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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,*,Whats the matter?,Unit 2,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,单元导航,教材分析,语言实践,教学过程,4 parts,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,本单元以Whats the matter?(你怎么了?) 为主要语言素材展开教学.通过询问病情的语言实践,既掌握了表示疾病的词sore, cold, stomachache, toothache, fever, headache, illness和have a cold等词的用法,又学会了用should, shouldnt提出一些合理的建议并进行了充分的操练.与此同时,我们还要学习并掌握表示身体部位的新词如head, nose, eye, ear, tooth/teeth, foot/feet 以及tired thirsty, stressed out 等.,单元导航,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,1)知识目标:,2)能力目标:,3)情感目标:,教学目标,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,学习并掌握有关身体部位的词,如,eye, ear, tooth/teeth, foot/feet,等, 一些疾病名称的说法, 如,sore, cold, stomachache, toothache, fever, headache, illness, have a cold,及其它相关词语.,掌握情态动词,should,和,shouldn,t,的用法。,正确运用,Whats the matter?,特殊疑问句.,教学目标,知识目标,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学目标,能力目标,掌握情态动词,should,的用法,能用,should,或,shouldn,t,提建议.,2.,能,口头谈论朋友或周围人的身体健康状况,并给出一些合理的建议.,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,1.培养中学生与人交往中所具有的乐于助人的美德,了解中西方日常行为和文化方面的差异。,2.常言道:“病从口入”。入口的东西应符合卫生标准,养成正确的饮食习惯,加强体育锻炼,你就会拥有健康的体魄。,教学目标,情感目标,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,1.Game: Poly says,Poly says touch your head.,Poly says touch your arm/,全体学生起立,教师说“Poly says touch your ” 当然要换不同身体部位,每个学生反应然后指出自已的身体部位,指错的同学坐下去.教师报的速度逐渐增快.看谁能站到最后,谁就是胜利者.,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,语言实践,6,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,语言实践,2.看图说话:,两人一组,根据图示会话(图片教师可以在课后事先准备),会话内容主要是询问和告诉病情,提示:,Whats the matter with you?,Whats wrong with you?,He/She has a .(a cold, a cough),Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,3. Guessing Time:,One student mimes an illness. The other,students guess the illness and give advice.,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,语言实践,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,4.Role Play:一名合格的实习医生,一个学生扮演实习医生,一个学生扮演患者,请根据图示(课后教师自行准备)给病患者提出建议.,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,语言实践,提示:,A:Im feeling tired. Doctor:,B:I have a bad cold. Doctor:,C:Im getting fatter. Doctor:,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,5:Who is the best doctor?,1.身体状况调查:各组分别讨论和记录组员或其朋友健康状况、生活习惯、存在问题,并提出意见和建议等。学习使用课本P10 1a, 1b.,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,语言实践,2.列表统计:统计同学中存在的健康问题,选择其中一种或几种问题,写出意见或建议。学习使用课本P10 2a, 2b, 2c.,3.诊断书:针对同学中存在较多的问题,写出有效解决问题的建议或针对一位问题较多的同学或朋友写诊断书,讲述其健康状况、存在问题,提出有效建议.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,语言实践,6.Who is Mr. / Miss Know-it-all?,1.展示学生和教师课前准备的调查报告,提出问题。说出你的看法。学习使用课本P11 4 和 p12 3.,2.阅读同学们存在的问题,以Mr. Know-it-all的身份给问题学生写一封回信。使学生达到掌握描述存在问题及提供意见和建议的表达方式,学会简单的语言应用。并通过完成任务达到掌握语言,学会仔细观察,提高能力。,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,Period 1,: SectionA (1a-2c),课 时 结 构,Period 3,: SectionB (1a-2c),Period 5,: Review Unit 2,Period 2,: SectionA (3a-4),Period 4,: SectionB (3a-4),Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,Period One,(一)创设情境,引入新课:,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,Welcome a new friend and then learn the parts of the body by pointing of his.,Play the game: Poly says .,Show some pictures to act out the illness and students learn them. We may start with the following conversations:,A:Whats this? B:Its head.,A:Whats the matter? B:He has a headache.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,Period One,1.Write the correct letter(a-m) for each part of the body in 1a according to the pictures above. Then listen to the tape in 1b and number the names(1-5). Then work in pairs and make conversations according to the dialogue in 1c.,语言实践活动2,2.Listen to the tape in 2a and match the problem with the advice. Then listen again and fill in the blanks in 2b. After several minutes, correct the answers.,(二),合作交流,探究新知:,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,Period One,3.Work in pairs and practice the conversation in activity 2b. Take turns having problem and giving advice. Then have several pairs of students present their conversations to the class.,eg: A: Whats the matter?,B: I have a toothache.,A: Maybe you should see a dentist.,B: Thats a good idea.,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,(三),重难点精讲精练:,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Unit 2,Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,body,head,hair,eye,hand,back,body,stomach,foot,leg,ear,nose,mouth,neck,arm,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,I have a .,Whats the matter?,cold,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,I have a cold.,I have a toothache.,Whats the matter,with you,?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,He has a backache.,Whats the matter,with him,?,He has a stomachache.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,She has a sore throat.,Whats the matter,with her,?,She has a fever.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,1. I have a cold.,2. I have a stomachache.,3. I have a toothache.,5. I have a sore back.,4. I have a sore throat.,Nancy,Sarah,David,Ben,Judy,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,PAIRWORK,What are the students problems?,A: Whats the matter?,B: I have a .,He / She has a .,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,You,should,take some medicine and rest.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,You,should,drink lots of water.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,You,should,see a dentist.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,You,should,drink some hot tea with honey.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,You,should,lie down and rest.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,lie down and rest,drink hot tea with honey,see a dentist,drink lots of water,You,should,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Conversation 1,A: Whats the matter?,B: I have a,fever,.,A: Yes, you dont look well. You should,drink lots of water,.,B: Yes, youre right.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Conversation 2,A: Whats the matter?,B: I have a,sore throat,.,A: You should,drink some hot tea with honey,.,B: That sounds like a good idea.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Conversation 3,A: Whats the matter?,B: I have a,stomachache,.,A: Thats too bad. You should,lie down and rest,. And dont eat anything for two hours.,B: I guess I should.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Conversation 4,A: Whats the matter?,B: Oh, I have a,toothache,.,A: You should,see a dentist,.,B: I guess I should.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,(一) 复习:,Show a picture to review the parts of the body.,Period Two,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,2.Look and say:,I show the pictures and students ask and answer in pairs to talk about the illness.,语言实践 3,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,Period Two,(二)知识运用:,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,1.Look at the picture on PPT and ask students to describe it. Call attention to the dialogue and point out the blanks in the dialogue. First let students think of it and check the answers.,2. Practice the dialogue in activity 3a with a student. Then ask pairs of students to practice it. After they get familiar with them, they can have a role play.,语言实践4,(三)重难点精讲精练:,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,A:,Whats the matter?,B:,I have a .,He / She has a .,Look and Say,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,headache,cold,fever,stomachache,sore throat,toothache,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,GROUPWORK,One student mimes an illness. The other students guess the illness and give advice.,A: Do you have a ?,B: ,A: You should ,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,What are they doing?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Listen 3a:,A: Whats the matter?,B: Im not feeling well. I have a _.,A: When did it start?,B: About _ ago.,A: Oh, thats too bad. You should _.,B: Yes, I think so.,A: I hope you feel better soon.,cold,two days,rest,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,lie down and rest,drink hot tea with honey,see a dentist,drink lots of water ,You,should,I want to be a doctor.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,1. - How many f_ does a cat have? -Four.,2. -Whats the matter with you ?,- I have a s_ throat.,3. The doctor give me a lot of a_.,4. -I m s_ out .,- You need a rest.,5. - _? ( ),- I have a sore back.,A. Whats the matter?,B. Whats wrong with you ?,C. Do you have a sore back?,D. either A or B,6. Billy had a _ fever, so he didnt go to school today. ( ),A. tall B. big C. high D. height,- Whats the matter _ you ,Lucy? ( ),-Nothing much.,A. on B with C. to D. of,eet,ore,dvice,D,C,B,tressed,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,8. - I have a bad cold. -You should _. ( ),A. drink some coffee B. do some exercise,C. go to see a doctor D. stay up late,9. Hes tired. He should _ down. ( ),A. lie B. lay C. lying D. lied,10. Whats the matter?,- Im not feeling _. ( ),A. well B. good C. healthy D. health,11.- Youd better drink some hot tea. ( ),- That _ a good idea.,A. sounds B. sounds like C.sound like D. A and B,12. Match the answers with the questions,( ) A. Im ok. 1. Whats the matter?,( ) B. Since yesterday. 2. How often do I eat the medicine.?,( ) C. Dont worry .Take some medicine. 3. How long have you been like this?,( ) D. I am not feeling very well. 4. Are you all right?,( ) E. Three times a day. 5. Is this serious?,13. Its important _ good health. ( ),A. have B having C. to have D,. Has,C,A,A,D,4,3,5,1,2,C,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,(一)知识复习:,Present the pictures and students make,the dialogues according to the pictures.,Fox example:,S1: Whats the matter?,S2: .,S1: You should,S2: OK. Thank you.,Period Three,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,(二),合作交流,探究新知,:,1.Match the words with the pictures in 1a and match the advice with the people in 1b. Then check the answers. After the above, have the students make conversations in pairs.,2.Listen to the tape in 2a. Students fill in the chart.,3.Have the students work in pairs (in 2c) using the information from the chart above. Then ask several pairs to perform their conversations for the class.,语言实践5,Period Three,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,A: I have a sore throat.,Whats the matter?,C: I have a toothache.,B: I have a headache.,E: I have a cold.,D: I have a stomachache.,You should drink hot water with honey.,You should go to bed and have a rest,You should go to see a dentist.,You should lie down and rest.,You should have some medicine.,REVIEWS:,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,tired eat an apple,hungry drink some water,thirsty go to bed early,stressed out listen to music,LISTENING:,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Problem,Should,Shouldnt,Gina,tired,Tony,Julie,Alan,go to bed early,go that party tonight,stressed out,listen to music,study tonight,thirsty,have a drink,eat any more pizza,hungry,eat an apple,play soccer,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,have,has,A cold,A fever,A headache,A toothache,A stomachache,A sore throat,A sore back,What the matter?,I,He,She,Advice,You,should,See a doctor,See a dentist,Take some medicine,Drink some water,Drink some hot tea and honey,Lie down and rest,Go to bed early,Do some exercise,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Who is the best doctor?,Work in pairs to discuss or survey. Lets see who can give more and better advice.,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,Period Four,(一)知识复习:,Show the chart (in 2a) and have some pairs to,make conversations using the pattern learned in,last lesson.,Fox example:,S1: Whats the matter with Tony?,S2: He is stressed out.,S1: He should listen to some music.,S2: That sounds like a good idea.,S1: I think so.,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,Period Four,(二)合作交流,探究 新知 :,1.Read the article in 3a to the class or have a student do it. Then ask the students to read it again and underline the things they should do.,2.Have the students to fill in the blanks in 3b individually. Then check the answers,3.Ask students to write an article individually according to 3a. After they finish, ask some students to read their paragraphs to the class.,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,教学过程设计,Period Four,(三)综合运用 :,Who is Mr. / Miss Know-it-all?,语言实践6,Unit 2 Whats the matter?,(四)重难点精讲精练 :,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,Thank you, bye!,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,PAIRWORK,Make similar conversations.,A:,Whats the matter?,B:,Im not feeling well.,I ,宁波地区八年级英语上单元说课课件unit2人教新目标,


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