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Click to Edit Master Title Style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Control,Measure,Analyze,Control,Improve,Lean Six Sigma,Click to Edit Master Title Style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Line Lean Six Sigma Improvement Process Road Map,Definition Line Balance Model,Design Principles,Value Definitions,Approaches to Line Balance,Exercise,RD011202,Line Lean Six Sigma,改善过程路径,定义 线平衡模型,设计原则,价值定义,线平衡方法,练习,RD011202,Lean Six Sigma Improvement Process Road Map,Analyze,Control,Improve,Define,Identify Problem,Develop List of Customers,Develop List of CTQs from Voice of the Customer,Finalize Project Focus and Key Metrics,Complete PDF,Measure,Map Business Process,Map Value Stream,Develop DataCollection Plan,Conduct MeasurementSystem Analysis,Collect Data,Conduct Process Capability Analysis,Analyze,Propose Critical Xs,Prioritize Critical Xs,Verify Critical Xs,Estimate the Impact of Each X on Y,Quantify the Opportunity,Prioritize Root Causes,Conduct Root Cause Analysis on Critical Xs,Improve,Critical Xs Confirmed,Develop Potential Solutions,Select Solution,Optimize Solution,Pilot Solution,Control,Implement Process Changes and Controls,Write Control Plan,Calculate Final Financial/,Process Metrics,Transition Project to Future Owners,Identify Project,Translation Opportunities,Measure,Define,Project ID Tools,Project Definition Form,Net Present Value Analysis,Internal Rate of Return Analysis,Discounted Cash Flow Analysis,PIP Management Process,RACI,Quad Charts,Process Mapping,Value Analysis,Brainstorming,Multi-Voting Techniques,Pareto Charts,C&E/Fishbone Diagrams,FMEA,Check Sheets,Run Charts,Control Charts,Gage R&R,C,p,& C,pk,SupplyChainAccelerator Analysis,Multi-Vari,Box Plots,Interaction Plots,Regression,ANOVA,C&E Matrices,FMEA,Brainstorming,Pull Systems,Setup Reduction,TPM,Process Flow,Benchmarking,Affinity,DOE,Hypothesis Testing,Force Field,Tree Diagrams,Gantt Charts,Check Sheets,Run Charts,Histograms,Scatter Diagrams,Control Charts,Pareto Charts,Interactive Reviews,Poka-Yoke,Revised 1-12-02,3,精益6,过程改善流程,分析,控制,改进,定义,选定题目,列出客户,从顾客之声中列出关建需求,定出项目焦点和重要指标,完成,PDF,测量,绘制业务流程图,绘制价值流程图,制定数据收集计划,测量系统分析,收集数据,过程能力分析,分析,提出关键因子,区分关键因子,验证关键因子,评枯每个关键因子对结果的影响,量化机会,根本原因排序,寻找根本原因针对关键因子,改进,关键因子确认,发掘潜在的解决方法,选择方案,优化方案,实行方案,控制,过程变革和控制,制定控制计划,计算最终财务,过程指标,项目过渡给未来项目管理者,项目鉴 别,转化机会,测量,定义,项目编号工具,项目定义表,净现值分析,内部回报率分析,折算现金流分析 ?(按现值计算的现金流量分析),PIP,管理过程,RACI,Quad,表,过程图,价值分析,脑力风暴,投票归类法,柏拉图,因果图/鱼骨图,FMEA,查检表,运行图,控制图,量具,R&R,C,p,& C,pk,供应链加速器分析,多变动图,i,盒状图,交互作用图,回归分析,ANOVA,C&E,矩阵图,FMEA,脑力风暴,拉系统,减少设置,TPM,流程图,标杆管理,亲和图,DOE,假设检验,力场分析图,树状图,甘特图,查检表,运行图,柱状图,散布图,控制图,柏拉图,互动回顾,愚巧法,Revised 1-12-02,4,Learning Objectives,How to design and implement a process supported by a line balancing model that ensures optimal use of:,People,Floor space,Capital Assets,Material,Know how to maximize productivity,5,学习目标,如何设计和实施由“线平衡模型”支持的一个流程以确保优化配置:,人,地方,固定资产,材料,知道如何使生产率最大化,6,Whats in It for Me?,Able to design and implement a balanced process line,Understand the issues in a typical process environment and how to impact those issues,7,益处,能够设计和实施一个线平衡的生产线,了解典型流程环境中的问题及如何影响那些问题,8,Line Balance Model,A Line Balancing Model allows the user to view task times across a process to identify bottlenecks and thus calculate output rates (throughput) and Takt Times.,In addition, the user will be able to visually see unbalanced areas and where tasks can be shifted to balance the process.,The Line Balance techniques are applicable in transactional as well as manufacturing, e.g., order entry operations.,9,线平衡模型,线平衡模型允许用户在一个流程中确定瓶颈问题,并计算产出比率(产能)和,Takt Times,。,除此,用户将能直观地看到不平衡的区域和使流程平衡所做的任务。,线平衡 方法与生产互动一样是可行的,如订单进入生产。,10,Primary Issues in Typical Process Environments,Large or erratic batches,Excessive WIP,Poor floor space utilization,Low employee efficiency,Long/erratic cycle times,Poor balance of operations and labor across process steps,Conveyance, standby and motion waste,Disorganized workspace and component/supply storage,High variability of demand on multiple processing centers, e.g., call centers/flow lines,11,典型的流程环境中的主要问题,大批量或,反复无常的批量,过多的,WIP,地方利用的差,较低的员工效率,长的/反复无常的周期时间,流程步骤中差的生产平衡和劳动力,传送、备用和启动浪费,无规则的工作地点和元件/供应存储,对于多重的流程中心,需求变化差异大2,如电话中心/流出线,12,Line Balance Design Principles,Minimize Batch Size/Transfer Quantity/Work In Process,Minimize/Stabilize Cycle Time,Maximize Labor Efficiency,Optimize number of workstations/process steps,Balance tasks/labor across workstations,Maximize space utilization,Minimize takt variance,Minimize NVA (conveyance, standby, and motion wastes),Minimize the need to re-balance as demand requirements change,Minimize volume variability (combine product category demand),Maximize flexibility to allow for product introductions and discontinuations,13,线平衡 设计原则,使批量规模,/,转移质量,/,在制品最小化,将周期时间最小化/稳定化,使劳动效率最大化,优化配置工作站/流程步骤,平衡任务/工作站里的劳动,最大限度利用空间,使,takt,的变化最小化,最小化,NVA (,运送、备用和启动浪费,),根据需求的变化使再平衡的需求最小化,使批量差异最小化,(,综合产品种类需求,),使柔性最大化以允许产品引入和非持续性,14,Value Definitions,Value Add: Adding form, fit, or function to the product. A task or activity for which the customer would be willing to pay.,Example Assembler screwing a bolt into a piece of aluminum required to hold the window together,Example Financial Services employee adding credit history to a credit application,Business Value Add: A task that is required to build a window but for which the customer is not willing to pay,Example The time it takes for an assembler to grab a part that is at point-of-use and ready it for assembly,Example The time it takes for a Financial Services employee to secure a credit application and ready it for processing,Non-Value Add: A task that is not required and should be eliminated because it is wasteful,Example Assembler having to search around their area to retrieve a part for assembly,Example Financial Services employee having to look for missing information needed to add credit history information,15,价值定义,增值: 增加产品的形式、或功能。客户愿意付费的,任务或活动。,如 在铝合金中装配螺钉以把窗子固定在一起,如 给员工在应用信用方面 提供信用历史的财务服务,业务增值,:,所需的一项任务是,一扇窗子,但是客户不愿付费,如 装配商花时间抓住一个零件在使用点上进行装配,如 为员工提供财务服务是花时间确保信用的应用,16,Line Balance Approaches,Two Different Approaches:,Approach #1 Long Term Planner:,Given the inputs of average productivity, assembly/processing time, and forecasted output (demand), and hours per shift, calculate the number of assemblers/processors and average takt time it will take to satisfy the demand.,Approach #2 Day-to-Day Scheduler:,Given the inputs of average productivity, assembly/processing time, number of assemblers/processors, and desired output (demand), calculate the hours per shift and takt rate it will take to satisfy the demand.,Whats the difference?,Long Term Planner allows management to understand staffing increments based upon some forecasted demand on a line by line basis.,Day-to-Day scheduler allows line supervision to calculate process parameters (takt rate, hours to work) based on the number of units to process and the number of people who show up to work that day.,17,线平衡步骤,两种不同的方法:,方法 #1 长期计划员:,作出平均投入生产率、装配/加工时间、及预计的产量(需求),每班的时间,计算装配工/操作工的数量,及满足需求所花的平均时间。,方法 #2 日常安排员,:,作出平均投入生产率,装配/加工时间,装配工/操作工的数量,理想的产量(需求),计算每班所用的时间和满足需求的,takt,比率。,区别是什么?,长期计划员允许管理来了解在以生产线为基础上的需求预测而增加员工。,日常安排员允许生产的监督来计算流程参数(,takt,比率,工时),这个参数是基于 加工单元数量和人员数量。,18,Approach #1,Long Term Planner,途径 #1,长期计划员,Input,1. Demand requirements,2. Labor efficiency,3.Assemble/process tasks and times,4.Hours per shift or number of assembler/stations,Output,1. Takt rate,2. Number of Assemblers/Processors OR Number of hours per shift,3. Staffing levels at varying demand,Process,Balance,Model,(spreadsheet),Process Balance Model:,Design process,Or,21,投入,1.,需求需要,2.,劳动效率,3.,装配/加工任务和时间,4.,每班时间或装配工/工作站数量,产出,1. Takt,比率,2.,装配工/操作工数量或每班时间,3.,在变化基础上的员工水平,过程平衡模型,(spreadsheet),Process Balance Model:,设计流程,Or,22,Process Balance Model:,Steps,Step 1:,Understand present state process operation (gather and document data),Step 2:,Determine total time required to process unit (value add and business value add),Step 3:,Determine maximum operating parameters and plug parameters into yellow cells,Step 4:,Determine target unit/day output requirement and plot on table to determine number of shift hours to work to achieve requirement,Step 5:,Plot current operating range to determine labor reduction required to meet operating goals,Step 6:,Group tasks in logical and efficient manner that does not violate design principles,23,过程平衡模型,步骤,Step 1:,了解目前的生产流程状况,(,收集数据并文件化,),Step 2:,确定处理单元所需的全部时间(增值和业务增值),Step 3:,确定最大的运行参数并将参数插入黄格中,Step 4:,将目标单元,/,天所需的产量在桌面上标出以确定达到需要的每班工作时间,Step 5:,标出目前的运行变化以确定满足生产目标所需减少的劳动力,Step 6:,在不影响设计原则的情况下,按逻辑和效率态度将任务分解,24,Step 1,Understand present state process operation (gather and document activity time actuals) Note: Time should include customer value add, business value add, and non-value add times for each step/operation/task,Step 2,Determine total (current) time required to process unit. Note: Model should automatically calculate total time entered in seconds, minutes, and hours,Process Balance Model:,Steps 1 and 2,25,步骤 1,了解现在过程状况,(,收集、记录活动时间,),注意,:,时间应该包括,CVA、BVA、,与每一步骤、作业、与任务的时间,步骤,2,决定全部(目前)需要完成任务的时间。注意:模型应该可以自动计算时间。,过程平衡模型,步骤 1 和 2,26,Step 3,Determine maximum operating parameters and plug parameters into highlighted cells - All other cells are calculated automatically,(Example calculations are located at the end of this section.),Process Balance Model:,Step 3,27,步骤 3,决定最大的作业参数与加乘参数到设定的格位中。其他的格位可自动计算。,(,计算案例在本节最后。,),过程平衡模型,步骤 3,28,Step 4,Determine target unit/day output requirement and plot on table to determine # of shift hours to work to achieve requirement,Process Balance Model:,Step 4,This line says that I need to work an 8 hour shift with 12 processors to achieve a 400 unit/day output requirement,29,步骤 4,决定需要的目标单位/日表,并图示需要完成任务需要的工作时间。,过程平衡模型,:,步骤 4,这行说明我需要使用12人,8小时班来完成每天 400 单位的需要,30,Model will build the following graph which shows how we should plan to:,Staff in equal increments (to limit having to re-balance line),Vary hours worked to get complete coverage of demand requirements,Process Balance Model:,Step 4 (Cont.),31,模型可建立如下图说明,:,每一阶段需要的人力,完成任务需要的工作时间,过程平衡模型,:,步骤 4,(续.),32,Step 5,Plot current operating range to determine labor reduction required to meet operating goals,Process Balance Model:,Step 5,The model has calculated that at a rate of 150 units/day, the area should be working a 6 hour shift with 7 processors. This is 2 fewer processors than their current environment.,33,步骤,5,绘制目前的作业范围来决定完成目标可节约的人力,过程平衡模型,:,步骤 5,在 150 单位,/,天的需求下, 需要每班 6 小时,, 7,位作业员,.,比目前人力少两人,34,Step 6,Group process tasks in logical and efficient manner that does not violate design principles (eg - (task time takt rate time),Process Balance Model:,Step 6,35,步骤 6,合乎逻辑与共效率的团队工作不违反设计原则,(,例 - (,task time takt rate time),过程平衡模型,:,步骤,6,36,This worksheet provides a summary of inputs used and outputs generated for each window category that is run through the model. This worksheet is automatically created and updated by the model.,Model Summary,37,这个工作表提供了在本模式运行下的按窗口分类的投入和产出的总结。这份表格是自动生成的并能通过该模式更新。,模型总结,38,Approach #1:,Calculation Notes (Step 3),Max Labor Efficiency,Best in class is 65%,Assumption is that labor efficiency declines the more tasks each processor is asked to perform,Max hrs per shift,Should be set to 11 hours to obtain optimal coverage of requirements,Max Demand (units/ hour) = Max Demand Requirement/Max hrs per shift,Max Demand (units/minute) = Max Demand (units/hour) / 60,Takt Time (seconds/unit) = 60 / Max Demand (units/minute),This is the amount of time between products exiting - This is also the maximum amount of process time that any one workstation should perform without compromising the line flow,Total Assemblers/Processors = (Total Process Time (hrs) * Max Dmd Req (units/shift) /Max hrs per shift) /Max Labor Efficiency,The result is rounded up to the next whole assembler,This is the number of assemblers/processors I should have to process the maximum demand requirement at the maximum labor efficiency,Workstation Time (secs/workstation) = Total Process Time (hrs) * 60 * 60 / Total Processors,1 processor = 1 workstation,This is the optimal amount of time that tasks should be grouped by to balance the line,Labor Productivity (Units/Labor Hour) = Max Demand (units/hour) / Total Processors,39,途径 #1:,计算说明,(,步骤 3),最高劳动效率,最好是 65%,假设劳动效率下降,需要每个操作工做更多的工作,每班最多工时,应该设为11个小时以最好地满足需要,最大需求 (,units/ hour) =,最大需求需要/每班最多工时,最大需求 (,units/minute) =,最大需求 (,units/hour) / 60,Takt,时间 (,seconds/unit) = 60 /,最大需求 (,units/minute),这是现有产品之间的时间量 - 这也是每个工作站的最多的流程时间,全部装配工/操作工,= (Total Process Time (hrs) *,最大需求需要 (,units/shift) /Max hrs per shift) /,最高劳动效率,这个结果接近下次的全部操作工,这是在最高劳动效率下的满足了最高需求下的操作工人数,工作站时间 (,secs/workstation) = Total Process Time hrs) * 60 * 60 / Total Processors,1,操作工 = 1 工作站,这是将任务分组的最佳时间,劳动生产率 (,Units/Labor Hour) =,最大需求 (,units/hour) /,全部操作工,40,Approach #1:,Team Exercise,1.,Go to the Virtual Coach Exercise Tab and open the :,Windows R Us Line Balancing Exercise.doc,2.Read the scenario and complete steps 1 through 4 using the spreadsheet titled:,Windows R Us Line Balancing Data.xls,3.Prepare a 5 minute presentation with your team answers.,You have 45 minutes to build this part of a line balance model.,Detailed instructions are on the next slide.,41,Approach #1:,小组练习,1.看虚拟辅导练习并打开以下抬头的文件,:,Windows R Us Line Balancing Exercise.doc,2.,读情节并完成第1到第4步,使用有以下抬头的工作表格,:,Windows R Us Line Balancing Data.xls,准备5分钟的展示,你有,45,分钟的时间来建这个线平衡模型部分,具体的指导显示在下一个幻灯片上.,42,Exercise Objectives,Teach the student how to balance a line mathematically,Teach the student the method to re-lay out the line to realize the mathematical balance,The exercise will develop:,Takt Time chart,Skill Matrix,Proposed time calculation,43,练习的目标,教学生怎样用数学方法来平衡一条线,教学生对线进行再布局的方法以实现数学上的平衡,这个练习将制作出:,Takt,时间图表,技能距阵,拟定时间的计算,44,Exercise Instructions,1.,Using the Excel spreadsheet, look at the “Current times” tab to complete the “Current Takt Time Chart.”,2.Look at the “Current Staffing” tab to complete the “Skill Matrix” tab.,3.Use the three tabs and re-divide the tasks to have a balanced number of tasks with the same number of people and same sequence as the original line.,Note:,A proposed layout is not to be made.,Current extrusion data is not to be developed.,Improvements tab is not to be completed.,45,练习指南,1.使用,Excel,工作表格,看,“,目前的时间,”,以完成,“Current Takt Time Chart.”,2.,看 “,Current Staffing”,完成,“Skill Matrix”,3.,使用这三个表重新分配任务,用同样的认输和程序在原来的生产线上平衡任务数量。,Note:,不必做出一个拟定的布局,不用做出目前的数据,不必完成改进表,46,Assembly Balance Model:,Day-to-Day Scheduler,Step 1:,Understand current state operation (gather and document data around layout, process flow, etc.).,Step 2:,Determine total time required to process unit (customer value add, business value add, current non-value add).,Step 3:,Determine maximum operating parameters and plug parameters into takt rate calculator.,Step 4:,Review outputs: takt rate and number of hours to work to achieve requirement. Use this output to fill out line takt board.,47,组装平衡模型,日常安排员,Step 1:,了解目前的生产状况,(,在布局和流程周围收集数据并使之文件化,).,Step 2:,确定单元流程所需的全部时间,(,客户增值、业务增值、目前非增值),Step 3:,确定最大的生产参数并将参数插入,takt rate calculator,Step 4:,回顾产能,: takt,比率和满足需要所需的工时。用这个产能来填,line takt board.,48,Approach #2,Day-to-Day Scheduler,途径 #2,每天作业的计划,Step 1,Understand current state operation (gather and document activity time). Note: Time should include customer value add, business value add, and non-value add times for each step/operation/task.,Step 2,Determine total (current) time required to process unit. Note: Model should automatically calculate total time entered in seconds, minutes, and hours.,Day-To-Day Scheduler:,Steps 1 and 2,51,步骤 1,了解目前作业状况,(,收集、记录作业与作业时间,)。,注意: 时间应包括每一步骤、作业、任务的,CVA、BVA,与,NV,时间。,步骤 2,决定目前总时间。注意:模型要能够自动运算时间,日计划:,步骤 1 与 2,52,Step 3,Determine operating parameters and plug parameters into Takt Rate Calculator - All other cells are calculated automatically,Step 4,Review outputs of takt rate and number of hours to work and write on takt board,Day-To-Day Scheduler:,Steps 3 and 4,53,步骤 3,决定作业参数与加乘参数到,Takt Rate,计算器中,其他的格位可自动运算,步骤 4,检讨输出-,takt rate,与工作需要的时间, 并张贴在,takt,布告上,日计划:,步骤 3 与 4,54,Day-To-Day Scheduler:,Step 3 (Calculation Notes),Average Hours/Equiv Unit,The average (current historical) labor productivity the line has been running at,Assumption is that labor efficiency declines the more tasks each assembler is asked to perform,Total Assemblers/Processors,The number of processors or assemblers that the tasks will be balanced over,Schedule (number of units),This is the number of units that must be produced for that shift or day,Capacity (Units/Labor Hour),The capacity of the line based on the expected labor productivity and number of processors/assemblers,Takt Rate (units/hour),The takt rate for units exiting the bottleneck operation, and thus the end, of the line,Scheduled Hours per Shift,The number of hours the process should be expected to run at the calculated takt rate to complete the scheduled number of units,55,日计划:,步骤 3 (计算说明),平均小时/单位,目前生产线表现的人员产出,假设作业人员要完成的任务增加则效率下降,总组装人员,/,过程人员,线平衡时的作业人员数目,计划,(,单位数目,),每班、每天要完成的生产任务,产能,(,单位,/,人工小时,),人员数与期望的生产效率,Takt Rate (,单位,/,小时,),目前瓶颈的产出 =,Takt rat,每班计划工作小时,在计划的产出任务下的计划工作时间,56,Takeaways,Know how to design and implement a process supported by a line balancing model that ensures optimal use of people, floor space, machines, material.,Understand how to maximize productivity,Know the steps to line balance a process with flexible output.,57,Takeaways,知道如何设计和实施由,“,线平衡模型” 支持的流程以确保人员、场地、机器和材料的优化配置,.,了解如何使生产率最大化,知道入何使一生产线达到线平衡,使产能具柔性的步骤,58,Instructor Notesand Revision History,Hidden,Slide,Chapter Revision History,Hidden,Slide,60,


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