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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,R.D.D. HIGH SCHOOL, BONAIGARH,COMPUTER,Introduction,The word “Computer” comes from compute. Compute means calculation. But the definition of computer-,Computer is an electronic device that receives data or set of instructions, process them and then gives the information. These,data,or,instruction,are also known as,input, whereas,information,is termed as,output.,Computer Architecture and Organization,History of Computer,Near about 2000 years ago Greek mathematician invent,ABACUS,for,quick calculation.,In the year of 1614,Napier,invent logarithm.,In the year of 1646-1716,Gottfried Leibniz,invent Stepped wheel calculation machine.,In the year of 1791-1871,Charles Babbage,invent a calculating machine known as,Difference Engine,. With help of this machine Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division & root over can possible. How can this machine remember calculation he give an idea about,Analytical Engine,. And new generation computer based on that theory. So that Charles Babbage known as,“FATHER OF COMPUTER”,.,History of Computer Hardware,Hardware,1642 Mechanical Adder,Blaise Pascal, Used gears, could add and subtract,1670s - Mechanical Calculator,Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Could add, subtract, multiply and divide,1801 - Jaquards Loom,Joseph-Marie Jacquard metal punched cards, First stored program program device,1822 - Difference Engine,Charles Babbage. Designed to compute polynomials. Used a stored program. Abandoned in 1833.,Charles Babages (1791-1871) Difference Engine,183? Analytic Engine,Charles Babbage. General purpose algebraic calculator. Used punched card program. Had a store to hold Intermediate results and data. Supported by Ada Augusta, the Countace of Lovelace.,1890 -,Census Tabulator,Herman Hollerith invented modern punched card for use in machine to help tabulate census. Formed tabulating company that became IBM in 1924.,1942 - First Electronic computer,John Atanasoft at Iowa State University,1944 Mark I,Howard Aiken (supported by IBM). Electromechanical computer. First realization of Babbages Analytic Engine.,1946 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer),J.P. Eckert and J.W. Mauchly at U. of Penn. Used18000 vacuum tubes. Programmed by rewiring circuits. 1000 x faster than Mark I,Augusta Ada Byron, the Countess of Lovelace, the first computer programmer,History of Computer Hardware,1890 -,Census Tabulator,Herman Hollerith invented modern punched card for use in machine to help tabulate census. Formed tabulating company that became IBM in 1924.,1942 - First Electronic computer,John Atanasoft at Iowa State University,1944 Mark I,Howard Aiken (supported by IBM). Electromechanical computer. First realization of Babbages Analytic Engine.,1946 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer),J.P. Eckert and J.W. Mauchly at U. of Penn. Used18000 vacuum tubes. Programmed by rewiring circuits. 1000 x faster than Mark I,1951 - UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) Eckert & Mauchly First commercially available general purpose computer,History of Computer Hardware,ENIAC, a general purpose computer, designed and built by Eckert and Mauchly and completed in 1946.,History of Computer in India,first time computer come to India in the year of 1946.,But in the year of 1950 it established in Indian Statistical Institute of Kolkata.,Personal Computer introduce in India in 1985.,Super Computer, PARAM is developed by C-DAC, Puna.,Use of Micro-processor different company made different model of P.C.,Generation of Computer,Mainly it divided in two five part.,First Generation,First generation time (1942-1956),In the 1,st,generation of computer Vacuum tube was used.,But it release heat and bigger in size.,So that it proceed to next generation.,Example of first generation-EDVAC,EDSAC,UNIVAC,etc.,Second Generation,Second generation time (1956-1975),In the second generation computer Transistor replaced Vacuum Tube.,It was small size then 1,st,generation but it also release heat.,So it proceed to next generation.,Example-IBM-1401 & LARC,IBM-7090,Third Generation,Third Generation time (1946-1975),In 3,rd,generation computer Integrate circuit replaced Transistor.,First time software introduce at this time.,But it was not satisfy the user.,So it was turn towards Third Generation.,Example of this generation computer-I.B.M.360.,Fourth Generation.,Fourth Generation time (1975-1985).,In this generation LSI (Large scale integration), VLSI (Very large Scale integrate) replaced Integrate Circuit.,But it need something more.,So it turn to last generation.,Fifth Generation,Scientist research on that type of computer which was work with your brain order and mental condition.,We cant know the shape and work procedure. But we guess that its technology based on KIPS (knowledge Information Processing System).,JAPAN & USA work on this project.,Some Information About Modern Computer:-,Computer system may be categorised into two part-,Hardware,- Hardware means the physical components of computer.,Ex-Monitor, Mouse, CPU etc.,Software,- Software includes all program or instruction that are fed into the computer.,Ex- Narton Anti Virus, MS- Office etc.,Computer Device are,Input Device,- It transform data into a digital form that the computer can process.,Ex-Keyboard. mouse. Trackball etc.,Output Device,- it convert the electrical signals representing information within a computer into a form that can exit or be sensed outside the Computer.,Ex- Monitor, Printer, Sound Box etc.,History of the Programming Languages,1940s - Rewire Circuits,Early 1950s - Machine Language: zeros and ones,See,Fritz Ruehrs simulator,1950s - Assembly Language,Symbolic Version of Machine Language, Not Portable. Translated by Assembler,Late 1950s - FORTRAN,Backus at IBM,FORMula TRANSlator,First High-Level Programming Language,First Compiler,1960s - Simula,Elements of Object-Oriented Languages,1970s,Pascal, N. Wirth, Teaching Language,C,Language for Systems Programming.,Small and Fairly Portable.,Used to Implement Unix on PDP-11.,Thompson and Ritchie at Bell Labs.,Small Talk,Fully Object-Oriented,Interpreted and Slow,Xerox Park,1980s, C+,Stroustrup at Bell Labs,Evolved from C,Large, Complex but Fairly Portable,Java Programming Language,Sun Microsystems 1995,Evolved from C+ and SmallTalk,Object-Oriented,Completely Portable,History of the Programming Languages,Thank You,Class VIII,


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