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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/11/27,#,LOGO,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,非谓语动词易错考点分析及运用,11.,_(,lead,),by the Party, we have won one victory,after another.,12. The path,_(,lead,),to the top of the mountain was covered with snow.,35. I feel quite,_(,excite,),after hearing the,_(,excite,),news.,练习中高频错题,Led,leading,excited,exciting,1. Learn to use,the,non-infinitive,correctly.,2. Master the 3 important,examination points(,考点,),of non-infinitive.,3. Learn to use the,non-infinitive,to polish your composition.,Learning goals,考点剖析,Tony lent me the money, _,(,hope,),that Id do as much for him.,用,turn,的适当形式填空,1._,to the left , youll find,Miss. Xu,.,2.,If you,_,to the left , youll find,Miss. Xu,.,3._,to the left , and youll find,Miss. Xu,.,Turning,turn,Turn,hoping,Rule 1,谓语?非谓语?,学会分析句子成分,辨别句子中的谓语与非谓语,The doctor entered,_(walk) to his desk and said, “If you please, sir, my mistress”.,2. There were many people wait at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.,(改错),3.,_(learn) English better, the boy has decided to recite English words day and night.,4.,Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge,between lunch and dinner, which might not be served,until 8 at night.,(改错),walked,waiting,Practice,To learn,Having,【,2015,全国卷,1,】,1.A travel company in Hong Kong says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people_(live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.,【,201,3,安徽】,2. _(found) in the early 20,th,century, the school keeps on inspiring childrens love for art.,living,Founded,Rule 2,主动?被动?,如何判断使用,doing,还是,done,,主要判断其与,的关系。,逻辑主语,用,build,的适当形式填空,The,building,_,_,_,_,_,now,will be a restaurant.,2. The building,_,_,_,next year,will be a,restaurant.,3. The building,_,_,_,last,year,is a restaurant,.,being built,to be built,built,分析句意,判断非谓语动作发生的时间,_(raise) in the poorest area of China, Xu Lei had a long, hard road to becoming a football star.,2. The park was full of people, enjoyed themselves in the sunshine.,(改错),3. I dont want the secret,_(let) out.,Raised,enjoying,to be let,Practice,Rule 3,情感类动词,用,-ed,?,-ing,?,1.While they chatted, my father would lift my sister and me up to,sit on the roof of the fridge. It was both excited and frigthening.,2.I was totally,(move) by this,(move) story.,表情感类动词当用,doing,时表,,常用于修饰,;用,done,是表,,修饰,。此类动词有:,amuse, excite, move, frighten, terrify, surprise, interest, disappoint, worry, shock, bore, please, disturb, annoy, relax, etc.,exciting,moved,moving,“令人感到怎么样”,“,物,”,“某人自己感到如何”,“,人,”,Wow, you did a good job!,1,(know)that you are,2,(interest) in Chinese Sinology, Im writing,3,(tell) you something about the activity held in our school last week.,4,(spread) the traditional sinology among us students, our school encouraged us to take an active part in the activity. Its meaningful for us,5,(experience) the beauty of traditional Chinese culture. During the activity, not only did we read a great deal of classic works, such as Tang Poems,6,(write) by LiBai, but also listened to a speech delivered by an expert.,It,7,(arrange) that there is another activity about Sinology,8,(hold) in the,9,(come) vocation. So I wonder if you are willing to come to China to experience its charm in the flesh. I am sure you,10,(impress) with them.,A students composition,Knowing,interested,to tell,To spread,to experience,written,was arranged,to be held,coming,will be impressed,1.,Knowing,that you are interested in Chinese Sinology,I,m writing to tell,you something about,the activity held in our school last week.,2.,(,In order,),to spread,the traditional sinology among us students, our school encouraged us to take an active part in the activity.,3.,It,s meaningful for us to experience,the beauty of traditional Chinese culture.,4.,.,something about the activity,held,.,.,Tang Poems,written,by,.,Appreciate the useful,sentences,1.,Knowing that,you are interested in Chinese Sinology,I,m writing to tell,you something about,.,仿写:,得知你要来中国过春节,我写信告诉你一些中国的传统习俗。,you will come to China to spend Spring festival,some traditional Chinese customs in China.,Translation,Knowing that,Im writing to tell you,2.,In order to spread,the traditional sinology among us students,our school encouraged us to take,an active part in the activity.,仿写:,为了提高我们的英语口语,老师要求我们每天大声朗读一小时。, the teacher,aloud an hour every day.,To,improve our spoken English,required us to read,3.,It,s meaningful for us to,experience,the beauty of traditional Chinese culture.,仿写:,在这么短的时间内完成这样艰巨的任务相当难。,su,ch,a task within such a short time.,Its hard to finish,4.,.,something about the activity,held,.,.,Tang Poems,written,by,.,.a speech,delivered,by,仿写:,我昨天收到了一封用英文写的信。,Yesterday I received,_.,在这里干活的人都来自农村。,are all from the countryside,.,a letter written in English,The men working here,Wow, you are amazing!,Summary,一、勤背笔记,牢记固定句型,二、分析句子,确定谓语,/,非谓语,三、分析主语,确定语态,/,时态,1.,完成学案上的改错题一篇;,2.,检查一模作文并修正,用上非谓语动词。,Homework,Thank you!,Now students in China celebrating their birthdays in many ways.,Usually, there is a party holding. Best friends and relatives will come to the party. They usually buy a gift, show their best wishes. Sometimes, people send short messages too and it is become very popular.,But I think that its better helping other people. We know that its important to learn to help other people. Help other people can do us a lot of good. Have helped people, they will also help you.,Proof-reading,showing,:,两个简单句之间有逗号,没有连词,,应该用非谓语动词;,Now students in China,celebrating,their birthdays in many ways.,Usually, there is a party,holding,. Best friends and relatives will come to the party. They usually buy a gift,show,their best wishes. Sometimes, people send short messages too and it is,become,very popular.,But I think that its better,helping,other people. We know that its important to learn to help other people.,Help,other people can do us a lot of good.,Have,been,helped, they will also help you.,【,解决方案,】,celebrate,:,谓语动词和非谓语动词不分;,held,:,没有主动和被动概念;,becoming,:,be,动词后动词形式常用,to do/done/doing;,to help:,熟记非谓语动词中固定句型,;,helping :,动词作主语,常用,to do,或,doing;,Having,:,省去连词时,用,非谓语动词形式,。,1,单元介绍,重点是本单元主题,“,女性的声音,”,的发展历史介绍。让学生了解女性小说发展的历史及特点,。,2.,2.,在,具体的教学中,可以让学生根据自己的课内外阅读情况说一说自己对于女性小说的了解,谈一谈他们印象中女性小说有怎样的特色,。,3.,重点,是介绍它的主要内容和艺术风格。根据学生对作家萧红的作品以及那个时代的历史环境的了解程度,来安排教学方式,。,4.,鲁迅,是学生们比较熟悉的,可以从鲁迅与萧红的忘年交来引出对萧红及其作品的介绍,。,5.,对比,论证。把古代的格物致知和当今世界要求的格物致知放在一起加以比较,从而突出强调了本文的论点。,6.,本文,虽然属于学术性演讲,但通俗易懂,听众易于接受。首先,作者在演讲过程中注意结合自己的切身体验,如作者讲到了自己初到美国大学念物理时的彷徨恐慌,这样就拉近了与听众的距离,并使他们真切地感受到格物致知精神的重要性,。,8.,唯有,经历劳动的洗礼,挥汗如雨,奋斗筑梦,才能悟得真谛,享受劳动所带来的快乐。,感谢观看,欢迎指导!,


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