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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,The contemporary school marketing problems,1,专题三:,学校品牌营销(School brand marketing),一、品牌、学校品牌内涵,(The meaning of brand and school brand),品牌,-,是一种错综复杂的象征,,它是品牌的,属性、名称、包装、价格、声誉、广告风格,的无形组合。,Brand is a complicated symbol ,it is intangible combination of the brands attributes, name, packing, price, reputation and advertising style.,商业界对品牌的内涵有四种不同的理解,:There are four different understanding of the connotation of brand in the business community .,1、把品牌作为,区分标志,-,识别功能,(The brand as a distinguishing mark -Recognition function);,(命名、设计、包装、享有专有产权的商标),(name, design, packing ,and shall enjoy exclusive trademark),2、把品牌作为,沟通代码,-,信息浓缩功能,(The brand as a communication code-Information concentration function);,3、把品牌作为,承诺和保证,-,安全功能,(The brand as a promise and guarantee-Safety function);,4、把品牌作为,无形资产,-,价值功能,(The brand as an intangible asset-Value function)。,2,品牌,brand,只要可口可乐品牌还在,,即使工厂被一把火烧掉,,第二天,就会重新建立,一个可口可乐的商业帝国。,可口可乐公司总裁,3,4,中美十大品牌比较,世界著名品牌顾问公司“INTERBRAND国际品牌”2000年度全球最有价值品牌调查表明,,在10个身价最高的全球知名品牌中,美国占了9席,,以下是列表比较:,名次 品牌名称 2000年价值(亿美元) 1999年价值(亿美元) 国家,1 可口可乐 725.37 838.45 USA,2 微软 701.97 566.54 USA,3 IBM 531.84 437.81 USA,4 英特尔 390.49 300.21 USA,5 诺基亚 385.28 206.94 芬兰,6 通用电气 381.28 335.02 USA,7 福特汽车 363.68 331.97 USA,8 迪斯尼 335.53 322.75 USA,9 麦当劳 278.59 262.31 USA,10 AT&T 255.48 241.81 USA,5,中国最有价值品牌研究,“99/98”年度报告,名次 品牌名称 1999年价值(亿人民币) 1998年价值(亿人民币),1 红塔山 423 386,2 海尔 265 192,3 长虹 260 245,4 五粮液 86 60.62,5 一汽 79.08 76.29,6 康佳 78.87 63.03,7 联想 76.82 58.80,8 TCL 75.56 56.38,9 科龙 59.16 55.50,10 三九集团 49.18 47.33,数据来源:北京品牌评估事务所,6,学校品牌,-,是学校在,社会中地位的,象征,是学校在长期发展过程中逐渐积淀凝结成为学校名称中的跨越时间和空间并为,社会认同的心理符号,,是,学校精神的集中反映,。,The school brand is a symbol of the schools status in society, is the psychological symbol that a school gradually accumulate of condensed into the schools names across time and space which social recognized in the long period of development, and it also is the concentrated reflection of the school spirit.,加深理解的三个维度:,1、学校品牌是一种象征,(School brand is a symbol)。显示了,学校办学理念、培养目标和人才取向,,表明了,学校的价值观和哲学思想,。The school brand is a kind of symbolism, which shows its ideas to run a school, its training objectives and personnel orientations that indicate the schools values and philosophy.,如北京大学,“思想自由、兼容并包”,精神;北京师范大学,“身正为师、学高为范”,的精神。,学校品牌是学校长期以来形成的一种人们习惯和认同的心理符号,。,如联想(计算机品牌)、奔驰(汽车品牌)、北京大学、哈佛大学(高校品牌)、伊顿公学(中学品牌)Such as Lenovo (computer brand), Benz (car brand), Peking university, Harvard University (university brand), eton (high school brand),2、学校品牌可以从,知名度、名誉度、忠诚度,三个维度进行评价。,A school brand can be evaluated from three dimensions: popularity, reputation and loyalty.,3、学校品牌一旦形成,将会对政府、社会、家长和学生产生一种,亲和力和被认同感,。,Once formed, the school brand will produce a sense of affinity and identity on the government, society, parents and students.,7,二、学校品牌蕴含的价值(The value of school brand),1、学校品牌是学校无形资产的体现(School brand is the intangible assets of schools),美国加州工学院,能成为世界一流大学正是由于有,名牌教授的效应,,如物理诺贝尔奖获得者密立根,他使这个学校的实验物理迈上世界一流水平;冯卡门,把美国的航空技术带动起来。,The California institute can become a first class university in the world due to the effect of famous professors, such as Miligen , the the Nobel Prize winner of physics. He made the schools experimental physics to be the first-class in the world; Von Carmen, improved Americas aviation technology.,杨振宁教授曾说:“,合并后的四川联合大学的牌子仅仅值一美元,校名改为原来的四川大学,至少值一亿美元,。”,Professor Yang has said: the brand of united Sichuan university only worthed one dollar, but the original Sichuan university can be worth at least one hundred million.,美国斯坦福大学,由于具有世界品牌,聚集一批世界公认的学术权威和知名学者。在教师队伍中,有10人获诺贝尔奖,19人获国家科学奖,5人获总统自由奖;拥有一批举世公认的高水平学科,如工程和物理科学、物理和空间学、医学和生物学。,Stanford university gathered a group of the world recognized academic authority and the famous scholar for its famous in the world. There are 10 people have won the Nobel Prize, 19 people have won the national science, 5 people have won President freedom award among the staffs. And there are a group of high level acknowledged subjects, such as engineering and Physical Science, Physics and Space Science, Medicine and Biology.,8,2、学校品牌是学校经营业绩的体现,The school brand is the embodiment of the school performances.,英国剑桥大学,因有,62位校友获得诺贝尔奖,而使剑桥大学名扬全球。,Cambridge university of England is famous all over the world since there are 62 alumnus who won the Nobel Prize,哈佛大学,因培养,6位美国总统,而使哈佛大学走向世界一流大学。,Harvard University becomes the first-class university in the world because it has trained six of the American Presidents.,中国清华大学,因培养了,“两弹一星”的科学家,而使清华大学盛名远播。,Tsinghua university of China is famous because it once trained scientists who are good at making missile.,9,3、学校品牌是教育质量的体现(School brand is the embodiment of the teaching quality),英国剑桥大学、美国哈佛大学、中国北京大学,其牌子本身就代表着,高质量、高水平,,从而吸引全世界的教育资源,提高其学术地位,强化品牌效应。,The band of Cambridge University, Harvard University, Peking University represents high quality, high level, thus attracts the worlds education resources, improves the academic status and strengthens the brand influence.,10,4、学校品牌是品牌竞争力的体现(School brand is the embodiment of the brand competitiveness),如,清华大学,无论在,科研经费的获得、科技成果的转化,还是优秀人才的引进,等方面都有着较强的竞争力-,清华大学现有中国科学院院士32名,中国工程院院士25名,,是全国拥有院士最多的高校。,Tsinghua university enjoys a strong competitiveness no matter in the finance of science and technology,the transformation of scientific research or the employment of outstanding talents. The number of academician in Tsinghua university is largest in China. There are 32 academicians of Chinese sciences academy and 25 academicians of Chinese Engineering Academy in Tsinghua university .,11,三、学校品牌营销的策略(School brands marketing strategy)(一)形成学校核心竞争力,培植自己的品牌优势和特色(Form school core competence, and creat their own brand advantages and characteristics),1、学校核心竞争力的形成(Formed the core competitiveness of the school),学校核心竞争力,-是学校在长期教育活动中积累的,知识体系,,是学校在教育产品研发、生产和经营等某一个或多个环节上所具有的,持续竞争优势能力,,且,不易被竞争对手仿效的独特能力,。 The core competitiveness of the school is a knowledge system that school accumulated during long term education activities .It is the schools ability of sustainable competitiveness to develop, product, operate the education products in one or several process. This is a unique ability that competitors can not imitate easily.,学校核心竞争力的内容包括:,1、师资力量,(Teacher resources)。即,学校人力资源的储备能力和可开发的潜力,。Teachers strength, i.e. the reserved abilities and development potential of the schools human resource.,2、资本存量,(Capital stock)。即,学校的资产资本(物质资本+货币资本)和人力资本(科研水平、学术声誉,)Capital stock, i.e. the schools capital asset (material capital + monetary capital) and human capital (the scientific research level, academic reputation),3、区位力,(Location force)。包括,学校自然地理位置及所在地区经济、科技、政治地位,。Locational superiority, including school geographical location and that regions economy, science and technology, and political status.,4、文化力,(Culture force)。,学校所特有的社会意识、道德观念、文化氛围和价值追求,。Power of culture, i.e.the schools proper social consciousness, moral views, cultural atmosphere and value pursuit.,5、开放要素,(Open element)。包括,学校内部各要素、学校与区域内外联系程度,。Elements of openness, including the elements inside the school, the connection between the school and the regional both inside and outside.,12,案例1:,2005年,中国逻辑与语言函授大学,的定位:以在职成人教育为主要服务对象,开展大专层次以上非学历专业教育,以函授和网络为主要教学手段,以,逻辑、语言、创新思路,为基础课程,培养,会思维、会学习、有创新能力和实践能力,的人才。上述定位,明确了学校的教育服务对象、教育类型、教育层次、教学手段、基础课内容和培养目标等。,13,案例2:,潮汕职业技术学院的办学定位:立足粤东,面向珠三角辐射省内外,突出区域特色;以,就业为导向,产学研结合,,实行高等职业教育、中等职业教育、成人教育“三教”并举协调发展的多形式、多层次的办学格局,培养经济社会发展所需的生产、管理、服务第一线实用型、技能型高级技术人才。潮汕学院办学定位包括了,区域定位、社会定位、教学定位、层次定位、培养目标定位,等。,14,案例3:,哈尔滨体育学院在本科教学工作水平评估自评报告中把学校的办学定位表述为五个方面:,发展目标定位:,努力提升综合办学实力,把学校建成冰雪特色更加突出的高水平体育院校;,办学类型定位:,教学型高等体育院校;,办学层次定位:,以本科教育为主,积极发展研究生教育,适度发展成人学历教育及其他各类教育;,学科专业定位:,以体育学科为主,积极发展与体育学科相关的学科,拓展相关专业和专业方向,形成体育学科与相关学科交叉,协调发展的学科专业格局;,服务面向定位:,立足本省,面向全国提供以冰雪专业为主的各类高级体育专业人才。,15,2、学校品牌优势和特色打造(school brands Advantages and the construction of special brand),1、高智能化,(High intelligence),学校为社会提供的应该是,信息来源广、科技含量高的智能教育服务,。,Schools should provide the social with intelligence education services that are widely the sources of information, high scientific and technological.,2、市场化,( Marketization),学校提供的教育服务产品应该,适应市场经济需求,提供适销对路、市场占有率高、潜力大的产品,。,Schools should meet the needs of market economy, provide marketable, high market shares and potential education service products.,3、独创性,(Originality) Creativeness,专业开发、课程设置、教学内容和教学方法具有创新性甚至独创性,。,Professional development, curriculum, teaching content and teaching method are innovative even originality.,4、卓越性,(Excellence),教育产品品质卓越,再生能力强,不容易被其他学校“研制”或模仿即完全的不可替代性。,The education products quality is excellent, its ability to regeneration is strong. Other schools can not develop or imitate . It means this kind of education product is irreplaceable completely.,16,3、实施学校品牌策略,创建知名教育品牌Implement school brand strategy, creat the well-known education brand,1、根据,自身的条件、特点和教育资源,的比较优势,制定学校的发展规划和人才培养目标,明确办学思想和办学方向,,充分利用已有的办学优势和品牌效应以及现有品牌对学生的渗透作用,,进一步扩大社会影响,增强办学后劲。,According to,Its own conditions, characteristics and educational resources comparative advantages to make the schools development planning and personnel training goal, clear thinking and direction of running schools, making full use of existed educational advantages as well as existed brands influence and brand penetration in the students, further expand the social impact, enhance the educational potential.,2、要通过,名师、名专业等良好品牌形象和知名度,,并通过其,良好示范和辐射作用,,带动其他,教师、其他专业滚动发展,实现品牌效应的对内延伸和对外扩张,,增强学校的整体实力。,Through good brand image and awareness such as teachers, professionals and their good examples and radiation, lead other teachers and other professionals thus promote their development,achieve,brand effects of internal extension and external expansion, and enhance the schools overall strength.,3、以,科学管理,为前提,不断提高自身的应变能力和创新能力。,PremislIing with scientific management, continuously improve their adaptability and innovation.,4、要以,广告宣传,为先导,逐步提高自己的知名度和美誉度。,As a guide to the advertising, and gradually improve their visibility and reputation,17,(二)充分利用传媒推介学校品牌,奠定公众心理信赖度和忠诚度(Making full use of media to promote the school brand, and fix the public psychological trust and loyalty),1、创立一个完整的识别系统,(Creating a complete recognition system),学校形象识别系统由三个子系统组合而成:,1)理念识别系统,(Mind identity system, MIS),是指,一个学校教育理念的定位,形成学校具有个性的教育理念,以区别于其他同类学校的动态和定势,从而创立学校在公众中的形象,。,Mind identity system is a position of school education concept which form characteristics education concepts that are different from dynamic and situation of other similar schools so as to create the schools image in the public.,2)行为识别系统,(Behavior identity system, BIS),是指在学校教育理念的指导下,所形成的一系列,有别于其他学校的教育和教学活动。它主要包括学校发展战略的制定、教育发展目标的确立,以及由此而派生出的学校管理方法和风格,组织机构的设置,专业的发展方向,学生的培养目标、培养规格,师生员工的各种行为规范,等。,Behavior identity system refers to form a series of school education and teaching activities that are different from others under the guidance of school education concept,. It includes formulation of school development strategy, establishment of education development goals and the method and style of school management, the setting of the organization, the direction of professional development, and the students training objectives as well as scale and the behavior standards of all kinds of the teachers ,students and staffs.,3)视觉识别系统,(Visual identity system, VIS),是指在学校教育理念的确立和发展战略的制定的基础上,运用视觉传达设计的方法,根据和一切学校教育、教学活动有关的媒体的要求,,设计出交流的识别符号,以刻画学校的个性,体现学校的精神,突出学校特征,使学校内外公众对学校产生一致的认同感,。,Visual identity system bases on the establishment of school education concept and its development strategy, According to all the school education and teaching activities which relate with the media requirements to design the communication identity symbols by using the method of Visual communication design. Thus form the characterizations of school and embody the spirit of school, outstand the feature of school and promote consistent identity of the school .among the public both inside and outside of school.,18,学校的标志主要是,校名、校训、校徽、校歌、校旗、校服以及具有象征意义的建筑物,如图书馆、教学楼、纪念碑、湖光山色,等。,如北京大学的“一塌糊涂”、武汉大学的“东湖”、中山大学的“孙中山先生铜像”等。,The sign of the school mainly includes school names, mottos, medals, flags, uniforms, and the symbolic buildings, such as the library, teaching buildings, monuments, lakes and mountains, etc. Such as Peking University “mess” (one tower, one lake, one library) Wuhan universitys “East lake” , Sun yat-sen bronze statue of Sun yat-sen University, etc.,要精心打造学校的识别系统,形成自己的特色。,To build schools identification system carefully and develop their own characteristics.,19,2、加强品牌的宣传和推介(Strengthen the brand propaganda and promotion),1)注意传播品牌特色意义,,也就是它形象化的内涵,,重点放在品牌的理念上,可通过简洁而引人的口号来概括,。(Noting that the brand spreads characteristics, meaning, that is, its figurative meaning, focus on the brand concept, introduced by simple slogans to summarize. ),2)通过宣传一种有代表性的特色来间接地树立品牌,。,特色是宣传的主角,,这就要求学校要创造出一种能传达整个品牌意义的特色,如,大学的院士、诺贝尔奖获得者、名教授、毕业生成功者、重点学科、品牌专业、中小学升学率、毕业生的名人效应和区位优势,等。(Through the propaganda of a representative characteristics to indirectly establish the brand. Feature is the protagonist of propaganda, which requires schools to create a brand that can convey the features of the brand meaning, such as the Universitys Academy of Sciences, Nobel laureates, famous professors, successful graduates, key disciplines, professional brand, primary and secondary schools enrollment rate , graduates influence and the locational advantages. ),3)做好推广工作,扩大与社会的交流,确立公众形象,,是品牌赢得市场,走向健康发展的道路。( good promotion work,expanding social exchanges, establishing good image for the public is the road to win the market and develop in a healthy way for brand),20,(三)提升学校品牌社会美誉度,扩张学校品牌为名牌(Promoting the society reputation of school brand, and expand it for famous brand),1、提供高质量的毕业生,(Providing high-quality graduates),2、,扩大广告宣传,,加强同传媒的合作,及时把学校新的东西推出去(Expanding advertising and strengthening cooperation with the media, promotion for schools new things in time );,3、与上一级学校、用人单位合作进行“量体裁衣”的订单式培养,(Cooperating with the higher level school and employer to make tailored order training)。,4、扩大教师对学生的影响力,(Expanding the influence of teachers on students)。,21,(四)运用关系营销理念,构建学校品牌竞争优势(Using the concept of relationship marketing to establish the competition advantage of school brand),学校营销过程必须重视改善或加强与,供应商、同类学校、社会公众、媒介、政府、内部师生,等的关系和相互作用。,Schools must pay more attention to improve and strengthen internal relationship and interactions between themselves and suppliers, similar schools, social publics, media, governments, teachers and students in the marketing process.,22,(五)形成学校品牌战略,差异化竞争优势,,赢得教育市场更多的占有率(Form different competitive advantage for school brand strategy to win more share in education market),产品差异化、市场差异化、形象差异化,Product differentiation, market differentiation, image differentiation,(驾驶技术、烹调技术、养殖技术),(driving skill, cooking skill and breeding skill),建立“你无我有,人有我强,人强我新”的特色品牌。(,特色学校、特色教学、特色课程、特色校长、特色教师,等),Build the characteristic brand that only I have, my brand is stronger than others, my brand is more innovative than others. (such as characteristics schools, characteristics teaching , characteristics curriculums, characteristics principals and characteristics teachers etc.),23,学校特色品牌营销案例,(一)以雷锋精神贯串德育工作河南省开封市第33中学,开封第33中学原是一所薄弱初中,原来学校条件差、生源差、经费短缺。自1985年开展“学雷锋”活动以来,学校领导抓住契机,经过十多年的努力和探索,形成了,以雷锋精神为主导的一所著名的特色学校,。,24,三六班邢金山同学,因病下肢残疾,不能行走,他的几位同学数十年来坚持背他上学,全班同学也都从学习上和生活上给他帮助。形成了互相友爱、团结合作的集体氛围。学校抓住这一有利时机,利用主题班队会、校园板报、广播等活动宣传学雷锋的先进事迹,同学们在老师的带领下,自发,写学习雷锋的日记,,组成,学雷锋活动小组,,,开展各种学雷锋活动,,得到了社会各方面的表扬,提升了学校的声誉,同学们也在活动中升华了思想,一些思想落后的同学也有了明显的进步。,25,初见成效后,学校领导因势利导,不断把学雷锋活动纳入健康发展的轨道,逐步形成了具有33中特色的教育内容。主要做法是:,(1),把雷锋精神确定为“校魂”,。在全校师生心目中树立起雷锋这面旗帜,开展一系列的活动。如:在学校中开展了“学雷锋,创三好,争做四有新人”活动;在班级中开展“学雷锋,争创雷中队”活动;在教师中开展“学雷锋,弘扬焦裕禄,争做文明教师、优秀教师”活动;在学校领导中开展“学雷锋,做人民忠实公仆”活动。,(2)把,学雷锋系列活动作为一种优良传统长年,坚持下去,具体工作落实到一学期的各个阶段,及时巩固成果。,(3)广开渠道,建立广泛的校外基地,建立广泛的校外联系,形成一个广泛的社会教育网络。学校通过,联系校外的优秀事迹教育学生,,取得了显著的教育效果。,(4)和各个先进学校结成姐妹校,互相交流经验。,26,学校还把,雷锋精神纳入到素质教育,的轨道上来精心设计了一系列教育活动,如,教学生会做人、教学生会生活、教学生会创造,等等活动,在活动中运用雷峰先进事迹教育学生。通过雷锋精神教育,加强了学校精神文明建设,为学校良好的学风、教风、校风的形成,提供了有力的保证,使学校逐步形成了一个适应新时期要求的较完整而又系统的德育工作体系。提高了学生素质和教育教学质量。也进一步强化了教师队伍素质的提高。整个学校风气焕然一新,成为一所著名的特色名牌学校。,27,(二)成功教育上海市闸北八中,上海市闸北八中,原是一所典型是薄弱初中,学校条件差、学生素质差,犯罪率高。1987年以来,该校实施了“成功教育”改革,学校取得了明显的变化。,该校通过调查认识到,学习困难的学生很多,这部分学生智力正常,学习成绩异常的主要原因是他们,在学习过程中经历了反复失败后,存在一种失败者心理,学习积极性差,自信心下降,失去了原动力,,在学习中的表现越来越消极。这一原因的本质是教育不当造成的。解决这一问题的对策就是实施“成功教育”,就是,不断地帮助学生成功,建立积极的心理状态,开发学生的潜能,形成自我激励的内部机制。,成功教育强调每一个学生都有成功的潜能,都可以在原有的基础上获得多方面的成功,成为一个成功者。,28,该校建立了成功教育的基本机制:三要素、两循环、两结果。其主要内容是:,第一循环:教师,转变观念对学生抱有积极的期望和要求,;为学生,创造更多的成功机会,,促使学生积极主动地参与教育、教学活动;教师对学生实施,鼓励性评价,。其结果是教师发现学生,学生发现自我。,第二循环:学生产生积极的自我期望和要求,,主动争取成功的机会,;学生自我鼓励。其结果是学生逐步形成稳定的自我学习、自我教育的机制。,29,两个循环相互作用,相互联系。在教师和学生的共同努力下,学生获得成功,教育也获得了成功。该校除了改变思想观念外,在德育方面,主要抓住两方面的工作:The two cycle effect from each other, students can succeed, education also can succeeded in both of the teachers and students efforts. The school need to change their mind concept. Besides, they need to focused on two following aspects of work in the moral education.,1成功心理的培养。,注重学生积极心理的培养,帮助学生掌握重新认识自我和自我协调能力,培养学生的自信心。主要通过,开设心理常识讲座,把成功教育和思想政治教育相结合,,和教育过程相结合,与课外活动相结合,激发学生的兴趣,发挥学生各自潜在的特长。,The success of the psychological training. Pay attention to the cultivation of students positive psychology, help students to grasp the abilities to know themselves and self coordination, as well as to develop their self-confidence. Combine successful education with ideological and political education, and with education process, and with extracurricular activities mainly through the lectures on common sense of psychology, inspire students and play their potential ability.,2自我教育能力的培养。,主要有两种方式,一是加强班集体建设,不断创造有利于学生自我教育能力形成的环境,如班级干部轮换制等等。二是开展各种活动培养学生的自我教育能力。,Cultivation of Self-education abilities. There are two main ways to achive it. One is to strengthen the construction of class, constantly creates the environment that benefits students to develop their abilities of self-education, like setting the rotation of class leaders. The other is to carry out various activities to train studentss abilities of self-education.,30,在教育、教学方法上,主要是:,The teaching methods are as follow:,(1)在教学过程中降低要求和进度。保证学生稳步的达到教学大纲的要求。考虑到学生的实际水平,培养学生有良好的学习习惯,。,Ensure that students are steadily to the requirements of teaching outline. The school reduces requirements and progress in teaching process. Besides, it takes the students actual ability into account, helps students develop good study habits.,(2)实行“低、小、多、快”的方法。,“低”指,“低起点”,,就是摸清学生的实际知识水平,把起点放在学生努力一下就可以达到的水平上;“小”指,“小步子”,,就是根据学生的实际,确定能实际达到的目标。教学步子小,内容由简到繁,分层渐进。让学生在学习过程中处处有成功,感到自己有能力学习;“多”就是,“多活动”,。针对学生注意力时间短等特点,改变教师的授课方式,增加课堂上师生的互动和学生表现的机会。“快”就是,“快反馈”,,保证在每次的授课中既有教师的讲,又有学生的练,还有教师的查,及时发现学生存在的问题并及时反馈。,Implement the method of low, small, more, fast. Low means low starting point, that is after having a good understanding of students knowledge accumulation, the school set the starting points which students are able to achieve with some of their hard-working. Small means little steps, it ref


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