Section I unit 1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Greetings and Introduction,Overview,:,Lead-in,Warm-up Activities,Dialogues,Vocabulary,Useful Expressions,Exercises,Culture Tips,Class Activities,Lead-in,How do you greet your friends on campus? Discuss it with your partner. You may use the following examples for help:,Student A: Hello, Jack. Havent seen you for a long time. Hows everything going?,Student B: Not bad. How about you?,Student A: Hi. Nice to see you here.,Student B: Nice to see you, too.,Warm-up Activities,I. Read the following words and find the pronunciation rules for letter “a” .,1. ei shame plat chase tape trace,2. back sad fat lamp fan,II. Read the story below and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.,The easiest way to introduce people is simply to mention their names. For example, “Mr. Brown, Mr. Carter.” Try to pronounce the names slowly and clearly. Usually, one should introduce the younger person first to the older, “Grandma, please meet Alice and Carlos Steward, my neighbors.” Or introduce a male first to a female, say “Mrs. Clark, Id like you to meet Dr. Martin Slater. He works in General Motor. Mrs. Wanda Clark teaches Grade 4 at Cambridge University.” In the United States its customary(,习惯的,) for men to shake hands when meeting each other. If not, he should simply bow slightly. Men always stand up when being introduced while women remain seated. However, a young woman should stand when being introduced to a person much older than her or in a higher social position.,Dialogues,:Students Read and act out the dialogues,Dialogue 1,Doris: Hows life these days?,Steve:,Mmmm, just OK. And how are you?,Doris: Pretty good. Nice weather today, isnt it?,Steve: Yes, its good for doing some exercises.,Doris: How about going jogging together?,Steve: Good idea! Lets enjoy the sunshine!,Doris: Lets go.,Dialogue 2,Mary: Hey, Helen. Havent seen you for ages. Helen: Oh, hi, Mary. Yeah, it has been a long time. Hows everything?,Mary: Not too bad, thanks, and you?,Helen: Pretty good, thanks.,Mary: Im sorry Im in a hurry right now.,Helen: OK. See you some other time, huh?,Mary: Yeah, lets get together sometime. Take care.,Helen: You too.,Dialogue 3,Jason: Hello, Thomas. Its good to see you. Have you met Mr.,Li?,Thomas: No, I dont believe I have.,Jason: Mr. Li, Id like to introduce Thomas. Thomas is our,business partner. And Thomas, Mr. Li is our new sales,manager.,Thomas: Im very happy to meet you, Mr. Li.,Mr. Li: Its my pleasure, Thomas.,Jason: He is the General Manager of the Beijing branch.,Dialogue 4,Wu Ping: Hi, Liu,Yun, nice to see you here.,Liu,Yun,: Hi, good to see you! How are you?,Wu Ping: Not bad. May I introduce you to our manager, Mr. Smith?,Liu,Yun,: How do you do, Mr. Smith?,Mr. Smith: How to you do, Liu,Yun,. Nice to meet you!,Liu,Yun,: Nice to meet you, too. Welcome to China.,Mr. Smith: Thanks. Your oral English is very good!,Liu,Yun,: Oh, thank you for saying so. I am flattered! Here is my,business card.,Mr. Smith: Thanks. This is mine.,Liu,Yun,: I hope you will enjoy your stay here.,Mr. Smith: I bet I will.,Dialogue 5,(,On the first day of a new semester: the new English teacher,Susan, is asking the students to introduce themselves,.),Teacher: Who would like to introduce himself, first?,Jeffery: My name is Jeffery. Im from,Yantai, a beautiful coastal,city in Shandong province. There are three people in my,family, my father, my mother, and I. I like playing,basketball very much.,Teacher: I think weve already known something about you. But, I,still wonder why you choose business English as your,major?,Jeffery:,Because I love English and it is a hot major for,undergraduates seeking decent and better- paid job.,Besides, working in international trade has always been,my ultimate career goal.,Teacher: Oh, great. Thank you for your introduction.,Dialogue,6,Host: Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the English Contest. The,first contestant is Peter. Peter, would you please introduce,something about yourself to us?,Peter: OK, thanks. Hello, everyone! My name is Peter. I come from a,Foreign Language School in Beijing. It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to participate in this contest. Im an active and smart boy. My favorite subject is English. I like it very much. Ill try my best to give you a good performance this morning. Hope you can support me! Thank you!,Host: Thank you, Peter. Wish you success!,Dialogue 7,Stella: This is our new employee, Morgan.,Morgan: Hi, everybody! Im glad to meet you all!,Stella: Would you like to make a brief introduction about yourself?,Morgan: Sure! Thank you. My name is Morgan. My hometown is,Guangzhou, China. Im a postgraduate from,Tsinghua,University,and my major is Western Economics. Ive heard so much about,this corporation and Ive been looking forward to working here. I,hope we can get along well with each other. Thanks a lot.,Stella: Okay! Welcome to our company,!,I will show you around later.,Morgan: Thank you. Whats my job?,Stella: You will be in charge of the promotion of goods. What do you say?,Morgan: No problem. I will try my best. You can count on me!,Stella:,And if you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask Mark,who,is in charge of the personnel department.,Morgan: Okay! I really appreciate it.,Vocabulary,jog ,d, v.,慢跑,branch ,br:nt, n.,分公司,flatter ,flt, v.,奉承,阿谀,appreciate ,pri:ieit, v.,欣赏,感激,赏识,decent ,di:snt, adj.,得体的,相当好的,ultimate ,ltimit, adj.,终极的,最后的,career ,kri, n.,职业,事业,contest ,kntest,n,.,竞赛,争论,smart ,sm:t,adj.,聪明的,漂亮的,postgraduate ,pustgrdjuit,n.,研究生,corporation ,k:prein,n.,公司,promotion ,prmun,n.,(,某商品的,),推销广告或宣传活动,personnel ,p:snel,n.,人事,Useful Expressions,Introducing oneself,How do you do? My names Teresa.,Allow me to introduce myself. Im Susan Li, a freshman from International Trade Department.,Excuse me. I dont believe weve met. Im Michael Hanks.,Excuse me. Havent we met before? I come from China.,Hi, Im Mike. May I know your name please?,B. Introducing somebody,I dont think youve met my classmate Mike. This is Mike. And Mike, this is Mary.,Let me introduce you to each other.,Meet my cousin, Bob.,Jason, Id like you to meet Edison Brown, the principal of our,school.,Have you met,Chanel,Jones, Laura?,C. Greeting people,Good morning/afternoon/evening.,How are you?,How are you doing?,Glad to meet you.,Nice to meet you.,Havent seen you for ages. How are you?,Hows everything?,How are things going with you?,Anything new?,Whats up/new?,Whats going on?,D. Responding to greetings,Im very well. Thank you. And you?,Fine. How about you?,As usual.,Cant complain, thank you.,Couldnt be better, thanks.,Just so-so.,Pretty good, thank you.,Not too bad, thanks.,Choose your appropriate response with the expressions given below.,( )1.,Greet someone youve never met before.,( ),2. Check someones name if you didnt hear it very well.,( ),3. Greet someone you often meet.,( ),4. Greet someone you havent met though youve had contacted with his/her by,phone or e-mail.,( ),5. Greet someone youve met before.,( ),6. Introduce yourself.,( ),7. Introduce a colleague.,( ),8. Ask about someones name.,Exercises,A. Im David Brown, your new neighbor.,B. Nice to meet you at last.,C. This is Mrs. Davis. Shes in charge of exports.,D. Hi! How are you?,E. Good to see you again!,F. Im sorry I didnt catch your name. Can you say it again?,G. Good morning. Pleased to meet you.,H. Im sorry, may I know your name?,G,F,D,B,E,A,C,H,1. A: _(,最近过的如何,),?,B: Great! Thanks. _(,你呢,),?,Hows,everything going,2. A: Hi, Im very glad to see you again. Have you met my cousin, Linda,?,B: _(,我尚未有幸见过呢,).,No. I havent had,the,pleasure,3. A: Let me introduce Linda to you. This is Linda, my cousin.,How do you do,B: _(,你好,), Linda,?,Glad to meet you.,II. Complete the short dialogues by translating the Chinese into English.,And you / How about you,4. A: Hello. My name is Liu,Yan,. _(,你是哪个系的,)?,B: _(,我是国际贸易系的,).,Im from Beijing.,Which department are you in,5. A: Im lucky to have you as my desk mate.,B: I feel lucky too._,_(,有需要帮忙的地方请尽管找我,).,Please dont hesitate to let me know whenever,you need help,6. A: Hello._ (,请允许我介绍一下我自己,)?,My name is Sarah. Im from America.,May I introduce myself,B: Oh, hello, Sarah. Nice to see you. Im Lin,Hua,.,Im in the Department of International Trade,7. A: How do you do, Mr. Smith?,B: Pleased to meet you, Wu Ying. _,_ (,我从,Mary,那里得知您很多情况,).,Ive heard quite a lot,about you from Mary,8. A:_(,请允许我介绍一下我的朋友,), Mr. Lin.,B: Nice to meet you.,Allow me to introduce my friend,9. A: _(,你们以前见过面吗,)?,B: No, we havent.,Have you two met each other before,10. A: This is Mr. Grant._ (,他是一个通讯员,).,B: Oh, my sister is a journalist.,He is a reporter,III. Imagine you are a new employee in a company. Mr. Anderson is the President there. You meet him for the first time at the caf. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given in the box. Then act the dialogue out with your partner.,A. Im very happy that I can work in this company,B. Are you from Germany,C. Are you a newcomer,D. Excuse me,E. And I love China very much,Tom: _. Are you Mr. Anderson?,Mr. Anderson: Oh, yes, Thomas Anderson.,?,Tom: How do you do? Im Yang Cheng, a graduate from Peking University.,My major is Mechanics.,Mr. Anderson: Very good. Welcome to our company.,Tom: _.,Mr. Anderson: Have you got used to the new environment?,Tom: Yes, the colleagues helped me a lot. By the way, _?,Mr. Anderson: Yes. _ .,Tom: Chinese people are very kind and friendly.,D,C,A,B,E,IV. Topics for discussion,Whats the most impressive thing when you first came to your college?,What do you think is the best way to get to know as many people as possible in the college,?,Culture Tips,When,people meet someone for the first time, it is usual to shake the persons right hand with your right hand. You can address a new acquaintance using their title and family name. You may use their first name when they ask you to do so. The simplest thing to say is “Hello” or “Hi”, which is a very common way of greeting someone and suitable in both formal and more relaxed situations. A variation of that, which youre probably more likely to hear, is “How are you?”, “How are you going?” or “Hows it going?”. No answer is expected other than “Fine, thank you.” After youve answered that question, the most usual thing to do is to return the question and ask the other person if they are well. You can return the question with a simple “And you?” or “How about you?”,Class Activities,1. Take out a piece of paper, and write on your paper some personal information about yourself. You should write at least five complete sentences,e.g.,I was born in September, I like Jay Chou, I am a football fan, etc. You should make sure the information is true.,2. Then please fold your paper and pass them to the front of the class. The teacher will distribute them and make sure each student has personal information about another student.,3. After reading the personal information, please try to find whose information they have by asking others questions. You can also ask the whole class open questions, such as “Who was born in September?” or ask individuals, such as “Do you like Jay Chou?”,4. The game ends when everybody finds out whose personal information they have got.,Guess Who,


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