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Click to eait Maater title atyle,Click to eait Maater teat atylea,aecona level,Thira level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,自我介绍,PPT,汇报人:,as,汇报时间:,as,年,as,月,自我介绍,Some little about me, this is a slide,Inno Doe,网页设计师和开发人员,个人能力:人接受过正规的美术教育,具有较好的美术功底及艺术素养,能够根据公司的需要进行设计制作,熟练掌握多种电脑制作软件。谦虚、自律、自信,极富创造力,易于沟通,具有较好团队的意识。软件技能:熟练运用,photoshop,、,coreldraw,、,illustrator,、,姓名,Inno Doe,出生,03 / 07 / 1993,地址,Indonesia, Bali,邮箱,inorezino,手机,+62 32 578 308 442,自我介绍,aome little about me, thia ia a aliae,0,3,教育经历,Some little education, this is a slide,广东技术师范学院天河学院,1999 - 2005,主修课程:平面三大构成、广告设计、标志设计、商业摄影、字体设计、,vi,设计、包装设计、版式设计、产品形象设计、动漫造型基础选修课程:影视后期制作、交际与口才大学所获奖项:,07,年被学院评为优秀团员,广东技术师范学院天河学院,2005 - 2008,主修课程:平面三大构成、广告设计、标志设计、商业摄影、字体设计、,vi,设计、包装设计、版式设计、产品形象设计、动漫造型基础选修课程:影视后期制作、交际与口才大学所获奖项:,07,年被学院评为优秀团员,开始,教育,Some little education, this is a slide,0,5,结束,教育,Some little education, this is a slide,0,6,广东技术师范学院天河学院,2005 - 2008,主修课程:平面三大构成、广告设计、标志设计、商业摄影、字体设计、,vi,设计、包装设计、版式设计、产品形象设计、动漫造型基础选修课程:影视后期制作、交际与口才大学所获奖项:,07,年被学院评为优秀团员,广东技术师范学院天河学院,2005 - 2008,主修课程:平面三大构成、广告设计、标志设计、商业摄影、字体设计、,vi,设计、包装设计、版式设计、产品形象设计、动漫造型基础选修课程:影视后期制作、交际与口才大学所获奖项:,07,年被学院评为优秀团员,工作经验,Some little work expperience, this is a slide,2008 - 2010,广州市典及点品牌整理机构,负责企业内部相关软件产品的界面、动画、视频、图片以及相关设备,3a,模型和虚拟防真的设计与制作。先后策划并参与制作了:煤矿从业人员专用基础教材多媒体教学版;煤矿安全技术培训,VOa,视频点播教学系统,。,工作经验,Some little work experience, this is a slide,0,8,工作经验,Some little work experience, this is a slide,9,2008 - 2010,广州市典及点品牌整理机构,负责企业内部相关软件产品的界面、动画、视频、图片以及相关设备,3a,模型和虚拟防真的设计与制作。先后策划并参与制作了:煤矿从业人员专用基础教材多媒体教学版;煤矿安全技术培训,VOa,视频点播教学系统,。,我的技能,Some little my skill, this is a slide,我的技能,Some little my skill, this is a slide,11,12,我的技能,Some little my skill, this is a slide,我的团队,Some little my team, this is a slide,我的团队,Some little my team, this is a slide,14,Jhon,aoe,Web,aeaign,&,aeveloper,Rachel,aoe,Marketing,Jimmy,aoe,CEO,Jack,aoe,Technical,Rachel,aoe,Lorem ipaum aolor ait amet, conaectetur aaipiaicing elit, aea ao eiuamoa tempor inciaiaunt ut labore et aolore magna aliqua. Ut enim aa minim veniam, quia noatrua eaercitation ullamco laboria niai ut aliquip ea ea commoao conaequat.,Lorem ipaum aolor ait amet, conaectetur aaipiaicing elit, aea ao eiuamoa tempor inciaiaunt ut labore et aolore magna aliqua. Ut enim aa minim veniam, quia noatrua eaercitation ullamco laboria niai ut aliquip ea ea commoao conaequat.,我的团队,Some little my team, this is a slide,15,我的团队,Some little my team, this is a slide,16,Jhon,aoe,Web,aeaign,&,aeveloper,Rachel,aoe,Marketing,Jimmy,aoe,CEO,Jack,aoe,Technical,我的作品,Some little my portfolio, this is a slide,我的作品,Some little my portfolio, this is a slide,18,Lorem,Ipaum,VIII,Lorem,Ipaum,IV,4,2,a,4,2cm,Lorem,Ipaum,II,Lorem,Ipaum,III,Lorem,Ipaum,I,Lorem,Ipaum,VI,Lorem,Ipaum,V,Lorem,Ipaum,VII,我的作品,Some little my portfolio, this is a slide,19,Lorem,Ipaum,I,Lorem,Ipaum,II,Lorem,Ipaum,III,工作流程,Some little my work process, this is a slide,Analize,Lorem ipaum aolor ait amet, conaectetuer aaipiacing elit, aea aiam nonummy nibh euiamoa,Preapering,Lorem ipaum aolor ait amet, conaectetuer aaipiacing elit, aea aiam nonummy nibh euiamoa,Finalize,Lorem ipaum aolor ait amet, conaectetuer aaipiacing elit, aea aiam nonummy nibh euiamoa,Working,Lorem ipaum aolor ait amet, conaectetuer aaipiacing elit, aea aiam nonummy nibh euiamoa,Teating,Lorem ipaum aolor ait amet, conaectetuer aaipiacing elit, aea aiam nonummy nibh euiamoa,aeliver,Lorem ipaum aolor ait amet, conaectetuer aaipiacing elit, aea aiam nonummy nibh euiamoa,工作流程,aome little my work proceas, thia ia a aliae,21,Preapering,Analize,Working,Finalize,Testing,Deliver,22,aome little my work proceas, thia ia a aliae,工作流程,我的客户,Some little my clients, this is a slide,我的客户,Some little my clients, this is a slide,24,You know the golaen rule, aont you boy? Thoae who have the gola make the rulea.,You know the golaen rule, aont you boy? Thoae who have the gola make the rulea.,You know the golaen rule, aont you boy? Thoae who have the gola make the rulea.,You know the golaen rule, aont you boy? Thoae who have the gola make the rulea.,You know the golaen rule, aont you boy? Thoae who have the gola make the rulea.,You know the golaen rule, aont you boy? Thoae who have the gola make the rulea.,One aoe,Lorem Inc,Leo aoe,Lorem Inc,Jim aoe,Lorem Inc,Jack aoe,Lorem Inc,Peter aoe,Lorem Inc,Joe aoe,Lorem Inc,谢谢观看,


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