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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,(导游领队常用英语)Lesson4Sightseeing,Lesson 4 Sightseeing,Teaching objectives:,To know the basic,services to the tourists when sightseeing as an outbound tour leader,To master English forms and vocabulary commonly used in,sightseeing,To cultivate main abilities to,serve the guests with,professional competence,as an ourbound tour leader,Teaching Steps,Step 1: Warming up,Step 2: Dialogues,and expressions,Step 3,Practice,Step 4:,Exercises,Step 1 Warming-up,Do you know any famous places around the world?,Discuss with your partner about the following places.,Qin,TerraCottaWarriors,Confucius Mansion,The Statue of Liberty,Big Ben,Eiffel Tower,Sydney Opera House,The Pyramids,Fuji Mountain,Taj Mahal,Burj Al Arab Hotel,Step 2 Dialogues,Dialogue,1,Buying Tickets 买票,(A: tourist,B: clerk),A: How much is the ticket?,B: Twenty Yuan for adults and ten for children.,A: What about the student ticket?,B: It is ten Yuan too.,A: Two student tickets, please.,B: Please show me your certificates first.,A: Ok. Here you are. Does it include the exhibition?,B: Yes.,A: When will you close this afternoon?,B: Half past five. You can leave here before that time.,A: OK, thank you.,B: You are welcome. And here is your change.,Dialogue,2,Visiting the Big Wild Goose 参观大雁塔,(A: interpreter B: visitor),A: Here we are in the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.,B: It was built in the Tang Dynasty, wasnt it?,A:Yes, the famous monk Xuan Zang built it in 625 A.D.,B:What for?,A:Xuan Zang went to India and brought back the Buddhist sutras, so he built the pagoda to house them.,B,:But why was it named Big Wild Goose Pagoda?,A,:There were two legends about the name. One is that from a temple on a goose-shaped hill in India where Xuan Zang had lived, the other from the vegetarian monks who were starving refused to eat a wild goose which was the Buddha in the form of a wild goose .,B,:How interesting. Lets climb.,Dialogue 3,Taking a Taxi 搭乘出租车,(A: Tourist B: Porter C: Taxi Driver),(The tourist is calling the porter),A: Please get me a taxi.,B: Yes, sir. Whats your room number, please? And where do you want to go?,A: My room number is 3028. I will go to the Palace Casino.,B: Yes, sir. The number of your taxi is NY0752.,A: Thanks. How long will I have to wait?,B: Im afraid they are very busy. It may be about ten minutes.,(The taxi arrives 9 minutes later.),A: Is your taxi number NY0752?,C: Yes, sir. Get in, please.,A: Thank you. Please hurry, Im late. Can I get to the Palace Casino before four?,C: All right, sir. I think well get there if there are no delays on the way.,A: How exactly do you figure out the car fare?,C: According to the meter, the fist five kilometers are US4 and every kilometer extra costs you 50 cents.,A: Oh, I see.,C: Here we are, sir.,A: Thank you. How much do I owe you?,C: You owe me US$ 19.,A: Thats 20 dollars. Keep the change.,C: Thank you.,Dialogue 4,Looking for Missing Tourists 寻找走失的游客,(A: Tour Leader B: Mrs. Wang C: Local Guide D: Guard E: Mr. Wang),A: Ladies and gentlemen, lets get on the coach. We are heading back to the hotel. If you notice anyone is missing on the coach, please le me know immediately.,B: Leader, I cant find my husband! He was right beside me when we were visiting the garden. But now hes missing!,A: Mrs. Wang, please calm down. Probably hes been left behind somewhere in the garden. We will go find him. Smith, one of our group members is missing. We need to find him as soon as possible.,C: OK. Attention, please. Ladies and gentlemen, please stay right here and dont walk away. The tour leader and I have to leave for a while. We will be back soon.,B: Smith, would you please go to the other entrance with Mrs. Wang? I will search along the way we came here.,C: All Right.,* * * * * *,A: Excuse me, I am looking for a Chinese tourist. Did you see an old man is a green vest and a yellow cap like this hereabout? He also has a big camera in hand.,D: He took this way to the side entrance about five minutes ago.,A: Thanks a lot.,Step 3 Practice,Role-play,1,A tour leader is talking with a local guide about the group and itinerary.,Role-play 2,A:,You and your tourists are visiting London. and you need to help your tourists to know more about it.,B: You are a tourist and want to know more about London, and you ask several questions about it.,C: You are a local guide and you answer the questions from the tourists.,Please role play the situation.,play,role,play,role,Step 4,Exercises,I.,Translate the special terms and sentences into Chinese and English.,tourits attraction,optional excurtion,entrance fee,cruise,exhibition,行程单,照相,地铁,国家博物馆,海滩,Exercise 2 Complete the conversation.,Taking Subways(乘坐地铁),A: Excuse me, sir.,?,(这是去唐人街的地铁吗?),B: Yes. You get off at Canal Street.,A:,(我做特快还是普通车?),B: Take the express. It saves you a lot of time. The local train stops at every station.,A:,(车票多少钱?),B: 30 cents. You can get a ticket from the ticket machine.,A:,(车票该怎么用),B: You slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in.,A: I see. Thanks a lot.,Is this the right subway to go to Chinatown,Shall I take the express or local train?,How much is the fare?,What should I do with the ticket?,Thank you!,


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