Training 8 - Visual Mgmt overview (Philips presentation)

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Confidential,SIE-Le-TM Visual Management,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Visual Management Overview,Making Abnormalities Obvious,SIE-Le-TM Visual Management,2,Content,What is Visual Management,Why Visual Management,Types of visuals controls,KPI boards / communication boards,Linking visual management to policy deployment,3,Learning objectives,Participants will be able to:,Explain the importance of Visual Management,Explain what Visual Management is all about,Describe the different types of Visual Control,Explain more about Communication Cell,Set up Communication Cell Make it operational,4,Visual Management,Part of overall system,4,Delight Customers,Reliable,Innovative,Agile,Develop People,& Depend On,Each Other,12 Lean Behaviors,Accountability,Urgency,Engagement,Just in Time,Flow,Pull,8 Design Steps,Design &,Built-in Quality,“I Am Responsible”,First Time Right,Standard Work,Steal With Pride,“I Make My Problems Visible”,Standardize,Eliminate Waste,Reduce Variation,“I Am Empowered To Drive Continuous Improvements”,Continuously Improve,Deliver Great Results,On Business Priorities,5,Jargon Buster,Visual management,Abnormality,Standards,KPIs,5S,Jargon Buster,KPI?,5S?,6,Why Visual Management?,Make problems visible,is one of the 12 Lean Behaviours,The simplicity of visuals guarantee speed and quality of learning during,go see,A workplace that can be visually managed (no need to ask) is a proof point for Lean way of working,7,Why Visual Management?,8,Why Visual Management?,9,Why Visual Management?,10,Why Visual Management?,Traditional Management,Visual Management,Limited communication,Problems allowed to stay hidden,Limited understanding of individual contribution to business,People working in isolation,Continuous improvement invisible,Better communication at all levels,Problems immediately exposed and addressed,Everyone clearly understanding business needs and can contribute,Teamwork,Visible continuous improvement culture,11,Visual Controls in daily life,12,Why Visual Management?,83%,11%,1%,1.5%,3.5%,13,Review,What is the purpose of visual management?,How does it strengthen our lean behaviors ?,What are some proof points that visual management is effect?,14,Lean Tools Progression,Takt,One Piece Flow,Pull,7,Wastes,Effort,I,m,p,a,c,t,Visual,Management,5,S,15,Visual Controls,16,20 Typical Visual Controls,Name,Type,Clarifies,Safety cross,Perform.,What is our safety record?,Boundary lines,Comm.,What is work area / aisle?,Direction arrows,Comm.,Which way?,Identification,Comm.,What is it?,Foot prints,Comm.,Where to stand?,Color code,Comm.,Various,Diagonal stripe,Process,What is missing?,Standard Work Docs.,Doc.,What is the process?,Hour by hour,Perform.,How are we doing?,Motion lines,Process,How does the door open?,17,20 Typical Visual Controls,Name,Type,Clarifies,Skill matrix,Perform.,Skilled person available?,Shadow board,Process,Tool missing?,Andon,Process,What is the condition?,Kanban,Production,What, how many, where?,Defect Displays,Process,A recent quality problem,Check list,Process,What action is required?,Kaizen Newspaper,Perform.,Status of improvement activity,Tags,Comm.,What is this item?,Signs,Comm.,What is this location?,Location,Comm.,Where should it go?,18,Safety Markings in Walkways,Visuals,Motion line visuals,19,Safety Calendar,Maximum 31 days per month,Fill in green each accident-free day,Fill in red each day with accident,Count number of days in a row without accident,20,5S Shadow Boards,What is missing?,What is out of place?,21,Color Coding,Spare parts storage location by color, even if you dont read Japanese.,22,Color Coding,You dont have to read Japanese to find your subway line,23,Color Coding,especially when the markings are on the floor as well,24,Material Location and Quantity Controls,Kanban card withdrawn when material is used,Kanban card identifies quantity, type, and location of material,Cards are placed in Kanban post for reorder,25,Boundary Lines,Cart locations,Aisle way lines,26,Color Coding,Color,Meaning,Red,Flammable/combustible material storage area,Yellow,Corrosive/unstable material storage area,Flammable material storage cabinet,Green,Location of first aid and safety equipment,Yellow & Black,Physical hazard,Traffic area,“Do not block” areas,27,What Sort of Clock is This?,28,Visual Work Instructions,29,Visual Work Instructions,In Training:,Knows process, tools, materials, and instructions,Can do solo:,Can work without supervision,Best methods:,Work to takt time, set-up, quality check, etc.,Can train others:,Teach and show others best methods,30,Process,Cut,Mill,Sand,Frame,Assembly,Paint,Mike,Bill,Cindy,Matt,Norm,Can do solo,Can train others,In Training,Best methods,Skill matrix,31,Visual Picking Instructions,32,Color Coding for Picking,Color-coded templates,Color-coded shelves,33,Standard Work Documents,2,23.4 min,12.1 min,FG,RM,10,3,4,6,5,1,1,2,3,5,6,2,4,Both workflow control and process control,34,Standard Work Documents,Digital display to show progress to plan,Andon lamp turns on when worker calls for help,35,Visual Controls in the office,Photos of what is stored in the cabinets,File Location & Identification,36,Visual Controls in the office,On the outside,On the inside of cabinet,Folders and view foils,File Location & Identification,37,Visual Controls in the office,Accounts Payable had problems with associates leaving their invoices at each analysts desk, instead of Central Mail Center.,Communication through visual signs can reduce those problems.,38,Group Exercise #1,Go see activity:,Look for examples of visual controls in our workplace,Ask questions to challenge their effectiveness (see 20 Questions as examples),Look for standard that NEED to be controlled visually, but are not,Presentation & Sharing,Time Limit: 40 minutes,39,20 Questions for Visual Management,How many of these questions can you answer “Yes” to? These are just a few,indicators of a visual workplace:,Work areas and aisles are clearly marked.Y/N,No materials or parts are stored directly on the floor.Y/N,Aisles and work areas are free of oil, trash, and chips.Y/N,Material flow in the production line is clear to see.Y/N,The entrance and the exit points of production lines are clear.Y/N,It is clear which products are being produced right now.Y/N,The right amount of the right materials are placed at the cell.Y/N,The right amount of finished goods are placed at the cell. Y/N,The correct crew size of the production line is identified.Y/N,The work area of each worker is clearly identified.Y/N,40,20 Questions for Visual Management,How many of these questions can you answer “Yes” to? These are just a few,indicators of a visual workplace:,It is clear whether workers are working within their work areas. Y/N,It is clear that tools are being used correctly. Y/N,Items missing can be clearly identified. Y/N,Broken or stopped equipment can be clearly identified. Y/N,The work procedures are clearly defined and posted. Y/N,Safety precautions required at each process are clearly posted. Y/N,Quality checkpoints of each processes are clearly posted. Y/N,Quality control baselines are clearly posted. Y/N,It is clear if we are on schedule, ahead or behind schedule. Y/N,The status of countermeasures and corrective actions is clear. Y/N,41,Communication Boards,42,Team Communication Board,Quality performance,Absenteeism,On-time delivery,Safety incidents,43,Team Communication Board,44,Example Visuals: Hour by Hour Chart,Hour,Actual / Plan,Cumul.,Difference,Reason,Countermeasure,Takt Time =,120 seconds,7AM 8AM,30 / 30,30 /30,0,8AM 9AM,23 / 30,53 / 60,-7,7 units did not pass test,Perform root cause analysis on 7 units,Total,Cycle Time =,590 seconds,10AM 11AM,30 / 30,83 / 90,0,11AM 12PM,15 /15,98 / 105,0,Lunch (30 min),Crew Size =,5 people,12PM 1PM,30 / 30,128 / 135,0,Overtime Required,7,135 / 135,0,15 minutes,Approved by:,Jones, JG,45,Example Visuals: Project Tracking,Order date,Delivery date,Starting date for the work step,Finish date for the work step,46,Example Visuals: Project Tracking,Late to original program,In process, on-time to program,Not started, or is not required to start,When a process that is late is able to catch up, a green sticker is placed over the red,When a process that is on-time slips behind, a red sticker is placed over the green,When a process is finished an “F” is written on the sticker,47,Example Visuals: Issue Tracking Board,No,Issue,Action,Who,When,Status,13,Boxes not glued,Sort defective boxes out of WIP at station,Check upstream box maker for root cause,Monitor process,QA engineer,Today,Working,14,Damaged manuals,Investigation,Group Leader,Today,Working,48,In Training:,Knows process, tools, materials, and instructions,Can do solo:,Can work without supervision,Best methods:,Work to takt time, set-up, quality check, etc.,Can train others:,Teach and show others best methods,Can do solo,Can train others,In Training,Best methods,Process,Cut,Mill,Sand,Frame,Assembly,Paint,Mike,Bill,Cindy,Matt,Norm,Example: Skill matrix,49,Communicating Kaizen Ideas,“My CI” Suggestion Scheme at Hill-Rom Industries, USA,50,Communication Board,Suggestion System,Factory layout,Idea implementations,Individual recognition,Total suggestions,51,Group Exercise #2,Designing a Visual Communication Board,52,Minimum Standard for Communication Boards,Team identity,Team name,People,Mission of the team,Who do we serve,What do we strive to do,Metrics (KPIs) tracked,Concern, Cause, Countermeasure (3C),Improvement activities,Reactive (problems, 3C),Proactive (kaizen ideas, layout for new products),53,Group Exercise #2,Planning of communication board,Break into Groups,Each Group select an area or functions of a team member(production, purchasing, ware housing etc),Design and develop the key contents of the communication Board,Presentation,Share the “design” Communication Board,Explain what and why the contents are useful,Time Limit: 40 Minutes,


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