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山东水浒书业有限公司,优化方案系列丛书,速效提能演练,重点难点探究,Module 5,The Conquest of the Universe,山东水浒书业有限公司,优化方案系列丛书,速效提能演练,重点难点探究,Module 5,The Conquest of the Universe,返回,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,外研英语选修8课件:Module5Section,*,Section ,Listening and Speaking,,,Everyday English,,,Reading Practice and Function & Cultural Corner,速效提能演练,Unit 1,Section,III,重点难点探究,重点难点探究,词汇精研,1The future of space research,depends,_,on,how much money we have.,太空研究的未来取决于我们有多少钱。,品味经典,Are you going to visit him?Well,,,it depends.,你要去看他吗?,哦,这要看情况。,Im depending on you to get this done.,我指望着你把这件事给办了。,I might not go.It depends on how tired I am.,我不一定去,这要看我有多累。,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)Hi,,,Brown.Are you going to have an outing?_ (,视情况而定,),That all depends,(2)Choosing the right dictionary depends on _(,什么目的,) you want to use it for.,what,2Youre,in,_,favour,_,of,the topic.,你赞成这一话题。,品味经典,Senior ministers spoke in favour of the bill.,资深部长们发言支持这一议案。,Im in favour of people going out and enjoying themselves so long as they dont disturb other people.,我支持人们出去好好玩一下,只要他们不打扰他人。,牛刀小试,完成句子,很多中国大学为需要经济帮助的大学生提供奖学金。,Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _financial aid.,in need of,3The CassiniHuygens space probe,,,which reached Saturn last week,,,has sent back amazing photographs of the planets famous rings,viewed,in ultraviolet light.,上周到达土星的,“,卡西尼,惠更斯,”,号航天探测器发回了著名的土星光环的照片,这些令人惊奇的照片是在紫外线下拍摄的。,品味经典,These mountains are a splendid sight when viewed from the valley floor.,从谷底看上去,这些山风景壮丽。,Youll have a good view of the rapidly changing city.,你将一览这个飞速发展中的城市。,While climbing the mountain,,,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view.,爬山时,我们享受着温暖的阳光,欣赏着美丽的风景。,Persuasive writing is about changing somebody elses point of view.,劝说文是劝说别人改变观点的文体。,自我探究,view,v,看,,,观察,view,n,观点;视野;景色,in,view,在看得见的地方;在可视范围内,in,sb.,s view,在某人看来,in,_,view,_,of,鉴于;考虑到,on,_,view,在展出;展览着,易混辨析,scene,,,scenery,,,view,,,sight(1)scene,指,“,一眼可以浏览的风景,”,,但多半包括其中的人物、动作和行为。,(2)scenery,指该地区的,“,整个风景,”,,由多个,scene,构成的景色。,(3)view,指在远处或高处从人的角度看到的,scenery,的一部分。,(4)sight,风景、名胜,常用复数形式,指人文景观。,牛刀小试,用,scene,,,scenery,,,view,,,sight,的适当形式填空,(1)Do you remember the _in the play where Susan meets Alan for the first time?(2)We passed through some beautiful _in our journey.(3)The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking _in the world.(4)Youll get a fine _of the town at the top of the hill.,scene,scenery,sights,view,4The different colours show exactly what the rings are made of,:,the red means the ring contains tiny pieces of rock and the blue and green,is,_,likely,_,to,_,be,a mixture of water and frozen gases.,不同的颜色准确地显示了光环是由什么组成的:红色意味着光环含有微小的岩石块,蓝色和绿色可能是水和冰冻气体的混合物。,品味经典,Tickets are likely to be expensive.,入场券可能很贵。,Its likely to rain tonight.,今晚可能会下雨。,Its likely that he will be late.,他可能会迟到。,The most likely result is a draw.,最可能的结果是不分胜负。,自我探究,be likely to.,意为,“,有可能,”,be likely,后面还可以接,从句,,有时也可以作,定语修饰名词,。,易混辨析,likely,,,probable,,,possible,likely,其主语可以是人、物或,it,,句型结构为:,主语,(,人或物,),be,likely,动词不定式;,It is,likely,that,从句。,probable,其主语一般只能是,it,,比,possible,可能性大,句型结构为:,It is probable,that,从句。,possible,表示客观上潜在的可能性,主语一般只能是,it,。其句型结构为:,It is possible for sb.to do.,或,It is possible,that,从句。,牛刀小试,完成句子,Its likely that my brother will come to my help when Im in trouble,,,but my sister isnt _(,可能,) to help me out.,likely,5Star Wars is,a,_,series,_,of,science fantasy films.,星球大战是一系列的科学幻想电影。,品味经典,There came a loud series of knocks on the door.,传来一阵响亮的敲门声。,He has attended a series of meetings since last month.,自上个月来,他出席了一系列的会议。,The book series has been completely revised.,这部丛书已经完全修订过了。,自我探究,a series of,一系列的,;,一连串的,series,n,丛书,,,连续剧,series,一套,作单数讲时,谓语用作,单数形式,;当,series of,和复数名词连用时,谓语用作,复数形式,。,易混辨析,series,,,chain(1)series,指,“,一连串彼此有联系的人物或事件,”,;,(2)chain,指,“,连接在一起的一系列事物,”,。,A series of TV plays attract me every evening.,每天晚上一系列电视连续剧都吸引着我。,A chain of ideas came into my mind after a while.,过了一会儿,我脑子里浮现出一连串想法。,牛刀小试,单句改错,(1)The incident resulted in series of events that nobody had foreseen._(2)Two series of lectures is scheduled,,,one for teachers and the other for students._,series,改为,chain,is,改为,are,6The probe has sent back pictures of some of Saturns moons,,,including tiny Phoebe,,,which has a strange shapeunlike other planets and their moons,,,it is not perfectly roundand Saturns biggest moon,,,Titan,,,which is believed to be the only body in the solar system,other,_,than,the Earth with liquid on the surface.,探测器还发回了土星的几颗卫星的照片,其中包括形状奇特的小个子土卫九,跟其他行星和卫星不同的是它没有那么圆,还有土星最大的卫星,土卫六,人们都认为那是太阳系中除了地球以外唯一表面有液体的星体。,品味经典,He has visited every country in Asia other than Japan.,除了日本以外,他去过亚洲的任何一个国家。,He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.,他除了向我要东西外,从不跟我说话。,The truth is quite other than what you think.,事情的真相和你想的完全不同。,牛刀小试,完成句子,岛离海岸两公里,你除非乘船,否则不可能到达那里。,The island is two kilometres off the coast,,,and you cant get there _by boat.,other than,7It is now,acknowledged,by the movie industry as the most successful film series ever.,它现在已被电影业公认为是最成功的影片系列。,品味经典,I acknowledged having been defeated.,我承认我被打败了。,He is widely acknowledged as the best singer in the world.,他被普遍认为是世界上的最佳歌手。,They acknowledged that they had done wrong.,他们承认做过错事。,The flowers were a small acknowledgement of your kindness.,这些花略表谢意,感谢你的好心帮助。,牛刀小试,用,acknowledge,的适当形式完成下列句子,(1)There is a broadcast message _the responsibility for the bombing.(2)By November 1914 the government was forced _that its policy had failed.(3),Mona,Lisa,is _as one of the worlds best paintings.,acknowledging,to acknowledge,Acknowldged,8This,results,_,in,the,defeat,of the Jedi.,这导致了杰迪族的战败。,(1)result in,品味经典,The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.,这次事故造成两名乘客死亡。,Recent extensive construction has resulted in unearthing of many valuable archaeological remains.,由于最近的大规模的建筑施工,挖掘出了许多珍贵的文物。,The death of two passengers resulted from the accident.,两名乘客死于这次事故。,自我探究,result in(,不用于被动语态,),导致,发生,lead,_,to,的用法与,result in,相同,也表示,“,导致,”,。,to,是介词,后面跟名词或动名词。,result from,与,result in,的意思正好相反,表示,“,因,而发生,,由,造成,”,。,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)His careless driving _ (,导致,) the traffic accident.Thats,,,the traffic accident was _ (,由于,) his careless driving.,resulted in,due to,(2)defeat,品味经典,Know the enemy and know yourself,,,and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.,知己知彼,百战百胜。,We defeated the other team by six runs.(,在板球赛中,),我们以,6,分的优势击败对手。,自我探究,defeat,n,失败,,击败,挫败,suffer a defeat,遭受失败,defeat sb.,by,.,以,战胜,/,击败某人,defeat sb./ones plan,挫败某人,/,计划,defeat,v,t,.,战胜,打败,易混辨析,defeat,,,beat,,,win,这三个词都有,“,赢,”,的意思,但用法不尽相同。,(1)defeat,和,beat,是同义词,其宾语常是人或一个集体,如,a team,,,a class,,,a school,,,an army,等。,defeat,侧重在战场上打败敌人,也可表示游戏或比赛中击败对方,但,beat,一般用于游戏或比赛中。,(2)win,表示在较强的竞争中取得了胜利,常带的宾语有:,game,,,war,,,prize,,,fame,,,battle,等。,win,还可作不及物动词。,牛刀小试,用适当的词填空,(2)He was _ in the election.,他在大选中被击败。,(3)Will anyone _the record this year?,今年会有人打破记录吗?,(4)He wants to _ a trip to Europe,,,but he will be happy if he _ a new bicycle.,他想得到一个去欧洲的旅游奖,但是如果他能得到一辆新自行车,他会非常高兴。,defeated,beat,win,wins,9He,accuses,Darth Vader of killing his father,,,so he trains to become a Jedi knight and,swears,to avenge his loss.,他指责达斯,维德杀死了自己的父亲,因此他把自己训练成一名杰迪武士并发誓要为自己的损失报仇。,(1)accuse,品味经典,Why couldnt he even accuse her?,他为什么连责骂她都不能呢?,He accused his boss of having broken his word.,他指责老板不守信用。,The accused was confronted with her accuser.,被告与原告对质。,自我探究,accuse,v,指责,;,控告,accuse sb.of doing sth.,指责某人做某事,accuser,n,原告,,控诉人,the accused,被告,易混辨析,accuse,,,blame,,,charge(1)accuse (,控告,) sb.of (doing) sth.(2)blame (,责备,) sb.for (doing) sth./blame sth.on sb./be to(3)blame for sth.(,负责,)(4)charge (,指控,) sb.with (doing) sth.,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1),由于被指责要对学校计算机网络的故障负责,艾丽斯情绪很低落。,_for the breakdown of the school computer network,,,Alice was in low spirits.,Blamed,(2)swear,品味经典,He swore that he would keep his promise.,He swore to keep his promise.,他发誓会遵守诺言。,In Christian countries,,,witnesses have to swear on the Bible.,在基督教国家中,证人必须用手按着,圣经,发誓。,牛刀小试,英译汉,(2)He swore his story was true._(3)Mona swore never to return home._(4)Rich tripped over the dog and swore at it._,他发誓他所说的都是真话。,莫娜发誓不再回家。,里奇被狗绊了一跤,就咒骂起它来。,10This is,consistent,with many religious faiths,,,which stress rational thought,,,personal dignity and a devotion to praying for holy understanding.,这与许多宗教信仰是一致的,即强调理性思考、个人尊严以及专注于祈求上帝的理解,品味经典,There are no consistent ways sometimes in teaching English in a middle school.,在中学英语教学中,有时候,教无定法。,What you did was not consistent with what you said.,你所做的与你所说的不相符。,自我探究,consistent,adj,.,与,一致的,;,始终如一的,consist,in,在于,决定于,consist,of,由,组成,由,构成,consist,v,组成,,在于,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1),你前后矛盾,开始责备我,接着又夸奖我。,Youre not _,;,first you condemn me,,,then you praise me.,consistent,(2),这些结果与我们早些时候的研究完全吻合。,The results are entirely _with our earlier research.,consistent,11The Force,is,_,similar,_,to,Qi,,,a stable balance of the Yin and Yang forces to human beings and the environment.,这里所说的,“,力量,”,同,“,气,”,相似,,“,气,”,指人类和环境中的阴阳两种力量之间的一种稳定的平衡。,品味经典,Your views on education are similar to mine.,你对教育的观点和我的相似。,Gold is similar in color to brass.,金和黄铜颜色相似。,My teaching style is similar to that of most others.,我的教学风格和大多数教师相似。,The two questions are not exactly the same,,,but they are similar to each other.So you shouldnt make the same mistake again and again.,这两个问题不完全相同,但却相似。所以,同样的错误你不应该一犯再犯。,自我探究,be similar to,与,相似,have similar.in.,在,方面有相似的,牛刀小试,单句改错,(1)My proposal is similar with his._(2)We get along quite well because we have many same interests._,with,to,same,similar,12.similar to ObiWan and Yoda who Luke,,,as their scholar,,,consults,for their teaching and advice.,类似于奥比旺和犹达,卢克作为这两人的学生向他们请求指导和意见。,品味经典,He decided to consult his lawyer about it.,他决定向他的律师请教那件事。,We lost our way in the forest and had to consult the map.,我们在森林里迷路了,不得不查看地图。,I consulted with a friend of mine about it.,我和我的一位朋友商量那件事。,自我探究,consult,v,咨询,;,请教,consult sb.about/on sth.,就,向某人征询意见,consult sth.,查阅,consult ones doctor,看医生,consult with sb.,与,交换意见,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)If symptoms continue,,,_ (,请教,) a doctor without delay.,consult,(2)If you want to have further information about this phrase,,,_ (,查阅,) in the dictionary.,look up,13To his great,relief,,,he achieves glory by turning his father back to the Light Side.,让他感到安慰的是,他使父亲重回光明面。,品味经典,The drug gives some relief from pain.,这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。,To my great relief,,,I wasnt late.,我最庆幸的是没有迟到。,Its a great relief to find you here.,见到你在这儿也就放心了。,自我探究,relief,n,安慰;宽慰,to,_,ones,_,relief,使某人感到庆幸或宽慰的是,in,_,relief,如释重负地,Its a great relief,to,_,do,sth.,做,让人宽慰,bring/give relief,to,.,给,带来宽慰,牛刀小试,完成句子,那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能使头痛缓解。,Those who suffer from headache will find they get _ from this medicine.,relief,14Did Orson Welles deliberately,set,_,out,to terrify the nation?,难道奥森,韦尔斯是蓄意吓唬国人吗?,品味经典,He set out his ideas in simple English.,他用简单的英文表达了他的想法。,He carefully set out all the facts.,他详细陈述了全部事实。,Early the next morning,,,he set out for Shanghai.,第二天一早,他就动身去了上海。,George set out to improve his pitching.,乔治试图提高他的投球技术。,He set out all the goods on the stall.,他把所有商品都摆在了货摊上。,自我探究,set out,开始做,着手进行,;,陈述,说明,;,动身,出发,;,试图,开始,;,陈列,摆放,set,up,设立;建立,set,about,_,doing,着手做某事,set,off,动身;引发,set,aside,把,放到一旁;省出,留出,(,金钱或时间,)set,down,放下;记下,易混辨析,set out,,,set about,这两个词组都有,“,开始做某事,”,的意思,但是,set out,后跟,to do,形式,而,set about,后跟,v,.ing,形式。,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1),政府已经开始进行很多必要的改革。,The government has _to make many needed reforms.,(2)(2010,年郑州高二检测,)Youd better _ (,省出,) some money for special use.,set out,set aside,句型巧析,15But when,,,in 1938,,,the American actor and director,,,Orson Welles set a radio drama of The War of the Worlds in the real life New Jersey town of Grovers Mill,,,little,_,did,he know what impact he was going to make.,但是,1938,年当这位美国演员兼导演奥森,韦尔斯以新泽西的格罗弗磨房镇的真实生活场景为背景播出广播剧,世界之战,时,他根本不知道他将要造成多大的轰动。,品味经典,Never shall I forget the day.,我决不会忘记这一天。,Not a word would he say.,他一个字也不肯说。,Seldom in my life have I met so determined a person.,一生中我很少遇到如此果断的人。,Not until quite recently did I have any idea what a guided missile was like.,直到最近我才有了一点儿对导弹的了解。,自我探究,表示否定的词:,little,,,not,,,never,,,seldom,,,hardly,,,scarcely,,,not until,,,no sooner.,than,.,,,hardly.,when,.,,,neither.(nor),,,by no means,,,at no time,等,置于,句首,时句子要引起,倒装,:,No sooner had he arrived there than he fell ill.,他一到那里就生起病来。,Hardly had he begun to speak when his father stopped him.,他刚开始发言就被父亲制止了。,Neither do I know her address,,,nor does he.,我不知道她的地址,他也不知道。,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1),他没意识到他的每一个行动都在我们的观察之中,所以这件事他好像在自行其是。,Little _that we were watching his every move,,,so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.,did he realize,(2)(2010,年高考江西卷,)Not until he left his home _ (,他才开始,) to know how important the family was for him.,did he begin,16,Incredible,_,as,_,it,_,may,_,seem,,,both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption that those strange beings who landed in the New Jersey farmlands tonight are the vanguard of an invading army from the planet Mars.,尽管看起来不可思议,但科学观测以及我们肉眼看到的证据都必然会让我们作出一个设想,那就是今晚降落在新泽西农场的怪物就是来自火星入侵部队的先导。,品味经典,Child as he is,,,he has to make a living.,虽然他是个孩子,但他得谋生。,Clever as he is,,,he doesnt study well.,他虽然聪明,但学习不好。,Much as I would like to help you,,,Im busy now.,虽然我很想帮你,但现在我很忙。,Object as you may,,,Ill go.,纵使你反对,我也要去。,自我探究,as,引导,让步状语从句,时,通常将,名词,(,不带冠词,),、,形容词,、,副词,、,动词,(,原形,),提前。,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1),虽然他对那份工作的报酬不满意,但是他为了得到一些工作经验还是接受了它。,Unsatisfied _with the payment,,,he took the job just to get some work experience.,though (as) he was,(2)_(,尽管他是个文静的学生,),,,he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.,Quiet student as (though) he may be/Although he may be a quiet student,17One 13yearold boy was doing his homework,when,he heard the first newsflash of the invasion.,一个,13,岁的小男孩正在做家庭作业,这时,他听到了有关入侵的第一次新闻快讯。,品味经典,I was about to set off when it began to rain.,我正要动身,天就开始下雨了。,I was having dinner when I heard the door knocked.,我正在吃晚饭,这时突然听到敲门声。,He had turned off the light when the telephone rang.,他刚关了灯,电话就响了。,自我探究,when,作并列连词,意为,“,正在这时,(,突然,),”,when,作并列连词时的常用句型:,was/were,_,doing,_,sth.when,.,正在做某事,这时突然,was/were,_,about,_,to,_,do,_,sth.when,.,正要做某事,这时突然,had,_,done,_,sth.when,.,刚做完某事,这时突然,归纳拓展,when,作并列连词表示,“,正在这时,(,突然,),”,时,常见于以上三个句型中,另外还要注意,when,后的句子常用一般过去时;,when,作并列连词时的常见命题形式:将,when,作为备选项与,while,,,after,,,since,等从属连词进行辨析。,牛刀小试,完成句子,I was halfway back to the hospital where the doctor was working _ (,这时,) Susan caught up with me.,when,


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