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Introduction of OB (organizational behavior),1,Get to know each other,About me,Name,:,刘向晖,Affiliation:,Professor, Department of e-commerce, College of Economics and Finance ,Associate dean, International School,Huaqiao University,Academic Background,: philosophy of science (M. Phil, 1990), history of science and technology (Ph. D, 2001), social market economy (visiting scholar in Germany, 1994- 1995), e-marketing (visiting scholar in the US, 2008- 2009).,Current teaching and research interests,: organizational behavior, English for e-commerce/logistics professionals, e-marketing,Publications,:,网络营销导论;互联网草根革命:,Web 2.0,时代的成功方略,Translations,:,服务协议管理导论;,IT,管理框架,Hobby,: Ping Pong, trail walking,Phone and e-mail: 22692837 (o), webmonkey,How about you,your backgrounds (or stories), expectations (or career plans).,Class activity:,Who are those sitting on the first and last two rows?,2,Overview of this course,A bilingual approach,双语教学,Class hours 2*18 theoretically,Credits 2,Textbook: Essentials of Organizational Behavior (,n,th edition, n=9, translated or original edition ),Grading policy,Final exam 70%,Structured questions (60%),Open questions (40%),Attendance, participation and homework (30%),3,Plan of the Book,Chapters 2 - 7,Chapters 8 - 13,Chapters 14 - 16,Three Levels of OB Analysis,4,Contents: Individual level,Attitudes and Job Satisfaction,Emotion and Moods,Personality and Values,Perception and Individual Decision Making,Motivation Concepts,Motivation: From Concepts to Applications,5,Contents: Group level,Foundations of Group Behavior,Understanding Work Teams,Communication,Leadership,Power and Politics,Conflict and Negotiation,6,Contents: Organization system level,Foundation of Organization Structure,Organizational Culture,Organizational Change and Stress Management,7,Methodologies: How to study OB effectively?,Techniques,Memorizing /Understanding,Discussing,Practicing,Activities,Regular attendance,Active participation,Extensive reading,Continuous improvement through practice,8,References,Stephen Robbins, Timothy A. Judge.,组织行为学 (,12e,),.,清华大学出版社,,2008.,(¥,70.00, 53.2,),Steven L. McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow.,麦克沙恩组织行为学,.,中国人民大学出版社,,2008.,陈国海,.,组织行为学(,2e,),.,清华大学出版社,,2006,李剑峰,.,组织行为学(,2e,),.,首都经济贸易出版社,,2008,陈国权,.,组织行为学,.,清华大学出版社,,2006,Robert T. Golembiewski (ed.) Handbook of Organizational Behaviorn (2nd edition). Marcel Dekker, 2001.,Nigel Nicholson (ed.) The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behavior (,影印版),.,对外经济贸易大学出版社,,2000.,Andrew J. DuBrin. Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior (3rd edition). Thomson, 2005.,9,Some useful websites,华东理工大学组织行为学精品课程网站,, Library 3.4 for Supervision Today,. Stephen P. Robbins, San Diego State University. 1,Introduction to,Organizational Behavior,Essentials of,Organizational Behavior,11/e,Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge,12,After reading this chapter, you should be able to:,Define organizational behavior (OB).,Explain the value of the systematic study of OB.,Identify the contributions made to OB by major behavioral science disciplines.,Explain why there are few absolutes in,OB.,List the major challenges and opportunities for managers to use OB concepts.,Identify the three levels of analysis in OB.,13,The Field of Organizational Behavior,Organizational Behavior,(OB) is the systematic study of the,actions,and,attitudes,that people exhibit within organizations.,Its chief goal is to apply that knowledge toward improving an organizations effectiveness.,14,Where Managers Work,15,Focal Points of OB,Employment turnover,Absenteeism,Productivity,Human performance,Job Satisfaction,Organizational citizenship (behavior),Deviant Workplace Behavior,16,Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study,Intuition: the “gut feeling” explanation of behavior.,Systematic study improves ability to accurately predict behavior.,Assumes behavior is not random.,Fundamental consistencies underlie behavior.,These can be identified and modified to reflect individual differences.,17,Systematic Study,Examines relationships.,Attempts to attribute causes and effects.,Bases conclusions on scientific evidence:,On data gathered under controlled conditions.,Data is measured and interpreted in a reasonably rigorous manner.,18,Data Collection and Research Methods,Data collection methods,Survey questionnaires,Interviews,Direct observation,Systematic observation,Participant observation,Research methods,Case studies,Laboratory experiments,Field experiments (or studies),Meta-analysis,19,Evidence-Based Management,Complements,intuition with,systematic study.,Bases decisions on the best available scientific evidence.,Forces managers to become more scientific in their thinking.,20,Contributing Disciplines,to the OB Field,Micro,:,The Individual,Macro,:,Groups &,Organizations,21,Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field,E X H I B I T,1-3a,22,Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd),E X H I B I T,1-3b,23,Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd),E X H I B I T,1-3c,24,Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field (contd),E X H I B I T,1-3d,25,Few Absolutes in OB,Impossible to make simple and accurate generalizations,Human beings are complex and diverse,OB concepts must reflect situational conditions:,contingency variables,26,Why shall we study OB?,Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the efforts of organizational members and the use of other organizational resources in order to achieve stated organizational goals.,Management is the art of getting things done through people.,Mary Parker Follett (1868 -1933),27,The role of OB in management,Fundamental managerial functions,planning, organizing, leading, controlling,Basic managerial roles,Interpersonal (Figurehead, Leader, Liaison),Informational (Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson),Decision-making (Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler, Resource allocator, Negotiator),Critical managerial skills,Technical skills; Interpersonal skills,Conceptual skills; Diagnostic skills,基本管理職能,計劃,組織,領導,控制,基本的管理角色,人際(傀儡,領導者,聯絡),信息(顯示器,傳播者,發言人),決策(企業家,干擾處理程序,資源分配器,談判代表),關鍵的管理技能,技術技能,人際技能,概念技能,;,診斷技能,28,Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities (Luthans),Traditional management,Decision making, planning, and controlling,Communications,Exchanging routine information and processing paperwork,Human resource management,Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing, and training,Networking,Socializing, politicking, and interacting with others,傳統的管理,決策,計劃和控制,通信,交流例行信息和處理文書工作,人力資源管理,激勵,約束,衝突管理,人員配備和培訓,聯網,社交活動,政治活動,並與他人交往,29,E X H I B I T,1-2,Allocation of Activities by Time,30,Challenges and Opportunities for OB,The workplace contains a wide mix of cultures, races, ethnic groups, genders and ages,Employees have to learn to cope with rapid change due to global competition,Corporate loyalty has decreased due to corporate downsizing and use of temp workers,Managers can benefit from OB theory and concepts,工作場所包含的文化,種族,民族,性別和年齡組合,員工必須學會如何去應對快速的變化,由於全球競爭,對企業的忠誠度下降,由於企業精簡架構及使用臨時工,管理人員可以受益於,OB,理論和概念,31,Responding to Globalization,Increased foreign assignments,Differing needs and aspirations in workforce,Working with people from different cultures,Domestic motivational techniques and managerial styles may not work,Overseeing movement of jobs to countries with low-cost labor,增加外國作業,不同的需求和願望的勞動力,與來自不同文化背景的人,國內動機技術和管理風格可能無法正常工作,勞動力成本低的國家監督運動的工作,32,Managing Workforce Diversity,Workforce diversity:,organizations are becoming a more heterogeneous mix of people in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation,組織成為更多人的性別,年齡,種族,民族,性取向的異構混合的,33,Diversity Implications,多樣性的影響,“,Managers have to shift their philosophy from treating everyone alike to recognizing differences and responding to those differences in ways that ensure employee retention and greater productivity while, at the same time, not discriminating.”,經理不得不改變他們的理念對待每一個人都承認差異,這些不同的方式,確保員工的保留和更高的工作效率,同時,在相同的時間,而不是歧視。“,34,OB Aids in :,Building a customer-responsive culture,Stimulating Innovation and Change,Increasing “temporariness” in the workplace,Helping employees balance work-life conflicts,Improving ethical behavior,建立以客戶為響應文化,激勵創新和變革,在工作場所提高“臨時性”,幫助員工平衡工作與生活的衝突,提高道德行為,35,Implications for Managers,OB helps with:,Insights to improve people skills,Valuing of workforce diversity,Empowering people and creating a positive work environment,Dealing with labor shortages,Coping in a world of temporariness,Creating an ethically healthy work environment,OB,幫助:,提高人際交往能力的深入了解,重視員工的多樣性,提高人的能力和創造一個良好的工作環境,應對勞動力短缺問題,在世界的臨時性應對,創建一個道德健康的工作環境,36,Keep in Mind,OBs goal is to understand and predict human behavior in organizations.,Fundamental consistencies underlie behavior.,It is more important than ever to learn OB concepts.,Both managers and employees must learn to cope with temporariness.,OB,的目標是了解和預測人類行為的組織。,基本一致的基礎行為。,比以往任何時候都更重要的是學習,OB,的概念。,管理者和員工都必須學會如何去應對與臨時性。,37,Summary,Defined Organizational Behavior (OB).,Explained the value of the systematic study of OB.,Identified the contributions made to OB by major behavioral science disciplines.,Described how OB concepts can help make organizations more productive.,Listed the major challenges and opportunities for managers to use OB concepts.,Identified the three levels of analysis in OB.,定義組織行為學(,OB,)。,解釋系統的研究,,OB,的價值。,確定了,OB,的主要行為科學學科所作出的貢獻。,OB,概念描述了如何使組織更有效率。,上市公司對管理人員的重大挑戰和機遇使用,OB,觀念。,確定了三個層次的分析,,OB,。,38,


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