love is fallacy

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.,calculating,: shrewd or cunning, esp. in a selfish way,2.,perspicacious,: having keen judgment or understanding; acutely perceptive; clear-sighted,3.,acute and astute,: having or showing a clever or shrew mind; cunning; crafty; wily,4.,dynamo,: generator,5.,scalpel,: a small, light, straight knife with a very sharp blade, used by surgeons and in anatomical dissections,words and phrases,6.,penetrating,: sharp; piercing,7.,dumb as an ox,: simile, as stupid as an ox; very stupid.,8.,nothing upstairs,: (American slang) empty-headed; a nitwit.,9.,impressionable,: easily affected by other people.,10.,fad:,a custom, style, etc. that many people are interested in for a short time; passing fashion; craze. faddist: a person who follows fads.,11.,craze,: something that is currently the fashion.,12.,acme,: the highest point; point of culmination,13.,get hand on,: to obtain with,1),Keen, calculating I was all of these. (Para4),I was also keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute.,(Keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute all refer to unusual mental agility or perceptiveness.),Keen,suggests a vigorous and forceful ability to grapple with complex or obscure problems.,e.g. a keen mind for distinctions.,.,Important sentences,Acute,suggests a fine sensitivity or receptivity to nuances that might escape others.,e.g. an acute awareness of the slightest ambiguity in each statement made by his opponent,Astute,suggests a thorough and profound understanding, stemming from a scholarly or experienced mind that is in full command of a given field.,e.g. an astute assessment of the strengths and weakness of the plans for reorganizing the department.,2).My brain a scalpel. (Para4),My brain was like a forceful dynamo, accurate scales, and a fierce scalpel.,(simile and hyperbole),Dynamo,: generator,Scalpel,: a small, light, straight knife with a very sharp blade, used by surgeons and in anatomical dissections,Penetrating,: sharp; piercing,The narrator uses 3 similes to praise himself, which shows his pomposity.,3) Its not often a giant intellect. (Para5),It is quite unusual for such a young man to have great mind or intelligent. (hyperbole),4) Same age ox. (Para5),He is of the same age and has the same background but he is dumb as an ox. (ellipsis),dumb as an ox,: Simile, as stupid as an ox; very stupid. This kind of simile reflects differences in culture because the Chinese would not consider an ox dumb but would link dumbness to a donkey.,The use of elliptical sentences, together with short sentences and dashes help maintain the speed of the narration,.,5) Fads, I submit are the very negation of reason. (Para5),Fads, in my opinion, show a complete lack of reason.,Fad,: n. passing fashion; craze,Submit,: to offer as an opinion; suggest, propose,Very negation: the complete (absolute) lack or opposite of some positive character or quality,Reason:,sound thought or judgment; good sense,6) To be sweptof mindlessness. (Para5),It is the greatest of lack of intelligence for me to follow enthusiastically every current fashion that appears, or to indulge yourself to stupid action just because everyone else is doing it.,7) I should have come back. (Para11),I ought to have known that raccoon coats would be fashionable again when the Charleston dance became the current fashion,.,8) It is the thing to do. (Para17),Its the right, proper or fashionable thing to do.,9) Dont you in the swim? (Para17),Dont you want to follow the current fashions?,in the swim,: conforming to the current fashion,e.g,She is always involved in the swim.,10) My brainhigh gear. (para20),My brain worked like a precision instrument as well as a machine which began to work at high speed or efficiency.,(,Mixed-metaphor,),QUESTIONS,TO,DISCUSS,1. What do you think of Dobie Sills?,2.What do you think of Betty Burch?,


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