【牛津深圳版】八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Encyclopaedias单元课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 1,Encyclopaedias,Module 1,Amazing things,自主预习,一、根据汉语写出英文单词,1.,恐龙,(,n,.) _,2.,发明家,(,n,.) _,3.,科学家,(,n,.) _,4.,人的,(,adj,.) _,5.,出生,(,v,.) _,6.,包括;包含,(,v,.) _,7.,乡村;农村,(,n,.) _,8.,才智;智慧,(,n,.) _,9.,可能;大概,(,adv,.) _,10.,获胜;赢,(,v,.) _,dinosaur,inventor,scientist,human,born,include,countryside,intelligence,perhaps,win,二、根据汉语写出下列词组,1.,人,_,2.,在乡村;在农村,_,3.,灭绝;消失,_,4.,了解(到);弄清,_,5.,去散步,_,6.,和,一样小,_,7.,例如,_,8.,从小时候起,_,human being,in the countryside,die out,find out,go for a walk,as small as.,for example,from an early age,三、翻译下列句子,1.,达芬奇出生在农村。,_,2.,从小时候起,他就展现出超凡的智慧和艺术才能。,_,_,3.,有些恐龙像小鸡一样小。,_,4.,恐龙在地球上生存了一亿五千万年以上。,_,5.,然后,突然间,它们全部消失了。,_,Da Vinci was born in the countryside.,From an early age, he showed great intelligence,and artistic ability.,Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens.,Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 million years.,Then, suddenly, they all died out.,词汇精析,【,1】inventor,n,. someone who is the first to think of or make something,发明家;创造者,Edison is one of the greatest inventors.,爱迪生是最伟大的发明家之一,。,【,同根词,】,(1)invent,v,.,发明;创造,The scientist invented many things.,这位科学家发明了许多东西,。,(2)invention,n,.,发明;发明物,His most important invention was the light bulb.,他最重要的一项发明是电灯泡,。,【,应用,】,(1) Zhang Heng was a great _ (invent) in China.,(2) Who _ (invent) the telephone in 1876?,inventor,invented,【,2】musician,n. a person who has skill at playing, singing, or writing music 音乐家,Beethoven is a well-known musician all around the world. 贝多芬是一位世界闻名的音乐家。,【同根词】,music,n,. 音乐,What kind of music do you like? Rock or pop?你喜欢哪一种类型的音乐?摇滚乐还是流行乐?,搭配:(1)face to music 勇于承担后果;倾听责备或批评,Sooner or later, youre going to face the music. 迟早你将会承担后果。,(2)music to ones ears 悦耳的声音,佳音;中听的话,【拓展】,(1)-ian 通常作单词的后缀,表示,“,人,”,,如:technician(技工),Italian(意大利人)。,Tom,s father works as a technician in a factory. 汤姆的父亲是一家工厂的技工。,(2)类似的后缀还有 -er/-or/-ist,如:teacher(老师),doctor(医生),scientist(科学家)。,【应用】,Lang Lang is one of the most popular _,_,(music) in China.,musicians,【3】born,v,. a past participle of bear 出生,adj,. to describe someone who has a natural ability to do a particular activity or job 天生,的;天赋的,He has been very happy since his son was born.,自从他的儿子出生以来,他就非常开心。,Stephen was a born scientist.,斯蒂芬是位天生的科学家。,【,拓展,】,be born in,出生于,(后面接地点、年份、,季节、月份等),be born on,出生于,(后面接具体某一天),His younger sister was born in winter.,他的妹妹是在冬天出生的。,I was born on July 28th.,我出生于,7,月,28,日。,【,应用,】,(,)I was born _ Shenzhen.,A. onB. in C. at,B,【4】,intelligence,n. the ability to learn, think, and understand,才智;智慧,He is a person of high intelligence. 他是一个高智商的人。,【,同根词,】,intelligent,adj,. “,聪明的;有才智的”,其近义词为,smart, clever,和,wise,。,He is so intelligent that he always keeps ahead of his competitors.,他非常聪明,以至于在比赛中总是胜人一筹。,You have made a wise decision just now.,刚刚你做了一个明智的决定。,【,应用,】,(,),Intelligent,people cannot be led by the nose. (,选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项,),A. UglyB. Foolish C. Wise,C,【5】artistic,adj,. relating to or characteristic of art or artists,有艺术天赋的,Harry is a person with outstanding artistic ability.,哈里有着出众的艺术天赋,。,【,同根词,】,(1) art,n,.,艺术;美术,My elder sister teaches Art in a college.,我的姐姐在一所大学里教美术课,。,(2) artist,n,.,艺术家,How do you become an artist?,你是怎样成为一名艺术家的,?,【,应用,】,If your dream is to be an _ (art), you should try your best to make it come true.,artist,【6】,ability,n,. the power or knowledge to do something才能;能力 (复数:abilities),I have the ability to do this job well. 我有能力做好这份工作。,【同根词】,able,adj,. 有能力的,be able to do sth.=can do sth.有能力做某事;能够做,某事,Although he is only three years old, he is able to dress himself. 虽然只有三岁,但是他已经能自己穿衣服了。,【辨析】,be able to与can,(1)be able to 强调通过努力而获得的能力,而can则强调自身已具有的能力。,She can sing the song in English. 她能用英语唱这首歌。,He will be able to sing this song in English in a few minutes, too. 几小时之后,他也将能用英语唱这首,歌。,(2)be able to 强调一种结果,而can只强调一种可能。,Luckily, he was able to escape from the big fire in the end. 幸运的是,他最终逃出了大火。,If he got here a few hours earlier, I could save him. 要是他早几小时来,我还能救他。,(3)be able to,可以有各种时态,而can只有一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态,。,I could help you last night, but you didn,t come.,昨天晚上我能帮你,而你又没来,。,Can you see it there?,你能看见它在那儿吗,?,He is/was/will be able to help you.,他能帮你的忙,。,(4)can,可用于表示可能性、推测、允许等情况,而,be able to,通常不这样用。,You are able to use my computer. (,误,),You can use my computer.,你可以用我的电脑。,(,正,),【,应用,】,(,)I,was not able to,finish my homework because I was ill. (,选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项,),A.,cant B. couldntC. mustnt,B,【7】perhaps,adv,. it is possible that; maybe 可能;,大概,Perhaps I will go to Hong Kong next week. 下周我可能要去香港。,【拓展】,perhaps的近义词为maybe和probably。,Maybe she will come to my party.也许她会来参加我的聚会。,I will probably be back at 7 in the evening. 我晚上大概7点回来。,【,辨析,】,perhaps, maybe,与,probably,(1) perhaps,表示,“,可能;大概,”,,有时可与,maybe,换用,但是,perhaps,较为正式。,(2) maybe,表示,“,也许;可能,”,,多用于口语中。,(3) probably,表示,“,很有可能,”,,其实现的可能性最大。,【,应用,】,(,),Perhaps,Tom will join our party tonight. (,选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项,),A. Maybe B. Probable C. May be,A,【8】include,v,. have as a part; contain in addition to other parts 包括;包含,These people include teachers, doctors, engineers and students. 这些人包括教师、医生、工程师和学生。,【同根词】,including,prep,.包括;包含,There are three storeys including the ground floor. 包括底层共有三层。,【拓展】,include的近义词为contain。,This box contains several mails from abroad. 这个盒子里面有来自国外的几封邮件。,【,辨析,】,include,与,including,(,1,),include,意为,“,包括;包含,”,,是及物动词。,include,的前面要有主语。,The price includes postage charges.,价格包括邮费在内。,The university includes ten colleges.,该大学有,10,个学院。,(,2,),including,作介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面。总之是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的。,The band played many songs, including some of my favourite songs.,这个乐队表演了很多首歌,包括我最喜欢的一些歌。,【,应用,】,(1) There are ten students _ (include) you.,(2) Eight units are _ (include) in this new textbook.,including,included,【9】however,adv,. by contrast; on the other hand 然,而;但是,We have many friends, however, we also have enemies.,我们有许多朋友,但是我们也有敌人,。,【,拓展,】,however的近义词为but。(注意:but与although不能同时使用,),I am not myself today, but I will do what I can to finish the work.=Although I am not myself today, I will do what I can to finish the,work.(虽然)我今天不舒服,但我将尽我所能来完成这项工作,。,【,辨析,】,but,与,however,(,1,)从词性上来看,,but,作并列连词,而,however,作副词。,(,2,)从语序上来看,,but,位于它所引出的分句之首,而,however,可以位于分句之首或之后,并通常用逗号将其与分句隔开。,【,应用,】,(1) Learning playing the guitar isnt difficult, _ (but, however) you have to practise it a lot.,(2) It was raining heavily, _ (but, however), we went out to look for the lost boy.,but,however,【10】suddenly,adv,. happening unexpectedly,突然;,忽然,Suddenly, all the dinosaurs died out. 突然间,所有的恐龙都灭绝了。,【同根词】,sudden,adj,. 突然的,He was shocked by the sudden accident. 他被这个突如其来的事故给惊住了。,【,拓展,】,suddenly=all of a sudden,Then, all of a sudden, the first star began to shine.,然后,出乎意料地,第一颗星星开始闪耀了。,【,应用,】,(,),All of a sudden, my dog started to bark aloud. (,选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项,),A. In the end B. At first C. Suddenly,C,【11】win,v,. attain success or reach a desired goal (在比赛中)获胜;赢,My dream is to win a champion in the Olympics. 我的梦想是在奥运会中拿到冠军。,【拓展】,(1) win的过去式为won,过去分词为won。,I won the game last night. 昨天晚上我赢得了比赛。,(2) win的近义词为beat和defeat。,We were defeated in the football match last month.上个月我们的足球赛踢输了。,【,辨析,】,win, defeat,与,beat,(1) win,一般指,“,赢得比赛、奖项,或战争、选举胜利等,”,,常见搭配如下:,win a game(match)/race/prize/war,赢得比赛,/,赛跑,/,奖项,/,战争胜利,(2) defeat,通常可与,beat,互换,均表示,“,战胜或击败对手,”,,常见搭配如下:,defeat/beat the enemy/team,打败敌人,/,队伍,(3) beat,除了表示,“,击败,”,可与,defeat,互换以外,还可以表示,“,打击;跳动,”,。,I was really nervous, and my heart was beating very fast.,我很紧张,心跳得很快。,【,应用,】,用,win,,,defeat,或,beat,填空,(1) The army _ the enemy in the end.,(2) Who do you think will _ the next election?,(3) Mark is learning how to _ a drum.,beat/defeated,win,beat,【12】as.,as和,一样,My bag is as heavy as yours.,我的书包和你的一样重,。,【,拓展,】,省略号处一般用形容词或副词的原级,。,Mary spoke as fast as Tom did.,玛丽说得和汤姆一样快,。,【,应用,】,You should read as _ (care) as Lily in order to make fewer mistakes.,carefully,【13】die out(of a family, species, etc.)no longer have any members left alive(指家族、物种等)死光,灭绝,绝迹; (of a custom, practice, etc.)is no longer common (指习俗、知法等)消失,过时,Some of the creatures on Earth are dying out.,地球上有些物种正在灭绝。,The old traditions are dying out.,旧传统正在消失。,【拓展】,die的过去式为died,过去分词为died,现在分词为dying,形容词为dead。,The famous writer has been dead for three years. 这位著名的作家已经离世三年了。,【,辨析,】,die of,与,die from,(1) die of,指死于某种疾病或饥饿等(内部原因),A large number of people in the world die of cancer every year.,世界上每年有许多人死于癌症。,(2) die from,指死于某种意外,如车祸、灾难等(外部原因),Unfortunately, more than 20 passengers died from the car accident.,不幸的是,超过,20,名乘客在这场车祸中丧生。,【,应用,】,(1) (,)This kind of bird is because of the heavy pollution.,A. dying out B. dying ofC. dying from,(2) Two children died _ (of, from) the fire at midnight.,A,from,【14】look up查阅;(从字典、书中)查找;向上看,look up后接名词时放up前、后均可,接代词时则只能放在look和up的中间。,You can look up the new word in the dictionary. 你可以在字典中查找这个生词。,【拓展】,与look相关的词组还有look after (照顾), look like(看起来像), look for(寻找), look at(看), look out(向外看;小心)等。,He has to look after his mother because she is badly ill. 他妈妈病重,他得照顾她。,【,辨析,】,look after, look like, look for,与,look out,(1) look after,照顾;照料,She can look after her younger sister.,她可以照料她的妹妹。,(2) look like,看起来像,The twins look like each other.,这对双胞胎长得很像。,(3) look for,寻找,I have been looking for my purse for a long time, but I can,t find it.,我找钱包找了很久,但仍没找到。,(4) look out,往外看;小心(,=watch out,),Look out! A car is coming.,当心,!,有车过来了。,【,应用,】,(,)If you want to know more about this, you can in the encyclopaedia.,A. look up it B. look it upC. look after it,B,语法梳理,语法精讲,一、不定代词,: some & any,在英语当中,不定代词some/any用来描述数量。,1. some多用于肯定句中,可以修饰复数可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。,There are some students in the classroom.教室里有一些学生。,There is some milk in the bottle.瓶子里有一些牛奶。,2. some有时也用于表示请求或建议的一般疑问句中,通常表示希望得到对方肯定的答复。,Can you give me some help?你能帮我一下吗?,Would you like to have some coffee?你想喝点咖啡吗?,3.,any通常用于否定句和疑问句中,可以修饰单数或复数可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,。,Do you have any,question(s,) to,ask?你有什么问题要问吗,?,There isnt any water in this bottle.,瓶子里面一点水都没有了,。,4.,any也可用于肯定句中,表示“任何”的意思,起强调作用,。,You may take any of them.,你可以拿它们当中的任何一样,。,Its a puzzle that any intelligent child could solve.,这是任何聪明的孩子都能解出来的一个谜题,。,5.,any有时也可用于条件句中,。,If you have any questions, please come to my office.,如果你有任何问题,请来办公室找我,。,二、复合不定代词,复合不定代词是由,some-,,,any-,,,no-,,,every-,加上,-one,,,-body,,,-thing,等所组成的不定代词。,1. something,(某事物), somebody,(某人), someone,(某人),There is someone who wants to speak to you.,有人想跟你说话。,2. anything,(任何事物), anybody,(任何人), anyone,(任何人),Is there anything that I can do for you?,有什么我可以为你效劳的吗?,3. nothing,(没有什么), nobody,(没有人), no one,(没有人),Nobody lives on this island.,这个岛上无人生存。,4. everything,(一切事物), everybody,(每个人), everyone,(每个人),Everyone is here today.,今天所有人都到齐了。,直击中考,(,)1. Is there _ beef in the fridge?,No, there,isnt. There is pork.,(,2014,天津),A. some; any B. any; any,C. some; some D. any; some,(,)2. I was looking for a birthday gift for my mother, but I couldnt find _ suitable.,(2014,南京,),A. somethingB. anything,C. nothing D. everything,(,)3. Our mother Earth gives us _ we need in our daily life.,(2014,临沂,),A. nobodyB. nothing,C. everybodyD. everything,D,B,D,写作乐园,话题一描述个人,【,常用词组,】,1. introduce,sb,.,介绍某人,2. be born on,出生于,3. show interest in.,表现出对,感兴趣,4. such as,例如,5. be good at,擅长,6. in,teachers,opinion,依老师们的观点,7. be proud of,以,为骄傲,8. from an early age,从小时候起,9. be famous,for,以,而闻名,【,精彩句型,】,1. He was born on July 28th.他出生于7月28日。,2. He won the “Merit Student of Guangdong” last week. 他上周获得了“广东省三好学生”称号。,3. He shows great interest in reading, singing and playing badminton. 他表现出对阅读、唱歌和打羽毛球的浓厚兴趣。,4. He is a smart, hard-working and friendly student. 他是一个聪明、勤奋而且对人友好的学生。,5. He is good at English and Science. 他擅长英语和科学。,【,短文写作,】,假设你的同班同学杨华上周荣获“广东省三好学生(,Merit Student of Guangdong,)”称号。以下是杨华同学的个人资料:,姓名,杨华,生日,1999,年,7,月,28,日,职务,班长,爱好,阅读、唱歌、羽毛球,擅长的学科,英语、科学,老师评价,聪明、勤奋、友善,请根据上面表格中的内容,写一篇短文在校园博客上宣传介绍杨华。,要求:不少于,70,词,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。,【,范文赏析,】,Yang,Hua,is an excellent student in our school. Let me introduce him to you all.,He was born on July 28th,1999. He is the monitor in our class. He shows great interest in reading, singing and playing badminton. He is good at English and Science. In our teachers opinion, he is a smart, hard-working and friendly student. He won the,“Merit Student of Guangdong” last week, so all the students in our class are proud of him and like him very much.,谢谢欣赏!,


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