最新2014年人教版新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 6do you like bananas?整体课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section A1,1a-2d,温故知新,1. book 2. bag,3. watch 4. boy,5. famil,6. dictionar,一、写出以下单词的复数形式:,s,s,es,s,y,es,y,es,i,i,I,have,a soccer ball .,He,has,some basketballs.,They,have,a good father .,My brother,has,a computer .,二、把以下句子变成一般疑问句,并作肯定和否认答复, Whats that?, Its _.,salad,bread,an,ice-cream,Lead in,milk, What are those?, They are _.,banana,s,orange,s,tomato,es,strawberr,ies,hamburger,s,pear,s,Fruit:,tomatoes,oranges,strawberries,pears,bananas,vegetables:,carrots,salad,Presentation,orange,s,tomato,es,strawberr,ies,hamburger,s,pear,s,banana,s,apple,s,预习检测,milk,bread,salad,ice-cream,可数名词有复数形式,不可数名词一般没有复数形式,I like,tomatoes,but,I don,t like,bread.,I like,but,I don,t like,.,合作探究,:,br,ea,d,m,i,lk,hamburger,s,ice-cr,ea,m,She/He likes,bread, but,she/he doesn,t like,milk.,hamburgers,tomatoes,oranges,ice-cream,salad,bananas,strawberries,pears,milk,bread,d,i,f,h,b,g,c,j,e,a,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.,反响,Do you like ?,Yes, I do.,/,No, I dont.,导入二:,A: Does she/he like,?,B: Yes ,she/he does.,No ,she /he doesn,t.,Group work.,Listen and number the conversations 1-3.,1b,A: Do you like salad?,B: No, I dont.,A: Do you like bananas?,B: Yes, I do.,A: Do you like oranges?,B: Yes, I do.,2,3,1,Listening,合作探究,1c,Do you like bananas?,Yes, I do.,Do you like,salad?,No, I dont.,Practice the conversation above. Then make your own conversations.,Do you like,oranges?,Yes, I do.,Pairwork,Do you like ?,Yes, I do.,/,No, I dont.,Practice,I,like hamburgers,.,Do you like hamburgers?,Yes, I do.,Listen and circle the food you hear.,2a,hamburgers pears tomatoes strawberries,oranges ice-cream salad bananas,Listening,Look at the picture and listen, then guess what are they talking about.,Listen again. Fill in the blanks.,2b, Lets have _., Oh, no.,No?,I dont like _., I like,hamburgers,. Do you like,hamburgers,?,Yes, I do., Do you like,_?, No, I dont like,_.,ice-cream,tomatoes,tomatoes,ice-cream,Listening,2c,Practice the conversations above. Give answers that are true for you.,I like hamburgers.,Do you like hamburgers?,Yes, I do.,Pairwork,Do you like_?,Yes, /,No, ,Does John like hamburgers?,What does Jack dont like?,What fruit does John like?,Read the dialogue in 2d. Then answers the questions.,Reading,Yes, he does.,Jack doesnt like salad.,John likes strawberries and apples.,Jack: Hey, Johns birthday dinner is next week. Lets think about the food.,Tom: Sure. How about burgers,vegetable salad, and some fruit?,Bill: Sounds good. John likes hamburgers.,Jack: Oh, I dont like salad.,怎么样,后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式,“当然;确实,(中午或晚上吃的)正餐,周;星期,last/this/next week,think about 思考,思索(一般是短时间的较仔细的考虑),think of 指“想起,认为。,合作探究,2d,Bill: But John likes salad, and,its his birthday.,Jack: Yes, youre right. What about the,fruit?,Tom: I think John likes strawberries and apples.,Bill: OK. Lets have strawberries and apples then.,你是对的。,祈使句,“让我们吃/喝吧。,tomatoes,西红柿,tomatoes,是,tomato,的复数形式。,Explanation,以字母o结尾的有生命词,其复数形式在词尾加-es。如图:,My sister likes,tomatoes,very much.,我姐姐喜欢吃西红柿。,口诀,英雄爱吃西红柿和马铃薯。,potatoes,heroes,tomatoes,2. How about ? 相当于 What about ? 意为“怎么样?是一个用来征询别人的意见、向别人提建议的交际用语。about是介词,后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式。,How about,nine oclock? 9点钟怎么样?,I like strawberries.,How about you?,我喜欢草莓。你呢?,What about,having,hamburgers?,吃汉堡包怎么样?,3. Lets have 是一个祈使句,表示“让我们吃/喝吧。,Lets have some ice-cream.,让我们吃些冰激凌吧。,归纳 have是多义词,归纳如下:,(1) 有,拥有;如:,I have a new watch.,我有块新手表。,(2) 吃,喝;如:,Lets,have,some milk and some bread.,让我们喝些牛奶,吃些面包。,(3) 构成固定短语:,have a look 看一看,4. sure adv. (用作副词)当然;肯定;一定,常用来答复一般疑问句,意为“当然;确实,相当于yes或certainly。只是sure 在英国英语中较为常用,而在美国英语中常用certainly。, Are you going with us?,你和我们一起去吗?,Sure.,当然啦。,5.,dinner,n.,(中午或晚上吃的)正餐,dinner 指一日中的主餐,可中午吃,也可晚间吃。,但多用于指宴请客人的正式,的一餐。,dinner party 宴会,dinner table 餐桌,dinner time 吃饭时间,Its time for,dinner,. 该吃晚饭了。,6.,week,n.,周;星期,Sunday is the first day of the,week,.,星期日是一周的第一天。,last week,上礼拜,this week,本周,next week,下周,7.,think about 思考,思索,(一般是短时间的较仔细的考虑),What do you,think about,that?,你认为怎么样?,Ill have to,think about,it.,我得想一想。,think of 想到;想象;设想,多用来指“想起,认为。,I couldnt,think of,the name of that man anyhow.,我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。,Lets,think of,some questions about life.,让我们对生活设想一些问题吧。,I like but I dont like,He/She likes but he/she doesnt like,Do you like?,Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,Does he/she like ?,Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesnt.,Summary:,Lets have tomatoes?,Oh, no. I dont like tomatoes.,What about,an ice-cream?,Sounds good.,Make a similar conversation.,fruit,tomato,es,orange,s,strawberr,ies,pear,s,banan,as,Exercises,hamburger,s,salad,milk,ice-cream,bread,二、 选词填空。,Do you like _ (strawberry/strawberries)?,2. Here are some nice _ (,tomatos,/tomatoes).,3. Lets _ (have / has) apples and bananas.,4. John likes _ (milk/milks) and bread.,5. Sam _ (dont /doesnt) like vegetable salad.,6. Lets play volleyball., _ (Sounds/ sound) good.,三、 根据图片提示完成句子。,1. _ you like _?, Yes, I do. I like _, too.,2. _ your father like _?, No. He _ like _.,3. Lets _ salad., Oh, no. I _ _ salad.,4. Lets _ _ and _., That _ good. I _ them.,Do strawberries,Does pears,doesnt pears,have,bananas,dont like,have ice-cream hamburgers,sounds like,1. 复习记忆本课所学的生词。,2. 做个小调查,编写四个问答句:,分别询问一下你的家庭成员所喜欢的食物?, Do you like ?, Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,Homework,Goodbye,Thank you!,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section A2,Grammar Focus-3c,fruit,tomato,es,orange,s,strawberr,ies,pear,s,banan,as,food,bread,hamburger,s,salad,一、看图说出以下物品的英语单词。,milk,ice-cream,pear (,复数,) _,2. tomato (,复数,) _,3. strawberry (,复数,) _,4. banana (,复数,) _,5.,生日晚宴,_,6.,下一周,_,tomatoes,strawberries,bananas,pears,二、按要求写出正确的单词或词组。,birthday dinner,next week,7. 考虑 _,8. 听起来不错。 _,9. 怎么样?,_,10. 让我们吃汉堡和一些水果吧。,_,Sounds good.,How about / What about.,think about,Let have burgers and some fruit.,Do you like ?,Yes, I do.,/,No, I dont.,Lets have ?,Sounds good.,/,No, I dont like _.,Ask and answer.,Jack: Hey, Johns birthday dinner is next week. Lets think about the food.,Tom: Sure. How about burgers,vegetable salad, and some fruit.,Bill: Sounds good. John likes hamburgers.,Jack: Oh, I dont like salad.,Role-play the conversation in 2d.,Bill: But John likes salad, and its his birthday.,Jack: Yes, youre right. What about the fruit?,Tom: I think John likes strawberries and apples.,Bill: OK. Lets have strawberries and apples then.,小结:主语不是三人称单数时,谓语动词用动词原形(like), 疑问句和否认句中用助动词do。主语是三人称单数时,谓语动词词尾加-s/-es (likes), 疑问句和否认句中用助动词does。 疑问句和否认句中用到does后,谓语动词用原形(like).,Lets chant,Join us, join us. Lets have a party.,Do you like salad ? Yes, I do.,Do you like bread ? No, I dont.,Does he like apples ? Yes, he does.,Does she like pears? No, she doesnt.,Do they like hamburgers? Yes, they do.,I see. I see. Lets have a party.,你喜欢色拉吗?,_ you _ salad?,2.,是的。,_, I _.,不,不喜欢。,_, I _.,3.,他们喜欢梨吗?,_ _ like pears?,4.,是的。,_, they _.,不喜欢。,_, they _.,Do like,Do they,Yes do,No dont,一、重点句型,No dont,Yes do,5. 她喜欢西红柿吗?,_ she _ tomatoes?,6. 是的。_, she _.,不喜欢。_, she _.,7. 我喜欢桔子。我不喜欢香蕉。,I _ _. I _ _ bananas.,8. 我们喜欢米饭。我们不喜欢汉堡。,We _ _. We _ _ hamburgers.,Yes does,like rice,No doesnt,dont like,Does like,like oranges,dont like,9. 他喜欢冰淇淋。他不喜欢蔬菜。,He _ ice-cream.,He _ _ like vegetables.,like,doesnt like,Countable nouns,Uncount-able nouns,Countable and uncountable nouns,hamburgers, _,_,apples,bananas,pears,carrots,tomatoes,vegetables,strawberries,eggs,oranges,milk,bread,rice,food,fruit,ice-cream,salad,chicken,小结:名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数之分,而不可数名词没有复数形式。有的名词因为有不同含义,所以有时是可数名词,有时是不可数名词。,此外,我们谈论喜欢“某物时,意思是“某类事物,这时可数名词要用复数形式来表示。不可数名词那么无需变化。,可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词,1,2,3,4,定义:是,可以计数的名词,。,可数名词前,可以用 a, an 限定, 表一个,。,可数名词前,可以用 one, two, three 限定,。,可数名词,有复数形式,。,可数名词复数形式的构成 1,名词特点,词尾加法,词尾读音方法,例词,一般情,况下,加,-s,1. -s在清辅音后读s,2. -s在浊辅音后读z,3. -s在元音后读z,4. 以音素 s , z 结尾的,读iz,desk,s,apple,s,pear,s,以-s, -x, -sh, -ch 结尾的,名词特点,词尾加法,词尾读音方法,例词,加,-s,orange,s,加,-es,-es读iz,box,es,watch,es,以 f 或 fe 结尾的,改 f 或 fe为 v 再加 -es,-ves读vz,kni,ves,wi,ves,可数名词复数形式的构成 2,名词特点,词尾加法,词尾读音方法,例词,改y为i 再加,-es,-ies读iz,famil,ies,dictionar,ies,以元音字母加y结尾的,加,-s,-s读z,boy,s,key,s,以辅音字母加,y,结尾的,名词特点,词尾加法,词尾读音方法,例词,以,o,结尾的,有生命的事物加,-es,-es读z,tomato,es,potato,es,无生命的事物加,-s,-s读z,photo,s,radio,s,不可数名词,1,2,3,4,定义:是指,不能计数的名词,。,不可数名词前,不可以用 a, an 限定,。,不可数名词前,不可以用 one, two, three 限定,。,不可数名词,没有复数形式。,milk,tea,meat,water,uncountable nouns,bread,rice,既可数又不可数名词,定义:在,某些情况下能计数,,在,某些情况下,不能计数的名词,。,e.g.,(1),a chicken,一只鸡,chicken,鸡肉,(2) an ice-cream 一个冰淇淋,ice-cream 冰淇淋指成份,(3) a salad 一碟沙拉,salad 沙拉指成份,chicken,ice-cream,salad,countable and uncountable nouns,1. I like fruit, but I (dont / doesnt) like vegetables.,2. She (like / likes) bread, but she (doesnt / dont) like salad.,3. He (like / likes) bananas, but he (dont / doesnt) like oranges.,3a,Underline,the correct words in the brackets.,第三人称单数形式,4. We (likes / like) hamburgers, but we (dont / doesnt) like chicken.,5. They (likes / like) pears, but they (dont / doesnt) like strawberries.,第三人称复数形式,Explanation,在一般现在时态的句子中:,1. 当句子主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词也应用其第三人称单形式,在动词后面加“-s 或 -es。 like likes;have has,2. 当句子主语为第一人称,第二人称和第三人称复数形式时,谓语动词用原形形式。,Jack likes,apples, but,his sister doesnt like,apples.,杰克喜欢苹果,但他的妹妹不喜欢。,We have,three pears.,They dont have,pears.,我们有三个梨,他们没有梨。,So, lets get salad.,Yes, I do.,Do you like salad?,OK.,1,3b,Number these sentences 1-4 to make a conversation.,3,2,4,A: Do you like salad?,B: Yes, I do.,C: So, lets get salad.,D: OK.,Do you like ice-cream, Liu Li?,Yes, I do.,Do you like ice-cream, Zhang Jun?,No, I dont.,Ask your classmates about the food in the chart. Find out what they like and dont like.,Pairwork,A: Do you like ?,B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,Food,like,s,doesnt,like,ice-cream,Liu Li,Zhang Jun,rice,oranges,milk,salad,strawberries,tomatoes,bananas,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. I like _ (tomato) very much.,2. Nick _ (like) hamburgers and salad.,3. Lets _ (think) about the birthday dinner.,4. Ms Smith has ten _ (strawberry)?,tomatoes,likes,think,strawberries,Exercises,5. Hamburgers? That _ (sound) good.,6. My brother _ (not like) eggs.,7. His cousins _ (not like) ice-cream.,sounds,doesnt like,dont like,二、 根据汉语提示写单词。,1. Ms Sun like _ (蔬菜) very much.,2. We always have _ (晚饭) at 6:00.,3. Who has a _ (生日) next week?,vegetables,dinner,birthday,4. Does your sister like _ (鸡肉)?,5. _ (鸡蛋) and milk are good for you.,6. We have _ (米饭) and _ (胡萝卜).,三、单项选择,1. Wu Ling likes pears but she _ bananas.,A. likes B. dont like C. doesnt like,2. _ your brother like hamburgers?, Yes, _.,A. Do; they do B. Does; he does,C. Are; they are,C,chicken,Eggs,rice carrots,B,3. We dont have _. Lets go and buy(买) some tomatoes and carrots.,A. vegetables B. food C. hamburger,4. Look! The chicken _ on the table and the pears _ in the bag.,A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are,5. Lets _ some vegetable salad then., Sounds good.,A. like B. have C. find,A,C,B,四、句型转换,1. Mary likes fruit salad. (改为一般疑问句),_ Mary _ fruit salad?,2. They like bananas for dinner. (改为否认句),They _ _ bananas for dinner.,3. Does your sister like oranges? (作否认答复), _, _ _.,Does like,dont like,No she doesnt,4. We have some fruit after dinner. (改为由let开头的祈使句),_ _ some fruit after dinner.,5. Paul likes milk. He doesnt like bread. (合为一句),Paul likes milk, _ he doesnt like bread.,Lets have,but,Talk about your,familys,favourite,food, write a short passage.,谈论你家人最喜爱的食物,写一段小短文。,My name is, I like, but I dont like,My father like,s, but he,doesnt,like,My mother like,s, but she,doesnt,like,2. Review the Grammar Focus.,Goodbye,Thank you!,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section B,1a-2c,food,bread,hamburger,s,salad,一、看图说出以下物品的英语单词。,milk,ice-cream,chicken,rice,carrots,eggs,按要求写出正确的单词或词组。,1. do (第三人称单数形式) _,2. dont (第三人称单数形式) _,3. vegetable (复数) _,4. hamburgers (同义词) _,doesnt,does,vegetables,hamburgers,5. orange (复数) _,6. like (第三人称单数形式) _,7. egg (复数) _,8. 食物 _,9. 水果 _,oranges,eggs,food,likes,fruit,Countable nouns,Uncount-able nouns,Countable and uncountable nouns,apples,bananas,pears,carrots,tomatoes,vegetables,eggs,oranges,milk,bread,rice,food,fruit,ice-cream,salad,chicken,hamburgers,strawberries,将以下单词按要求分类。,milk, orange, food, bread, egg, carrot, vegetable, rice, apple, ice-cream, strawberry, chicken, banana, salad, pear, bread, tomato, fruit,question,healthy,fat,breakfast,Presentation,star,lunch,Feng Kun is a,volleyball star,.,Theyre,healthy food,.,I like chicken,for dinner.,after dinner,1. orange 2. salad 3. eggs 4. apple,5. ice-cream 6. hamburger 7. banana,8. chicken 9. rice 10. carrots,3,4,7,1a,Write the number of each word next to the correct food.,10,6,1,8,2,5,9,fruit:,pears, _,_,vegetables:,_,_,strawberries,apples,bananas,1b,How many other words can you add to the lists?,oranges,watermelon,grapes,carrot,tomatoes,potatoes,onion,broccoli,Listen and circle the food you hear in 1a.,1c,1. orange 2. salad 3. eggs 4. apple,5. ice-cream 6. hamburger 7. banana,8. chicken 9. rice 10. carrots,Listen again. Fill in the chart.,Likes,Doesnt like,Tom,carrots,Sally,salad,apples,salad,bananas,oranges,vegetables,ice-cream,1e,Does Tom like carrots?,Yes, he does.,Does Tom like ?,Ask and answer questions about what Sally and Tom like and dont like.,Pairwork,Does Sally like salad?,Yes, she does.,Does Sally like ?,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section B,2a-2c,预习检测,1.健康的,2.sports star_,3.ask sb. about sth._,4.volleyball star _,5.eating habits,_,6.really_,7.What do you like for breakfast? _?,8.I think its healthy. _,.,9.What about lunch? _?,10.你晚饭喜欢吃汉堡吗?_?,11.One last question _,healthy,真正地,运动明星,向某人询问某事,排球明星,饮食习惯,你早饭喜欢吃什么,我认为它很健康,午饭呢,Do you like hamburgers for dinner,最后一个问题,I have a,healthy,eating habit,.,Do you know what I have for three meals(三餐?,What do you like for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?,lead-in,h,e,l,i,健康的,饮食习惯,For breakfast,I like.,bread,milk and eggs.,What do you like for breakfast?,For lunch,I like .,rice and meat .,What do you like for lunch?,For dinner,I like .,chicken and humburgers .,What do you like for dinner?,A: What do you like,for,breakfast/,lunch,/dinner,?,B: I like and ,for,.,Do exercise!,Sports make us healthy !,We all need sports;,and we need,food,and,fruit,too.,Whats your favorite food?,What foods are,healthy,?,2a,Food,Yes,Maybe,No,fruit,vegetables,eggs,chicken,hamburgers,Ice-cream,Which food do you think is healthy? Check (),Yes,Maybe,or,No,.,自学目标一,Presentation,Guess the new words,star,星星;明星,question 问题,healthy健康的,fat胖的,Feng Kun is a,volleyball star,.,She only eats,healthy food,every day.,She,really,likes chicken,for dinner,.,She,eats,fruit,after dinner.,She eats,well,.,She dosent,want to be fat.,Cindy Smith,She is,a sports star,.,David,.,Listen and choose (选择,For breakfast, Cindy likes _.,A eggs B bananas,C oranges and apples,2. For lunch, She likes _.,A salad B hamburgers,C eggs D tomatoes,3. For dinner, she has _.,A ice cream B hamburgers,C carrots D chicken,A,D,C,自学目标二,Sports star eats well!,Read the magazine article and circle the food words.,2b,自学目标三,David asks about the,volleyball star, Cindy,Smith, about her,eating habits,.,David:,Hello, Cindy. What do you like for breakfast?,Cindy: I love fruit. I think its,healthy,.,David,: OK. So what fruit do you like? Do you like bananas?,Cindy: Well, I dont like bananas. But I like,oranges and apples,.,David:,What about lunch? Do you like salad?,Cindy: Yes, I really like it.,David:,Hmm and do you like hamburgers for dinner?,Cindy: Oh, no, theyre not healthy. I like chicken,for dinner.,David:,OK. well, one last question do you eat,ice-cream after dinner?,Cindy: Err I like ice-cream but I dont eat it.,I dont want to,be fat,.,Read and tell “T or “F,3. Cindy likes fruit for breakfast.,4. She likes bananas very much.,5. She doesnt like ice cream.,6. She likes hamburgers for dinner.,7. She always eat ice-cream after dinner.,T,F,F,F,F,1. Cindy is a volleyball star.,2. She likes healthy food,.,T,T,likes,doesnt like bananas.,chicken,doesnt,自学目标四,Cindy likes healthy food.,1. Cindy _,2. She _,3. She _,4. Cindy doesnt _,_,5. She doesnt,_,2c,loves fruit.,eat ice-cream after dinner,.,likes oranges and apples.,likes salad for lunch.,like hamburgers for dinner.,Write five sentences about Cindys eating habits.,自学目标五,Work in groups and translate the article.,(小组合作,翻译课文,),自学目标六,1. Sports star eats well! 体育明星吃得好!,句中的well用作副词,意为 “好,用来修饰动词eat,意为“吃得好。例如:,Peter eats very well at school.,彼得在学校里吃得很好。,Explanation,Tom likes basketball. He,plays,it very,well,.,汤姆喜欢篮球。他打得很好。,(1) good 是形容词,常置于名词之前,表示“好的。,e.g. Mr. Wang is a good teacher.,王老师是一位好老师。,(2) well用作副词,常置于动词之后,表示程度“好;满意地;用作形容词指“身体好。,well 与 good,The boy can swim very well.,这个男孩游泳游得很好。, How is your father? 你的爸爸挺好吗?, Hes very well. 他很好的。,2. eating habits 饮食习惯,eating habits 意为“饮食习惯,其中eating是动名词作定语,修饰habits。类似短语还有:,swimming pool 游泳池,reading room 阅览室,3.,David,ask,s the volleyball,star, Cindy Smith,about,her,eating habits.,ask sb. about sth,.询问某人关于某事,老师经常询问我关于我的家庭。,The teacher often asks me about my family,戴维问排球明星辛迪 史密斯关于她的饮食习惯。,4. healthy 是形容词“健康的,其名词形式为health“健康。例如:,Tom eats lots of healthy food.,汤姆吃许多健康的食品。,Its good for your health.,这对你的健康有好处。,5. I like chicken for dinner.,晚饭我喜欢鸡肉。,“like + 食品名词 + for + 某餐表示“某人喜欢吃什么。如:, What do you like for dinner?,晚饭你喜欢吃什么?, I like vegetables and rice for dinner.,午饭我喜欢蔬菜和米饭。,She likes bread and milk for breakfast.,早餐他喜欢牛奶和面包。,6. for 作介词,表示“对于,就而 言。,for,breakfast / lunch / dinner,就早餐/午餐而言,7. I dont want to be fat. 我不想变胖。,want 用作动词,意为“要;想要,其常见 用法如下:,want sth.,想要某物,want to do sth.,想


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