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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片文字樣式,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,33,Six Sigma Basic Concept,六個標準差 基本概念,1,一. Preface,1. 1980 USA face to Japans competition,- Japans weapon: quality,2. 1985: Motorolas engineer,Bill Smith reported,”if a product was found,defective and corrected during,the production process,other defects were bound to be missed and found,later by the customer during early use of the product, However,when the,product was MFG error-free,it rarely failed during early use by the customer.”,3. 1987 Motorola phase in 6 sigma,4. 1989 Motorola win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.,5. 1991 Allied Signal phase in 6 sigma,- Saving 0.6 BUSD/YR,- Productivity :6% up,- Profit : improved 13%,6. 1996 GE phase in 6 sigma due to Allied Signals result.,Six Sigma,2,6 Sigma Concepts,二. Why,1. GE phase in:1996,1.1. 1997 saving 7.5 E USD,1.2. 1999 saving 15E,1.3. Profitability improvement: from10% upto 15%,2. Quality level of 4 sigma : 6210 DPPM,3. Quality level of 6 sigma : 3.4 DPPM,4. 20%margin improvement,5. 12%18% capacity increase,6. 12% reduction of employee,7. 10%30% capital reduction,3,希 格 瑪 規 格 界 限,規格界限 百分比 PPM缺點數,1 sigma 68.27 317300,2 sigma 95.45 45500,3 sigma 99.73 2700,4 sigma 99.9937 63,5 sigma 99.999943 0.57,6 sigma 99.9999998 0.002,圖2-1 常態分配值位居六個希格瑪界限的中央時,每十億次操作只有兩次失敗.,規格下限,常態分配,對準中央,規格上限,4,希 格 瑪,常 態 分 配,規格界限 百分比 PPM缺點數,1 sigma 30.23 697700,2 sigma 69.13 308700,3 sigma 93.32 66810,4 sigma 99.3790 6210,5 sigma 99.97670 233,6 sigma 99.999660 3.4,圖2-2 移動1.5,後,不合規格界限的機率為3.4ppm.,規格下限,常態分配,對準中央,規格上限,5,希 格 瑪 品 質 水 平,希格瑪水平(移動1.5,),希格瑪水平代表流程每百萬次操作的缺點機會.考慮平圴數移動1.5,後,六個希格瑪水平代表每百萬次操作只允許3.4ppm超出規格界限.,1 2 3 4 5 6 7,1000000,100000,10000,1000,100,10,1,0.1,0.01,缺,點,率(ppm),6,希格瑪水平 移動1.5,個希格瑪對準中央,缺點率(ppm)與希格瑪品質水平之關系,100000,10000,1000,100,10,1,0.1,0.01,0.001,2 3 4 5 6,10, 改善,30, 改善,70, 改善,3.4 ppm,233 ppm,6210 ppm,66,810 ppm,缺,點,率(ppm),希 格 瑪 品 質 水 平,7,不 良 品 質 的 成 本,失去管理時間的成本,退回成本,保養成本,失去商機,商譽成本,失去信譽 的成本,重工成本,失去機會,失去資產的成本,預防成本,評估成本,鐵達尼號的管理,8,三 . What is Six Sigma,1. It is a business process that allows companies to drastically,improve their bottom line,by designing and monitoring everyday,business activities in ways that minimize waste and resources,while,increasing customer satisfaction,.,2. Six sigma tell us:, We dont know what we dont know, We cant do what we dont know, We wont know until we measure, We dont measure what we dont value, We dont value what we dont measure,Six Sigma is a process of asking questions that lead to tangible,quantifiable answers that ultimately produce profitable results.,9,3. History of 6 Sigma,- 1984 Mikel Harry,Senior staff engineer at Motorolas Government Electronics Groap (GEG),- Yellow Brick Road to 6 sigma;a road map for improving product,design & reducing production time and cost with in GEG.,- To experiment with problem solving through statistical analysis.,- Result : design faster,produced faster & more cheaply.,- “The strategic vision for accelerating 6 sigma within Motorola”,- 1990 Robert Gabvin(president) asked Harry to set up Motorolas,6 sigma Research institute in schaumburg,= 6 sigma breakthrough strategy,- 1994 Dr. Harry opened “the 6 Sigma Academy” in scottdale,Arizona,GE & Allied Sigma as 1st clients,- Result between,Motorola Codex (19941990),ABB (1993),* cost of quality: -58% * defects : -68%,* errors : - 40% * cost : -30%,* design time : -60% * 898 M saving/YR over 2YRS,10,4. The cost of quality,Sigma level,DPPM,Cost of quality,Remark,2 308,537 Not applicable Non competition,3 66,807 25-40% of sales,4 6,210 15-25% of sales Industry average,5 233 5-15% of sales,6 3.4 10 projects,- Trained 16 black belt,Step 4 : To train Green Belt,- 1 week training with project,- 1 or 2 days training per week perform its within,2.5 weeks.,- 1000 Green Belt within 1600 employees.,20,12. Task of Black Belts,- Mentor : Cultivate a network of six sigma individuals at the,local organization or site.,- Teach : Provide formal training of local personnel in new,strategies and tools.,- Coach : Provide one-on-one support to local personnel,- Transfer: Pass on new strategies and tools in the form of,training workshop, case studies and local symposia.,- Discover : Final application opportunities for six sigma,strategies and tools,both internal & external,(ex. Suppliers, customers),- Identify : Highlight/surface business opportunities through,partnership with other organizations.,- Influence : Sell the organization on the use of 6 sigma,strategies & tools.,21,R Recognize the true states of your business,D Define what plans must be in place to,realize improvement of each state.,M Measure the business systems that support,the plans.,A Analyze the gaps in system performance,benchmarks.,I Improve system element to achieve,performance goal.,C Control system level characteristics that,are critical to value,S Standardize the systems that prove to the,best-in-class.,I Integrate best-in-class systems into the,strategic planning frame work.,Key : customer feedback (Q.C.D)& suppliers performance system.,Recognize operational issues that link to,key business systems,Define six sigma projects to resolve,operations issues,Measure performance of the six,sigma project.,Analyze project performance in relation,to operational goal,Improve six sigma project management,system,Control inputs to project management system,Standardize best-in-class management,system practices,Integrate standardized six sigma practices into,policies and procedures,Recognize function problems,that link to operational issue.,Define the process that contribute,to the functional problems.,Measure the capability of each process,that offers operational leverage.,Analyze the data to assess prevalent,patterns and trends.,Improve the key product/service,characteristics created by the key process.,Control the process variables that,exert under influence.,Standardize the method and processes,that produce best-in-class performance.,Integrate standard methods and processes,into the design cycle.,Step,Business level,Operation level,Process level,13. The breakthrough Strategy,22,四. 6,s,之推動哲理,1. 真誠關心顧客: 顧客需求是什么,依需求設定企業目標 及衡量績效. 2. 根據資料事實管理,整清,衡量,績效 2.1. 我確實需要什么資料或資訊 2.2. 要如何使用資料和資訊才能獲得最大利益. 3. 以流程為重: 流程是往成功之工具,是提供客戶價值 與競爭優勢的方法. 4. 主動管理: 設定遠大目標,不斷檢討,強調問題防範,不是 救火常問“為什么要這么做?” 5. 協力合作無界限:部門間,同仁間,公司,供應商與客戶. 6. 追求完美,但同時容忍失敗.,23,五. 6,s,之5 step(DMAIC),1. Define(界定): 核心流程?,關鍵顧客?,從客戶觀點找出 品質關鍵要素. 2. Measure(衡量): 找出關鍵評量指標或參數,訓練人員 使用SPC. 3. Analyze(分析): 選用SPC探究誤差發生的根本原因. 4. Improve(改善): 找出最佳方案,行動計劃,確實執行, 效果確認. 5. Control(控制): 確保所做的改善能夠持續下去,持續衡量.,24,六 . 管制圖與常態分配曲線,(1942 Dr.W.A.Shewhart),正常的工程所生產之產品品質特性均呈常態分配 3, = 0.27%, 1, = 31.73%, 2, = 4.55%, 3, = 0.27%,25,七. Ca,Cp & Cpk,1. 定義: 以Ca值(制程準確度),Cp值(制程精密度),Cpk值,(制程能力指數)表示之.,2. 數值法制程能力分析:,2.1. 制程準確度Ca(capability of accuracy),Ca 值在衡量制程之,實績平均值,與規格中心值之一致性.,(1). Ca之計算.,實績中心值 - 規格中心值 x-u,規 格 許 容 差 T/2,T = Su - SL = 規格上限 - 規格下限, 單邊規格因沒有規格中心值,故不能算Ca.,(2). 等級判定,Ca值愈小,品質愈佳.依Ca值大小分為四級.,100% = 100%,Ca =,26,Cp在衡量制程之變異寬度與規格公差範圍相差之情形,(1) Cp 之計算,規格公差 T,6個標準差 6,Su - X X-S,L,3,3,(2). 等級判定,Cp值愈大,品質愈佳.依Cp值大小分為五級.,.,Cp = = - 雙邊規格時,Cp = 或Cp = - 單邊規格時,2.2. 制程精密度Cp( capability of precision),SL u Su,規格下限 規格中心值 規格上限,6, A+級,6, A+級,6, A級,6, B級,6, C級,6, D級,27,(3) Cp,等級之說明,Ca= 0,Ca= 1,Ca= 0.5,Ca,Cp,1.00,0.67,1.33,規格下限,X,規格上限,Cpk=0.67,規格下限,X,規格上限,Cpk=0,Cpk=1.33,規格下限,X,規格上限,規格下限,X,規格上限,規格下限,X,規格上限,規格下限,X規格上限,規格下限,X,規格上限,規格下限,X,規格上限,規格下限,X規格上限,Cpk=1.00,Cpk=0.50,Cpk=0,Cpk=0.67,Cpk=0.34,Cpk=0,28,2.3. 制程能力指數Cpk,綜合Ca與Cp兩值之指數 (1) Cpk之計算式 Cpk = (1- Ca ) Cp 當Ca = 0時 Cpk = Cp 單邊規格時, Cpk即以Cp值計 但需取決對值 Su - X - ( S,L,- X ), Zmin 指取Zsu與Z,SL,相比之最小者. 3 取單邊3 個, 的最小值 (2) 等級判定 Cpk值愈大,品質愈佳. 依Cpk值大小分為五級.,或Zsu = ZSL =,Cpk =,29,4. 調查時間,(1). 定期調查 : 防止制程能力的衰退,如工具的磨耗, 4M 的變異等.,(2). 不定期調查 :防止制程能力的錯誤,凡生產條件變更時,須實施評,價購入新設備,設備修理完成,新產品開發,規格或作,業方法變更等.,處置,30,5. 品質語言,A)., 3, B)., 6, (0.9979 ) = 97.3% 1-99.9999998) = 0.02 PPM (0.9973) = 78.4% 1-99.9999998) = 0.18 PPM C). Motorola ask suppliers to reach, 6, in 1992,10,90,90,10,31,6. COST BE,Six Sigma Excellence,Airline flight arrival times,IRS- tax advice(phone-in),(66810 PPM),Domestic Airline flight,Fatality rate,2 3 4 5 6,100K,10K,1K,100,10,1,PPM PER OR PROCESS STEP,Sigma,With +1.5 sigma shift,32,7. R E L I A B I L Y,Wear-out Period,Defect escape,Design review,Simulation,Failure Rate,(%/KHR),Time ( POH ),33,


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