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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高中英语作文训练,渭源一中:石建军,2011.10,提高英语作文成绩的,六种基本方法,一、适当地使用一些单词、词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采,丰富语气的表现力。,1.,A new building is,being,built in our school.,2. He pretended not to see the pretty girl.,hear what I said.,He turned a blind eye to the pretty girl.,a deaf ear to what I said.,A new building is under construction in our school.,3. It is raining heavily.,4. The PRC was founded in the year 1949.,It is raining cats and dogs.,The year 1949 saw the foundation of the PRC.,二、尽量避免过多地重复使用某一单词。,1.I like reading while he likes playing football.,2. When summer comes, the day is getting longer and,longer, and the night is getting shorter and shorter.,I like reading while he enjoys playing football,.,When summer comes, the day is getting longer and,longer, and the night shorter and shorter.,Hardworking and careful, the girl passed the test.,Its I who hit him in the face.,How glad Im that you have made so much progress.,三、可适当地打破常规,用一些倒装句、强调句或感叹句,可以为文意的表达增添一点新意。,1. The girl was hardworking and careful, and she passed the test.,2. I hit him in the face.,3. I am glad that you have made so much progress.,四、使用主从复合句、分词、不定式等来代替简单句,能使书面表达行文更加流畅有力。,He lay on the grass, counting the stars in the sky.,In order to pass the entrance examination, we are studying hard.,He lay on the grass, counting the stars in the sky.,1. He was very humorous. We all like to play with him.,2. We are studying hard in order to pass the entrance,examination.,3. He lay on the grass and counted the stars in the sky.,五、改变句子开头方式,适当地把一些成份提前位于句子的开头,使整个句子读起来跌宕起伏,增加书面表达的表现力。,Between the two buildings stood a temple, in which an old monk lived.,On the surface of the river is floating the remains of Tom.,Deep in thought, he forgot his lunch.,1. A temple stood between the two buildings , in which an,old monk lived.,2. The remains of Tom is floating on the surface of the river.,3. As he was deep in thought, he forgot his lunch.,六、注意语句间的衔接与连贯,可使全文结构紧凑,层次清楚,过渡自然。,英语中的关联词语可以称之为,“,篇章的纽带,”,,这些关联词,语可以是表示顺序的,如,;,表示时间,的,: ;,表示并列,或选择的:,;,表因果的,:,等。,After graduation, he worked as a teacher, in a,post office, he quitted his job and did business,he became a millionaire.,first, later, then,finally,now, at present, in the past, during the day,and, or,because, so, thanks to,later,then,finally,first,高考英语优秀书面表达赏析,原题,假设你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友,Dick,听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担,来信询问有关情况。请你根据下面提供的信息,写一封回信,談一談减负给你的学习和生活带来的变化。,周末活动(减负前),周末活动(减负后),白天:上课、做作业,白天:参加博物馆、学习电脑、绘画等,晚上:做作业,晚上:看新闻、读书、看报,就寝时间:,11,:,30,就寝时间:,10,:,00,Dear Dick,How nice to hear from you again. In your letter, you asked me,about the reduction of learning load in China. Now, Ill tell you something about it.,In the past, we had lots of homework to do and had little time to do other things. Even on weekends, we went to school and did homework in the daytime, and still did homework at night. I,usually went to bed at 11:30, so I felt sleepy the next day.,Now, after reducing learning load, we have much more spare time. On weekends, I usually go to museums, study computer, and,do some drawing and so on. At night, I often watch TV or read some books and newspapers. Whats better, I go to bed at 10:00, so I no longer feel sleepy.,Best wishes,Li Hua,.,书面表达,你,校“英语角”下周交流的话题是“了解月球”,请根据下面的要点提示,用英语准备一份发言稿,简单介绍有关月球的情况,以参加会话交流。,距离,月球距地球约,38,万公里,年龄,大约是,46,亿年,大小,是地球大小的,1,49,引力,月球引力只有地球的六分之一,物质,月球上没有水和空气,气温,月球上昼夜温差很大,探索,人类已登月,6,次,对月球进行了一系列的科学考察,对月球有了更多的了解。,注意:,词数:,120,左右;,发言的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,Boys and girls,its a great pleasure for me to say something about the moon here ,I hope that you will be interested in it ,Thanks for your listening.,对距离的表达,Itis+,数词,+,里程单位,+fromto,Itis1,500kilometersfromBeijingtoGuangzhou.,从北京到广州有,1500,公里。,It is about 380,000 kilometers away from the moon to the earth.,距离月球距地球约,38,万公里,.,As you know,设置一个定语从句,It is about 380,000 kilometers away from the moon to the earth.,As you know, the moon is the nearest neighbor of our globe, which is about 380,000 kilometers away from the earth.,对年龄的表达,It/He/she is - years old .,It is about 4.6 billion years old,十亿,billion,年龄大约是,46,亿年,1/3 a (one) third 2/3 two thirds,1/4 a (one) quarter (fourth),3/4 three quarters (fourths),2/5 two fifths,1/49 a (one) forty-ninth,times +as +adj,(much/many)/adv,原级,+as,times+the+n(size,height,weight,length,width,)+of ,It is one forty-ninth times,as big as the earth.,It is one forty-ninth times the size of the earth.,大小是地球大小的,1,49,According to the latest study,根据,It is about 4.6 billion years old .,It is one forty-ninth times the size of the earth,According to the latest study, its about 4 .6 billion years old and is one forty-ninth times the size of the earth.,引力月球引力只有地球的六分之一,Its only one sixth of the gravity of the earth.,The gravity on the moon is only one sixth times as big as the earth.,物质月球上没有水和空气,There is ,There is no water or air on the moon .,气温月球上昼夜温差很大,Because of,Because of the lack of water and air and its bad climate ,it is impossible for human to live there .,在白天,in the day,在晚上,at night, is different ,The temperature is greatly different in the day and at night .,The temperature in the day is greatly different from that at night .,用上,As for,至于,就,而言,The temperature is greatly different in the day and at night .,As for the temperature, it is greatly different in the day and at night .,探索,:,人类已登月,6,次,对月球进行了一系列的科学考察,对月球有了更多的了解。,Sb have done sth,The human beings have already been to the moon for six times and have done a lot of scientific researches on the moon.,We have known more about moon.,用上,So far,到目前为止 ,再给句子加个定语从句,The human beings have already been to the moon for six times and have done a lot of scientific researches on the moon.,We have known more about moon,.,So far , the human beings have already been to the moon for six times and have done a lot of scientific researches on the moon ,which has made us know more about moon.,Its a great pleasure for me to say something about the moon here, I hope that you will be interested in it .,As you know, the moon is the nearest neighbor of our globe, which is about 380,000 kilometers away from the earth. According to the latest study, its about 4.6 billion years old and is one forty-ninth times the size of the earth. How about its gravity? Its only one sixth of the gravity of the earth .it has been proved that there is no water or air on the moon . As for the climate, it is greatly different in the day and at night .That means it is sometimes extremely cold and sometimes terribly hot .Because of the lack of water and air and its bad climate ,it is impossible for human to live there .,So far , the human beings have already been to the moon for six times and have done a lot of scientific researches on the moon ,which has made us know more about our neighbor.,Thanks for your listening.,书面表达(一) 前几天,一些同学就英语学习现状,进行了一次讨论。发现有如下问题:,1.,对学习英语没有兴趣;,2.,记忆单词有困难;,3.,怕出错,不敢参与小组讨论;,4.,阅读中不知如何处理生词;,5.,写作中,假如你是方华,在英语学习中也遇到,了一些类似的问题,你以邮件的形式向英,语报社的编辑,(Bob),咨询,希望得到帮助,。,要求:,1.,提出三个英语学习中的问题;,2.,可以参考以上提示,也可以根据,自己实际适当发挥;,3.,中心突出,语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范;,4.,不少于,80,词,,5.,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。,Dear Bob,Im very pleased to write to you, _,_,_,_,_,Yours,Fang Hua,Dear Bob,Im very pleased to write to you, I know youre,an expert in English learning.Ive,so many problems,to trouble you now.,English is so difficult that I nearly want to give,it up! In English class I cant follow my teacher,because of the poor listening. Also I cant remember,the words clearly. Although I spend much time on it,I still cant use words in the right way.,Whats worse, when I read English,I am Often trapped in the unknown,words. It stops me from receiving,the main information. You can imagine,what the result of my English learning is!,Those worry me a lot. What,should I do? Would you please help,me? I will be very grateful to get,your reply.,Yours, Fang Hua,书面表达(二)假设你是张林。近段时间,你读了许多有关洪战辉,的感人故事,还听了他的报告。你很想把他的事迹告,诉远在美国的笔友,Alex,。请根据下表内容写一封信,(或发一个邮件)。 姓名 洪战辉 年龄,24,情况 介 绍,1,出生于一个贫困家庭。,2,小时候,母亲因生活困苦离家。,3,照顾弟弟、领养的妹妹,(adopted sister),和生病的父亲。,4,带妹妹上大学,生活艰难,学习刻苦,课余工作。,5,谢绝他人帮助。要求:,(1),语言规范,格式正确,并发表个人感想;,(2),信中不可用真实姓名,只能用所给姓名;,(3),词数,60,一,80,;,(4),开头已给出,不计入总词数。,Dear Alex,Hows it going? Id like to tell you something,about Hong Zhanhui, a great Chinese boy.,_,_ _,_ _,_ _,_,_ _,Yours,Zhang Lin,Dear Alex,Hows it going? Id like to tell you something,about Hong Zhanhui,. a great Chinese boy.,Hong Zhanhui,is a 24-year-old college,student. He was born in a poor family.,Hongs mother left home because of the,hard life when he was very young. So he had,to take care of his brother, his young adopted,sister and his sick father. He took his sister to,the college with him.,Hong studies hard and works after class.,Life is difficult, but he refuses others help.,Hong has done so much for his family.,Dont you think we should learn from him?,Yours,Zhang Lin,书面表达(三)根据中文提示,写出相应的英语,,50-60,个词左右。我们学校是一所乡村学校, 它建于,3,年前。现在校,内有两幢建筑物, 一幢是教学楼(,teaching building,),另一幢是个图书馆。在它们的前面有一个运动场。每年,春天,我们在学校周围种上很多树,在花园里种上一些花。,我们的学校越来越漂亮了。,Our school is a village school. _,_,_ _ _,_ _ _,_,_ _,Our school is a village school. It was built three,years ago. Now there are two buildings in it. One,is a teaching building, the other is a library. In front,of them there is a playground.,Every spring, we plant many trees around our,school and grow some flowers in our school garden.,Our school becomes more and more beautiful.,书面表达(四)情景设定:学校运动会正在进行之中。校广播台,“荣辱广角镜”栏目小记者萧鸣看到了下面两组镜头。镜头一:男子接力比赛最后一棒,二班王强同学,跌倒受伤,仍然坚持跑到了终点。镜头二:赛场周围,有部分同学说笑嬉闹,还将,剩余的饮食和废弃物随手乱扔。假设你是萧鸣,请你,从上面两组镜头中任选一组,并根据其内容为校广播,台写一篇,80,词左右的短讯。,要求:,1.,确定并围绕所选镜头进行表达,短讯内,容应给予情景想象和细节扩展;,2.,对所选的镜头要有个人观点,提出表扬、,倡议或批评、建议;,3.,词数,80,词左右,开始语已给出(不计入词数)。提示词语:(镜头一),last lap, fall, hurt, get up,go on, shout, give up, highly,(,镜头二,)out of, talk, laugh, waste, play,take part in, environment,。,School sports meeting was still going on _,_,_ _ _,_ _ _,_,_ _,Reported by Xiao Ming,Writing: (One possible version),Scene one: It was the last lap of the boys 100-metre,race! All the runners were trying their best to run fast.,Suddenly, Wang Qiang, the runner from Class 2, fell and,hurt his leg. But he didnt give up. Instead, he got up and,went on running to the finishing line. All the teachers and,students shouted “Come on!” to him and spoke highly,of him.,I think we should learn from Wang Qiang,Never,Give up, and try our best to do well in everything.,(85 words),Scene two: But out of the playground, a few of,the students were talking and laughing loudly.,Some students were even playing cards under,the trees. It seemed that the sports meeting,had nothing to do with them. Some food and,drinks were not eaten or drunk up but wasted.,Lots of litter could also be seen here and there.,I think everyone should take an active,part in the sports meeting. It is also our duty,to protect the environment around us.,(80 words),书面表达(五)提示:下面是一份关于学科爱好的调查表,,请你根据自己的实际情况作出“很喜欢、有点,喜欢、不喜欢”的选择,并在相应栏目内打“,”,。,然后根据如下要求写一篇,70,词左右的短文。文,中不得出现真实的校名和人名。,要求:,1,把你所填的总体情况简要概述一下。,2,任选一门学科,谈谈你喜欢或不喜,欢的理由。,3,选择一门你认为学得不怎么好的学,科,谈谈自己如何学好这门学科的打,算,并对该 学科的老师提出希望或,建议。,Subjects,Like a lot,Like a little,Dont like at all,Chinese,Maths,English,Physics,History,PE,One possible version:,We have many subjects this year. I like,Chinese, English, History and PE a lot, and,I like Maths,a little. But I dont like Physics,at all.,Chinese is one of my favorite subjects. I,enjoy the way my Chinese teacher teaches in,class. I learn a lot from him. Thats why I like,Chinese best.,I dont like Physics at all, maybe this is,why I cannot do it well. Sometimes, I find,it so hard and boring.,I hope the physics teacher could be,more patient, and try his best to make the,class as interesting as other subjects. I will,spend more time on physics, and ask the,acher,to help me.,


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