么时候,几点,when,-When do you exercise ? -On weekends.,When do you go to work?-At seven oclock,.,3,工作,Job,An interesting job,工作,work,不可数名词,I have too much _ to do.,4,常见的频率副词有哪些,usually ,sometimes ,often ,never, always,放在什么位置,实前,,be,、助、情后,She - - late for school.,她总是上学迟到,。,He - - up early.,他经常起床很早,。,5,许多,A lot of,简写,lots of,后跟,-,可数名词复数和不可数名词,There,is,lots of water in the well(,井,) .,There are lots of students in the hall.,许多,many,many,后跟可数名词复数,many students,much,后跟不可数名词,much water,6,或者,.,或者,要么,要么,.,either or Either he or I,am,right .,连接并列主语,用就近原则,7,给某人穿衣服,dress sb.,She often,dresses her,daughter,.,8,衣上穿服,After I get up ,I get dressed to eat breakfast,.,9,在周末,On weekends,在某个周末,On the weekend,get dressed,10,时间的表达法,顺读法,6:25 six twenty five,先读时,再读分,逆读法,past,过,to,差 从后往前读。,十五分读成,a quarter,6:10 ten past six. 6:50,差十分七点,ten to seven,半点的读法,Half past six,用,half past +,点钟,11,散步,take a walk,12,洗淋浴,take a shower,13,从,.,到,from to ,14,需要做某事,need to do sth,15 need sb to do sth.,7.,多久,How long,It takes me,5 min,u,tes,to get home .,How long does it take you to get to school ?,就一段时间提问用,how long,8 How far,多远, is it from your home to school?,Its about 15 minutes walk.,Its,about 12 kilometers,from here to Baoqing.,How far is it from your home to,Baoqing?,就一段路程提问用,how far,9,做某事花费某人多长时间。,It takes+sb(,人,)+some time(,时间,) +to do sth.,It,takes me five hours,to clean,my study.,10,多久一次,how often,Mary watches TV,once a week,.(,就划线部分提问,),How often does Mary watch TV.,就频率副词提问用,how often.,He takes the medicine,twice a day., - does he take the medicine?,8. hundred,的两种用法,1. hundreds of, 名词复数,“数以百记的,成百上千的,”表示一种“,概数”,2.,数字,hundred,名词复数, “,百”,表示“,确数,”。如:,There are people on the island.,岛屿上有成百上千的人。,He has interesting books.,他有五百本有趣的书籍。,hundreds of,five hundred,Unit3,知识点归纳,1 I,take a bus,to school. I get to school,by bus,.(,就划线部分提问),How do you get to school?.,就交通方式提问用,how,(take+a+,交通,+ to+,地方,= go /get /to+,地方,+ by+,交通工具 乘坐,去,take+a+,交通,;,by+,交通,; on/in +a+,交通,Mary goes to school,by subway,./on the subway,He gets to school,by bike,./on his bike in a car / by car,Lisa walks to school./ Lisa gets to school on foot.,2 fly to sp =go to sp by plane.,fly to sp,飞往某地,walk to sp,步行去某地,drive to sp,开车去某地,3,How long does it take you to get to school?,It takes me 15minutes to get to school by bike.,It takes+sb(,人,)+some time(,时间,) +to do sth,. “,做某事花费某人多长时间。”,),spend,花费,I spend 6 hours (in) cleaning my room.,人,+spend +,时间、钱,+,(,in,),+doing sth.,pay,花费,付费,I,paid,five yuan,for,my car .,想一想,pay take spend,用法区别。,4. Where does Bob live?,He lives,in Beijing./,at Chaoyang.,居住在某地,live in /at +sp.,5,What do you,think of,the trip?,(What do you think of+sth/doing sth,?你觉得某物,/,地怎么样?,like.,?,),What do you think of doing sth,?你觉得做某事怎么样?与,How do you like,同义句。,6,.,It is easy,for many students,to,get to school.,It is + adj.(,for sb,.)to do sth.,( 对于某人来说“做某事怎么样?”),it,是形式主语 ,,to do sth,是真正的主语。,It is kind of you to help me.,It is +adj.,of sb.,to do sth.of,与,for,取决于,adj.,Its clever_ you to work out the math problem.,7,Hes,like,a father to me.,be like,像,(性格),look like,像,(,外形,),8,、,Thanks for,your last e-mail.,(Thanks,for sth/doing,sth “,因,而感谢某人,),9,给某人写一封信,write a letter to sb.=write to sb.,10,害怕,be afraid,11,害怕做某事,be,afraid to d,o sth,12,害怕某物,be,afraid of,sth,13,从家到学校,from home to school,13,一个,11,岁的男孩,an,11-year-old,boy,She s eleven years old.,14,穿过,cross,过河,cross the river / go across the river,15,穿过,through,through the forgest,Through/ /acros/ cross,区别,16,骑自行车,ride a bike /by bike,17,步行,walk/on foot,1,开车,drive a car,2,到达学校,get to school,3,到家,/,这儿,/,那儿,get home / here / there get to +,地点名词,/get+,地点副词,arrive in +,大地点,arrive at +,小地点,reach +sp.,4,动身去某地,leave for+,地点,5 leave sp.,离开某地,leave sp. for sp.,离开某地去某地,leave sth sp.,把某物遗忘在某地,I left my book at school. leave left,Forget,忘记 不与地点连用,forget sth,忘记某物,forget to do sth,忘记做某事(没做),forget doing sth.,忘记做过某事(做了,但忘了),5,过河,cross the river,6,居住在 某地,live in +,地点,7,从家到学校,from home to school,8,不得不,Has/ have to,9,认为,think of/about,


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