I’m watching TV

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome,Unit One Im watching TV.,-,By,Song jili,一,音标识读,1./kli:n/_,2./weit/_,3./ti/_,4./,k,mr/,_,5./laibrri/ _,6./pu:l/_,7./b: d/_,8. /m:l/_,9./futu/_,10./din/_,clean,wait,toy,camera,library,pool,bird,mall,photo,dinner,二、句子结构,A.,连词成句,1.,Lily, are, and, watching, morning, Lucy, news, TV, on,_,_.,2. is, Tom, homework, his, doing,_?,3. he, is, waiting, who, for,_?,Lily and Lucy are watching morning,news on TV,Is Tom doing his homework,Who is he waiting for,4.,is, boring, show, TV, this,_.,5. am, I, swimming, pool, at, the, the, second, in, picture.,_,_.,B.,仿写句子。,1.,What is he doing?,汤姆的弟弟在做什么?,_,_,?,2.,Who are Lisa and Tim talking to?,This TV show is boring,In the second picture, I am swimming,at the pool,What is Toms brother doing,学生们在谈论什么?,_,_,?,3.,Nancy is writing a letter.,我和我弟弟在看书。,_,_.,4.,In the last photo, Im with my sister Gina.,星期天,你和你妈妈在一起吗?,_,_,?,5.,Here are some of my photos.,这儿是你的英语书。,_,_,。,What are the students talking about,My brother and I are reading books,Are you with your mother on Sunday,Here is your English book,1.,There is a _/,laibr,ri,/ in our school.,2.Is your father _ (,看),TV in the bedroom?,3.Can you kill two _(,鸟),with a stone(,石头,)?,4.,Does your school have a swimming p_?,5.Do you c_ your classroom everyday?,6.Who are you waiting f_?,三、单词拼写,library,watching,birds,ool,lean,or,7.,In this photo, you can see my,family at h_.,8.Please take some pictures with your _ /kmr/.,9.-Where do you play basketball?,-At _/,sku,:l/.,10.Shes _(,买东西,),in a mall.,四、选择填空。,1.,Jim and his teacher _ over there.,A. is talk B. are talk C. is talking,D. are talking,ome,camera,school,shopping,2._ are the children doing now?,A. What B. Where C. When D. How,3.-What _ your family doing near the lake?,-Theyre planting trees.,A. is B. does C. are D can,4.Do you want to play _ football after class?,A. / B. a C. an D. the,5.Listen! The birds _ in the tree.,A. are singing B. is singing C sings D. sing,6.-Whats the boy doing?,- He is _a book. The book is very interesting.,A. seeing B. reading C . looking at,D. watching,7.-Is the boy opening the window?,-No, he _.,A. cant B. is C. doesnt D. isnt,8.-_ are they shopping?,-At the mall.,A. What B. Where C. When,D. Who,9.-_?,-,They are reading English.,A. What are you doing?,B. What do you do?,C. What are they doing?,D. What do they do?,10.I like to play football_ my classmates after school.,A. on B. at C. for D. with,11. Where _ your elder(,年长的,),brother live?,A. does B. is C. are D. do,12.I am _ you like red because its your favorite color.,A. sorry B. glad C. sure D. afraid,13. There isnt _ milk at home now. Lets go and get _.,A. some, some B. any, any,C. any, some D. some, any,14.Look! Who _ on the blackboard?,A. writes B. is writing C. rights D. writing,15.Tom is eating _ dinner_ his parents.,A. a, to B. a, at C./, with D. /, for,五、选词填空,(必要时变换形式),Mary: Hi, Jack!,Jack: Hi, Mary! What are you _1_ now?,Mary: Im _2_.But its _3_.,Jack: Do you _4_ to go to movies?,Mary: That _5_ good.,Jack: What kind of movies do you like?,Mary: I like action movies and _6_.,They are _7_.,See, at, about, boring, watch TV,do, want, thriller, exciting, sound,doing,watching TV,boring,want,sounds,thrillers,exciting,Jack: Great! There is an action movie today. When do you want _8_ it?,Mary: How _9_ 6:00?,Jack: OK, lets go _10_ 6:00. See you then.,六、完成句子。,1.,男孩子们正在游泳池里游泳。,_.,2.,你想看电视吗?,_,?,3.-,Nancy,在用晚餐吗?,-,没有。 她正在学校踢足球。,to see,about,at,The boys are swimming at the swimming pool,Do you want to watch TV,-_?-_,_.,4.-,你在等什么?,-,我在等公共汽车。,-_?,-_.,5.,我们六点出发吧。,_.,6.,多谢你的帮忙。,_.,7.,最后的一张照片市我和我的朋友,Jeff.,_.,Is Nancy eating dinner,No, she isnt. She is playing soccer,at school.,What are you waiting for,Im waiting for the bus,Lets go at 6:00,Thanks for your help,In the last photo Im with my friend Jeff,8.,这里有我的一张家庭照片。,_.,9.,Tony,在家里做作业吗?,_,?,10.,Mike,正在跟他母亲谈论那部电影。,_,_,Here is a photo of my family,Is Tony doing his homework at home,Mike is talking about the movie with his,mother,Thank you!,


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