Islamiztion in Malaysia

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,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Islamization and,Malay,social-cultur,al,transformation,in Malaysia,since the,late 19th century,Xu Fang Hua,XiaMen University,China,Outline,A,Transformation,B The,forces,behind,C,Root causes,D,Conclution,Malaysian Peninsular,or West Malaysia,C,onsists,:,11 states,two federal territories,(,Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya,),Transformation of Malay Social-culture caused by Islamization,Transformation in case of :,A Mosques,B Malay Belief,C Intermarriage,D Malay women attire,A Mosques,Traditional Mosque,Islamic arts Museum,Kuala lumpur,Albukhary Mosque,Alor Setar, Kedah,i,Indigenous style,Arabic Style,B Malay Belief,Animism,(spirits in the surroundings),as part or partial Malays religion,Orthodox Islam,C Intermarriage,The change of Peranakan culture:,Perannakans mainly follow Fathers culture,Peranakans:,Descendents of,foreign fathers and Malay women,(especially British colonial era),eg.Indian Peranakans ,Chinese Peranakans,Fathers Convert to Islam ,Children will be born as Muslim,D Malay women attire,Table 1 Religious appearances among independent operators,H,Locations,Female Malay operators,With Symbols,Percent,Hawkers(near Dewan Bahasa),8,8,100,Hawkers(near Bangunan Persekutuan Building),3,3,100,Hawkers(Jalan Melayu),12,10,83,A Hawker Center(Ialan Melayu),11,9,82,Table2 Religious appearances among female personnel in private corporations,KL,Locations,Female Malay Personnel,With Symbols,Percent,Delifrance(SW),3,3,100,Hock Hua Bank,6,6,100,Stab Chart Bank,5,4,80,McDonalds(BB),4,3,75,McDonalds(Jalan Sultan),4,3,75,Overseas Chinese Bank,7,5,71,Multi-Purpose Bank,7,5,71,Public Finance Berhad,6,4,67,Garment Emporium,16,2,13,Conclusion about transformation,A,Malay culture,Eastern culture,Local culture,Indian culture,Islamic culture(increase influence),western culture,B,Vision,Peripheral Islam P,ure Islam, Forces Behind the Transformation,Islamic resurgence,A The eraly 20th century,B post-1970s,Religious Re,formis,ts,and Nationalists,Government,A Religious Re,formis,ts and Nationalists,a,The,first resurgents,to cal,l for a return,to the Quan and the Sunnah,b,Modern,c,Helped,Islam,enjoy a,special status,in the Constitution of Malaysia,official religion,complete identification of,Malay ethnicity with Islam,d,Their approch to Islam helped to,shift Malay Muslimsattitude,to their religion afterwards(Modern /unmodern,un-Islamic),true Islamic teachings,Attacked innovations and deviations,post-1970s Islamic Revival,The International Islamic Revival,The Dakwah Movement,( Islamic Missionary,ABIM,Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia,Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement ),PAS(Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party ,Control,Kelantan and Terengganu,after 1990s ),All are influenced or,controled by the,Federal Government,B Federal Government,Allocate,Funds,for mosques and religious school,Organize National and international,Quran Reading Competition,Organize,Haji,to Mecca,Introduced,Azan (call to prayer),in the early 1970s,Establishd,Bank Islam,Malay women officer need to wear,scarves,during work time,Federal Government,is the most,powerful force to,reinforce the official religion, Root Causes behind Transformation,A Character and direction of Malaysia in Western- controlled international system,B ideology against identity crisis,C Spiritual support for economic development,D Weapon for Malay rights and Malay Power,D Weapon for Malay rights and Malay Power,The process of,religious rationalization,seems everywhere to have been accopanied,by a thorough,shaking,of the foundation of,the,social order., Max Weber,The 1969 Riots and the Change of Social Order,The 1969 Riots,National Emergency and Suspension of Parliament(1969-1971),Pro-Malay Policies(eg.New Economic Policy),UMNO-MCA-MIC Alliance,Malay Dominance,Economic Policy:,New Economic Policy(NEP),Cultural Policy: Comprehensive Islamization, Conclustion,A,The Main force,the Federal Government.,B,The primary reason,Malay rights and power.,


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