Chapter 4 The 17th Century Literature

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Chapter 4 The 17th Century Literature_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,The Seventeenth Century,(1616 1688),I. Historical Background,1603 James I,1625 Charles I,1642 Civil War,1649 Charles I - death; England - Commonwealth; Oliver Cromwell - the leader of the country,Charles I - royalists or “Cavaliers”,Parliament - republicans or “Roundheads”,1653 Cromwells military dictatorship,1660 Charles II “Restoration”,1685 James II - expelled,1688 William of Orange and Mary “Glorious Revolution”,Constitutional Monarchy,II. Literature of the 17th Century,The Revolution Period - Age of Milton,general characteristics,divided in spirit,filled with gloom and pessimism,without romantic ardor,(2) genres:,poetry,political pamphlets,- John Bunyan:,The Pilgrims Progress,(3)three groups of poets:,Metaphysical Poets,- John Donne - the founder of the Metaphysical School,- George Herbert - the saint of Metaphysical School,The Metaphysical poems are characterized by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form.,Cavalier Poets,- Sir John Suckling,- Richard Lovelace,- Thomas,Carew,- Robert Herrick,Revolutionary Poets,- John Milton,(2epics,:,Paradise Lost,;,Paradise Regained,;,Samson,Agonistes,),2. The Restoration Period,general characteristics,the tendency of vulgar realism in the drama,a general formalism,the development of a simpler and more direct prose style,the prevalence of the heroic,couplet,in poetry,(2) genre:,drama, esp. worldly, witty comedies,(3) Writers,William Congreve - playwrights,John Dryden - the forerunner of the English classical school of literature in the 18,th,century,


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