Introduction to UML

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Introduction to UML,David Davenport,Computer Eng. Dept.,Bilkent UniversityAnkara - Turkey.,email:,Unified Modeling Language,IMPORTANT,Students,This presentation is designed to be used in class as part of a guided discovery sequence. It is not self-explanatory! Please use it only for revision purposes after having taken the class. Simply flicking through the slides will teach you nothing. You must be actively thinking, doing and questioning to learn!,Instructors,You are free to use this presentation in your classes and to make any modifications to it that you wish. All I ask is an email saying where and when it is/was used. I would also appreciate any suggestions you may have for improving it.,thank you,David,.,What & Why UML?,UML - Unified,Modeling,Language,Standard notation to help designers,Visualize, Specify, Guide and Document,complex software projects,UML,is programming language independent,is a combination of several diagramming methods,was designed by The Three Amigos: James,Rumbaugh,Ivar,Jacobson, Grady,Booch,.,version 1.0 completed late nineties, now v1.5/2.0,Simple Class Diagram,Classname,Properties,access name : type,Methods, inc. constructors,access name(,params,) : type,Person,#,name : String,# age :,int,# salary : double,# comments : String,+ Person(,name:String,age:int,),+,getName,() : String,+,getAge,() :,int,+,getNetSalary,() : double,+,getComments,() : String,+,setComments,( String),Access,+ public,# protected,- private,List constructors first,Static items are,underlined,Relations btw Classes,Student,Person,Company,Person,Multiplicities: 0.n, 1, *,Rolename,:,company,employs,person student,takes,course,Navigatability,:,arrow on line,Person,PersonTest,aggregation,generalisation,association,1,2,1.*,Object Diagram,cs101_instructor : Person,name = “David”,age = 22,salary = 1000,comments = “Nice”,derya,: Person,name = “,Derya,”,age 18,salary = 500,comments = “Sweet”,Object Diagrams,Depict objects run-time state,Object name & class,Methods: common, so not shown,More advanced UML,for CS102, including,Abstract classes,Abstract methods,Interfaces,State Diagrams,Abstract Classes & Interfaces,ICatMedia,Use,italics,to indicate:,Class names,Interface names,Abstract methods,ICategory,IMedia,Media,MusicCD,Video,abstract,classname,+,method1,+ method2#,method3,Dotted line indicates “implementation”,Stereotype,often written above class name to indicate interfaces (& abstract classes),State Diagrams,depict object states, transitions btw those states & conditions for transitions to occur,Further reading,UML has many other diagrams,Use cases,Sequence diagrams,Packaging diagrams, etc.,Practical UML: A Hands-On Introduction for Developers, Quick Guide to The Unified,Modeling,Language,http:/,


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