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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,交际英语大全,潘晓燕 讲解,1,一、自我介绍,1. - Hello, Im Harry Potter.,- Hello, my name is Charles Green, but,_.,A,:,call my Charles,B,:,call me at Charles,C,:,call me Charles,D,:,call Charles me,答案:,C,2,一、自我介绍,2. - Let me introduce myself. Im Steward,- _,A,:,What a pleasure.,B,:,Pleased to meet you.,C,:,I dont know.,D,:,Thanks a lot.,答案:,B,3,二、问候,1. - How do you do?,- _,A,:,Fine, thank you.B,:,How do you do?,C,:,Not too bad. D,:,Very well.,答案:,B,4,二、问候,2. - How do you do?,- _,A,:,Very well.,B,:,How do you do?,C,:,Im a doctor.,D,:,Nice to have known you.,答案:,B,5,-,3. - How do you do? Glad to meet you.,- _,A,:,Fine. How are you?,B,:,How do you do? Glad to meet you, too.,C,:,How are you? Thank you!,D,:,Nice. How are you?,答案:,B,其他的说法还有 “,Nice to meet you.”,“Nice to know you.”,6,(,二,),熟人之间的问候,1. - How are you, Bob?,- _, Ted.,A,:,How are you?,B,:,Im fine. Thank you.,C,:,How do you do?,D,:,Nice to meet you.,答案:,B,7,(,二,),熟人之间的问候,2. - Hello, how are you?,-_,A,:,Hello, how are you?,B,:,How do you do?,C,:,Fine, thank you.,D,:,Thats OK.,答案:,C,8,-,3. - Good morning, John. How are you doing?,- _,A,:,Im pleased.,B,:,Good night.,C,:,Not so bad. And you?,D,:,How do you do?,解析:,How are you doing ?,= How are you?,答案:,C,9,-,4. - Hows your mother doing?,- _,A,:,She is very kind.,B,:,She is very well.,C,:,She is not very old.,D,:,She is doing shopping now.,答案:,B,10,-,5. - Hows your family?,- _,A,:,Thanks all the same.,B,:,Thanks for calling.,C,:,Not too bad.,D,:,Dont mention it.,答案:,C,11,-,6. - Hi, Tom, hows everything with you?,- _, and how are you?,A,:,Dont mention it,B,:,Hm, not too bad,C,:,Thanks,D,:,Pretty fast,答案:,B,12,-,7. - How are you feeling?,- Much better. _.,A,:,Thanks for coming to see me,B,:,You look great,C,:,You are so kind,D,:,Dont mention it,答案:,A,13,-,8. - Hey, Tom, whats up?,- _,A,:,Yes, definitely!,B,:,Oh, not much.,C,:,What is happening in your life?,D,:,You are lucky.,whats up?,意为“(你)怎么了?”或“发生了什么事?”;,not much,意思是“没什么大不了的”。,答案:,B,14,-,9.,Ted: Hi, Christine. _.,Christine: Hi, Ted. I just bought a new camping tent. I cant wait to use it.,A. Whats on? B. Whats up?,C. Whats wrong? D. Whats right?,答案:,B,15,三、告别,1. - Good-bye for now.,- _,A,:,The same to you.,B,:,Thats OK.,C,:,See you.,D,:,Long time no see.,答案:,C,16,三、告别,2.,Its late. I have to say goodbye.,_,A. Why do you want to go now?,B. Id like to say goodbye, too.,C. Thats all right.,D. Hope you had a good time. See you tomorrow.,答案:,D,17,-,3.,W: Ive come to say goodbye. Im flying home on Sunday afternoon.,M: Well, _,A. will your parents meet you at the airport?,B. help yourself.,C. have a safe trip and remember me to your parents.,D. Im longing to see you.,答案:,C,18,-,4. - Marilyn, Im afraid I have to be leaving now.,- _,A,:,That sounds wonderful.,B,:,Oh, so early?,C,:,Not at all.,D,:,Good luck!,答案:,B,19,-,5.,Well, its getting late. I must be going. Thank you again for inviting me to the party.,_.,A. Oh, its so late,B. Thank you for coming,C. Oh, so soon?,D. I really had a happy time,答案:,B,20,-,6.,Guest: Oh, its ten oclock. Id better go now.,Host: _,A. OK. Please walk slowly.,B. Why do you want to go now? Dont you want to stay?,C. Wont you stay for another cup of coffee?,D. Yeah, its really late. Why not immediately?,答案:,C,21,-,7.,Speaker A: Well, its getting late. Maybe we could get together sometime.,Speaker B: _,A. Sounds good. Ill give you a call,B. Take it easy,C. Nice to see you back,D. Yes, Ive enjoyed it,答案:,A,22,四、打电话,1. - Whos that speaking?,- This is Tom_.,A,:,speaksB,:,spoken,C,:,speakingD,:,saying,答案:,C,23,四、打电话,2. - Is Mary there?,- _,A,:,Speaking.,B,:,Im not Mary.,C,:,Who are you?,D,:,Mary is well today.,(“,speaking”,的意思是“讲话者就是,Mary”,。),答案:,A,24,-,3. - Could I speak to Don Watkins, please,?,- _,A,:,Im listening.,B,:,Oh, how are you,?,C,:,Speaking, please.,D,:,Im Don.,答案:,C,25,-,4. Could I speak to John Harris, please?,_.,A. Oh, how are you,B. Im John,C. Im listening,D. Speaking,答案:,D,26,5.,Is that Mr. Robert Lee?,_.,A. Yes, Lee speaking,B. Hello, what do you want,C. Sorry, speaking,D. I dont know,答案:,A,27,6. - Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?,- _,A,:,Whos there?,B,:,Whos speaking?,C,:,Who are you?,D,:,Who wants to speak to Mark?,答案:,B,28,-,7. - Hi, is Mary there, please?,- _,A,:,Hold on. Ill get her.,B,:,No, she isnt here.,C,:,Yes, she lives here.,D,:,Yes, what do you want?,答案:,A,29,-,8. - Hello, may I talk to the director now?,- _.,A,:,Sorry, he is busy at the moment,B,:,No, you cant,C,:,Sorry, you cant,D,:,I dont know,答案:,A,30,-,9. - Thank you for calling.,- _,A,:,Dont mention it.,B,:,Thats fine.,C,:,Nice talking to you.,D,:,Call back again.,答案:,C,31,-,10. Good morning, Dr Johnsons office. Can I help you?,_,A. Speaking, please.,B. Id like to make an appointment, please.,C. Yes, go on.,D. No, you cant.,答案:,B,32,-,11. Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines?,_ .,A. Yes, can I help you?,B. Yes, what do you want?,C. Yes, youre right,D. Yes, right number,答案:,A,33,-,12.- Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening?,- _. Ill find out.,A. No, I cant,B. Hold the line, please,C. Yes, it will be open,D. Sorry, I dont know,答案:,B,34,-,13.,Operator. (,我是接线员,),_,A. would you please put me through to extension 211?,(请接分机,211,),B. may I know your name?,C. does this bus go to the train station?,D. could you show me something less expensive?,答案:,A,35,五、道歉与应答,做了不如人意的事情或者出现了过失,一般要及时道歉,并简要说明理由,或者表达不会再出现类似的事情;而接受道歉的人往往会说,Never mind,(别在意),,It doesnt matter,(没关系),,Thats Okay,,,Thats all right,(不要紧),,dont worry about it,(别担心)等。,36,-,1. - Im sorry. I lost the key.,- _.,A,:,Well, its OKB,:,No, its all right,C,:,You are welcomeD,:,You are wrong,答案:,A,2. - Oh, sorry to bother you.,- _.,A,:,Thats OkayB,:,No, you cant,C,:,Thats goodD,:,Oh, I dont know,答案:,A,37,-,3. -Sorry, I have kept you waiting.,-_.,A. Thats all rightB. I dont careC. Im sadD. No, not at all.,答案:,A,4. - Im terribly sorry that Ive spilled some coffee on the carpet.,- _.,A,:,SorryB,:,It doesnt matter,C,:,Thats rightD,:,Dont mention it,答案:,B,38,-,5 - I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me.,- _,A,:,Not too bad.B,:,Thats all right.,C,:,Its a pleasure. D,:,Thank you.,答案:,B,6. - Oh, Im sorry. But I promise Ill be careful next time.,-_.,A. Its nothing at all,B. Oh, never mind. It doesnt matter,C. Thank you,D. There are no questions,答案:,B,39,-,7. - John, Im sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting.,- Oh, _. Ive been here only 5 minutes.,A. you should be earlierB. I really got bored,C. I dont mindD. I dont care,答案:,C,8.,W: Im afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.,M: _,A. You should have been more careful.,B. Do you think I care?,C. Then wash it for me.,D. Oh, dont worry about it.,答案:,D,40,六、抱怨与致歉,1.,Customer: Why is it so hard to get fast service in this store?,Waiter: _,A. I dont think its hard.B. Dont be too particular about it.,C. Im really sorry about that.D. Youll get it next time.,答案:,C,41,七、邀请与应答,(一)收到邀请,1. -Ive got your invitation.,-Oh, good._,A. Can you come? B. Thanks a lot.,C. Ill take it. D. May I help you?,答案:,A,42,(二)邀请与接受邀请,1. _ have dinner with me this evening?,Yes. Its very kind of you.,A. Would you like to B. Dont you like to,C. Why dont you D. Shouldnt you,答案:,A,2. -Lets go and have a good drink tonight.,-_ Have you got the first prize in the competition?,A. What for? B. Thanks a lot.,C. Id like to. D. Why not?,答案:,A,43,(三)邀请与委婉谢绝,1. - Were having a picnic tomorrow. Why dont you come with us?,- _,but I think its going to rain,. The weatherman says it is.,A. Sorry, Im not available tomorrow,B.,Id like to,C. Yes, I will go with you,D. No, I dont want to,2. - Can you go to the concert with us this evening?,- _.,A,:,No, I already have plans,B,:,Id love to, but,Im busy tonight,C,:,No, I really dont like being with you,D,:,Im ill, so I shouldnt go out,44,-,3. -Can you go out with us for dinner this evening?,-_,A. No, I already have plans.,B. Thanks a lot, but Im busy tonight.,C. No, I really dont like being with you.,D. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out for dinner.,答案:,B,45,-,4. - We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?,- _.,A,:,No, I cant,B,:,Of course not. I have no idea,C,:,Thats all set,D,:,Im afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting,答案:,D,46,八、购物与价钱,1. - What can I do for you?,- _.,A,:,I want a kilo of pears,B,:,You can do in your own way,C,:,Thanks,D,:,Excuse me. Im busy,答案:,A,2. -Good morning, sir. May I help you?,-_,A. No, I dont buy anything.,B. No, I dont need your help.,C. Yes, I need some sugar.,D. Oh, no. Thats OK.,答案:,C,47,-,3. -Salesgirl: Good morning, Miss. Can I help you?,-Mary: Yes, Id like half a kilo of oranges, please.,-Salesgirl: _. Anything else?,-Mary: No, thank you.,A. These oranges are for you. B. Give you the oranges.,C. There you are. D. Help yourself.,答案:,C,4. -Salesman: _,-Customer: Yes. What size is that green T-shirt?,A. Do you want to buy anything?,B. Excuse me, what are you doing?,C. Are you just looking around?,D. Anything I can do for you?,答案:,D,48,-,5. -Shall I try it on?,- _.,A. Its my pleasure B. Please,C. Its your business D. It doesnt fit you,答案:,B,6. - How much is this necklace?,- _,A. Its very nice.,B. Its a birthday present from my parents.,C. It costs fifty pounds.,D. Its a bargain.,答案:,C,49,-,7. - Excuse me, how much is the jacket?,- Its 499 Yuan. _,A. Oh, no. Thats OK!,B. How do you like it?,C. Which do you prefer?,D. Would you like to try it on?,答案:,D,50,-,8. - Hello, sir. _,- Hi. Uh, I have this cassette player here that I bought about six months ago. It just ruined four of my favorite tapes.,A. What are you looking for?,B. What do you want to buy?,C. What can I do for you?,D. Why do you come here again?,答案:,C,51,九、旅行事宜,1. -Id like to book a flight to Shanghai, please.,-_.,A. No, of course.,B. Do you mind if I said no?,C. Yes, sir, single or return?,D. You cant. We are busy,答案:,C,52,-,2. - Can I help you, sir?,- _. Whats the airfare to Tokyo?,- Tokyo? Let me see Five hundred and twenty pounds.,A. Yes, please,B. Yes, you can,C. Sorry, you cant,D. Thank you, I can manage by myself,答案:,A,53,-,3. -M: Would you cash these travelers checks, please?,-W: _,-M: In ten-dollar bills, please.,A. Will you come back tomorrow?,B. Which way shall we go?,C. How much do you charge?,D. How would you like them?,答案:,D,54,-,4.,Guest: Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower?,Clerk: We havent any rooms with a shower free now, but theres a bathroom available on each floor.,Guest: _.,A. Oh, my god. Forget it.,B. How regretful! I give it up.,C. All right. It sounds great.,D. All right. Thatll do.,答案:,D,55,-,5.,Customer: _ if youd serve me as soon as possible as Ive got an appointment at two fifteen.,Waiter: Ill do my best, Madam.,A. It would be very kind of you,B. It would be very helpful,C. Id be most delightful,D. Id be most grateful,答案:,D,56,十、餐饮场所对话,1.,May I see the menu, please? Ive been waiting an hour already.,.,A. That is the menu, sir. B. Yes, please go on.,C. Here you are, sir.D. Of course, sir.,答案,:,C,2.,Waiter:,?,Customer: Yes, Ill have a cheeseburger, medium rare, with French fries.,A. What do you want to eat,B. Have you decided what to have yet,C. Excuse me, are you ready to order now,D. Excuse me, but whos like to order,答案:,C,57,-,餐饮场所对话,3. Are you ready to order dessert, please?,_,A. Yes, please.,B. Please dont order it.,C. No, dont mention it.,D. Yes, Id like to have some chocolate cake.,答案:,D,4. - Will you have dessert, sir?,- _. Im stuffed.,A. Yes, thank you,B. Yes, I want some,C. No, I want some bread instead,D. No, thank you,答案:,D,58,-,餐饮场所对话,5. Would you like some wine?,Yes. Just _.,A. little B. very little,C. a little D. little bit,答案:,C,6.,Would you like a cup of coffee?,_.,A. Its very kind of you.B. No, I wouldnt,C. Yes, pleaseD. Here you are,答案:,C,59,-,餐饮场所对话,7 - Would you like another slice of Christmas cake?,- _ Im full.,A,:,Yes, please.B,:,No more, thanks.,C,:,Why not?D,:,Nothing more.,答案:,B,60,-,餐饮场所对话,8. - I think Ill have ice-cream for dessert. What would you like to have?,- The chocolate cake looks delicious to me. _. It would ruin my figure.,A. But Id rather skip my dessert.,B. But Id like some ice-cream,C. So Id like some chocolate cakes,D. So Id rather eat some chocolate cakes.,答案:,A,61,-,餐饮场所对话,9. Please help yourself to the fish.,_.,A. Thanks, but I dont like fish B. Sorry, I cant help,C. Well, fish dont suit me D. No, I cant,答案:,A,10. - Please help yourself to the seafood.,- _.,A,:,No, I cant,B,:,Sorry, I cant help,C,:,Well, seafood dont suit for,D,:,Thanks, but I dont like seafood,答案:,D,62,-,餐饮场所对话,11.,George: Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Li.,Mrs. Li: _,A. Oh, Im afraid I didnt cook very well.,B. Im glad you enjoyed it.,C. Come again when you are free.,D. Its not necessary for you to say so.,答案:,B,63,


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