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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/9/14,#,Oxford English 5B,Period 1,Teacher: Su Huiping,My favourite film,Snow White,Toy Story,Rabbit Run,Swan Lake,The Little Rat Cook,Little Red Riding Hood,Shrek,Spriderman,Harry Potter,film,s,see a film,=,go to the,cinema,My favourite film,Both Ben and Kitty like seeing films. They like different kinds of films such as,cartoon films,science films,war films,and,horror films,. Ben likes seeing,Toy Story,best because its funny. Its about toys have a party in a toy shop. Kittys favourite film is,Snow White,. Its about a beautiful,princess,and seven,dwarf,s. Ben and Kitty often go to the cinema with their mum at weekends. There is a big cinema near their home. Its,City Cinema,. Whats in the cinema? There is an,entrance, an,exit,and hundreds of,seat,s. How nice!,cartoon,film,science,film,war,film,horror,film,卡通电影,科幻电影,战争电影,恐怖电影,Toy Story,sans,w:,hr,Pearl Harbor,Harry Potter,The Mummy,Both Ben and Kitty like seeing films. They like different kinds of films such as,cartoon films,science films,war films,and,horror films,.,Ben likes seeing Toy Story best because its funny.,Its about toys have a party in a toy shop.,Toy Story,Its about toys have a party in a toy shop.,Snow White,Kittys favourite film is Snow White.,Its about a beautiful,princess,and seven,dwarf,s.,(小矮人),dw,:,f,princess,公主,prince,王子,pr,i,ns,e,s,Whats the film about?,Toy Story,Its about a beautiful princess and seven dwarfs.,Its about toys have a party in a toy shop.,Snow White,Film,Story about,Snow White,A beautiful princess and seven dwarfs.,Toy Story,Toys have a party in a toy shop.,Swan Lake,A beautiful princess becomes a swan.,Rabbit Run,Some rabbits want to run away from a form.,Which film do you like best?,Whats the film about?,Discuss:,Film,Story about,Snow White,A beautiful princess and seven dwarfs.,Toy Story,Toys have a party in a toy shop.,Swan Lake,A beautiful princess becomes a swan.,Rabbit Run,Some rabbits want to run away from a form.,Try to say:,I went to the cinema yesterday and saw _( name of the film). Its a cartoon film. Its about_.,My favourite film,Both Ben and Kitty like seeing films. They like different kinds of films such as,cartoon films,science films,war films,and,horror films,. Ben likes seeing,Toy Story,best, because its funny. Its about toys have a party in a toy shop. Kittys favourite film is,Snow White,. Its about a beautiful,princess,and seven,dwarf,s.,Ben and Kitty often go to the cinema with their mum at weekends. There is a big cinema near their home. Its,City Cinema,. Whats in the cinema? There is an,entrance, an,exit,and hundreds of,seat,s. How nice!,City Cinema,城市,entrance,(入口),e,ntr,ns,exit,(出口),e,ks,i,t,seat,(座位),s,i:,t,Whats in the cinema?,Shall,we go and see a film,tonight,?,Tips:,shall,用在问句中表示征求对方意见,主要用于第一、第三人称。表示“.好吗?要不要.?”,l,A: Shall we _?,B:,OK./Yes./Thats great./,Thats a good idea. /,Sorry. I want to ,go to the park /zoo/beach,play chess/football/badminton,fly a kite,ride a bicycle,Listen and enjoy,What film is on?,The Little Rat Cook,Toy Story,Snow White,Rabbit Run,Swan Lake,Shall we go and see a film?,Yes, lets go and have a look,.,The Little Rat Cook!,Shall we go and see a film?,Yes, lets go to the cinema tonight.,What film is on?,Snow White.,The Little Rat Cook,What film is on atCinema?,Whats the film about?,Shall we go and see it together?,Talking,This is a poster of the film, Toy Story.,The film is about toys have a party in a toy shop.,It is on at City Cinema.,I want to see it because its funny.,Shall we go and see it tonight?,Reading:,This is a poster of the film, _.,The film is about _.,It is on at _ Cinema.,I want to see it because _.,Shall we go and see it tonight?,Writing:,Homework,1.Listen P27,29,2. Read and copy the words and sentences,3. Talk about your favourite film with your deskmate.,经常,不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有,力量,Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More You Know, The More Powerful You Will,Be,写,在最后,谢谢,大家,荣幸,这,一路,与你同行,ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The,Way,演讲人:,XXXXXX,时 间:,XX,年,XX,月,XX,日,


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