review American__ Literature 美国文学复习提纲

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,American literature,-,a general review,9/16/2024,1,Colonial period,(16071765),Period of Independent War,(17651800),The Age of Romanticism,(18001865),The Age of Realism,(18651918),American Modernism,(19181945),Contemporary period,(1945- ),American literary history,9/16/2024,2,Pay attention to,1.the important literary terms of each period,2. representatives and masterpieces in each period,9/16/2024,3,.Literature of Colonial Period(1607-1765),Understand:,1.Terms:,Puritanism: origin, 4 doctrines, relationship with American literature,2. writers:,Anne Bradstreet: the first American woman writer,9/16/2024,4,II Revolutionary Period (17651800,),Benjamin Franklin,the first person to pick out American dream and the 1st writer to write autobiography, the first self-made American),Thomas Paine,:,Common sense,Thomas Jefferson,:,Declaration of Independence,9/16/2024,5,Period of Romanticism,Washington Irving,( Father of American literature) :,The Sketch Book, “Rip Van Winkle”, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”,James,Fenimore,Cooper,:,The Leather-stocking Tales,Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,William Cullen Bryant,Ralph Waldo Emerson,(the founder of transcendentalism):,Nature, “,Self Reliance” ,The P,oe,t, “,The American scholar,”,Henry David Thoreau :,Walden,9/16/2024,6,Walt Whitman,(the pioneer of American poem revolution):,“,Leaves of Grass”, “Song of myself” “O, Capt,ain! My Captain!”,Emily Dickinson,: “,Im Nobody”,Edgar Allan Poe:,“,The Raven”, “Annabel Lee”, “To Helen”,Nathaniel Hawthorne:,The Scarlet Letter,Herman Melville,:,Mo,b,y Dick,9/16/2024,7,Period of Romanticism,Terms:,Romanticism,Transcendentalism,Oversoul,Free verse,Puritanism,Original sin,9/16/2024,8,The Age of Realism(p59),Henry,James,(p64):,Daisy Miller,The Portrait of A Lady,Mark Twain(p75) :,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ;,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,(Hemingway once said that all modern American literature comes from the book written by Mark Twain ),Sherwood Anderson(p70):,Winesburg, Ohio,9/16/2024,9,Stephen Crane(p88),:,The Red Badge of Courage.,Theodore Dreiser(p92),:,Sister Carrie,An American Tragedy,The Trilogy of Desire,Frank Norris:,The Octopus,Jack London,: The Call of the Wild,The Age of Realism,-Naturalism(p85),9/16/2024,10,Terms in this period,R,ealism,L,ocal,Colorism,Tall Tale,N,aturalism,9/16/2024,11,Modernism Poetry,Ezra Pound,(the founder of imagism movement)(p103):,The Cantos,In A Station of the Metro,T.S. Eliot (,Nobel Prize winner)(p106) :,The Waste Land,(William said that the,publishment,of,The Wasted Land,like an atom, destroy our world.),The Love Song of J. Alfred,Prufrock,“,Wallace Stevens(p108):,Anecdote of the Jar,Robert Frost(p113):,The,R,oad,N,ot,T,aken,Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening,9/16/2024,12,Modernism Fiction,F. Scott Fitzgerald,(spokesman of Jazz Age)(p124):,This Side of Paradise:,The Great Gatsby,Tender Is the Night,The Last Tycoon,Ernest Hemingway(p120) (,Nobel Prize winner, typical writer of lost generation) :,The Old Man and the Sea;,The Sun Also Rises;,A Farewell to Arms,;,For Whom the Bell Tolls,Short story : A Clean Well-lighted Place,William Faulkner (,Nobel Prize winner)(p197) :(,Yoknapatawhpa,County),The Sound and the Fury;,Light in August;,Abslom,Abslom,Go down, Moses,John Steinbeck(130):,The Grapes of Wrath;,Of Mice and Men,9/16/2024,13,I,mportant terms in Modern Period,Modernism,Imagism,The Lost Generation,The Jazz,A,ge,American dream,Stream of Consciousness,Code hero,Iceberg theory,Black Humor,9/16/2024,14,


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