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,基础再现,考点整合,语法专题,题型突破,写作导航,模块4,Unit 12,Culture Shock,.写出下列单词的变化形式,1,道歉,认错,(n.) _,道歉,(vi.) _,2,增加,增加物,(n.) _,增加,补充,(vt.) _,追加的,附加性的,(adj.)_,apology,apologize,addition,add,additional,基础再现,3,大半,大多数,(n.) _,主要的;较大的;主修,(adj.)_,少数,(n.) _,4,好奇地,(adv.) _,好奇心强烈的,奇怪的,(adj.)_,好奇心,(n.) _,majority,major,minority,curiously,curious,curiosity,基础再现,基础再现,5,伤害,(vt.) _,伤害,伤口,(n.) _,6,期待的事物,预期,(n.) _,期待,预料,(vt.) _,7,非正式的,(adj.) _,正式的,(adj.) _,injure,injury,expectation,expect,informal,formal,基础再现,基础检测,、,用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。,1,Hold your knife and fork in this _,And its bad _ to hold them like that man at table. (manner),2,_ enough,,,the strangers _ behavior didnt arouse Toms _,(curious),manner,manners,Curiously,curious,curiosity,基础检测,、,3,Strangely enough,,,the Prime Minister made,a _speech on such an _,occasion.It was rare for him to do so.(formal),4,Tom _ to Mary for his breaking her,glasses,,,and Mary accepted his _,(apology),informal,formal,apologized,apology,基础检测,、,基础检测,基础检测,5,He finally _ in Beijing after a flight of three days. We were all pleased at his _,(arrive),6,His son always falls short of his _,He _ too much of his son. (expect),arrived,arrival,expectations,expects,基础检测,基础检测,7,He was badly _ in the accident and he suffered severe _ to his legs. (injure),8,“,We need some_ information in _ to the information on hand.” he _,(add),injured,injury,additional,addition,added,基础检测,、翻译下列必背短语,1,因为某事向某人道歉,_,2,埋头于做某事,_,3,避免做某事,_,4,坚持要做某事,_,5,支付得起,_,make an apology to,sb. for sth.,be absorbed in,avoid doing sth.,insist on doing sth.,afford to do sth.,基础再现,基础再现,6,结束;制止某事,_,7,对,喜欢,_,8,归功于,_,9,与,不同,_,10,属于,_,11,与,相反,_,be fond of,owe to,differ from,belong to,on the contrary,come to an end,基础再现,、 用本单元所学词组的适当形式填空或完成句子。,catch up with, belongs to ,put off, owed to ,drop off, afford to do, keep on, hurry up, see sb off ,get used to,1. I asked Tom to _ me _ beside the supermarket so I can do the shopping.,2. _ otherwise well be late for the film.,drop off,Hurry up,基础检测,基础检测,3. Wei Fang has been working hard at English,this term in order that she could _,the other classmates.,4. Ill _ my uncle_ at the airport at,5:00 this afternoon.,catch up with,see off,基础检测,基础检测,5. Because the manager will come back tomorrow, this afternoons meeting will have to be_.,6. The house we live in _ my grandfather,so we have no right to sell it.,7. The old man got blind suddenly so he has to,_ the darkness.,put off,belongs to,get used to,基础检测,8. They _ their success more _ careful,management than to good luck.,9. You must be careful not to borrow more money in case you cant _ pay them back.,10. Why do you _laughing all the time?,- Sorry, I cant help it.,owed to,afford to,keep on,1.,就我而言,,我并不想出国留学,父母,坚持,要我去英国深造。,、单元考点作文串记,能力提升,As far as I was concerned,,,I didnt want to,study abroad but my parents insisted that,I should go to Britain for further study.,As far as sb be concerned,insist on,doing,that sb,(,should,),do,基础再现,2,.,为了不辜负父母的,期望,,我,应他们的要求,来到英国,To live up to my parents expectation,,,I came to Britain at their request .,live up to ones expectation,not to fail,at their request,基础检测,3.,那是我,第一次,置身于国外,,由于,文化差异我,感到很难适应,。,That was the first time that I had been in a,foreign country and owing to culture difference I had a difficult time adapting myself to,the life abroad,It is the first time that I have done sth,have a difficult time (in) doing sth,adapt to,基础再现,4.,我刚到英国时,,我傻得都不知该,怎样点饭菜,。,When I first got to .,When I first got there , I was so foolish as not to know how to order food.,Wh + to do,微写作,5.,父母鼓励我,坚持,下来。现在我和国外朋友,相处得很融洽,.,我坚信我的未来会更好,.,My parents encouraged me to keep it up, and now I am on good terms with my foreign friends.I have confidence in making my future,much brighter,keep it up,be on good terms with,(,二,),加入适当,过渡词,,联句成篇,Assignment:,polish your writing and write it down on your exercise book.,As far as I was concerned,,,I didnt want to,study abroad,,,but my parents insisted that,I should gain a business qualification in Britain. To live up to our parents expectaion,,,I went to,Britain for further study at their request .,That was the first time that I had been in a,foreign country and owing to culture difference I had a difficult time getting along with foreigners. Whats worse ,when I first got there , I was so foolish as not to know how to order food.,基础再现,More fortunately,,,I have kept it up till now.,I have confidence in making my future,much brighter,


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